[ 0 → 4] TrapCast Express [ 4 → 14] TrapCast Express, it's Tuesday, May 8th, 2018. [ 15 → 18] Folks, you can't make this stuff up. [ 19 → 24] Every day I pour over the Vatican headlines, and I think the reason they're called headlines [ 24 → 29] is because you can't stop shaking your head as you read these lines. [ 29 → 30] Listen to this. [ 31 → 37] Former Vatican communications chief gives talk on fake news. [ 37 → 43] That was one of the headlines at CatholicNewsAgency.com on May 4th. [ 43 → 48] Yeah, do you remember why he's the former Vatican communications chief? [ 49 → 50] Remember what happened there? [ 50 → 54] Just a few weeks ago, he had to resign in disgrace [ 54 → 59] because he had been caught red-handed producing fake news. [ 59 → 65] After it was revealed that Dario Viganò, that's the gentleman's name, [ 65 → 70] had manipulated a letter from Benedict XVI to give the false impression [ 70 → 75] that Benedict was endorsing a set of books about Francis' theology [ 75 → 77] when in fact he did more like the opposite, [ 78 → 81] Viganò had to resign in disgrace, and the only reason [ 81 → 86] he's still part of the Department of Communications at all in the Vatican [ 86 → 89] is because Francis appointed him to it again. [ 89 → 91] In a lesser role. [ 92 → 98] And this Monsignor Viganò now just gave a talk on April 28th [ 98 → 103] as part of a fake news and the ethical responsibilities of media [ 103 → 106] question and answer panel inside the Vatican. [ 107 → 110] Folks, it is a circus in Vatican City. [ 111 → 113] Circus Roncalli, we might say. [ 113 → 119] Next, on May 2nd, this headline appeared on LifeSiteNews.com, [ 119 → 126] Vatican invites Katy Perry to talk about transcendental meditation. [ 127 → 132] This was part of the Vatican's so-called Unite to Cure conference, [ 132 → 136] of which Mr. Viganò's talk about fake news was also a part. [ 137 → 141] Aside from transcendental meditation being a dangerous New Age thing, [ 141 → 146] Katy Perry is on record saying that she has sold her soul to the devil. [ 146 → 149] She has promoted occultism, lesbianism, [ 149 → 150] and cannibalism. [ 151 → 156] And, of course, that's just the kind of person you'd want recommending anything [ 156 → 158] to your children, right? [ 158 → 161] Because that's what her talk was ultimately about, [ 161 → 165] transcendental meditation and how to introduce that to children. [ 167 → 170] Now, Francis himself, of course, was quite happy to meet Perry [ 170 → 173] and greeted her cordially at the Vatican. [ 173 → 175] I am sick to my stomach. [ 176 → 178] Now, speaking of chaos, Frank, [ 178 → 180] in case you didn't hear about it yet, [ 180 → 185] just four days ago, his unholiness blasphemed once again, [ 185 → 188] directly insulting God the Holy Ghost when he said, [ 189 → 190] and I quote, [ 190 → 195] this Holy Spirit is a disaster because he never tires of being creative. [ 196 → 196] Unquote. [ 197 → 202] Yep, Francis said that during an address to consecrated religious in the Vatican. [ 203 → 207] And so, of course, you've got your typical Novus Ordo people saying, [ 207 → 208] hey, it was a joke. [ 208 → 209] Okay. [ 209 → 211] Yeah, of course, it was a joke. [ 212 → 213] But it was a blasphemous one. [ 214 → 215] That's the point. [ 215 → 216] It was blasphemy. [ 217 → 220] And if you want to know what God thinks about blasphemy, [ 220 → 223] you may want to flip through the Old Testament a little, [ 223 → 226] like 2 Maccabees 10.36, for example. [ 227 → 228] Or the New Testament, too, [ 229 → 232] like Colossians 3.8, Jude 14-16, [ 233 → 234] or the Apocalypse. [ 235 → 238] Anyway, we've got a post on Chaos Frank's latest blog, [ 238 → 243] just go to novusordowatch.org slash wire [ 243 → 246] and look for the post dated May 4th, [ 246 → 249] entitled Francis Blasphemes Again. [ 250 → 251] In other news, [ 251 → 255] after the Conference of German Novus Ordo Bishops back in February [ 255 → 260] approved a document text that would permit Protestant spouses of Novus Ordos [ 260 → 263] to receive what purports to be Holy Communion, [ 263 → 267] a number of dissenting bishops appealed to the Vatican to prevent that [ 267 → 268] from being used in the Vatican. [ 268 → 268] So, we've got a post on Chaos Frank's latest blog, [ 268 → 268] that would permit Protestant spouses of Novus Ordos to receive what purports to be Holy Communion, [ 268 → 268] a number of dissenting bishops appealed to the Vatican to prevent that from being used in the Vatican. [ 268 → 268] So, we've got a post on Chaos Frank's latest blog, [ 268 → 271] becoming church practice in Germany. [ 272 → 278] Francis reacted very quickly and asked the disputing parties to come to the Vatican for a meeting. [ 278 → 279] Ooh. [ 279 → 284] Well, that meeting took place on May 3rd, [ 284 → 286] and you want to know what the outcome was? [ 287 → 289] Francis basically told them, [ 290 → 291] you figure it out. [ 291 → 292] Yep. [ 292 → 295] That's what they went to the Vatican for, [ 295 → 298] to have Francis tell them to just come to, [ 298 → 305] an agreement already and leave him out of it. And Francis didn't even participate in the meeting. [ 305 → 312] No, no, that was Louis Laudaria, the head of the Congregation for the Destruction of the Faith, [ 313 → 320] and he read a statement from Francis. Sure, there was discussion among the various participants and [ 320 → 327] the whole meeting lasted just over two hours, but as far as Francis settling the issue one way or [ 327 → 334] another, forget it. That did not happen. American Vaticanist John Allen reported on this last [ 334 → 340] Thursday and wrote, quote, in the meeting which took place in German, Archbishop Laudaria illustrated [ 340 → 347] that Pope Francis appreciates the ecumenical commitment of the German bishops and asked them [ 347 → 356] to find in a spirit of ecclesial communion a possibly unanimous result, unquote. So, yeah, [ 356 → 356] that's... [ 357 → 364] Francis for you. That's very much how he reacted also in 2016 when someone in some press conference [ 364 → 370] asked him about how a Catholic should vote in the United States presidential election. [ 371 → 379] His answer was, vote your conscience. Well, no kidding. The people who were asking, though, [ 379 → 386] actually wanted to form their conscience in that regard and thought that maybe the man who calls [ 386 → 386] himself the Pope. [ 387 → 393] Could help them, but nope, definitely not. When it comes to those things that his putative office [ 393 → 400] would actually require him to step in and make a decision about, he won't. On the other hand, [ 400 → 405] if it's about climate change or welcoming the Islamization of Europe, for example, [ 406 → 415] that's when Francis gets really active. All right, and our last headline for today fits right in with [ 415 → 416] the previous story. [ 417 → 425] Consult the laity, Vatican Theological Commission says. That was posted on Vatican Insider on May 4th, [ 425 → 432] and it beautifully demonstrates how in the Novus Ordo sect, the blind not only lead the blind, [ 432 → 439] they even ask them for directions. Here are some quotes from the article written by Joshua [ 439 → 446] McElwee. Quote, a Vatican commission responsible for helping the Catholic Church study doctrinal [ 446 → 453] issues has stressed the importance of including lay people in the global institution's various [ 453 → 459] authority structures, writing in a new document approved by Pope Francis that their involvement is [ 459 → 467] indispensable in decision making. The participation of lay faithful is essential. It later states, [ 467 → 473] they are the immense majority of the people of God, and we have much to learn from their [ 473 → 476] participation in diverse expressions of life. [ 476 → 484] Unquote. And here you can see the false modernistic conception of theology, where the lived experience [ 484 → 492] of man is a place of revelation from which sacred theology draws its data. That is absurd. It is [ 492 → 498] false, and it is most likely heretical. Real Catholic theology, on the other hand, operates [ 498 → 505] from the top on down. It does not go from the bottom up. It begins with God's revelation in [ 505 → 512] scripture and tradition, as interpreted by the magisterium, and then draws conclusions from that. [ 512 → 518] It does not begin with human experience, and then somehow declares something about God. [ 519 → 526] What these people really want and advocate is a church and a doctrine from below. [ 526 → 532] Oh, the irony. Because that's exactly what they've now got. [ 535 → 540] Novos Ordo Watch. Check us out at Tradcast.org. And if you like what we're doing, please consider [ 540 → 546] making a tax-deductible contribution at NovosOrdoWatch.org slash donate.