[ 0 → 4] TrapCast Express [ 4 → 14] TrapCast Express, it's Wednesday, October 17th, 2018. [ 15 → 17] You've really got to feel bad for Francis. [ 18 → 27] He's tried everything he possibly can to prove to the semi-traditionalists that he is not the Pope of the Catholic Church, but to no avail. [ 27 → 35] The frequent heresies and blasphemies, the contempt shown for our Lord and our Lady, the claim that Christ made himself the devil, [ 36 → 45] the assertion that sometimes God desires people to commit adultery, the candid admission that his ecumenism of blood may be heretical, [ 45 → 53] his comment that God does not exist, the non-stop naturalism and indifferentism that emanate from his lips, [ 53 → 56] his reduction of the gospel to the corporal works of mercy, [ 57 → 61] his canonization of John Paul II and John XXIII as saints, [ 61 → 64] the relentless attacks on rigid Christians, [ 65 → 69] his repeated claim that faith without works is not true faith, [ 69 → 72] his comment that he is the devil, [ 72 → 74] his denial of hell, [ 74 → 78] his declaration that the death penalty is per se contrary to the gospel, [ 79 → 85] his use of a sorcerer's staff for a crozier at the opening mass of the youth synod, and on and on. [ 86 → 86] All these are justifications. [ 87 → 90] Just not enough to convince the Semitrads. [ 90 → 94] But now, the latest attempt to prove he's not the Pope. [ 94 → 99] He officially declared Paul VI to be a saint of the Catholic Church. [ 100 → 107] Paul VI, Giovanni Battista Montini, or as we sometimes call him, Formaldehyde Paul. [ 108 → 113] That's the apostate bishop who claimed to be Pope from 1963 until 1978, [ 113 → 117] and is the one individual most responsible, [ 117 → 122] for the wicked new church that the world has known since roughly the Second Vatican Council. [ 123 → 127] The Vatican II Church is essentially the creation of Paul VI. [ 128 → 131] His predecessor, John XXIII, had laid the groundwork. [ 132 → 136] And after Paul's death in 1978, his successors developed and perfected it all, [ 137 → 142] but he, Paul VI, is the one who really codified and properly instituted the whole thing. [ 143 → 147] No wonder that he died the way he did on August 6th, [ 147 → 148] 1978. [ 149 → 153] Biographer Peter Heblithwaite writes about that day in his 1993 book, [ 153 → 155] Paul VI, the First Modern Pope, quote, [ 156 → 159] As mass ends, Paul has a massive heart attack. [ 160 → 163] It is as though he had exploded from within. [ 164 → 169] Reverend John McGee thinks he would have been thrown out of bed had his hand not been held. [ 170 → 170] Unquote. [ 171 → 176] As his body was transported from the papal summer residence at Castel Gandolfo to the Vatican, [ 177 → 180] Paul VI's body started decomposing very rapidly. [ 181 → 185] So much so that his body had to be injected with more formaldehyde [ 185 → 190] because his rotting corpse stunk so badly that they couldn't have held the funeral otherwise. [ 191 → 194] As he was lying in state in St. Peter's Basilica, [ 194 → 196] his skin began to turn dark, [ 196 → 199] and his odor of sanctity was so overwhelming [ 199 → 203] that fans had to be installed to keep people from falling into ecstasy, [ 204 → 205] if you know what I mean. [ 206 → 206] Yes, [ 206 → 208] this is part of the historical record, [ 208 → 213] and we even bothered to purchase the rights to be allowed to display the full picture [ 213 → 216] of his lying in state on our website, [ 216 → 220] where one big fan is visible right in front of his body. [ 220 → 222] You can read about and see that [ 222 → 223] if