[ 0 → 4] TrapCast Express [ 4 → 15] TrapCast Express, it's Wednesday, July 18th, 2018. [ 15 → 19] The Code of Canon Law needs to go green. [ 19 → 24] That is the suggestion made by Cardinal Francesco Cocopalmerio, [ 25 → 30] the Vatican's former president of the so-called Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts. [ 30 → 34] Speaking to journalist Andrea Tornielli of Vatican Insider, [ 34 → 36] Cocopalmerio said, quote, [ 36 → 42] My proposal would be to ask the Pope, on the part of the Department for Legislative Texts, [ 42 → 47] to insert a new canon that sounds more or less like this. [ 47 → 52] Every faithful Christian, mindful that creation is the common house, [ 53 → 56] has the grave duty not only not to damage, [ 57 → 60] but also to improve both through everyday behavior, [ 60 → 62] and through specific initiatives, [ 62 → 68] the natural environment in which each person is called to live. [ 68 → 69] Unquote. [ 70 → 70] Yeah. [ 71 → 75] In fact, we recommend imposing an automatic excommunication on anyone [ 75 → 81] using plastic bags or setting air conditioners to below 75 degrees Fahrenheit. [ 84 → 88] What you see here is the absurdity of the novel's order religion. [ 88 → 90] Although, according to these people, [ 90 → 94] Catholics do not have a grave duty to refrain from adultery, for example, [ 95 → 98] because, you know, difficult circumstances and all that, [ 98 → 103] nevertheless, there is a grave duty to engage in some undefined initiatives [ 103 → 105] to protect the environment. [ 106 → 108] Well, maybe Coco can make a start [ 108 → 111] by cutting down on some of the hot air he produces. [ 112 → 116] Now, as far as polluting souls with the garbage of modernist theology, [ 116 → 120] well, let's just say that the apostates in the Vatican, [ 120 → 123] have been very busy recycling that. [ 124 → 126] Again, and again, and again. [ 128 → 132] In the Dominican Republic, a novel's ordo priest has sent Twitter messages [ 132 → 139] encouraging people to participate in a national march in favor of legalizing abortion. [ 140 → 141] Yes, you heard that right. [ 142 → 148] The Jesuit father, Mario Serrano, posted a video clip and verbal messages on Twitter [ 148 → 150] supporting the murder of unborn children. [ 150 → 152] in certain cases. [ 153 → 156] Translated into English, his message of July 15th stated, [ 157 → 157] quote, [ 158 → 161] Walking today for the decriminalization of abortion [ 161 → 164] means being very close to the Jesus who loves, [ 165 → 169] accompanies, and does not condemn people in extreme situations. [ 170 → 174] I accompany you with my prayers from Dahabon. [ 175 → 176] Unquote. [ 176 → 177] Blasphemy. [ 178 → 180] According to a report on the Vatican, [ 180 → 183] a scandal by the national newspaper Diario Libre, [ 183 → 188] the auxiliary bishop of the diocese in which Serrano is working, [ 188 → 190] Jesus Castro Marte, [ 190 → 194] stated that what the Jesuits said in favor of abortion rights [ 194 → 196] is merely his personal position [ 196 → 201] and does not reflect the stance of the Society of Jesus. [ 201 → 204] Well, that's good to know, isn't it? [ 204 → 207] It's just his personal opinion [ 207 → 210] that women should have the right to kill their pre-born children. [ 210 → 213] Well, good thing he didn't, you know, [ 213 → 215] attend a Trump rally or something. [ 216 → 218] Well, you've probably heard about it by now, [ 218 → 220] but in case you haven't, [ 220 → 224] the Society of St. Pius X now has some new leadership. [ 225 → 230] On July 11th, the Lefebvris elected as their new superior general [ 230 → 233] the Italian Father Davide Pagliarani [ 233 → 236] and the Spaniard Bishop Alfonso di Gallaretta [ 236 → 238] and the Frenchman Father Christian Bouchacor [ 238 → 240] as his first and last son. [ 240 → 242] and second assistants, respectively. [ 243 → 246] Pagliarani has thus taken over for Bishop Bernard Fillet, [ 247 → 251] who had been superior general for two consecutive 12-year terms [ 251 → 253] beginning in 1994. [ 254 → 256] Now, everyone is asking, of course, [ 256 → 259] what does this mean for the SSPX? [ 