[ 0 → 4] Tradcast Express [ 4 → 15] Tradcast Express, it's Thursday, January 10th, 2019. [ 16 → 19] Today, Pope Francis sent out a tweet that says, [ 19 → 24] The spirit of the world is conquered with a spirit of faith, [ 24 → 29] believing that God is really in the brother and sister who are close to me. [ 30 → 35] While that figures, Francis mentions the importance and necessity of faith [ 35 → 41] not for attaining eternal salvation, but rather to push one of his favorite talking points, [ 42 → 45] namely serving man, humanity. [ 45 → 49] Yep, for Francis, God is merely the means to an end. [ 49 → 56] The end is man, it's all about man, and he uses, or rather misuses, God to that end. [ 56 → 60] Being a naturalist, Francis' ultimate focus is on earthly, [ 60 → 64] earthly life, not on attaining the beatific vision. [ 65 → 69] Now, let's recall that the greatest commandment is the love of God for his own sake. [ 70 → 75] And the second greatest commandment is the love of neighbor for the sake of God, [ 76 → 77] not for the sake of the neighbor. [ 78 → 81] Man was made for God and not God for man. [ 82 → 88] But Francis inverts this and makes everything ultimately about man and his temporal life on earth. [ 88 → 90] And that's why he's always concerned. [ 90 → 92] He's always concerned with making the world a better place, [ 93 → 98] getting plastic out of oceans, opening showers for the homeless in St. Peter's Square, and so on. [ 98 → 99] Now, don't get me wrong. [ 100 → 105] Of course, we must help alleviate the sufferings of our fellow men as far as possible [ 105 → 110] because Christ commanded it, and we cannot truly love God without loving our neighbor, [ 111 → 112] who was made by God. [ 112 → 117] But the motive must ultimately always be the service of God [ 117 → 120] and not the service of man. [ 120 → 121] For man's sake. [ 122 → 124] This world is not our home. [ 124 → 126] It is only a temporary place. [ 127 → 129] And when all of history comes to an end, [ 129 → 132] all souls will be reunited to their bodies, [ 132 → 134] some to glory, some to shame. [ 134 → 137] And every single person who was ever created [ 137 → 140] will either spend eternity in heaven, [ 141 → 143] those who died in sanctifying grace, [ 143 → 144] or in hell, [ 145 → 146] those who died in mortal sin, [ 147 → 149] or in the limbo of infants, [ 149 → 150] those who died in, [ 150 → 151] original sin only. [ 152 → 153] That's it. [ 153 → 157] So all our efforts with regard to making the world a better place [ 157 → 160] have to keep that final goal in mind, [ 160 → 163] the beatific vision of God in heaven. [ 163 → 167] Everything else has to be subordinated to that ultimate goal [ 167 → 170] because that is the reason why we were created. [ 170 → 175] We were made by God in order to enjoy Him eternally in heaven. [ 176 → 177] And if we miss that goal, [ 177 → 180] then nothing else we ever did matters. [ 181 → 182] If we don't make it to heaven, [ 183 → 185] we will be an eternal failure [ 185 → 187] and the very purpose of our existence [ 187 → 190] will be forever frustrated. [ 191 → 194] Now, if this isn't what you've been hearing from Pope Francis, [ 195 → 196] well, there's a reason for that. [ 196 → 198] The man is not a Catholic. [ 199 → 201] Now, he will, of course, on rare occasion, [ 201 → 203] say something perfectly orthodox and edifying, [ 203 → 206] but this is then either relativized later [ 206 → 209] or contradicted or simply drowned out [ 209 → 210] by endless, [ 210 → 213] about other things that are either heretical, [ 213 → 216] erroneous, or simply not that important. [ 217 → 219] So, for example, the Vatican last year sponsored [ 219 → 223] a conference on the care of meteorites. [ 223 → 224] I kid you not, [ 225 → 226] and frequent listeners to this podcast [ 226 → 228] heard me mention it some months ago. [ 228 → 231] Yes, the care of meteorites. [ 232 → 233] And today the news broke that the Vatican [ 233 → 235] now has its own sports team, [ 236 → 239] its own first ever official track athletics team, [ 239 → 240] so they can, [ 240 → 242] and participate in international competitions. [ 243 → 245] Because that's really important, you know. [ 246 → 248] Well, once again, it's about man. [ 248 → 250] God is just a footnote here, [ 250 → 252] who has invoked every time there needs to be [ 252 → 256] some renewed impetus to bow down to man [ 256 → 259] because Francis hijacks God for that nefarious purpose. [ 260 → 262] And not even just to bow down before man, [ 262 → 263] but to kneel before him. [ 264 → 264] Remember that? [ 265 → 267] That was one of the things that Francis said very early on, [ 267 → 269] I think it was back in 2013, [ 270 → 272] that we ought to kneel before the poor. [ 273 → 273] And he does. [ 274 → 275] I mean, whenever there's a refugee [ 275 → 277] who needs to have his feet washed, [ 277 → 281] Francis is right there with towel in hand on his knees. [ 281 → 284] But when he's in front of what he supposedly believes [ 284 → 287] is the literal body and blood of Christ and the monstrance, [ 287 → 290] and not some metaphorical presence of Christ, [ 290 → 293] that's when his knees suddenly give out [ 293 → 296] and he prefers to stand or needs a chair. [ 296 → 297] That poor