[ 0 → 4] TrapCast Express [ 4 → 15] TrapCast Express, it's Monday, January 15th, 2018. [ 15 → 19] Hey, great news everyone, we can all breathe easier now. [ 19 → 25] Pope Francis has assured the world that fear of migrants is not a sin. [ 25 → 30] What is a sin, however, is acting on that fear. [ 31 → 37] Teaching the multitudes in a sermon yesterday on Sunday, the Jesuit apostate said this, [ 37 → 40] Having doubts and fears is not a sin. [ 41 → 48] The sin is to allow these fears to determine our responses, to limit our choices, [ 48 → 53] to compromise respect and generosity, to feed hostility and rejection. [ 53 → 55] The sin is to refuse. [ 55 → 60] Refuse to encounter the other, the different, the neighbor, [ 60 → 65] when this is in fact a privileged opportunity to encounter the Lord. [ 66 → 71] In other words, folks, open your doors, throw away the keys, [ 71 → 75] and hug everyone you come across because that other is God. [ 76 → 77] Kind of, sort of. [ 78 → 82] And if you don't do that, if you refuse to be an encounterer, [ 82 → 85] well, then there is hell to pay. [ 85 → 85] Because... [ 85 → 87] Because that is a sin. [ 88 → 89] Now, wait a minute. [ 89 → 91] What about Amoris Laetitia? [ 92 → 95] Can't we apply some discernment here? [ 95 → 97] I mean, come on. [ 97 → 100] I think we've got a very irregular situation here, okay? [ 100 → 106] We have factors here that are clearly limiting the ability to make decisions about this. [ 107 → 110] Well, maybe encountering every stranger is some very lofty ideal, [ 110 → 113] but then that's just for the heroic, right? [ 114 → 115] Besides, how do I... [ 115 → 118] How do I know that every stranger knocking on my door [ 118 → 122] is a poor quasi-savior refugee fleeing war and hunger? [ 123 → 127] What if he's just an economic migrant who's looking to rape my daughter? [ 128 → 130] I mean, we're going to need a discernment process here, okay? [ 131 → 133] And decide on a case-by-case basis. [ 134 → 137] At least that's what the concrete complexity of my limits is telling me. [ 138 → 144] Actually, a really nice sobering reality check about Bergoglio's migrant worship [ 144 → 145] comes today from... [ 145 → 151] William Kilpatrick, who writes the following at CrisisMagazine.com. [ 151 → 151] Quote, [ 152 → 156] It's easy enough to see the face of Jesus in the child who comes across the border [ 156 → 157] in the arms of his mother. [ 158 → 163] But how about the young man who enters with visions of jihad dancing in his head? [ 163 → 167] Do you want to say to the man who has just been run over on London Bridge [ 167 → 171] by a refugee jihadi that Jesus was driving the car? [ 171 → 173] And while we're on the subject of London, [ 173 → 175] do you want to tell the delivery man, [ 175 → 177] who has been the victim of an acid attack, [ 178 → 181] that he should strive to see the face of Jesus in the face of his assailant? [ 182 → 183] According to The Sun, [ 184 → 187] vast areas of East, North, and South London [ 187 → 189] have been declared no-go zones [ 189 → 191] by terrified delivery drivers [ 191 → 194] because of the acid attack epidemic. [ 195 → 197] Members of the House of Commons were recently told [ 197 → 201] that London now has more acid attacks per head [ 201 → 204] than any other city in the world. [ 204 → 205] The question is, [ 205 → 209] why aren't we being encouraged to see the face of Jesus [ 209 → 212] in the acid-scarred face of the delivery man? [ 213 → 216] Unlike many of the migrants, he truly is a victim. [ 217 → 220] We know that the majority of the migrants are young men, [ 220 → 223] and most of them are not fleeing war. [ 223 → 228] In fact, 80% of migrants who claim to be fleeing the war in Syria [ 228 → 230] are not really from Syria at all. [ 231 → 234] Moreover, judging by the current crime wave in Europe, [ 234 → 235] a significant number of migrants are not from Syria at all. [ 235 → 236] A significant number of these migrants [ 236 → 240] are more victimizer than victim, unquote. [ 241 → 243] Folks, what's happening here [ 243 → 248] is that since Francis is getting rid of more and more real sins, [ 248 → 250] such as adultery and fornication, [ 250 → 252] that's just an irregular situation [ 252 → 254] that has really great elements in it, [ 255 → 257] and