[ 0 → 4] Tradcast Express [ 4 → 14] Tradcast Express, it's Friday, February 8th, 2019. [ 15 → 18] Chaos Frank has struck again. [ 18 → 25] As you probably already know, Francis went to Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates earlier this week [ 25 → 28] and he dropped a bombshell of apostasy there. [ 28 → 32] Together with the Grand Imam Ahmad al-Tayyib, [ 33 → 39] he signed a joint declaration on human fraternity for world peace and living together. [ 40 → 45] Now that thing is a milestone, a landmark document in the progression of apostasy [ 45 → 52] begun with the Second Vatican Council and John XXIII's pseudo-encyclical Pacem Interis. [ 52 → 58] The document does not simply repeat the usual modernist errors of religious liberty and all [ 58 → 58] that. [ 58 → 61] But goes a significant step further. [ 62 → 68] Here is a verbatim quote from that declaration, which, again, Francis put a signature to. [ 69 → 69] Quote, [ 69 → 72] Freedom is a right of every person. [ 73 → 78] Each individual enjoys the freedom of belief, thought, expression, and action. [ 78 → 88] The pluralism and the diversity of religions, color, sex, race, and language are willed by God in his wisdom. [ 88 → 91] Through which he created human beings. [ 92 → 100] This divine wisdom is the source from which the right to freedom of belief and the freedom to be different derives. [ 101 → 101] Unquote. [ 102 → 104] This is blasphemy. [ 105 → 107] This is apostasy. [ 108 → 117] To say that all religions, not just the only true one but also all the false ones, are willed by God who is truth itself [ 117 → 118] and are the result of the divine wisdom. [ 118 → 118] This is blasphemy. [ 118 → 127] The result of his divine wisdom is a direct insult against our Lord so monstrous that words cannot express it sufficiently. [ 128 → 136] It is also apostasy because if it were true that God wills not just the Catholic religion to exist but also Protestantism, [ 137 → 144] Judaism, Islam, paganism, voodoo, and so forth, then all of God's revelation would be a lie. [ 145 → 146] Everything would be over. [ 147 → 148] Missionary activity. [ 148 → 151] Missionary activity and evangelization would be a joke. [ 152 → 156] You could take all of Catholicism and throw it in the trash. [ 156 → 159] And of course that's exactly what Francis wants you to do. [ 159 → 161] He just won't say it like that. [ 162 → 170] Now I know that what I'm about to say is going to shock some people but it needs to be said because it is very important to understand this. [ 171 → 178] Francis putting his signature to that document, to the document that contains this apostasy and blasphemy, [ 178 → 189] is a sin against the first commandment and much worse, much worse than the bill that Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York signed the other day [ 189 → 193] that legalizes abortion up to the moment of birth. [ 194 → 195] Don't get me wrong. [ 196 → 202] Abortion is a most heinous and despicable crime at all stages of pregnancy. [ 203 → 206] It is one of the four sins that cry to heaven for vengeance. [ 206 → 207] It is one of the four sins that cry to heaven for vengeance. [ 207 → 208] It is one of the four sins that cry to heaven for vengeance. [ 208 → 211] But what Francis just did is even worse. [ 212 → 216] It is even worse for a number of reasons such as [ 216 → 220] 1. Because it is a direct attack on God himself. [ 221 → 223] Abortion primarily attacks the creature. [ 224 → 228] Apostate blasphemy directly attacks God himself. [ 229 → 233] 2. Because it accuses God of lying and deceiving. [ 233 → 237] If all religions have their origin in God's will and wisdom, [ 238 → 243] well, then obviously what he revealed to us in both the Old and New Covenants is false. [ 245 → 252] And 3. Because it doesn't cause people's physical demise, but their eternal spiritual ruin. [ 253 → 258] Aborted children go to limbo, a place in which they're deprived of the beatific vision, [ 258 → 261] but at least they're not suffering any pain. [ 261 → 266] It's a state of natural happiness, kind of like we can experience here on earth. [ 266 → 267] But apostates... [ 268 → 270] go to hell for all eternity. [ 271 → 276] So these are three reasons why what Bergoglio did is so much worse [ 276 → 280] than even the most heinous and sadistic abortion laws. [ 281 → 284] If you want more information about the document Francis signed, [ 284 → 286] please go to our blog at [ 286 → 291] and look for the post [ 291 → 293] Apostasy in Abu Dhabi [ 293 → 297] Francis Says God Wills Diversity of Religions [ 297 → 300] published on February 4th. [ 300 → 304] Now, Bergoglio's act of apostasy is so bad [ 304 → 307] that various pundits from the Novus Ordo Church [ 307 → 311] immediately jumped into action and tried to save the passage [ 311 → 314] from its obvious meaning because they know [ 314 → 318] that if the passage is allowed to speak for itself without any spin, [ 319 → 323] then Francis has committed apostasy and the whole show is over. [ 324 → 326] This time, not only were the semi-tractors, [ 327 → 327] lads upset, [ 328 → 330] but also many mainstream Novus Ordos. [ 331 → 333] That's how blatant the apostasy is [ 333 → 336] that even the average Novus Ordo has to ask himself, [ 337 → 339] well, dude, if all religions are from God, [ 339 → 341] then what's the point of Catholicism? [ 342 → 343] Fair question. [ 344 → 347] So, the Novus Ordo Catholic News Agency [ 347 → 349] brought in Dr. Chad Pecknold, [ 349 → 353] a theologian from the so-called Catholic University of America, [ 353 → 357] to assure everyone that when Francis said God wills a pluralism, [ 357 → 359] and diversity of religions, [ 360 → 364] that he didn't mean that God wills a diversity and pluralism of religions. [ 365 → 367] In a February 5th article entitled [ 367 → 372] Pope Francis Signs Peace Declaration on Human Fraternity with Grand Imam, [ 373 → 375] Pecknold is quoted as follows. [ 376 → 376] Quote, [ 377 → 379] It is puzzling and potentially problematic, [ 380 → 382] but in the context of the document, [ 382 → 386] the Holy Father is clearly referring not to the evil of many false religions, [ 386 → 395] but positively refers to the diversity of religions only in the sense that they are evidence of our natural desire to know God. [ 396 → 401] God wills that all men come to know him through the free choice of their will. [ 401 → 408] And so it follows that a diversity of religions can be spoken about as permissively willed by God [ 408 → 412] without denying the supernatural good of one true religion. [ 412 → 417] Actually, that's not quite what Francis said. [ 418 → 426] If Francis had meant that God simply permits the evil of a plurality of religions for some greater good, [ 426 → 430] then he could have and would have said exactly that. [ 431 → 434] But there's no possible way that Francis meant that. [ 434 → 435] You know why? [ 435 → 437] Let's go back to the actual wording. [ 437 → 438] Quote, [ 438 → 441] The pluralism and the diversity of religions, [ 442 → 442] color, [ 442 → 443] sex, [ 443 → 443] race, [ 444 → 449] and language are willed by God in his wisdom through which he created human beings. [ 449 → 450] Unquote. [ 450 → 453] So Francis lumps it all together. [ 453 → 453] Religion, [ 454 → 454] color, [ 454 → 455] sex, [ 455 → 455] race, [ 455 → 456] and language. [ 457 → 457] Now, [ 457 → 458] if Pecknold were right, [ 458 → 464] then Francis would be saying that God merely permits the evil of different religions, [ 464 → 465] different colors, [ 466 → 467] different sexes, [ 467 → 467] different races, [ 468 → 469] and different languages. [ 470 → 471] Do you see the problem here? [ 471 → 472] God didn't simply, [ 472 → 474] permit different sexes. [ 474 → 476] He created them himself. [ 476 → 478] Male and female. [ 478 → 479] He created them. [ 479 → 482] It says in Genesis 1, 27. [ 482 → 491] And God created the different languages as a punishment for building the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11, verse 7, and so forth. [ 491 → 496] So, no, Pecknold's attempt to exonerate Francis of apostasy won't fly. [ 496 → 501] There is no way the Frankster meant that God only tolerates the plurality and diversity of religions. [ 501 → 502] So, no, Pecknold's attempt to exonerate Francis of apostasy won't fly. There is no way the Frankster meant that God only tolerates the plurality and diversity of religions. [ 502 → 503] So, no, Pecknold's attempt to exonerate Francis of apostasy won't fly. There is no way the Frankster meant that God only tolerates the plurality and diversity of religions. [ 503 → 504] So, no, Pecknold's attempt to exonerate Francis of apostasy won't fly. There is no way the Frankster meant that God only tolerates the plurality and diversity of religions. [ 504 → 505] So, no, Pecknold's attempt to exonerate Francis of apostasy won't fly. There is no way the Frankster meant that God only tolerates the plurality and diversity of religions. [ 505 → 506] So, no, Pecknold's attempt to exonerate Francis of apostasy won't fly. There is no way the Frankster meant that God only tolerates the plurality and diversity of religions. [ 506 → 507] So, no, Pecknold's attempt to exonerate Francis of apostasy won't fly. There is no way the Frankster meant that God only tolerates the plurality and diversity