you go to [ 223 → 232] and click on the post dated October 14th entitled [ 232 → 235] A Tribute to Paul VI. [ 236 → 239] The supposed sainthood of Paul VI, [ 239 → 241] now declared officially by Francis, [ 242 → 244] is simply the latest definitive proof [ 244 → 248] that Francis cannot be the Pope of the Catholic Church. [ 248 → 250] The semi-traditionalists, [ 250 → 254] realizing that and not wanting to admit that Francis is not a true Pope, [ 255 → 257] of course have tried to find a way around this. [ 258 → 260] So we are once again hearing from them, [ 260 → 264] as we did years ago when John Paul II and John XXIII were canonized, [ 265 → 266] that either canonizations, [ 266 → 267] are not infallible, [ 268 → 269] or even if they are, [ 269 → 271] they don't really mean anything [ 271 → 273] other than that the canonized saint [ 273 → 275] somehow made it to heaven, [ 275 → 278] despite the sinful and scandalous life [ 278 → 279] he may have led. [ 280 → 282] This is the impious nonsense [ 282 → 285] non-Sedevacanist traditionalists are forced to argue [ 285 → 288] simply because they want to avoid the conclusion [ 288 → 290] of Sedevacantism. [ 291 → 293] And so they believe that a church [ 293 → 296] that can hold up an apostate destroyer of Catholicism, [ 296 → 298] such as Paul VI, [ 298 → 300] for the veneration and imitation of the faithful, [ 301 → 302] that's not a problem [ 302 → 305] and does not contradict the infallibility, [ 305 → 306] authority, [ 306 → 308] or even credibility of the church. [ 308 → 310] They would rather hold that [ 310 → 314] than to say that this blaspheming heretic, [ 314 → 315] Jorge Bergoglio, [ 315 → 317] who goes by the stage name of Francis, [ 317 → 320] is not the Pope of the Catholic Church. [ 320 → 322] It simply defies belief. [ 323 → 325] But while the semi-trads at the remnant, [ 325 → 326] one Peter, [ 326 → 329] five Catholic family news and wherever else, [ 329 → 331] will tell you that you don't have to [ 331 → 333] believe Paul VI is a saint, [ 333 → 335] the even bigger question for them is, [ 336 → 339] is one allowed to consider him a saint? [ 339 → 341] Is one allowed to venerate him, [ 342 → 342] imitate him, [ 343 → 345] and pray to him for intercession? [ 345 → 346] And of course, [ 346 → 348] for their position to be meaningful at all, [ 349 → 350] they would have to say no, [ 350 → 352] that that is not permitted either. [ 353 → 355] But then they have an insurmountable problem [ 355 → 356] because, [ 356 → 357] the person they insist [ 357 → 359] is the vicar of Christ [ 359 → 362] decreed the following three days ago. [ 363 → 363] Quote, [ 364 → 366] For the honor of the Blessed Trinity, [ 367 → 369] the exaltation of the Catholic faith, [ 369 → 371] and the increase of the Christian life [ 371 → 374] by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ [ 374 → 376] and of the holy apostles Peter and Paul [ 376 → 377] and our own, [ 378 → 380] after due deliberation and frequent prayer [ 380 → 381] for divine assistance, [ 382 → 383] and having sought the counsel [ 383 → 385] of many of our brother bishops, [ 385 → 386] we declare, [ 386 → 387] and define, [ 388 → 389] blessed Paul VI, [ 390 → 391] and he mentions six others, [ 392 → 393] to be saints, [ 393 → 395] and we enroll them among the saints, [ 396 → 399] decreeing that they are to be venerated as such [ 399 → 400] by the whole church, [ 401 → 402] in the name of the Father, [ 402 → 403] and of the Son, [ 403 → 405] and of the Holy Spirit. [ 405 → 406] Unquote. [ 406 → 408] So then the question is, [ 408 → 410] how can you