[ 0 → 4] TrapCast Express [ 4 → 14] TrapCast Express, it's Monday, March 11th, 2019. [ 15 → 18] Francis has called the world to conversion. [ 18 → 19] Yep, he did. [ 20 → 23] Of course, we're talking about ecological conversion, [ 23 → 26] since he doesn't give a hoot about what your religion is, [ 26 → 29] as long as it's not Roman Catholicism. [ 29 → 34] On March 8th, the Frankster gave an address to the International Conference [ 34 → 37] Religions and the Sustainable Development Goals, [ 37 → 39] which was taking place in the Vatican. [ 40 → 44] Hey, remember when Vatican conferences were about Catholicism? [ 45 → 46] Yeah, that was a long time ago. [ 47 → 52] Anyway, among many other things, Francis had this to say, quote, [ 53 → 57] Already, St. John Paul II spoke about the need to [ 57 → 59] encourage and support the Catholic Church [ 59 → 61] to support the ecological conversion. [ 61 → 65] This word is powerful, ecological conversion. [ 65 → 68] Religions have a key role to play in this. [ 68 → 71] For a correct shift towards a sustainable future, [ 72 → 77] we must recognize our errors, sins, faults, and failures, [ 78 → 82] which leads to a heartfelt repentance and desire to change. [ 82 → 85] In this way, we will be reconciled with others, [ 85 → 88] with creation, and with the Creator. [ 89 → 89] Unquote. [ 90 → 94] So, if you needed any more evidence that their environmentalism is a religion, [ 95 → 96] there it is. [ 97 → 100] Shortly after, Francis proclaimed, quote, [ 100 → 109] Yeah, well, I know. [ 109 → 111] Love of God is totally overrated. [ 112 → 118] Oh yeah, speaking of which, the words God, Jesus, or Divine [ 118 → 118] do not appear in the Bible. [ 118 → 122] They appear in the address at all, which is kind of good, actually, [ 122 → 125] because they would have been mightily out of place. [ 126 → 131] At the same time, Francis did speak of the sacredness of the earth. [ 134 → 140] In other news, the pseudo-traditionalist rhetorician Steve Skojak of 1 Peter 5 [ 140 → 143] has stated in a recent blog post, quote, [ 143 → 148] If we can't trust the Church to tell us who the Pope is when papal elections are [ 148 → 154] so closely related to dogma, namely, that the man-elected Pope is the successor of St. Peter [ 154 → 157] with all the power and authority appurtenant to that office, [ 158 → 160] then we can't trust the Church on anything. [ 161 → 161] Unquote. [ 162 → 165] Now, this is funny, considering that the Church he is referring to [ 165 → 170] is the Novus Ordo sect, which has given to the world Vatican II, [ 170 → 174] the new Mass and new sacraments, the 1983 Code of Canon Law, [ 174 → 178] which permits Protestants to receive communion under certain circumstances, [ 178 → 183] it has given to the world John Paul II's Theology of the Body, [ 183 → 185] the Assisi Interfaith Prayer Meetings, [ 186 → 187] World Youth Days, [ 188 → 189] the False Divine Mercy Devotion, [ 190 → 192] the destruction of Catholic confessional states [ 192 → 196] by forcing them to adopt Vatican II's Religious Liberty Doctrine, [ 197 → 203] the impious 1993 Directory for the Application of Principles and Norms on Ecumenism, [ 204 → 207] which permits Catholic liturgical items to be used in Protestant worship, [ 207 → 207] and, quote, [ 208 → 211] the 2007 Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, [ 212 → 216] which declares that the Novus Ordo worship service and the traditional Latin Mass [ 216 → 220] are but two expressions of the same rite of Mass, and so on. [ 221 → 223] That's the Church we're talking about. [ 224 → 227] Well, it's the Church Skojek is talking about. [ 228 → 233] And I mean, yeah, why wouldn't you trust that Church to tell you who the Vicar of Christ is, right? [ 233 → 238] So, in other words, if we can't believe that this blaspheming, maniacal, apostate, [ 238 → 242] that leads souls to hell by his very teachings, laws, and canonizations [ 242 → 245] is the Vicar of Christ that has the divine promises, [ 246 → 247] well, what can we believe? [ 248 → 254] You know, I am so tired of these supposed traditional or conservative Catholic bloggers [ 254 → 259] bringing up theological concepts whenever it's convenient for them, [ 259 → 264] but at other times simply ignoring Catholic theology because it doesn't agree with their position. [ 265 → 267] As