fellow. [ 298 → 300] By the way, the Vatican has never explicitly, [ 300 → 302] never explained why Francis doesn't kneel [ 302 → 304] or even genuflect. [ 305 → 308] In any case, today at the Casa Santa Marta, [ 308 → 310] the Frankster issued the estimated [ 310 → 315] 5,019th papal condemnation of gossip. [ 316 → 318] You know, yes, gossip, [ 318 → 321] and by that we typically mean detraction, [ 321 → 322] calumny, backbiting. [ 323 → 324] Yeah, gossip is sinful, [ 324 → 326] but for heaven's sakes, [ 326 → 328] we don't need to be told that twice a week. [ 328 → 331] You know, all the while he's out there [ 331 → 333] calling the abortionist Emma Bonino [ 333 → 335] a great Italian, [ 335 → 338] saying Martin Luther was a witness to the gospel, [ 339 → 341] and teaching that adultery [ 341 → 344] is basically just a less-than-ideal [ 344 → 345] quasi-marital union. [ 346 → 349] You know, I think that the reason [ 349 → 351] why he's so obsessed with gossip [ 351 → 353] is that he is afraid. [ 353 → 354] He is terribly afraid. [ 355 → 357] Like any ruthless dictator [ 357 → 358] who has increasingly isolated himself from the world, [ 358 → 358] he's afraid of gossip. [ 358 → 359] He's afraid of gossip. [ 359 → 361] And he doesn't know whom to trust anymore. [ 361 → 363] He is scared to death [ 363 → 365] of what people are saying about him [ 365 → 366] behind his back, [ 366 → 368] and what they're finding out about [ 368 → 370] what he's been doing behind the scenes, [ 370 → 371] and what they're saying about [ 371 → 373] the many morally compromised people [ 373 → 375] he keeps surrounding himself with. [ 376 → 378] Remember what the German leftist [ 378 → 379] political journal Der Spiegel wrote [ 379 → 380] last September? [ 381 → 383] They quoted an unnamed senior [ 383 → 384] Novus Ordo cardinal in the Vatican [ 384 → 386] as saying that Francis, quote, [ 386 → 388] preaches mercy, [ 388 → 388] but in reality, [ 388 → 396] reality, he is a cold-blooded, cunning Machiavellian, and what is even worse, he lies, unquote. [ 397 → 403] Well, the hypocrisy may be one thing, but what is truly the worst of all is that he does not [ 403 → 411] preach Catholicism. He preaches instead a false gospel. Last year, when he visited Estonia on [ 411 → 416] September 25th, he said the following at an ecumenical assembly of youngsters, quote, [ 416 → 423] You boys and girls, young people, know this. When a Christian community is truly Christian, [ 423 → 431] it does not engage in proselytism. It only listens, welcomes, accompanies, and walks, [ 431 → 440] but does not impose anything, unquote. Right. Unless, of course, the topic is political issues [ 440 → 446] like migrants and refugees, environmental concerns, border walls, and so forth. [ 446 → 454] Then he, Francis, is at the forefront, not of listening and accompanying, but of imposing, [ 454 → 461] like there's no tomorrow. That's clear. But I mean, what an idiotic thing to say, right? [ 461 → 468] The Christian community only listens, welcomes, accompanies, and walks, right? That's what the [ 468 → 475] apostles did, isn't it? I mean, they went into the whole world and listened, and they welcomed, [ 475 → 476] and accompanied. [ 476 → 481] And walked. I mean, this is so obviously false. You don't need to have a very thorough [ 481 → 487] understanding of the New Testament to see what utter bunk this is. I mean, just read [ 487 → 493] the Acts of the Apostles, even if it's just the first few chapters. That's proselytism you find [ 493 → 498] there, and there's a good reason for that. That reason is found in St. Mark's Gospel, [ 498 → 503] chapter 16, verses 15 through 16, where our Lord says, quote, [ 506 → 521] Unquote. Yeah. Listen and accompany my eye. [ 523 → 530] All right. Before we go, the Recognize and Resist Trads have released a barrage of different [ 530 → 536] articles since last October, all arguing why Paul VI, whom Francis Cannon, [ 536 → 544] on October 14th, is nevertheless not a saint. Or if he is, then that doesn't really mean anything. [ 544 → 549] You know, it just means he somehow made it to heaven. Now, I haven't yet had a chance to look [ 549 → 554] through all of these articles, but I think we can boil the entire controversy down to one [ 554 → 561] basic argument. You have, on the one hand, the man who is acknowledged by these people to be [ 561 → 565] the pope, the vicar of Christ on earth, to whom submission is owed, [ 565 → 573] in matters of religion. And the supposed vicar of Christ solemnly declared this in the canonization [ 573 → 576] ceremony on October 14th, 2018. Quote, [ 595 → 624] Unquote. Bam! And then we have, on the other side, people like Christopher Ferrara, [ 624 → 630] John Salza, John Lamont, and Peter Kwasniewski, not quite vicars of Christ, [ 630 → 636] but self-appointed correctors of the same, solemnly declaring, no. [ 640 → 646] Now, let me ask you this, ladies and gentlemen. Which of these two declarations sounds like it [ 646 → 652] comes with infallibility attached? Tradcast Express is a production of Novus Ordo Watch. [ 652 → 654] Check us out at tradcast.org, [ 654 → 658] and if you like what we're doing, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution [ 658 → 662] at novusortowatch.org slash donate.