259 → 262] Which direction are they now going to go? [ 262 → 264] Is Pagliarani more conservative than Fillet? [ 265 → 267] Does he oppose an accord with the modernist Vatican? [ 268 → 269] And so on. [ 269 → 270] Well, quite simply, [ 270 → 273] folks, it is just too early to tell at this point, [ 273 → 275] so I'll refrain from making any predictions [ 275 → 279] or giving you any type of analysis. [ 279 → 281] There are pundits out there claiming [ 281 → 284] that the election of Pagliarani, di Gallaretta, and Bouchacor [ 284 → 286] means that it's a move to the right, [ 287 → 289] meaning a clear move against the Fillet leadership. [ 290 → 293] But then there are others disputing that, [ 293 → 296] and so there is no point right now [ 296 → 298] in trying to predict anything. [ 298 → 300] So let's just give it a few months, [ 300 → 301] and see what happens. [ 302 → 304] Now, one thing we do know, however, [ 304 → 307] is that all three of the newly elected SSPX leaders [ 307 → 310] have a connection with Argentina, [ 310 → 314] the home country of the current pretend pope in Rome. [ 315 → 316] In other news, [ 316 → 318] the Archlaemon of Quebec, Canada, [ 318 → 319] Gerald Lacroix, [ 320 → 322] stated in a homily given on July 15th [ 322 → 324] at St. Boniface Cathedral in Manitoba [ 324 → 328] that it is now time to evangelize. [ 328 → 329] Yeah. [ 330 → 332] And he managed to make that declaration [ 332 → 334] without bringing up in any way [ 334 → 337] the idea of converting people to the true faith [ 337 → 340] for their eternal salvation and the avoidance of hell. [ 340 → 343] At least that's the conclusion you have to draw [ 343 → 346] from reading the report published by Zenit.org, [ 346 → 347] which summarizes the sermon. [ 348 → 352] Rather, Mr. Lacroix stated that for Catholics to go on mission [ 352 → 353] means, quote, [ 353 → 356] to open their spirit and their heart [ 356 → 360] to the needs of those with whom we live and work, [ 360 → 362] our brothers and sisters in humanity, [ 363 → 365] expecting signs of reconciliation, [ 365 → 368] of goodness, of justice, and of love. [ 369 → 372] Jesus entrusted this great mission to all our church, [ 372 → 374] not only the pope, the bishops, and the priests. [ 374 → 380] We are all responsible for implementing the missionary mandate, unquote. [ 381 → 385] So that's what missionary activity means in the Vatican II Church. [ 385 → 388] That is what they believe is the good news of the gospel, [ 389 → 390] as Lacroix called it. [ 390 → 393] So, don't be misled, folks, [ 393 → 396] next time you hear some noble sort of cleric talk about [ 396 → 398] mission and evangelization. [ 398 → 401] For them, it's all about planting trees [ 401 → 403] and providing clean water, [ 404 → 405] being nice to your neighbor, [ 406 → 406] hugging children, [ 407 → 409] and, hey, if you're lucky, [ 409 → 413] maybe even practicing and preaching some of the Beatitudes [ 413 → 414] and the Golden Rule. [ 414 → 416] But that's essentially it. [ 416 → 418] Don't fall for it. [ 418 → 420] And lastly, [ 420 → 422] the Archlaemon of Dublin, Ireland, [ 422 → 423] Mr. Dermot Martin, [ 424 → 428] has discovered that after 55 years of updating Catholicism [ 428 → 430] so as to make it relevant to the modern world [ 430 → 432] and speak to contemporary man, [ 432 → 435] they are failing to reach the youth [ 435 → 437] who instead feel alienated by the church. [ 438 → 439] His solution? [ 440 → 442] Maybe you can guess it already. [ 442 → 444] He proposes a radical overhaul [ 444 → 447] in how the church reaches out to the young, [ 447 → 450] relearning to speak the language of faith, [ 450 → 451] authentically. [ 452 → 452] In other words, [ 453 → 456] Martin wants to essentially update Catholicism [ 456 → 458] to make it relevant to the young. [ 459 → 461] If only it were funny. [ 462 → 465] Tradcast Express is a production of Novos Ordo Watch. [ 465 → 467] Check us out at tradcast.org [ 467 → 469] and if you like what we're doing, [ 469 → 471] please consider making a tax-deductible contribution [ 471 → 474] at novosortowatch.org [ 474 → 475] slash donate.