[ 0 → 4] TRATCAST EXPRESS [ 30 → 43] Sister Lucy of Fatima was, in fact, an imposter and not the same person as the real Sister Lucy to whom Our Lady of Fatima appeared in Portugal in 1917. [ 44 → 56] The evidence in question is the result of a scientific investigation by professional facial recognition experts commissioned by the non-profit organization Sister Lucy Truth, [ 56 → 59] which was founded by Dr. Peter Hynowski of the United States. [ 59 → 73] for this specific purpose, to determine scientifically, one way or another, whether the post-Vatican II Sister Lucy was, in fact, the real Sister Lucy of Fatima or not. [ 74 → 82] This investigation became necessary after more and more pictures of Sister Lucy from before, during, and after the 1960s came to light, [ 82 → 89] showing apparently two different women, even taking into consideration age differences and other factors. [ 90 → 101] But now we have, for the first time ever, scientific proof that the nun paraded around by the Vatican since the Council was not, in fact, Sister Lucy of Fatima. [ 101 → 109] The bombshell announcement was made on Dr. Hynowski's RadTratomist blog and reads as follows, [ 109 → 118] I can now release the overall results of the facial recognition tests that have been performed using the most up-to-date technology available, [ 119 → 119] analyzed by Dr. Hynowski. [ 119 → 125] by the most sophisticated software technicians, and organized and analyzed by an expert investigator. [ 126 → 133] The only thing similar was the habit, were the words I just heard from the investigator in our phone conversation about the result. [ 133 → 138] More specifics on the technicalities of the result will follow this initial announcement. [ 138 → 146] On advice, I will not yet reveal the name of the investigators, the names of the companies involved, or the names of the programs being used. [ 146 → 147] They are the best. [ 148 → 149] They are all working on a comprehensive, [ 149 → 154] indefinite report on the results, and this will be released in the coming weeks. [ 154 → 157] I want to avoid any interference in the investigation. [ 158 → 164] After the final facial recognition report is complete, the second phase of the investigation will be launched, [ 164 → 171] which will be finding out the identity of the imposter and finding out what happened to our dear Sister Lucy Dos Santos. [ 172 → 173] More soon. [ 174 → 174] Unquote. [ 175 → 177] You can read all about this on our blog at [ 177 → 179] www.novosordowatch.org [ 179 → 181] slash [ 181 → 181] wire [ 181 → 185] and simply look for the August 1st post entitled [ 185 → 186] Bombshell [ 186 → 193] Facial Recognition Experts Prove Novus Ordo Vatican's Sister Lucy of Fatima Was an Imposter. [ 194 → 197] Folks, this is gigantic news. [ 197 → 200] The potential repercussions here are hard to overestimate. [ 200 → 208] The Vatican II sect is in bigger trouble than they can imagine because this is such a huge deception that they pulled on everyone [ 208 → 209] that they will not be able... [ 209 → 211] to explain it away. [ 212 → 213] Think about what this means. [ 213 → 218] The entire Novus Ordo version of Fatima is gone. [ 218 → 219] It's toast. [ 220 → 223] Whatever was distinctly Novus Ordo about it is history. [ 223 → 233] They can no longer use Sister Lucy, and thereby Fatima, as an endorsement for Vatican II, for John Paul II, and for the entire post-conciliar circus. [ 234 → 234] No more. [ 235 → 235] That's gone now. [ 236 → 239] All the photos of the fake Sister Lucy with Paul VI with... [ 239 → 240] John Paul II, [ 241 → 242] the different interviews, [ 243 → 246] the testimonies about the consecration of Russia, and so on. [ 246 → 248] It's all over. [ 248 → 248] Poof. [ 250 → 253] Also think about what this means for the Fatima Center, for example. [ 253 → 257] You know, the followers of the late Father Nicholas Gruner. [ 257 → 262] I mean, how much of their material is based upon the testimony of the false Sister Lucy? [ 263 → 265] Now, that's obviously not their fault. [ 266 → 266] That's clear. [ 266 → 268] But that's beside the point. [ 268 → 269] The point is they can take... [ 269 → 275] They can take all that post-1958 Sister Lucy stuff now and throw it in the garbage. [ 276 → 283] And then all those people who decided not to look into Sedevacantism, not to go by Catholic theology because, [ 284 → 290] ooh, Sister Lucy always recognized the Vatican II popes, and Sister Lucy attended the new mass, [ 290 → 295] and Sister Lucy said that the consecration of Russia was done, and Sister Lucy this, and Sister Lucy that. [ 296 → 296] Well, guess what? [ 297 → 298] That's all gone now. [ 298 → 299] It's gone. [ 299 → 306] Well, that's what happens when you put Fatima before Catholicism, when you believe in Sister [ 306 → 311] Lucy rather than in the papacy, when you trust man more than God. [ 312 → 313] What does sacred scripture say? [ 314 → 318] Put not your trust in princes, meaning in human beings. [ 319 → 321] That's Psalm 145.2. [ 322 → 327] Our job is to adhere to Catholic teaching, and if ever some private revelation, some [ 327 → 329] apparition, even authentic, were to come to us, we would not be able to do it. [ 329 → 336] If we contradict that, then we must stick with Catholic teaching and forget about the [ 336 → 336] apparition. [ 336 → 339] Now, I'm not saying that Fatima contradicts Catholic teaching. [ 339 → 345] I'm saying that there are people who effectively believe that it does and then choose to go [ 345 → 347] with Fatima instead. [ 348 → 352] So, what happened to the real Sister Lucy? [ 352 → 353] Who knows? [ 354 → 358] Well, most probably they simply killed her around 1959. [ 358 → 361] Well, perhaps we'll even find out. [ 362 → 363] I mean, this is just starting, folks. [ 364 → 368] They're going to put all the detailed evidence online in the coming weeks, exposing the fraud, [ 369 → 374] and then they'll try to find out who the imposter actually was. [ 374 → 376] And who knows? [ 376 → 380] Maybe they can even find out what happened to the real Sister Lucy. [ 380 → 385] So, this is going to get very interesting and will certainly keep you up to date. [ 386 → 388] It'll be a wild ride. [ 388 → 394] In the meantime, make popcorn because the Vatican has been busted. [ 395 → 398] Tradcast Express is a production of Novus Ordo Watch. [ 398 → 400] Check us out at tradcast.org. [ 400 → 404] And if you like what we're doing, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution [ 404 → 407] at novusortowatch.org slash donate.