[ 0 → 4] TrapCast Express [ 4 → 15] TrapCast Express, it's Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018. [ 16 → 20] Who says Novus Ordo ecumenists don't believe in converting people? [ 20 → 25] Writing in the official newspaper of the Unholy See, the Osservatore Romano, [ 25 → 33] the Vatican's chief ecumenist, Cardinal Kurt Koch, has said that he wants people to convert to ecumenism. [ 34 → 39] Here's a quote from the article provided by the Catholic Herald on January 18th. [ 39 → 39] Quote, [ 39 → 44] So that the evangelizing task can be carried out in a credible way, [ 44 → 50] the Church itself continually needs a self-evangelization that includes conversion [ 50 → 54] to the ecumenical search for Christian unity. [ 54 → 55] Unquote. [ 55 → 55] Quote. [ 56 → 61] Now, it's funny, but this is exactly the argument that was rejected by Pope Pius XI [ 61 → 67] in his 1928 encyclical against ecumenism, Mortalium Animus. [ 67 → 68] Quote, [ 68 → 72] All Christians, they add, they being the ecumenists, [ 73 → 76] all Christians, they add, should be as one, [ 76 → 81] for then they would be much more powerful in driving out the pest of irreligion, [ 81 → 84] which, like a serpent, daily creeps further and becomes [ 84 → 89] more widely spread and prepares to rob the gospel of its strength. [ 90 → 94] The manifold churches or communities, if united in some kind of universal federation, [ 94 → 101] would then be in a position to oppose strongly and with success the progress of irreligion. [ 102 → 102] Unquote. [ 103 → 106] And the Pope goes on to forcefully rebut all these ecumenical efforts, [ 107 → 111] rejecting them entirely in favor of only one thing, [ 111 → 114] the return of all the baptized to the, [ 114 → 116] Roman Catholic Church, [ 116 → 118] outside of which there is no salvation. [ 119 → 125] No other kind of religious unity is possible or desirable. [ 126 → 131] In other news, for all those who were putting their hopes in Cardinal Raymond Burke, [ 131 → 134] well, those hopes have now been shattered. [ 134 → 137] In an interview published yesterday, January 22nd, [ 137 → 140] with the Catholic World Report, Mr. Burke says, [ 140 → 141] Quote, [ 141 → 144] It is a source of anguish for me to hear this, [ 144 → 147] people suggesting that I would lead a schism. [ 148 → 150] I will never be part of any schism, [ 150 → 154] even if I should be punished within the Church for what I, in good conscience, [ 155 → 159] am trying to do to teach the Catholic faith and to defend it, [ 159 → 162] as I am obliged to do, first of all as a Christian, [ 162 → 165] but even more so as a bishop and a cardinal of the Church. [ 166 → 168] I will never abandon the Catholic Church, [ 168 → 172] because it is the Church founded by our Lord Jesus Christ. [ 172 → 173] Unquote. [ 173 → 174] See, that's... [ 174 → 176] That's the problem with accepting the idea [ 176 → 181] that France's apostate club in the Vatican is the Roman Catholic Church. [ 182 → 187] It is not, and I don't know what else France has to do to prove it. [ 188 → 194] But hey, now there's going to be another one of those quasi-traditionalist conferences in Rome. [ 194 → 197] The headline at the National Catholic Register is [ 197 → 203] Major Conference Planned on Divisions in Church, Papal Infallibility. [ 203 → 204] In his report, [ 204 → 207] Vaticanist Edward Penton writes, [ 207 → 207] quote, [ 207 → 211] One of the late Cardinal Carlo Caffara's last wishes [ 211 → 214] to have an international conference to examine ways [ 214 → 217] to resolve the current crisis of division in the Church [ 217 → 221] will take place in Rome in early April, the Register has learned. [ 222 → 224] Details have yet to be officially released, [ 224 → 229] but the conference is expected to explore the limits of papal infallibility, [ 229 → 233] as well as seek ways to overcome the division in the Church, [ 233 → 234] exacerbated by what... [ 234 → 239] many see as pastoral and doctrinal confusion on key moral issues. [ 240 → 244] The upcoming conference is expected to also debate a related subject, [ 244 → 250] the limits of papal power amid concerns that Pope Francis is leading the Church [ 250 → 254] in a direction that they consider to be a departure from the faith, [ 254 → 256] continuity and tradition, [ 256 → 260] and that he is doing so in an authoritarian fashion [ 260 → 264] and without unanimous consent of bishops, unquote. [ 264 → 268] In other words, it sounds like they're once again going to be flirting [ 268 → 271] with the heresy of Gallicanism, [ 271 → 276] which was definitively rejected at the First Vatican Council in 1870 [ 276 → 278] in favor of Ultramontanism. [ 279 → 282] You know, it's a real shame that they're always trying to tinker [ 282 → 285] with the Catholic teaching on the papacy, [ 285 → 