[ 0 → 4] TrapCast Express [ 4 → 14] TrapCast Express, it's Thursday, March 8th, 2018. [ 15 → 21] Listen to this headline found on the website of the UK-based Tablet today. [ 21 → 30] Pope donates 100,000 euros, 90,000 pounds, towards the First Orthodox Monastery in Austria. [ 31 → 37] 100,000 euros, that's 123,000 US dollars. [ 38 → 43] So Francis has made a donation of that amount to benefit the monastery of a false religion. [ 44 → 49] And there you can see in practice the ecumenism of Vatican II. [ 49 → 51] This is the kind of thing. [ 51 → 59] You need to recall when the Novus Ordo apologists claim that the Second Vatican Council didn't really teach any new doctrines, [ 59 → 65] that nothing has really changed, that ecumenism isn't against the pre-Vatican II teaching, [ 65 → 69] that dissidents are trying to hijack the council, etc. [ 69 → 70] Baloney! [ 71 → 77] Or are we supposed to believe that the Pope himself doesn't understand the council, the true council? [ 78 → 81] And where are all those conservatives? [ 81 → 82] And where are all those conservative theologians condemning this? [ 83 → 91] Vatican II ecumenism denies the dogma of the church's uniqueness as the only ark of salvation [ 91 → 97] and the necessity of being inside the Catholic Church to be saved. [ 97 → 99] But this is dogma, folks. [ 99 → 103] It cannot be denied without committing heresy. [ 104 → 107] Now let me quote a little from the story found in the Tablet. [ 107 → 111] Referring to the president of the so-called Pontifical Council, [ 111 → 114] for promoting Christian unity, Cardinal Kurt Koch. [ 115 → 116] The Tablet writes, quote, [ 117 → 122] Koch recalled that Pope Francis had supported the monastery project from its very beginnings [ 122 → 132] and had in his turn recalled that Pope John Paul II had underlined the importance of Austria's easternmost diocese's bridge-building function [ 132 → 135] between the people of eastern and western Europe. [ 135 → 139] May the Pope's building block, the donation, [ 139 → 146] incite many others to participate in the construction of this first Orthodox monastery in Austria [ 146 → 150] through their prayers or material help, Koch said. [ 151 → 152] Unquote. [ 152 → 159] So not only does Francis make a donation that is presented by his chief ecumenist to further a false religion, [ 159 → 164] the latter also explicitly and directly incites others to follow suit. [ 165 → 169] Giving money to directly benefit a false religion is a must. [ 169 → 170] A mortal sin. [ 170 → 176] I don't know if it can be considered strictly heretical, a strictly heretical act by itself, [ 176 → 181] but it certainly would make one at least suspect of heresy. [ 181 → 183] And that stands to reason, of course. [ 184 → 188] The Orthodox, by the way, have been living Amoris Laetitia for a long time. [ 189 → 193] Yep, the Eastern schismatics permit you to trade in your spouse for a new one [ 193 → 196] if you show buyer's remorse at some point. [ 196 → 199] But only, I think, up to two or three times. [ 199 → 206] Well, of course, anything above and beyond that would obviously be, you know, adultery or something. [ 207 → 212] Our Lord Jesus Christ founded only one religion, one church, [ 212 → 215] and that church is the Roman Catholic Church, [ 215 → 218] as it was known until the death of Pope Pius XII. [ 220 → 229] Therefore, supporting any other religion means to help oppose the religion revealed and founded by God himself. [ 229 → 236] And this is a sin that you do not want to have to answer for when God calls you to judgment. [ 237 → 243] In other news, the Church of Mercy, Tenderness, and Encounter is trying to shut down a news portal [ 243 → 247] that has been severely critical of Francis. [ 247 → 252] The website in question is the Spanish-speaking InfoVaticana.com. [ 253 → 258] According to veteran Vatican journalist Marco Tosati, as well as InfoVaticana, [ 258 → 259] the Vatican says, [ 259 → 265] the Secretariat of State has contracted the prestigious multinational law firm Baker McKenzie [ 265 → 268] to get that pesky Spanish news portal shut down [ 268 → 273] and the domain name InfoVaticana.com seized by the unholy sea. [ 274 → 277] InfoVaticana was given an ultimatum of seven days, [ 278 → 281] which has since been generously extended to six months. [ 281 → 282] What is the reason? [ 283 → 287] On what grounds does the Vatican claim it has the right to do this? [ 287 → 289] Well, the modernists in Rome, [ 289 → 293] Rome say that they alone have the right to the name Vatican. [ 294 → 295] Now, that's ridiculous, of course, [ 295 → 300] not only because they are the ones that are illegitimately occupying the Holy See to begin with, [ 300 → 303] but also because the idea leads to absurdity. [ 304 → 308] Think about what consequences this logic would have. [ 308 → 313] Federal Express can't call itself that anymore because it's not part of the federal government. [ 314 → 318] The New York Times runs into problems with the state or the city of New York. [ 319 → 320] Because it's using the same name? [ 321 → 328] Could a magazine about life in Italy not call itself Italian Living unless the nation of Italy agrees? [ 329 → 331] The case is preposterous. [ 332 → 338] InfoVaticana calls itself that because it presents information about the Vatican. [ 338 → 343] Kind of like La Stampa's Vatican Insider at VaticanInsider.com. [ 344 → 347] Are they going to have to close up shop now, too? [ 347 → 348] Fat chance. [ 349 → 349] No. [ 349 → 353] Of course, we all know what the real reason is for this tyranny. [ 354 → 358] The Secretariat of State of the Modernist Vatican isn't concerned about InfoVaticana [ 358 → 361] because it's got the name Vatican in its title, [ 361 → 364] but because it's not been fawning over Francis, [ 364 → 370] but has exposed many of the, shall we say, more unflattering news about him. [ 371 → 376] Unlike Vatican Insider, where the Francis admirer Andrea Tornielli is the star columnist. [ 377 → 379] I guess it remains to be seen. [ 379 → 383] If the Vatican also claims exclusive rights to the term Novus Ordo. [ 384 → 387] Tradcast Express is a production of Novus Ordo Watch. [ 388 → 389] Check us out at tradcast.org. [ 390 → 396] And if you like what we're doing, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution at novusordowatch.org. [ 396 → 397] Slash donate. [ 397 → 398] Slash donate.