[ 0 → 4] TrapCast Express [ 4 → 15] TrapCast Express, it's Tuesday, January 22nd, 2019. [ 16 → 19] Have you heard of the so-called Bible of Friendship? [ 19 → 23] No? It's a good thing you haven't for two reasons. [ 23 → 30] A. Because it's not a Bible at all, but a collection of Novus Ordo and apostate Jewish commentaries on the Torah. [ 30 → 31] The five books of Moses. [ 32 → 36] And B. Because Pope Francis has written the foreword. [ 37 → 40] According to a January 16th report published by Crux, [ 40 → 53] A few decades of respectful Catholic-Jewish dialogue pale in comparison to 19 centuries of Christian anti-Judaism, Pope Francis said. [ 53 → 59] So Catholics must continue to ask forgiveness and forge new bonds of respect and friendship. [ 60 → 61] With the Jewish community. [ 62 → 67] We must work with greater intensity to ask pardon and repair the damage. [ 67 → 77] The Pope said in an introduction to a new Italian book of Christian and Jewish commentaries on passages from the first five books of the Bible. [ 77 → 78] Unquote. [ 78 → 86] So, with clever sleight of hand, Francis has condemned not simply anti-Semitism, but anti-Judaism. [ 86 → 88] Opposition to Judaism. [ 89 → 90] You see. [ 90 → 90] You see. [ 90 → 97] You now have to be for the false religion of the apostate Jews, else we're not Catholics, I guess. [ 97 → 99] Well, let me tell you something, Bucko. [ 100 → 111] We're anti all false religions here, and that includes not only Eastern Orthodoxy, Protestantism, Islam, Paganism, and all the rest, but also Judaism. [ 112 → 116] We're anti those things because we're pro-Jesus Christ. [ 116 → 120] And whoever is pro those things is anti-Christ. [ 120 → 134] See how Francis just denounced all of Catholic Church history in one single sentence, condemning 19 centuries of Catholicism as supposedly immoral and wrong. [ 135 → 142] No, Francis, it's you and your false Vatican II religion that has it all wrong, and we Catholics have it right. [ 142 → 144] And we're in good company. [ 144 → 149] St. John the Evangelist, who also knew a little bit about Catholicism, taught, quote, [ 150 → 154] is a liar, but he who denieth that Jesus is the Christ. [ 155 → 159] This is anti-Christ, who denieth the Father and the Son. [ 159 → 162] Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father. [ 163 → 167] He that confesseth the Son hath the Father also, unquote. [ 168 → 172] And that's from 1 John 2, 22 and 23. [ 173 → 175] The Crux Report continues, quote, [ 175 → 180] Francis said the volume of commentaries, the Bible of Friendship, is an important, [ 180 → 186] tool for helping Catholics recognize the Jewish roots of their faith and for promoting [ 186 → 191] concrete Catholic-Jewish cooperation in helping others, unquote. [ 192 → 199] Hello, Mr. Bergoglio, the roots of the Catholic faith do not lie in the Talmudic Judaism of [ 199 → 199] our day. [ 200 → 202] That is not the religion of the Old Covenant. [ 203 → 209] It is an apostate religion that was effectively established when Annas and Caiaphas rejected [ 209 → 210] Jesus Christ. [ 210 → 212] In 33 A.D. [ 212 → 218] Some of today's so-called Jews may still have a physical link to Abraham, but that [ 218 → 221] biological tie profits them nothing. [ 222 → 227] And if you want to see why, read John chapter 8 and Galatians chapter 4. [ 228 → 233] One other thing Francis says in the foreword that he wrote for this interreligious collection [ 233 → 235] of commentaries is this, quote, [ 235 → 240] The common objective will be to witness together to the love of the [ 240 → 243] Father throughout the world, unquote. [ 243 → 244] Unbelievable. [ 245 → 250] Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father. [ 252 → 258] Today's Jews do not testify to the love of God the Father, but they deny and suppress [ 258 → 259] that love. [ 260 → 262] And I mean that regardless of anyone's intentions. [ 263 → 265] This isn't about who has goodwill and who doesn't. [ 265 → 269] This is about what is the truth and who is preaching it. [ 269 → 275] The love of the Father is summed up in John 3.16, quote, [ 275 → 289] Francis is promoting apostasy. [ 290 → 296] In other news, the folks at the Rarate Chaley blog have passed on some interesting news [ 296 → 299] published in the French magazine Monde Evie. [ 299 → 305] The 76-year-old conservative Novus Ordo bishop Vitus Huander of Cours, Switzerland, has [ 305 → 311] announced that once Francis lets him