[ 0 → 18] Tradcast Express it's Tuesday April 2nd 2019 so I've been trying to finally crank out a full-length [ 18 → 27] Tradcast here number 24 but of course Pope Francis keeps interrupting for example this past weekend [ 27 → 34] he blew untold tons of carbon into the air by traveling by chartered plane to Rabat Morocco [ 34 → 40] and back as you probably already guessed the carbon was the least problematic of the emissions [ 40 → 46] released those days what was much worse is what the pretend pontifex told an audience of Novos [ 46 → 52] Ordo priests religious and consecrated persons together with members of the so-called ecumenical [ 52 → 57] council of churches on March 31st it was really a one-two punch [ 57 → 65] first he made utterly clear to them that they were not to proselytize Muslims quote the paths [ 65 → 74] of mission are not those of proselytism please these paths are not those of proselytism let us [ 74 → 81] recall Benedict the 16th the church grows not through proselytism but through attraction [ 81 → 87] through witness the paths of mission are not those of proselytism which leads [ 87 → 94] always to a cul-de-sac but of our way of being with Jesus and with others unquote [ 94 → 100] of course it didn't take long for Novos Ordo apologists to try to spin this into a somewhat [ 100 → 107] acceptable idea and the usual defense is that Novos Ordo popes don't understand proselytism [ 107 → 114] as the making of converts by convincing them with argumentation but a kind of tricking people into [ 114 → 117] becoming converts or pressuring them or [ 117 → 123] enticing them using illicit means now no doubt there were hordes of people in France's audience [ 123 → 129] who had made a habit of forcing or deceiving Muslims to abandon Islam and embrace Christ [ 129 → 137] so it's a good thing he finally set them straight but seriously it's always the same excuse yes [ 137 → 142] there is some definition of proselytism buried in a footnote in some obscure Vatican document [ 142 → 147] that technically gets the false popes off the hook on that point [ 147 → 153] but this is simply the orthodox fig leaf that Novos Ordo apologists point to in order to [ 153 → 159] exonerate their man from the clear denial of Christ's great commission everyone understands [ 159 → 166] proselytism to mean making converts and that is exactly what Francis intends when he keeps [ 166 → 174] denouncing proselytism we know that for one thing because his insistence that there be no proselytism [ 174 → 177] is frequent and it's ridiculous to think that there's some [ 177 → 184] widespread epidemic of Novos Ordos using immoral and deceptive tactics in their making of converts [ 184 → 192] the truth is most Novos Ordos don't care and think you're good in any religion as long as you believe [ 192 → 199] in something you know secondly because Francis has said on several separate occasions that we [ 199 → 206] are not to convert others and that he himself does not seek anyone's conversion for example [ 206 → 207] on August 7th [ 207 → 212] 2013 an Argentinian TV station published a recorded video message from Francis [ 212 → 219] in which he talked about helping the needy at one point he said quote do you need to convince the [ 219 → 228] other to become Catholic no no no go out and meet him he is your brother this is enough go out and [ 228 → 236] help him and Jesus will do the rest unquote baloney here's another example on October 13th [ 236 → 237] 2016 [ 237 → 242] Francis held an audience in the Vatican with Novos Ordos and Lutherans from Germany [ 242 → 250] at one point he said quote I really like the good Lutherans the Lutherans who follow the true faith [ 250 → 259] of Jesus Christ unquote you can't make this stuff up yes the man believes that Lutherans follow the [ 259 → 267] true faith of Jesus Christ in any case at one point a girl named Henrietta asked him quote [ 267 → 274] most of my friends do not go to church and do not believe in God they are happy helpful and truly [ 274 → 280] good friends do I have to convince others of my faith or is it enough that they are good friends [ 280 → 290] to me unquote well can you guess what Francis said he said quote listen the last thing you must do is [ 290 → 297] to speak you have to live as a Christian like a Christian convinced forgiven and on a path [ 297 → 305] it is not licit to convince them of your faith proselytism is the strongest poison against the [ 305 → 315] ecumenical path unquote there you go for Francis proselytism is convincing unbelievers of your [ 315 → 321] religion after all that is proselytism for him and it is indeed the correct definition the one [ 321 → 327] found in any dictionary that is what Francis rejects not some sort of pressure to convince [ 327 → 334] people into becoming converts or convincing them with deceptive arguments for Francis being a [ 334 → 340] Catholic is all about soup kitchens helping the elderly and welcoming migrants now those things [ 340 → 348] are not necessarily wrong but what is wrong is to reduce all evangelization to corporal works of [ 348 → 354] mercy and that's easy to see that Christ and the apostles simply go around handing out food and [ 354 → 357] blankets and visiting the sick by no means [ 357 → 367] they did that but they also and most of all taught they preached they argued read the acts of the [ 367 → 374] apostles especially chapter 2 that's proselytism and if I'm not mistaken Saint Francis de Sales [ 374 → 382] converted as many as 70,000 Protestants back to the Catholic faith with a single sermon that is [ 