say that [ 410 → 412] not only is one not bound to, [ 412 → 414] but one is not even allowed to [ 414 → 416] hold that Paul VI [ 416 → 416] is a saint [ 416 → 418] and is to be venerated [ 418 → 419] as one by the whole church? [ 420 → 422] Remember, according to them, [ 422 → 423] Francis is a true pope. [ 424 → 425] And that would mean [ 425 → 427] that the vicar of Christ, [ 427 → 428] about whom Christ said, [ 428 → 430] he who hears you hears me, [ 430 → 431] in Luke 10, 16, [ 431 → 433] that the vicar of Christ [ 433 → 435] just declared Giovanni Montini [ 435 → 438] for the honor of the Holy Trinity, [ 438 → 440] for the exaltation of the true faith, [ 441 → 442] and by the authority [ 442 → 444] of the holy apostles Peter and Paul [ 444 → 446] to be a saintly, [ 446 → 447] saint to be venerated [ 447 → 449] by all Catholics. [ 450 → 452] You can't just go in there [ 452 → 453] and say, well, I disagree. [ 454 → 456] If Francis is a true pope, [ 456 → 459] then this is an infallible decree. [ 459 → 461] The words alone show that. [ 462 → 463] At the very least, [ 463 → 465] it's authoritative and binding [ 465 → 467] and not subject to review [ 467 → 470] by your favorite columnist, [ 470 → 472] blogger, lawyer, or even cleric. [ 473 → 475] The papacy has consequences [ 475 → 476] to a faith that is not [ 476 → 476] a true pope. [ 476 → 477] If you affirm that Francis [ 477 → 478] is a true pope, [ 478 → 479] you must affirm of him [ 479 → 481] everything the church teaches [ 481 → 482] about the pope [ 482 → 485] and not just mention his name [ 485 → 485] in the mass [ 485 → 487] and say a few prayers for him [ 487 → 488] and put up as a picture [ 488 → 488] in the sacristy. [ 490 → 491] Now, of course, [ 491 → 492] the argument is made [ 492 → 493] that these canonizations [ 493 → 494] are not infallible [ 494 → 496] or not authoritative [ 496 → 496] or whatever [ 496 → 498] because the vetting process [ 498 → 500] for saints has been changed [ 500 → 502] so much since Vatican II [ 502 → 504] and really watered down [ 504 → 505] and therefore, [ 505 → 506] it's no longer valid. [ 506 → 506] It's no longer reliable. [ 508 → 509] And Chris Ferrara [ 509 → 510] just argued as much [ 510 → 511] in his latest [ 511 → 512] Fatima Perspectives column. [ 513 → 514] The problem with that argument [ 514 → 516] is that the infallibility [ 516 → 517] or authority [ 517 → 519] of the canonization of saints [ 519 → 520] is not based [ 520 → 521] upon the vetting process, [ 521 → 523] no matter how good [ 523 → 524] or bad it may be. [ 525 → 526] It's based upon [ 526 → 528] the infallibility [ 528 → 529] and authority [ 529 → 530] of the Catholic Church. [ 531 → 532] No process, [ 532 → 534] no matter how rigorous [ 534 → 534] and thorough [ 534 → 535] will ever be [ 535 → 536] infallible. [ 537 → 538] What's infallible [ 538 → 540] is the papal declaration. [ 541 → 542] The same goes [ 542 → 543] for the definition [ 543 → 544] of a dogma. [ 544 → 545] Before proclaiming [ 545 → 546] a dogma, [ 546 → 547] the Pope will commission [ 547 → 549] all kinds of theological [ 549 → 550] and historical research. [ 551 → 552] And he will ask the Church [ 552 → 554] to join him in prayer. [ 554 → 555] But in the end, [ 555 → 557] the dogmatic pronouncement [ 557 → 557] is guaranteed [ 557 → 559] by the infallibility [ 559 → 560] that God has granted [ 560 → 561] to his Pope [ 561 → 562] and his Church. [ 563 → 563] And so, [ 563 → 565] just as the infallibility [ 565 → 565] of the definition of the dogma [ 565 → 566] and the definitions [ 566 → 567] of the Immaculate