[ 0 → 4] Tradcast Express [ 4 → 15] Tradcast Express, it's Tuesday, November 14th, 2017. [ 15 → 17] Did you hear about it? [ 17 → 22] Bishop Albino Luciani, also known as Pope John Paul I, [ 23 → 28] who had a rather brief stint in the Vatican in August and September of 1978, [ 28 → 34] has been declared venerable by Francis and is now on track for beatification, [ 34 → 36] which would make him blessed. [ 37 → 42] And once he has attained that, well, of course, the last step is canonization, [ 42 → 44] the declaration of sainthood. [ 45 → 48] And why shouldn't he be declared a saint before long? [ 48 → 54] I mean, he physically occupied the chair of St. Peter for 33 days and smiled the whole time. [ 54 → 57] He was known as the Smiling Pope. [ 57 → 58] So, [ 58 → 61] what more proof do you need that he was a saint? [ 61 → 65] Well, in his declaration of November 9th, [ 65 → 67] Francis recognized the, quote, [ 67 → 72] heroic virtues of the servant of God, John Paul I, unquote. [ 73 → 75] What were those heroic virtues, we wonder? [ 76 → 81] I have no idea, but I do know that the following accomplishments of John Paul I [ 81 → 83] were certainly not among them. [ 83 → 87] He abolished the solemn papal coronation ceremony, [ 87 → 90] replacing it instead with a mere installation. [ 91 → 95] He stopped using the gestatorial chair and only resumed its use [ 95 → 99] after people complained that they could no longer see their pope. [ 100 → 106] He was the first in 2,000 years of Christendom to use a curious papal double name [ 106 → 112] because he couldn't decide which of his two modernist predecessors he admired more, [ 112 → 115] John XXIII or Paul VI. [ 116 → 117] And then, [ 117 → 121] John Paul I declared that God is our mother more than our father. [ 121 → 125] He called the Southern Baptist, then U.S. President Jimmy Carter, [ 125 → 127] a fervent Christian, [ 127 → 130] and he praised the Italian Satanist, [ 130 → 131] Giosuè Carducci, [ 132 → 134] during a Sunday Angelus address. [ 135 → 139] And he managed to do all that in just 33 days [ 139 → 142] and still convinced people that he was holy. [ 143 → 146] Well, come to think of it, maybe that is rather miraculous. [ 146 → 152] In any case, John Paul I is the last of the four deceased Novus Ordo antipopes [ 152 → 155] to make the list of candidates for sainthood. [ 156 → 159] With John XXIII and John Paul II already canonized, [ 160 → 161] and Paul VI beatified, [ 162 → 166] we wouldn't want Albino Luciani to leave a glaring gap, now would we? [ 166 → 170] And you know the only reason Ratzinger's cause hasn't been opened yet [ 170 → 171] is that he's still alive. [ 171 → 174] And as soon as Francis gets called to judgment, [ 174 → 176] half the globe is going to die. [ 176 → 178] He's going to demand his instant canonization. [ 178 → 180] You know, it's really amazing, [ 180 → 184] but the Novus Ordo sect has had nothing but saints at the top. [ 184 → 185] Could have fooled me. [ 186 → 189] They haven't had a bad apple yet, huh? [ 189 → 191] Unlike the Catholic Church, [ 191 → 194] where we're not afraid to admit that just because you're a real pope [ 194 → 195] doesn't mean you're holy. [ 196 → 197] And that's okay. [ 197 → 200] Well, of course he's supposed to be holy, [ 200 → 205] but his personal holiness is not the reason for his authority or infallibility. [ 206 → 208] Every real pope, whether saint or sinner, [ 209 → 210] is equally pope. [ 211 → 212] That's the beauty of the papacy. [ 212 → 214] God himself guarantees it. [ 215 → 219] And that guarantee has nothing to do with the occupant's personal holiness, [ 219 → 223] his charisma, temperament, suitability, or anything else. [ 223 → 227] Now, of course, he does have to be a Catholic in order to be a real pope, [ 227 → 232] and that's where Francis and his predecessors of unhappy memory fail miserably. [ 232 → 234] On another note, [ 234 → 237] recognize-and-resist propagandist Christopher Ferreira [ 237 → 242] has recently given credence to an idea talked about by Antonio Sochi [ 242 → 246] that was originally advanced by Massimo Cacciari, [ 246 → 250] that Benedict XVI, with his supposed pontificate, [ 250 → 253] arrested the advance of the Antichrist. [ 254 → 257] Here's a quote from Ferreira's Fatima perspective, [ 257 → 262] number 1057, from July 26th of this year. [ 262 → 