of religions. [ 507 → 513] or languages. But hey, we're not the only ones taking issue with Pecknold's argumentation. [ 514 → 519] The conservative novelist ordo site LifeSiteNews.com consulted a Dominican theologian [ 519 → 525] who said flat out that the obvious sense of the passage in question is heretical, [ 525 → 532] and he called Pecknold's reading a strained and unnatural interpretation. In other words, spin. [ 532 → 539] And he added, quote, you might as well say that someone who said that gassing Jews was good [ 539 → 545] only meant that it is good that we have the chemical and physiological knowledge that makes [ 545 → 556] it possible, unquote. Ooh, bam, right on. Well said. Yep, that puts it into perspective, doesn't [ 556 → 562] it? Unfortunately, the Dominican theologian who said this wants to remain nameless, so we [ 562 → 562] don't have to worry about that. But he added, quote, you might as well say that someone who said [ 562 → 570] we don't know who he is, but he's definitely got that point right. Now, on his blog, Mr. John [ 570 → 577] Zuhlstorf also attempted to exonerate Francis on February 5th, and he offered pretty much [ 577 → 582] the same flawed argumentation as Dr. Pecknold did, but he prefaced his remarks with this [ 582 → 592] interesting sentence, quote, we must seek a way to understand this without it sounding like heresy. [ 592 → 601] Unquote. False, Mr. Z, false. We must seek a way to understand it as it was intended to be [ 601 → 609] understood. And that sense is discerned by what is said, how it is said, and in what context it [ 609 → 616] is said. And when you do that, the only conclusion you can come up with is that Francis intended [ 617 → 622] heresy, in fact, apostasy. And the last thing we need is more theological [ 622 → 627] shysters trying to get Francis off the hook, because they don't want to admit that he's a [ 627 → 633] heretic and an apostate. But there you have Zuhlstorf's clear admission right up front [ 633 → 638] that he's not interested in finding out what Francis said or meant, but only in spinning [ 638 → 645] the passage in such a way as to save him from the accusation of heresy. Well, that's the tail [ 645 → 651] wagging the dog. And all it accomplishes is it keeps alive and viable Francis' claim to being [ 651 → 658] the Pope. That's all it does, and that's all it's meant to do. Truth has nothing to do with it. [ 658 → 666] This is only about expediency. Oh, and then there's the hilarious case of the Anglican-turned-Novels [ 666 → 674] Hardo priest, Mr. John Hunwick. You know, I still don't quite grasp the purpose of this man's blog. [ 674 → 680] Anyway, in a February 6th post, he commends Mr. Zuhlstorf for his, quote, [ 681 → 681] characteristically, [ 681 → 689] fine and intelligent interpretation of Pope Francis' words, unquote. And then a few lines [ 689 → 695] later, he says, quote, but I do think it is outrageous that pastors and academics should [ 695 → 701] have to waste their time dreaming up these interpretations of yet another Pope Francis [ 701 → 711] disaster, unquote. This man is a comedy act. See, he knows very well that it's a bunch of [ 711 → 718] BS. But then he doesn't want to be a Sedevacanus, so he'll just say whatever he needs to say to [ 718 → 724] retain the convenient status quo. It's a disgrace. The semi-trad church historian, Professor Roberto [ 724 → 731] de Mattei, has also weighed in on the issue, and he at least doesn't try to defend Francis or [ 731 → 738] anything. He points out that Francis was promoting Freemasonry in Abu Dhabi, and that is exactly what [ 738 → 741] he did. But de Mattei, he doesn't want to be a Sedevacanus, and he doesn't want to be a Sedevacanus, [ 741 → 747] he finishes his article with a hilarious comment. He says, quote, in reality, Freemasonry continues [ 747 → 754] to be condemned by the church, even if the men of the church at the highest levels seem to embrace [ 754 → 762] its ideas, unquote. Uh-huh. In other words, the church condemns Freemasonry. It's just that the [ 762 → 770] Pope and his bishops don't. Really? What an idiotic thing to say. I'm sorry. [ 771 → 777] Now, of course, de Mattei is not an idiot. What's going on here is that he is a semi-trad who [ 777 → 783] doesn't want to say that Francis cannot be a true Pope, and that the Novus Ordo church cannot be [ 783 → 790] the Catholic church. And so because of that, he has to come up with all kinds of absurdities like [ 790 → 796] that. Christopher Ferrara, too, had something to say on the matter, but it was surprisingly [ 796 → 801] restrained. Oh, you know, just one more act of apostasy. [ 801 → 806] by the supposed Pope. So nothing to