[ 0 → 19] Tradcast Express it's Monday October 1st 2018 Francis wants you to pray the rosary in October [ 19 → 26] to protect the church from the devil in a communique released September 29th the Vatican [ 26 → 32] press office states quote the Holy Father has decided to invite all the faithful of all the [ 32 → 39] world to pray the holy rosary every day during the entire Marian month of October and thus to [ 39 → 46] join in communion and in penitence as the people of God in asking the Holy Mother of God and Saint [ 46 → 51] Michael the Archangel to protect the church from the devil who always seeks to separate us from [ 51 → 56] God and from each other the prayer the pontiff affirmed a few days ago on September [ 56 → 64] 11th in a homily at Santa Marta citing the first book of Job is the weapon against the great accuser [ 64 → 73] who goes around the world seeking to accuse only prayer can defeat him unquote isn't it absolutely [ 73 → 82] amazing how traditional Francis can suddenly be with just a little encouragement from Carlo Maria [ 82 → 86] Viganò hey look if Michael Voris hadn't [ 86 → 93] already come out with all guns blazing against Francis he would probably now be releasing a [ 93 → 100] vortex along the lines of the Holy Father has asked every Catholic to put on his combat boots [ 100 → 108] and get engaged in spiritual warfare Pope Francis is urging every soldier of Christ to do his duty [ 108 → 113] and fight the devil and we here at church militant are stepping up to the plate and fighting for our [ 113 → 116] church against every diabolical attack [ 116 → 126] or something like that but now of course that probably wouldn't fly hey times change okay remember [ 126 → 133] this clip from the vortex Pope Francis talks like a pope like the successor to Saint Peter [ 133 → 140] well that was then Francis must not realize it but with this latest call for prayer against the [ 140 → 145] attacks of the devil I think the unholy father is not doing himself a favor here [ 146 → 152] I think he's making himself look rather foolish because I mean who can't see through this charade [ 152 → 159] so now he's worried about turbulence in a sect well he's the one who told the youth in Rio de [ 159 → 166] Janeiro to make a mess ah yeah well but of course that's not the kind of mess he had in mind you see [ 166 → 173] well that's just too bad too bad Francis be careful what you wish for you know it's the same [ 173 → 176] way with the god surprises that he's having a lot of trouble with you know he's got a lot of [ 176 → 183] to be open to well he got his own surprise a month ago when Vigano released his first testimony [ 183 → 191] letter was he open to that surprise of course not then Mr. Talkative fell utterly silent [ 191 → 199] and only shot at the great accuser from behind the pulpit which by the way is now also silent [ 199 → 204] did you hear about that yeah the same day that Vigano published his second testimony letter [ 204 → 206] September 27th and he was the one who was the one who was the one who was the one who was the one who [ 206 → 211] the Vatican announced that Francis was taking a break from his daily preaching for a while [ 211 → 223] I wonder why oh what a madhouse all right catching up now uh on some older news on July 5th [ 223 → 229] the so-called National Catholic Register reported on a new book by Chilean author [ 229 → 236] Jose Antonio Lloreta which is being released in English on October 24th [ 236 → 243] the book is entitled Pope Francis' Paradigm Shift Continuity or Rupture in the Mission of the Church [ 243 → 251] an assessment of his pontificate's first five years and what's interesting about this is that [ 251 → 259] this book actually mentions however briefly Sedevacantism in its chapter 10 entitled it is [ 259 → 266] to resist this work presents as the great middle way between following Francis on the [ 266 → 273] one hand and rejecting him outright as an imposter on the other the position of resistance recognize [ 273 → 280] Francis as a true pope but resist him in his errors and that's justified the author claims [ 280 → 288] because those things Francis needs to be resisted on do not involve infallibility in other words the [ 288 → 296] same toxic old resistance fair is being heated up once more and is being resold as a great dish [ 296 → 305] with the most healthful ingredients for our souls the it's not infallible argument is one of the [ 305 → 311] oldest and biggest red herrings you can find in all this controversy but what Lloreta proposes here [ 311 → 319] is not only old it's above all false argumentation because it assumes incorrectly that the Catholic [ 319 → 325] magisterium is only binding when it's infallible and that is false [ 326 → 331] and we've addressed that many times in the past on our website and in various podcasts but [ 331 → 337] let me briefly say it again everything the Catholic church