263] Quote, [ 264 → 267] Alluding to the title of the book Attack on Ratzinger, [ 267 → 269] written three years before Benedict's resignation, [ 270 → 273] Sochi suggests that the attack on Benedict XVI, [ 274 → 276] the rejected rock of Peter, [ 277 → 278] which culminated in his abdication, [ 279 → 282] is part of the final attack on the Catholic Church [ 282 → 287] by the anti-Christian powers and ideologies of this world. [ 288 → 289] Cacciari, Sochi continues, [ 289 → 293] calls the church over which Benedict presided the Catechon, [ 293 → 298] a Greek word which appears in St. Paul's second letter to the Thessalonians, [ 298 → 302] meaning the great sign of opposition to the advance of the Antichrist, [ 303 → 306] which has the power to put the brakes on that advance. [ 307 → 310] Cacciari maintains that Pope Benedict [ 310 → 312] renounced the ministry of the Bishop of Rome [ 312 → 316] because he was convinced that he could no longer succeed [ 316 → 321] in containing the powers of Antichrist within the Catholic Church. [ 321 → 323] As St. Augustine said, [ 323 → 325] Antichrists are in each one of us. [ 326 → 328] This is a key to the decision by Ratzinger, [ 328 → 331] if we want to view it in all its seriousness. [ 332 → 336] His decision is of one piece with the crisis of politics, [ 336 → 339] of the power that breaks the advance of Antichrist. [ 340 → 343] Sochi concludes that with Benedict's renunciation, [ 343 → 346] it would appear that the church as Catechon, [ 346 → 350] that is, as the power that arrests the Antichrist's advance, [ 350 → 352] was totally dissolved. [ 353 → 357] Now, this is bizarre for a number of reasons. [ 357 → 359] First, because according to Catholic tradition, [ 359 → 364] the power which restrains the advance of the Antichrist [ 364 → 367] is the papacy, not any particular pope, [ 368 → 373] but all popes inasmuch as they are valid holders of the papal office. [ 374 → 376] So if the restraining force of the Antichrist [ 376 → 378] ended with Benedict XVI, [ 378 → 382] then Ferrara would have to conclude that Francis is not a valid pope, [ 383 → 383] because if he was, then he would have to conclude that Francis is not a valid pope, [ 383 → 386] because if he were, then he too would be restraining the advance [ 386 → 389] of the Antichrist by virtue of his office. [ 390 → 394] Secondly, of course it is quite absurd to suggest [ 394 → 397] that the false popes of the Novus Ordo from John XXIII [ 397 → 401] through Benedict XVI restrained the Antichrist powers of the world. [ 402 → 405] In fact, it is these five men who helped to hasten [ 405 → 410] the approach of the Antichrist more than anyone else in history. [ 411 → 413] Remember what Ferrara wrote in his book, [ 413 → 415] in February of 2005, [ 415 → 418] shortly before the death of John Paul II, [ 419 → 423] about Joseph Ratzinger, the future Benedict XVI. [ 423 → 424] Quote, [ 424 → 428] Yes, our only friend in the Vatican has struck again. [ 428 → 431] More and more it becomes apparent that this man [ 431 → 434] is perhaps the most industrious ecclesial termite [ 434 → 436] of the post-conciliar epoch, [ 436 → 439] tearing down even as he makes busy [ 439 → 441] with the appearance of building up. [ 442 → 443] The longer Ratzinger, [ 443 → 445] Ratzinger guards Catholic doctrine, [ 445 → 448] the more porous the barriers that protect it become. [ 449 → 452] Indeed, as I have pointed out more than once on these pages, [ 452 → 455] it was Ratzinger who wrote in 1987, [ 455 → 458] in the second edition of his Principles of Catholic Theology, [ 458 → 462] that the demolition of bastions in the Church [ 462 → 464] is a long overdue task. [ 465 → 468] The Church, he declared, must relinquish many of the things [ 468 → 470] that have hitherto spelled security for her, [ 471 → 472] and that she has taken for granted. [ 472 → 476] That she must demolish long-standing bastions [ 476 → 479] and trust solely the shield of faith. [ 479 → 480] Unquote. [ 480 → 485] How's that for a resume for restraining the advance of the Antichrist? [ 486 → 489] Tradcast Express is a production of Novos Ordo Watch. [ 490 → 491] Check us out at tradcast.org, [ 492 → 493] and if you like what we're doing, [ 493 → 495] please consider making a tax-deductible contribution [ 495 → 498] at novosordowatch.org [ 498 → 499] slash donate.