is so often the case, [ 267 → 272] the truth is the exact opposite of what Mr. Skojek is proclaiming. [ 272 → 275] If the Catholic Church did require us to believe [ 275 → 279] that the apostate Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio is the Vicar of Christ, [ 280 → 282] then the Church could not be trusted. [ 283 → 289] And this is easy to see once you actually examine what the Catholic Church teaches about the papacy. [ 289 → 295] Just read the Dogmatic Constitution, Pastor Aeternus, from the First Vatican Council sometime. [ 295 → 296] It's not long. [ 296 → 297] You can read it in one sentence. [ 297 → 301] And every time the phrase Roman Pontiff appears, [ 302 → 306] substitute in your mind Pope Francis, okay, and see how it reads. [ 307 → 313] It's absolutely absurd, nuts, to think that that man could be the Pope of the Catholic Church [ 313 → 319] once you understand what that means, what it means to be the Pope of the Catholic Church. [ 319 → 322] And by the way, we've already done that for you. [ 322 → 326] We've long had a post-up that takes Pastor Aeternus [ 326 → 327] and puts Bergoglio... [ 327 → 330] Bergoglio's name for every time Roman Pontiff appears. [ 331 → 334] And you can access that post by going to our blog at [ 334 → 340] and looking for the post entitled [ 340 → 350] The easiest way to do that, to find that post, [ 350 → 354] is to locate the search box on the right towards the top [ 354 → 356] and searching for [ 356 → 359] Well, I'll bring it right up. [ 360 → 363] The post is dated July 4th, 2017. [ 364 → 368] So yeah, if you believe Francis is the Pope, then do it. [ 368 → 369] Take that challenge. [ 370 → 375] See, people don't seem to understand what it means to say that someone is the Pope. [ 376 → 377] It's not just a title. [ 378 → 382] There are real consequences to someone being the Pope. [ 382 → 384] Most serious consequences. [ 385 → 386] And no, [ 386 → 390] it's not just about the infallibility of rare ex cathedra statements. [ 391 → 396] There's a lot more to the papacy than the infallibility of dogmatic pronouncements. [ 397 → 399] So, take a look at that post. [ 399 → 400] If you think Francis is the Pope, [ 400 → 403] then this should not be a problem for you. [ 404 → 405] And when you've done that, [ 406 → 408] then you'll realize that you cannot do [ 408 → 411] what Christopher Ferreira of the Remnant keeps doing. [ 411 → 413] He's called Francis an undertaker Pope. [ 413 → 415] He's called him an anti-Catholic. [ 416 → 419] And in one of his recent Fatima Perspectives, [ 419 → 422] number 1282 at Fatima.org, [ 422 → 426] he called Francis a modernist Pope. [ 427 → 430] Ferreira can do that because ultimately, [ 430 → 431] let's face it, [ 431 → 433] he doesn't believe in the papacy. [ 434 → 437] See, we Sedevacanus believe in the papacy. [ 437 → 440] We don't believe there is currently a reigning Pope, [ 441 → 444] but we do believe in the papacy, [ 444 → 445] in the office. [ 445 → 446] Okay? [ 446 → 447] We just don't think there's anybody [ 447 → 448] filling that office currently. [ 449 → 451] And because we believe in the papacy, [ 452 → 455] we know that a Pope cannot be a modernist. [ 456 → 458] And a modernist cannot be Pope. [ 459 → 461] So, again, read Pastor Eternus. [ 462 → 465] The whole document makes no sense anymore [ 465 → 468] if you assume that a Pope can be a modernist [ 468 → 471] or some other kind of heretic or anti-Catholic. [ 472 → 474] Now, in his very latest installment, [ 474 → 475] number 1283, [ 476 → 478] Ferreira explicitly states [ 478 → 480] that Francis has, quote, [ 480 → 487] That, too, is not a problem for him to say [ 487 → 489] because, once again, [ 489 → 491] Ferreira doesn't believe in the papacy. [ 492 → 494] He believes Bergoglio is Pope, [ 494 → 497] but he doesn't believe that being Pope means anything. [ 498 → 500] And so, ladies and gentlemen, [ 500 → 501] you have a choice. [ 501 → 504] You either believe Francis is Pope [ 504 → 506] or you believe in the papacy. [ 507 → 507] Choose wisely. [ 508 → 511] Tradcast Express is a production of Novos Ordo Watch. [ 512 → 514] Check us out at tradcast.org. [ 514 → 515] And if you like what we're doing, [ 515 → 518] please consider making a tax-deductible contribution [ 518 → 521] at novosortowatch.org slash donate. [ 521 → 521] Thank you.