[ 0 → 18] Tradcast Express it's Wednesday September 12th 2018 Francis is either going senile or he's [ 18 → 24] deliberately trying to create a record that will allow him to plead not guilty by reason of [ 24 → 30] insanity in a future trial at least that's the conclusion one can come to after reading about [ 30 → 37] the blather session excuse me homily that Francis gave yesterday September 11th at the Casa Santa [ 37 → 43] Marta daily worship service although he was supposed to preach on the gospel passage of the [ 43 → 51] day which was Luke 6 12 through 19 Francis decided to talk about how bishops are being attacked by [ 51 → 53] the devil here's what he said [ 54 → 61] according to the report published by Vatican News quote in these times it seems like the great [ 61 → 68] accuser has been unchained and is attacking bishops true we are all sinners we bishops [ 68 → 74] he tries to uncover the sins so they are visible in order to scandalize the people [ 74 → 79] the great accuser as he himself says to God in the first chapter of the book of Job [ 79 → 83] roams the earth looking for someone to accuse [ 83 → 90] a bishop's strength against the great accuser is prayer that of Jesus and his own and the humility [ 90 → 98] of being chosen and remaining close to the people of God let us pray today for our bishops for me [ 98 → 106] for those who are here and for all the bishops throughout the world unquote now this is [ 106 → 111] interesting Francis is basically conceding that the accusations made against him and his fellow [ 111 → 113] false shepherds are true and that's what he's saying he's saying that he's saying that he's [ 113 → 120] true see last week he was still insinuating that he was being accused unjustly comparing his own [ 120 → 126] silence to the silence of the innocent Christ before Herod and Pilate but now this week he's [ 126 → 134] shifted to speaking about uncovering real sins which are being disclosed by the great accuser [ 134 → 140] in order to scandalize the people well you know nothing says culture of transparency and [ 140 → 143] accountability quite like shame and shame and shame and shame and shame and shame and shame and [ 143 → 148] shaming as satanic persecutors those who want the sex abuse epidemic in the novel's [ 148 → 155] order church to be exposed and come to an end Bergoglio's behavior is so obviously unacceptable [ 155 → 161] at this point that even Simcha Fisher the female theological equivalent of Francis cheerleader [ 161 → 169] Mark Shea has written a post entitled does Francis know he sounds like an abuser in his homily [ 169 → 173] Francis also reminded his false bishops that they should have been the ones who should have been the [ 173 → 180] humility to remember that they were chosen by God just like Judas Iscariot okay so he doesn't say the [ 180 → 187] last part but Judas too was chosen and yet that did not prevent him from being a devil and ultimately [ 187 → 196] going to hell see John 6 71 and John 17 12 on that minor detail after all the horrific stories [ 196 → 202] of clerical sexual abuse allegedly perpetrated against minors that we've been hearing about in [ 202 → 203] the last few weeks [ 203 → 209] we are lucky that Francis has finally set the record straight and told the world who the real [ 209 → 218] victims are the credibly accused novus ordo bishops including his very own self now honestly [ 218 → 224] for Francis to be so foolish as to say that in public for all to hear indicates to me anyway [ 224 → 230] that things are spinning out of control for him and he doesn't know what to do and because he [ 230 → 233] doesn't know what to do he's starting to panic and he's starting to panic and he's starting to panic [ 233 → 238] and so he makes one mistake after another which will in turn make everything even worse for him [ 238 → 245] the whole edifice is starting to crumble around him and he knows it he's scared to death that [ 245 → 252] more and more terrible crimes by wicked clergymen will be revealed and so he's preventatively [ 252 → 258] condemning such revelation but I don't think he'll succeed we're reminded of the words of [ 258 → 263] Christ our Lord in Luke 12 verses 1 through 3 and we're reminded of the words of Christ our Lord in [ 263 → 263] Luke 12 verses 1 through 3 and we're reminded of the words of Christ our Lord in Luke 12 verses 1 through 3 [ 263 → 270] quote beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees which is hypocrisy for there is nothing