teaches on faith [ 337 → 345] or morals in her magisterium whether fallible or infallible is binding on Catholics with very [ 345 → 351] few exceptions and we don't even need to get into what those exceptions are because they don't apply [ 351 → 356] to people like you and me anyway and even where dissent is permitted [ 356 → 365] it is only an internal dissent that is permitted not an external one so anyway the reason why we [ 365 → 370] have an obligation to ascend even to what the church teaches fallibly where error is possible [ 370 → 378] is that it is nevertheless the teaching of the Catholic church which was instituted by Jesus [ 378 → 386] Christ to be our teacher in matters of faith and morals the authority of the church is not rooted [ 386 → 386] in her infallibility it is only an internal dissent that is permitted not an external one [ 386 → 394] inability to err but in her being the divinely appointed teacher but hey don't take my word for [ 394 → 401] it take it from canon george smith whose excellent article must i believe it can still be found [ 401 → 410] online it's from 1935 here is how canon smith explains the church's teaching on this quote [ 410 → 415] herein lies the source of the obligation to believe what the church teaches [ 415 → 416] the church possesses the right to believe and to believe what the church teaches [ 416 → 423] the divine commission to teach and hence there arises in the faithful a moral obligation to [ 423 → 429] believe which is founded ultimately not upon the infallibility of the church but upon god's [ 429 → 437] sovereign right to the submission and intellectual allegiance of his creatures it is the god-given [ 437 → 443] right of the church to teach and therefore it is the bounden duty of the faithful to believe [ 443 → 445] unquote that's it [ 446 → 453] so this whole oh well it's not infallible argument is a complete distraction it has nothing [ 453 → 461] ultimately to do with anything fallible or not it is always christ's church who teaches [ 461 → 469] but um we really need not worry about any errors in any possible errors in non-infallible teaching [ 469 → 476] because such errors can never be harmful they could never threaten our salvation and that's [ 476 → 484] another thing uh people like uretta you know recognizing resistors like him usually tend to [ 484 → 491] lump it all together they assume incorrectly that if something is not guaranteed to be free from [ 491 → 497] error then it's also not guaranteed to be free from heresy or that it can lead in some other way [ 497 → 505] to our spiritual ruin but that's false it doesn't follow because not all error is the same think of [ 505 → 506] it this way [ 506 → 512] if i tell you that the drink in my glass is not guaranteed to be free from soda [ 512 → 520] then that means that it might contain soda but to say that it therefore could contain [ 520 → 528] coca-cola specifically is a different claim altogether by the way the pdf of uretta's book [ 528 → 534] has already been released through a novus ordo group called the american society for the defense [ 534 → 536] of tradition family and the pdf of uretta's book has already been released through a novus ordo group [ 536 → 544] if you briefly flip through the chapter it is licit to resist chapter 10 you see it's just more of the [ 544 → 551] same old long refuted arguments about saint paul resisting saint peter to his face the bellarmine [ 551 → 557] quote about resisting a pope taken out of context of course the vatican one quote about the holy [ 557 → 563] ghost not being given to teach new doctrines misinterpreted as merely a normative rule to [ 563 → 566] be followed rather than a truth describing the truth of the holy ghost not being given to teach [ 566 → 573] the papacy the misuse of the canon of saint vincent all addressed refuted and explained [ 573 → 581] on our website novus ordo watch.org as always ladies and gentlemen the linchpin to all this [ 581 → 588] madness is the belief that francis is in fact the pope and likewise his novus ordo predecessors [ 588 → 595] that is what is driving all of this tortured pseudo-theology about resistance this and [ 595 → 596] non-infallible that [ 596 → 605] that pin is what holds the whole madhouse together and yet people are hanging on to it for dear life [ 605 → 613] in his interview published in the register ureda says that sadovacanism is not a solution [ 613 → 622] well it may not be the cure for the disease but it is the correct diagnosis and any and all cures [ 622 → 624] start with that [ 624 → 626] Tradcast Express is a production of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [ 626 → 627] with the support of Novus Ordo Watch [ 627 → 630] check us out at tradcast.org [ 630 → 634] and if you like what we're doing please consider making a tax-deductible contribution [ 634 → 637] at novusortowatch.org [ 637 → 638] slash donate