Conception [ 567 → 568] and the Assumption, [ 568 → 569] for example, [ 569 → 570] is not rooted [ 570 → 572] in the theological research [ 572 → 573] done in preparation for them, [ 574 → 575] neither is the infallibility [ 575 → 577] of canonizations [ 577 → 578] based on the vetting process, [ 579 → 580] which is necessarily [ 580 → 582] always liable to error [ 582 → 584] because it is a human process. [ 585 → 586] All right, [ 586 → 587] let's move to something else [ 587 → 588] here before we go. [ 588 → 590] When Francis visited [ 590 → 592] the Baltic States last month, [ 592 → 593] as is his custom, [ 593 → 594] he met with the Jesuits there [ 594 → 595] and had a conversation with them. [ 595 → 595] And he said, [ 595 → 596] and had a little [ 596 → 597] question and answer session. [ 598 → 600] Here's one of the things he said. [ 601 → 601] Quote, [ 601 → 603] What needs to be done today [ 603 → 605] is to accompany the Church [ 605 → 607] in a deep spiritual renewal. [ 607 → 609] I believe the Lord [ 609 → 611] wants a change in the Church. [ 611 → 612] I have said many times [ 612 → 614] that a perversion of the Church [ 614 → 616] today is clericalism. [ 617 → 618] But 50 years ago, [ 619 → 620] the Second Vatican Council [ 620 → 621] said this clearly. [ 621 → 624] The Church is the people of God. [ 624 → 625] Read number, [ 625 → 626] 12 of Lumen Gentium. [ 627 → 628] I know that the Lord [ 628 → 629] wants the Council [ 629 → 630] to make headway in the Church. [ 631 → 632] Historians tell us [ 632 → 634] that it takes 100 years [ 634 → 636] for Council to be applied. [ 636 → 637] We are halfway there. [ 638 → 639] So if you want to help me, [ 640 → 641] do whatever it takes [ 641 → 643] to move the Council forward [ 643 → 644] in the Church. [ 644 → 645] Unquote. [ 646 → 647] So that's it. [ 647 → 649] What we need is [ 649 → 651] more Vatican II. [ 652 → 652] Obviously. [ 653 → 654] I mean, [ 654 → 655] what else is there? [ 655 → 658] And finally rid the Church [ 658 → 659] of that wicked perversion [ 659 → 660] of clericalism [ 660 → 662] because Vatican II [ 662 → 663] obviously trumps [ 663 → 665] Christ's institution [ 665 → 666] of the Church as a hierarchy. [ 667 → 668] So finally, [ 668 → 669] some good old renewal [ 669 → 670] is in order. [ 672 → 674] Since the 1960s, [ 674 → 676] they've been renewing [ 676 → 677] the Church nonstop. [ 678 → 679] And now that they're looking [ 679 → 681] at the mess they made, [ 681 → 683] they're calling for renewal. [ 684 → 685] Folks, [ 685 → 686] they must think [ 686 → 687] we're all idiots. [ 688 → 689] But don't worry. [ 689 → 690] I'm pretty sure [ 690 → 691] the Novus Ordo sect [ 691 → 692] will not be around [ 692 → 694] in 50 years. [ 695 → 696] There's just no way. [ 696 → 697] They don't reproduce. [ 698 → 699] They don't attract vocations. [ 700 → 701] They're the epitome [ 701 → 703] of irrelevance in society. [ 703 → 705] And they're filled to the brim [ 705 → 706] with heresy, [ 706 → 707] sacrilege, [ 707 → 708] blasphemy, [ 708 → 709] and moral corruption. [ 710 → 711] And their solution [ 711 → 712] to every problem [ 712 → 714] is more Vatican II. [ 715 → 715] Well, [ 716 → 717] Saint Paul VI [ 717 → 720] would certainly be impressed. [ 721 → 722] Tradcast Express [ 722 → 723] is a production of [ 723 → 724] Novus Ordo Watch. [ 724 → 725] Check us out at [ 725 → 726] tradcast.org [ 726 → 728] and if you like what we're doing, [ 728 → 729] please consider making [ 729 → 730] a tax-deductible contribution [ 730 → 731] at [ 731 → 733] novusortowatch.org [ 733 → 734] slash donate.