[ 0 → 4] Tradcast Express [ 4 → 15] Tradcast Express, it's Tuesday, November 27th, 2018. [ 15 → 20] Francis has had enough of the perversion in Novos Ordo seminaries. [ 21 → 24] Meeting with Italian seminarians on November 24th, [ 24 → 30] Francis pulled no punches and courageously denounced the perversion of clericalism. [ 31 → 37] Having set aside his prepared remarks, the Argentinian apostate addressed the seminarians off the cuff [ 37 → 38] and told them, quote, [ 39 → 43] Clericalism, my dear ones, is our ugliest perversion. [ 44 → 50] The Lord wants you to be shepherds, shepherds of the people, not clerics of the state, unquote, [ 50 → 54] according to a report published yesterday by Crux. [ 55 → 60] Now, as we all know, the United States and other nations, such as Chile, Argentina, and Germany, [ 60 → 67] have recently been swept by accusations of or investigations into alleged cover-up of clericalism. [ 68 → 74] But we all know, too, of course, that that is not the only big problem in the Vatican II Church in our day. [ 74 → 81] There is another, no less dangerous and no less foul evil that this institution is afflicted with, [ 82 → 84] and Francis is not afraid to address it. [ 84 → 85] He is not afraid to address the matter head-on. [ 86 → 87] You know what I'm talking about. [ 88 → 88] Gossip. [ 89 → 89] Quote, [ 90 → 106] And again, this, too, from the same report published yesterday by Crux. [ 107 → 108] And so, there we have it. [ 108 → 113] The two greatest evils among seminarians, clericalism and gossip. [ 114 → 114] Let's go. [ 114 → 118] Kind of like visiting North Korea and then announcing that the biggest problem there [ 118 → 122] is the dirt that gathers inside their hotel's elevator shafts. [ 122 → 128] By the way, Francis conveniently never defines what he actually means by clericalism. [ 128 → 131] But just his choice of terminology here speaks volumes. [ 132 → 137] In the past, the label clericalism was always used by the fiercest enemies of the Church. [ 138 → 144] In his 1886 book, Liberalism is a Sin, which has the explicit endorsement [ 144 → 146] of the Sacred Congregation of the Index. [ 147 → 153] Under Pope Leo XIII, Father Felix Sarda Isolvani notes that the Church's adversaries, [ 154 → 154] quote, [ 154 → 163] Unquote. [ 163 → 165] Well, how about that? [ 166 → 172] This quote and many more with an in-depth historical investigation into the accusation of clericalism [ 172 → 173] against the Catholic Church. [ 173 → 177] You can find it on our blog, where we recently posted an article entitled [ 177 → 180] Bergoglio and Anti-Clericalism. [ 181 → 182] You can find it at [ 182 → 189] Look for the post dated November 21st. [ 190 → 196] In other news, the website Where Peter Is, which is a veritable shrine for Bergoglio worship, [ 197 → 201] published a post today in which author Brian Killian argues that [ 201 → 203] people shouldn't complain that Francis causes [ 203 → 208] confusion and unclarity because that's how things have always been in the Church, and [ 208 → 214] it's not the Church's job to, you know, give you clear truth and perfectly understandable [ 214 → 214] propositions. [ 215 → 216] And so he says, quote, [ 216 → 223] Our convictions and our certainty come from communion with Christ and with each other, [ 223 → 228] not from a set of doctrines that are guaranteed to provide perfect understanding. [ 228 → 233] And our conviction and certainty is not in the form of clear and distinct ideas. [ 233 → 235] Unquote. [ 236 → 242] Boy, has this man been drinking deeply from the poisonous fountain of the new theology. [ 243 → 249] The whole reason why God established a church and commissioned his apostles and their successors [ 249 → 256] to teach all nations is so that they would know what to believe and how to act. [ 256 → 261] Clarity and precision is the hallmark of sound Catholic theology. [ 261 → 263] In his letter to the Ephesians, [ 263 → 265] St. Paul wrote that God, quote, [ 266 → 272] gave some apostles and some prophets and other some evangelists and other some pastors and doctors [ 272 → 279] that henceforth we be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of [ 279 → 286] doctrine by the wickedness of men, by cunning craftiness, by which they lie in wait to deceive. [ 286 → 287] Unquote. [ 287 → 290] And that's Ephesians 4, verses 11 and 14. [ 290 → 293] In 1907, Pope St. Pius XII, [ 293 → 298] condemned the modernist contention that dogmas are not truths fallen from heaven. [ 299 → 300] See, Denzinger 2022. [ 301 → 307] And in 1794, Pope Pius VI had written in the Apostolic Constitution, Autorem Fide, [ 307 → 310] that the principal glory of a council, quote, [ 310 → 317] consists above all in teaching the truth with clarity and excluding all danger of error. [ 318 → 318] Unquote. [ 319 → 323] It really shouldn't be difficult to see that if we are to know, [ 323 → 323] and understand, [ 323 → 327] divine revelation as much as is humanly possible, [ 327 → 331] then this is not facilitated by confusion and ambiguity, [ 332 → 333] especially not the deliberate kind, [ 334 → 336] which is the hallmark of heretics. [ 337 → 341] Rather, we ought to have concepts that are clear and precise. [ 342 → 345] So when Francis says time is greater than space, [ 346 → 347] what does that tell you? [ 348 → 350] Yeah, I didn't think so. [ 350 → 353] Actually says a lot about him, but that's another matter. [ 353 → 356] You know, it's sad that intelligent people like this Brian Killian [ 356 → 359] are reduced to arguing such hogwash, [ 360 → 365] which they're basically forced to do because they insist that Francis