retire, he'll withdraw to an institution administered [ 311 → 314] by the Lefebvreist Society of St. Pius X. [ 315 → 317] The French periodical notes that Huander, quote, [ 318 → 323] is not only a friend of the SSPX, but close to Pope Francis, unquote. [ 324 → 326] Does anyone see a problem here? [ 327 → 328] And yet, it seems like... [ 329 → 334] Some people are celebrating this as more evidence that the Lefebvrists are being gradually [ 334 → 337] regularized into the Vatican II sect. [ 338 → 342] Rarate writes that the French website Le Salon Beige, quote, [ 342 → 348] confirms that, of course, the Pope is well-informed of Bishop Huander's choice [ 348 → 352] and tacitly approves of it, unquote. [ 353 → 354] Well, congratulations. [ 355 → 358] The world's most notorious apostate, [ 358 → 362] who tries to suppress remnants of Catholicism wherever he can, [ 362 → 364] considers the SSPX Catholic. [ 365 → 368] Do these people ever think these things through? [ 369 → 377] The so-called Bishop Huander was ordained a priest in 1971 and consecrated a bishop in 2007, [ 378 → 383] both times in the 1968 Novus Ordo ordination rite of Paul VI. [ 385 → 387] That means that he is probably only a layman, [ 388 → 393] he may be a valid priest, but he's definitely not a valid bishop. [ 394 → 397] And we're currently explaining that once more on our blog at [ 397 → 404] where we're running a three-part response to the Reverend John Hunwick [ 404 → 407] on the issues with Novus Ordo ordinations. [ 408 → 412] Now, don't think that this is only some Sedevacanus thing. [ 412 → 413] It's not. [ 413 → 417] The SSPX's own Bishop Bernard Tissier de Malloray, [ 418 → 420] who is by no means a Sedevacanist, [ 420 → 424] still believes that ordinations in the Paul VI rite are doubtful. [ 425 → 428] He said it as recently as June 29th, 2016, [ 429 → 432] during a sermon on the Sacrament of Holy Orders. [ 432 → 437] So if Vitus Huander joins the SSPX as a sort of retired bishop, [ 438 → 441] unless he agrees to be considered a mere layman, [ 441 → 445] you know he's going to want to help out with the administration of the sacraments, [ 445 → 446] including confirmation, [ 447 → 448] and maybe ordination, [ 448 → 448] and maybe ordination, [ 448 → 451] but certainly he'll want to offer Mass. [ 452 → 455] So what's Bishop Tissier going to do, [ 455 → 456] and others who agree with him? [ 458 → 459] See, until 2005, [ 460 → 465] and I know because I was an SSPX adherent myself for a while in the early 2000s, [ 465 → 466] until 2005, [ 467 → 469] the general SSPX position, [ 469 → 470] at least in the United States, [ 471 → 474] was that Novus Ordo ordinations are doubtful. [ 475 → 477] And what changed in 2005? [ 478 → 482] Well, if you remember, in 2005, [ 482 → 487] a certain Father Joseph Ratzinger was elected head of the Vatican II Church, [ 487 → 488] Pope in their minds, [ 489 → 491] so that created a bit of a difficulty [ 491 → 496] because Ratzinger's own bishop's ordination had taken place in 1977, [ 496 → 498] also in the Paul VI rite. [ 499 → 504] So unless they were going to say that the Pope isn't a valid bishop, [ 504 → 508] they were going to have to come up with some kind of, [ 508 → 514] argument to suddenly discover that the new rite of bishop's consecration is valid after all. [ 516 → 517] And guess what? [ 517 → 518] Voila! [ 519 → 521] They did, just in time. [ 522 → 526] Yeah, that god of surprises came through just when they needed him most. [ 528 → 532] Well, it looks like they will soon be able to put their money where their mouth is, [ 532 → 538] but just wait till the time comes for them to consecrate one or more, [ 538 → 539] new bishops for the society. [ 540 → 543] See, Francis isn't the brightest bulb on the menorah, [ 544 → 545] but he is clever. [ 546 → 548] Wouldn't surprise me if, when that day comes, [ 548 → 551] he will insist on doing the consecration himself, [ 552 → 558] with only other Novus Ordo bishops of his choosing as co-consecrators. [ 559 → 560] Blaise Cupich, anyone? [ 560 → 562] Smoochie Fernandez? [ 562 → 563] Joe Tobin? [ 564 → 568] And then we will see how valid the SSPX really is, [ 568 → 571] he thinks, the new rite of episcopal consecration is. [ 572 → 575] Tradcast Express is a production of Novus Ordo Watch. [ 575 → 577] Check us out at tradcast.org, [ 577 → 579] and if you like what we're doing, [ 579 → 584] please consider making a tax-deductible contribution at novusordowatch.org.