sodomy, who am I to judge, [ 257 → 260] on the flip side, Francis has to introduce [ 260 → 262] more and more fake sins, [ 262 → 264] such as failure to recycle, [ 265 → 265] converting items, [ 265 → 269] and others, yes, that's actually a sin against ecumenism, [ 269 → 269] if you recall, [ 270 → 275] and now also the sin of refusing to encounter the other. [ 276 → 280] Welcome to the Novus Ordo, Vatican II religion. [ 281 → 283] By the way, at the end of his sermon, [ 284 → 286] Francis referred to the love of neighbor [ 286 → 290] as, quote, the supreme commandment, unquote. [ 290 → 292] Shrewd little devil he is. [ 292 → 295] Well, actually, that goes back to Vatican II. [ 295 → 297] In Gaudium et Spes, number 24, [ 298 → 301] the Infernal Second Vatican Council declares, quote, [ 301 → 303] love for God and neighbor [ 303 → 306] is the first and greatest commandment, unquote. [ 307 → 309] Really? Actually, no. [ 310 → 313] Love of neighbor is not the greatest commandment. [ 314 → 315] Love of God is, [ 316 → 319] and love of neighbor is only second to that. [ 320 → 322] Our Lord says in St. Matthew's Gospel, [ 323 → 325] verses 37 through 39, quote, [ 325 → 328] Thou shalt love the Lord thy God [ 328 → 331] with thy whole heart and with thy whole soul [ 331 → 333] and with thy whole mind. [ 333 → 337] This is the greatest and the first commandment. [ 338 → 341] And the second is like to this. [ 342 → 346] Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself, unquote. [ 347 → 351] Yeah, the Vatican II religion is not the Catholic religion. [ 351 → 353] Now, certainly, the two commandments, [ 353 → 355] love of God and love of neighbor, [ 355 → 357] go hand in hand. [ 357 → 360] We cannot love God without loving our neighbor. [ 360 → 364] But that doesn't mean that the two commandments are equal. [ 364 → 365] They're not. [ 366 → 368] Love of God is first. [ 368 → 370] Love of neighbor is second. [ 371 → 373] In case you missed it, [ 373 → 374] on Friday, January 13th, [ 375 → 378] the news broke that Francis had bestowed upon Lillian Plumen, [ 379 → 382] a Dutch politician and influential abortion activist, [ 382 → 385] an honorary medal making her a commander, [ 385 → 389] in the Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great. [ 389 → 392] As first reported by the Lepanto Institute, [ 392 → 396] Plumen is the founder of a global NGO called She Decides, [ 396 → 401] which has raised over $300 million for abortion organizations [ 401 → 406] that have recently been defunded by U.S. President Donald Trump. [ 407 → 409] Just before recording this podcast, [ 410 → 413] Vaticanist Marco Tosati was able to get confirmation from the Vatican [ 413 → 414] that, yes, [ 414 → 419] Francis had indeed initiated Plumen into the Order of St. Gregory the Great, [ 419 → 422] and the witch is now running around claiming that this award [ 422 → 425] is a confirmation of her baby-killing work. [ 426 → 427] Speaking of witches, [ 428 → 430] Francis is currently aboard his flight to Chile [ 430 → 433] for his next pseudo-apostolic blather tour, [ 434 → 436] and he was jokingly asked by a journalist on the plane [ 436 → 440] to share with everyone what his doctor prescribes him [ 440 → 444] that gives him so much energy to do all this tiring work [ 444 → 444] because, [ 444 → 446] whatever it is he's taking, [ 446 → 447] they want it too. [ 448 → 450] And Francis' response was, [ 450 → 450] quote, [ 450 → 453] I do not go to the doctor. [ 453 → 455] I go to the witch. [ 456 → 457] Unquote. [ 458 → 460] Boy, he's a funny guy, huh? [ 461 → 464] Now, originally, I was going to end the podcast right here, [ 464 → 469] but the Call Me Jorge blog just dug up a tidbit from years ago [ 469 → 472] that is just too perfect here not to mention it. [ 473 → 474] As first reported on Tradition, [ 474 → 477] since 2004, [ 477 → 480] Jorge Bergoglio's doctor has been Li Yu Ming, [ 480 → 484] a Chinese Taoist monk who practices Reiki. [ 486 → 488] You couldn't make this up if your life depended on it. [ 489 → 492] Tradcast Express is a production of Novos Ordo Watch. [ 493 → 494] Check us out at tradcast.org, [ 495 → 496] and if you like what we're doing, [ 496 → 498] please consider making a tax-deductible contribution [ 498 → 501] at novosortowatch.org slash donate.