288] on papal authority, the papal primacy, [ 288 → 290] and the limits of papal infallibility. [ 290 → 294] What does infallibility have to do with any of this? [ 294 → 294] Almost nothing. [ 294 → 295] Nothing. [ 296 → 299] You know what they should be doing is organizing a conference [ 299 → 304] not on, ooh, how we can water down Catholic teaching on the papacy, [ 304 → 308] but a conference on the status of Jorge Bergoglio, Pope Francis. [ 309 → 312] That, at least, would be the right start. [ 313 → 316] And speaking of him, just today it's being reported [ 316 → 319] that Francis has ordered two underground bishops in China [ 319 → 324] to step aside in favor of Chinese government-backed communist bishops. [ 324 → 329] Now, that really shows Francis' true colors. [ 330 → 332] Asia News reports as follows, quote, [ 332 → 337] The Holy See has asked Bishop Peter Zhuang Jianjian of Shantou [ 337 → 339] in southern Guangdong province to retire [ 339 → 343] in order to give way to an excommunicated bishop, [ 343 → 346] while another Vatican-appointed bishop was asked [ 346 → 350] to downgrade himself as the assistant of an illicit bishop. [ 351 → 354] This is the second time in three months that the Holy See made the resignation, [ 354 → 362] on Bishop Zhuang, who was secretly ordained in 2006 with Vatican approval, unquote. [ 363 → 366] In case you're not familiar with what this is about, here's a quick review. [ 367 → 369] China became communist in 1949. [ 370 → 374] After a few years, they began fiercely persecuting the Catholic Church [ 374 → 377] and suppressing the true Catholic hierarchy. [ 378 → 381] In 1957, the Chinese government founded what's called [ 381 → 384] the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association, [ 384 → 388] which was basically a pseudo-Catholic organization [ 388 → 390] that retained the name Catholic, [ 390 → 394] but was completely subservient to the communist government [ 394 → 397] and entirely independent from the Holy See. [ 397 → 401] So it was basically a Chinese national communist church [ 401 → 403] that calls itself Catholic. [ 404 → 407] Well, before long, anyone in China who wanted to be Catholic [ 407 → 411] was required by law to join that pseudo-Catholic communist organization, [ 411 → 414] which usurped the Catholic government, [ 414 → 417] and the dioceses imprisoned the legitimate bishops, [ 418 → 421] and instead appointed and installed their own communist puppet bishops. [ 422 → 424] Pope Pius XII, of course, intervened. [ 424 → 427] He excommunicated the false bishops and made clear [ 427 → 431] that the Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association was not Catholic, [ 432 → 434] but schismatic and communist, [ 434 → 436] and he wrote an encyclical entitled [ 436 → 441] Ad Apostolorum Principis, released on June 29, 1958, [ 441 → 444] which also turned out to be his last encyclical. [ 445 → 449] Those real Chinese Catholics who remained faithful to the Holy See [ 449 → 452] and refused to join the pseudo-Catholic communist church [ 452 → 457] went into hiding and suffered the most severe persecutions. [ 457 → 461] Anyone who was discovered to be a part of the true underground church, [ 461 → 465] especially clergy, was imprisoned, tortured, or executed, [ 465 → 467] and that's still going on today. [ 468 → 469] And despite all this, though, [ 469 → 472] a good number of Catholics have remained faithful. [ 472 → 474] And so what Francis just did here, [ 474 → 477] by telling two bishops of the underground church [ 477 → 480] to step aside in favor of the government bishops, [ 480 → 483] he just sided with the commies [ 483 → 486] and betrayed all those underground people [ 486 → 488] who have heroically opposed [ 488 → 492] the Communist Patriotic Association for all these years. [ 493 → 495] Now, at this point, of course, [ 495 → 498] the underground church is, of course, Novus Ordo, [ 498 → 500] since they were in communion with the Vatican II sect. [ 500 → 503] But really, we'll leave that aside for now, [ 503 → 504] because that's not the point. [ 504 → 508] The point is that Francis has once again betrayed [ 508 → 511] people who are trying to be faithful Catholics [ 511 → 513] no matter the consequences, [ 513 → 516] and have shown it that they're willing to suffer any consequences [ 516 → 518] in order to be Catholic. [ 520 → 523] Now, you might call it backstabbing, what Francis did here, [ 523 → 526] but I think frontstabbing is more accurate. [ 526 → 527] The man is a monster. [ 528 → 531] Tradcast Express is a production of Novus Ordo Watch. [ 532 → 533] Check us out at tradcast.org, [ 533 → 534] and if you like, [ 534 → 535] what we're doing, [ 535 → 537] please consider making a tax-deductible contribution [ 537 → 540] at novosordowatch.org [ 540 → 541] slash donate.