covered [ 270 → 276] that shall not be revealed nor hidden that shall not be known for whatsoever things you have spoken [ 276 → 281] in darkness shall be published in the light and that which you have spoken in the ear in the [ 281 → 288] chambers shall be preached on the housetops unquote now that doesn't mean we can go around [ 288 → 293] revealing everybody's hidden sins of course that would be the sin of detraction [ 293 → 299] disclosure of another's secret sins is only permitted if there is a necessity a genuine [ 299 → 305] necessity to do so but in the case of the novel sort of sex abuse epidemic you'd better believe [ 305 → 312] that there is such necessity so Francis can put on his mask of sanctimony and play the detraction [ 312 → 320] card but it's a diversionary tactic and it's not going to work in addition to that it also makes [ 320 → 323] Francis look really hypocritical because on [ 323 → 329] May 31st of this year he wrote a letter to the church in Chile in which he said this quote [ 329 → 336] we know today that the best thing we can say in face of the pain caused is a commitment to personal [ 336 → 343] communal and social conversion that learns to listen to and care for especially the most [ 343 → 350] vulnerable it is therefore urgent to create spaces where the culture of abuse and cover-up [ 350 → 353] is not the dominant scheme where a critical [ 353 → 360] and questioning attitude is not confused with betrayal we have to promote this as a church [ 360 → 366] and to seek with humility all the actors that make up the social reality and promote ways of [ 366 → 373] dialogue and constructive confrontation to move toward a culture of care and protection [ 373 → 380] the culture of abuse and cover-up is incompatible with the logic of the gospel since the salvation [ 380 → 382] offered by Christ is always an offer [ 383 → 390] a gift that demands and requires freedom and thus to then promote communities capable of fighting [ 390 → 398] against abusive situations communities where exchanges debate and confrontation are welcome [ 398 → 406] unquote yes Francis has lofty words for his sheeple but when push comes to shove and he [ 406 → 412] himself is implicated in that very culture of cover-up that's when everything changes and he [ 412 → 413] plays the very same role in the culture of cover-up and he plays the very same role in the [ 413 → 427] in other news the Vatican is currently hosting a conference on I'm not making this up on [ 427 → 435] meteorite care the conference was called by the Vatican Observatory and is taking place at the [ 435 → 442] papal summer residence at Castel Gandolfo from September 10th through the 13th yeah well I mean [ 442 → 443] obviously I'm not going to be able to do that but I'm going to be able to do that because I'm [ 443 → 447] obviously we all need to know how to take care of our meteorite collections right [ 447 → 454] according to a report by the Associated Press published on Crux on September 10th quote [ 454 → 459] the community of curators has been trying to organize itself for many years [ 459 → 465] this workshop represents a wonderful opportunity for us and I'm excited and [ 465 → 472] pleased that the Vatican Observatory can host such an important meeting said Jesuit brother [ 472 → 480] Robert Mackey the curator of the Vatican meteorite collection and one of the organizers of the [ 480 → 487] workshop for years meteorite curators have had to figure things out independently now we are [ 487 → 497] finally coming together as a community Mackey said in a statement unquote well you know I think it's [ 497 → 502] good that these guys have found something to keep them busy found a nice hobby [ 502 → 508] that's wholesome you know because when they're worrying about meteorites they're at least not [ 508 → 515] attempting to do theology okay so let's just hope that they'll do a lot more stuff like this [ 515 → 522] in the future by the way in case you're wondering why the Vatican would be interested in caring for [ 522 → 529] meteorites I have an idea maybe it's because they're expecting a few more of them to arrive [ 529 → 532] in the near future they'd certainly have a reason to do that but I'm not sure if they're [ 532 → 539] reason to Tradcast Express is a production of Novos Ordo Watch check us out at tradcast.org [ 539 → 543] and if you like what we're doing please consider making a tax-deductible contribution [ 543 → 547] at 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