382 → 387] what Francis rejects and detests because his desire is to eliminate the Catholic faith and [ 387 → 393] to eliminate Catholicism from the face of the earth now he'll never succeed but he will continue [ 393 → 401] to do untold damage to souls we'll get back to this in a minute but let me interrupt here for a second [ 401 → 408] and tell you that while it's lent we have a special really cool fundraiser going at Novos Ordo [ 408 → 415] watch the intent is for that to be the only fundraiser all year so if everybody who benefits [ 415 → 417] from our website or this podcast is interested in joining us we have a special really cool [ 417 → 417] fundraiser going at Novos Ordo watch the intent is for that to be the only fundraiser all year so if everybody who benefits [ 417 → 424] chips in just a little bit then this is the only time this year that we'll have to do that what's so [ 424 → 431] special about it quite simply we offer incentive gifts to anyone who donates over a certain amount [ 431 → 437] we're offering great Catholic books to donors depending on how much they give but only up until [ 437 → 445] Holy Saturday April 20th so hurry on over to Novos Ordo watch.org slash donate and click on the link [ 445 → 447] for the special Lenten fundraiser [ 447 → 452] at the top and that will take you to the offer details and give you more information on each of [ 452 → 461] the books we offer to qualifying donors restrictions apply or hey at least take a look just looking [ 461 → 466] doesn't cost anything right the books we're offering are the passion and the death of Jesus [ 466 → 473] Christ by Saint Alphonsus Liguori a defense of popes said to have erred in faith by Saint Robert [ 473 → 477] Bellarmine volume one of the anti-modernist reader studies [ 477 → 484] on the new religion of Vatican II and the brand new book Vatican II exposed as counterfeit [ 484 → 491] Catholicism by Fathers Francisco and Dominic Radecki so make it worth your while get rewarded [ 491 → 500] for supporting Novos Ordo watch this Lent what other website does that right anyway back to the [ 500 → 506] Frankster if you thought the proselytism thing was bad well you ain't seen nothing yet in the [ 506 → 507] same address on March 30th and the same address on March 30th and the same address on March 30th [ 507 → 516] 31st Francis said quote being a Christian is not about adhering to a doctrine or a temple or an [ 516 → 522] ethnic group being Christian is about an encounter an encounter with Jesus Christ we are Christians [ 522 → 529] because we have been loved and encountered and not as the result of proselytism unquote [ 529 → 537] typical modernist garbage theology being a Christian a Catholic is about [ 537 → 545] adhering to a doctrine namely the doctrine of Jesus Christ remember John 7 16 Jesus answered [ 545 → 553] them and said my doctrine is not mine but his that sent me in Acts 2 42 we read and they were [ 553 → 559] persevering in the doctrine of the apostles and in the communication of the breaking of bread and [ 559 → 565] in prayers now I could go on and on with Bible verses but I'll give you only one more whosoever [ 565 → 567] revolteth and continueth not in the doctrine of the apostles and in the communication of the [ 567 → 575] in the doctrine of Christ hath not God he that continueth in the doctrine the same hath both the [ 575 → 582] father and the son if any man come to you and bring not this doctrine receive him not into the house [ 582 → 589] nor say to him God speed you and that's the second epistle of Saint John verses 9 and 10 by saying [ 589 → 595] that being a Christian isn't about adhering to doctrine Francis has committed yet another act of [ 595 → 597] apostasy if you take the doctrine of Christ and bring it not into the house nor say to him God speed you [ 597 → 606] away doctrine there is nothing left then it's all just once again soup kitchens and hospitals and [ 606 → 613] schools well no one needs a religion for that for an in-depth analysis of what Francis said in [ 613 → 621] Morocco and how it's wrong have a look at our blog post dated April 1st entitled Francis in [ 621 → 627] Morocco being a Christian is not about adhering to a doctrine at Novus Ordo [ 627 → 636] and one last thing before we go today the Vatican's text factory released yet another [ 636 → 643] endless document the new post-synodal exhortation by Francis for young people if you remember they [ 643 → 649] had a long synod last October that's where Francis showed up with a sorcerer's staff instead of a [ 649 → 656] pastoral staff and this is now the follow-up document just like Amoris Laetitia was to the [ 656 → 657] synods on the family [ 657 → 666] the document is called Christus vivit Christ is alive in English it has over 32,000 words [ 666 → 675] it consists of nine chapters that include a total of 299 numbered paragraphs and it's got 164 footnotes [ 675 → 681] and of course not a single one of those footnotes references a magisterial document from before [ 681 → 687] 1958 just put on your surprise face you know so good thing no one knows about it [ 687 → 694] no one's actually going to read it oh yeah and don't worry that Tradcast 24 is coming out in [ 694 → 702] just a few days as always it will be worth the wait in the meantime why not proselytize a little [ 702 → 709] bit Tradcast Express is a production of Novus Ordo Watch check us out at Tradcast.org and if [ 709 → 715] you like what we're doing please consider making a tax-deductible contribution at NovusOrdoWatch.org [ 715 → 716] slash donate [ 717 → 718] you