is the Pope [ 365 → 368] and that the Vatican II sect is the Catholic Church. [ 368 → 373] And so somehow they just must find a way to explain it all. [ 374 → 377] And of course, all they're doing in the end is rationalizing. [ 377 → 379] It's rationalizing ad nauseum. [ 379 → 382] And that's tragic because they're not only, [ 382 → 383] fooling themselves, [ 384 → 386] but also many of their readers. [ 387 → 388] Now, speaking of fooling one's readers, [ 389 → 392] did you see what was posted at The Remnant yesterday [ 392 → 393] under the title [ 393 → 402] Yes, The Remnant is always very good at identifying apostasy. [ 402 → 406] They just never see any apostates, [ 406 → 410] at least not when it comes to the guy that's ultimately in charge of it all. [ 411 → 412] You know, the one in the white cassock. [ 412 → 414] But that's not even my main point now. [ 415 → 419] What I want to focus on instead is what is said in this post [ 419 → 421] regarding the Novus Ordo Church. [ 422 → 425] The article is a reprint from April 2003. [ 425 → 429] So it's over 15 years old, but that's not even relevant. [ 430 → 434] Notice what the author, his name is given as Patricius Anthony. [ 435 → 438] Notice what the author says here, quote, [ 438 → 442] The extreme gravity of the current situation, therefore, [ 442 → 447] dictates that for Catholics who seek the salvation of their immortal souls, [ 448 → 449] the whole purpose of life, [ 449 → 453] there can be no compromise, involvement, or debate [ 453 → 455] with the counterfeit church, [ 455 → 460] as one sage traditional priest has labeled the Novus Ordo. [ 460 → 464] The entire apparatus, with its sacraments and the new mass, [ 464 → 465] is rotten to the core. [ 466 → 469] And while it may still masquerade as Catholic, [ 469 → 471] it has deliberately disobeyed [ 471 → 476] nearly all that its divine founder commanded it to do. [ 476 → 477] Unquote. [ 477 → 479] Now that is exactly right. [ 480 → 481] There's just one problem. [ 482 → 484] The remnant and their followers believe [ 484 → 489] that what has just been so aptly described as a counterfeit church, [ 489 → 493] they believe that that is the true Roman Catholic church [ 493 → 495] founded by the Lord Jesus Christ, [ 495 → 500] who promised that the gates of hell will not prevail against it. [ 501 → 503] But if that description is accurate, [ 504 → 507] then the Vatican II sect cannot be the Catholic church, [ 507 → 511] for the Catholic church cannot give false or rotten sacraments, [ 512 → 514] nor can she masquerade as Catholic [ 514 → 518] or put the eternal salvation of the immortal souls [ 518 → 520] under her care in danger. [ 521 → 525] And yet, whenever people draw this necessary conclusion, [ 526 → 529] Editor-in-Chief Michael Matt and the rest of the remnant crowd [ 529 → 530] start to say, [ 530 → 534] No, no, no, you cannot abandon the church now. [ 534 → 536] You don't get to just walk away. [ 536 → 538] You need to stay and fight. [ 539 → 543] Remember what Matt said in his remnant video on papolatry [ 543 → 546] that he published on March 9th, 2017? [ 546 → 548] Here, I've got the sound clip ready for you. [ 549 → 549] Take a listen. [ 550 → 551] St. Athanasius, obviously, [ 552 → 553] he didn't give up on the church [ 553 → 556] when it was in control of the Arians, [ 556 → 558] and neither are we going to give up on the church now [ 558 → 559] when it's in the control of the modernists. [ 560 → 561] We don't get to give up [ 561 → 563] just because it's really, really bad right now. [ 563 → 567] And that was Michael Matt on March 9th, 2017. [ 567 → 571] The clip began at the 19-minute, 7-second mark. [ 572 → 575] And yet, in the post published yesterday, [ 576 → 578] the remnant is once again back to saying, [ 579 → 579] let me quote again, [ 580 → 581] quote, [ 581 → 586] there can be no compromise, involvement, or debate [ 586 → 588] with the counterfeit church, unquote. [ 588 → 590] So which is it, Mr. Matt? [ 590 → 593] Are you supposed to stick around and fight [ 593 → 594] because it's the true church? [ 595 → 596] Or is it a false church [ 596 → 599] and there cannot be any involvement with it? [ 599 → 600] And now don't say, [ 600 → 603] oh, it's just the human element of the church. [ 604 → 605] Yeah, human element, my eye. [ 606 → 608] We're talking about the official doctrine, [ 609 → 611] the official sacraments, [ 611 → 615] and everything else that pertains to the glory of God [ 615 → 616] and the salvation of souls. [ 616 → 619] That, Mr. Matt, is the divine element. [ 620 → 622] If that were the human element, [ 622 → 624] well, there would be nothing left to constitute the divine. [ 625 → 627] And so we know that it is a false church. [ 628 → 630] It brings damnation, not salvation. [ 631 → 635] And so we, Sedevacanis, have simply put two and two together [ 635 → 638] and we've run away from this infernal pseudo-church [ 638 → 639] kicking and screaming [ 639 → 644] because it absolutely cannot be the church founded [ 644 → 646] by Jesus Christ, our Lord. [ 646 → 649] And if we want to summarize in one simple sentence, [ 649 → 649] let's do it. [ 649 → 650] Let's do it. [ 650 → 651] But the remnant can understand [ 651 → 656] why the Novus Ordo Church cannot be the Catholic Church. [ 656 → 657] It's this. [ 658 → 659] It's the apostasy. [ 660 → 660] Stupid. [ 661 → 664] Tradcast Express is a production of Novus Ordo Watch. [ 664 → 666] Check us out at tradcast.org. [ 667 → 668] And if you like what we're doing, [ 668 → 671] please consider making a tax-deductible contribution [ 671 → 674] at novusordowatch.org slash donate.