get too upset about, just business as usual. [ 807 → 815] See, these people have long stopped believing in the papacy as traditionally taught by the church. [ 816 → 823] And why? Because they don't want to believe that the See of Peter is vacant. That's all [ 823 → 830] that's driving this. They would rather have a defective church and a defective Pope [ 830 → 831] where the archbishop is not a Christian. [ 831 → 838] The arch of salvation has become the arch of apostasy, as long as there is a warm body to sit [ 838 → 845] in that chair. They would prefer that over the great mystery of an eclipsed church with [ 845 → 853] no clear or certain answers. They'd rather have the wrong answers for sure than no answers or [ 853 → 859] doubtful answers. Kind of like the Israelites when they worshiped the golden calf, you know. [ 859 → 861] They wanted something different. They wanted something different. They wanted something different. [ 861 → 866] They wanted something tangible while their leader was gone. It didn't matter that it was something of [ 866 → 872] their own creation, an idol. They wanted their worship ceremonies and right or wrong, darn it, [ 872 → 882] they were going to have them. By the way, on his return flight to Rome from Abu Dhabi aboard Airhead [ 882 → 888] 1, Francis addressed the fraternity document he signed and said this, quote, [ 888 → 895] I want to restate this clearly. From the Catholic point of view, the document does not deviate one [ 895 → 903] millimeter from Vatican II, unquote. Well, no doubt about it. The problem is it deviates heaps [ 903 → 911] from all the other councils, from the Catholic ecumenical councils. But of course, these people [ 911 → 917] only believe in their abominable robber synod of Vatican II. They basically believe that the [ 917 → 924] Catholic Church began with John XXIII, which ironically, their modernist church actually did. [ 926 → 933] Before we go, we need to look at one more thing about this fraternity document. The website [ 933 → 940] wherepeteris.com, it should really be called where Judas is, but wherepeteris.com is a veritable [ 940 → 946] Novus Ordo shrine for Francis' worship. The writers there are so far gone that they can't [ 947 → 954] applaud and defend everything that Francis says and does. And they critique the conservative and [ 954 → 961] semi-trad members of their own church. And so on February 6th, Adam Rasmussen published an article [ 961 → 969] there entitled, Pope Francis and Grand Imam Sign Joint Statement on Human Fraternity. In it, [ 969 → 975] he correctly rejects Dr. Pecknold's false twisting of Francis' words into God merely tolerating false [ 977 → 983] religion. But then he lambasts Pecknold for calling Islam a false religion. And he writes, [ 983 → 989] quote, traditionalists are trying hard to resurrect this regrettable way of thinking [ 989 → 997] that the Catholic magisterium has sought to bury, unquote. And Rasmussen points out that nowhere [ 997 → 1004] do you find the term false religions in Vatican II or the Novus Ordo popes. Well, no kidding. [1004 → 1006] That's definitely true with the point that the Catholic Church is a false religion. But then he [1007 → 1013] that you find that talk in basically all of the popes, the true popes, and councils before the [1013 → 1021] death of Pope Pius XII. Should tell you something, shouldn't it? Now, Rasmussen understands perfectly [1021 → 1028] well what Francis said and meant. But instead of rejecting it as manifest apostasy, he tries to [1028 → 1036] defend it and fails miserably. All he is able to do in defense of Francis is, quote, evangelii gaudium, [1036 → 1036] which is, [1037 → 1043] one of Francis' own documents. And he provides a quote by another modernist Jesuit. And, of course, [1043 → 1051] something from Vatican II. Well, if that doesn't prove he's right, huh? By the way, this Adam [1051 → 1058] Rasmussen fellow has a Ph.D. in theology from the so-called Catholic University of America [1058 → 1065] in Washington, D.C. Oh, my. How far we've come. [1067 → 1074] In his 1907 encyclical, Pacendi Dominici, Against Modernism, which he called the synthesis of all [1074 → 1082] heresies, Pope St. Pius X wrote, quote, Indeed, modernists do not deny, but actually maintain, [1082 → 1089] some confusedly, others frankly, that all religions are true, unquote. [1090 → 1094] Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to draw the conclusion. [1095 → 1096] Tradcast Express is a production of the Center for Catholic Studies. [1097 → 1102] Check us out at Tradcast.org. And if you like what we're doing, [1102 → 1107] please consider making a tax-deductible contribution at NovosOrdoWatch.org.