[ 0 → 4] TrapCast Express [ 4 → 14] TrapCast Express, it's Friday, May 10th, 2019. [ 15 → 21] Folks, you can't make it up. You just can't make it up. [ 22 → 24] Adjectives divide people. [ 24 → 32] That is one of the latest profound insights from Jorge Bergoglio, a.k.a. Pope Francis. [ 33 → 41] Speaking to 500 members of the Italian Roma, Sinti, and Gypsy communities on Thursday, May 9th, [ 42 → 43] Francis said, quote, [ 43 → 50] Something that angers me is that we have become used to speaking about people with adjectives. [ 51 → 54] This person is like this. This person is like... [ 54 → 67] Yeah, those wicked, evil adjectives. [ 67 → 68] I mean, who needs them anyway? [ 68 → 82] As in, repentant sinner, Catholic citizen, poor beggar, female visitor, plastic chalice, rigid Pharisee, sick child, [ 83 → 84] dead body... [ 84 → 87] Papal pretender, for example. [ 88 → 92] Really, it's time we finally declared war on adjectives. [ 92 → 94] I mean, this is clearly insufferable. [ 95 → 99] We need a culture of speaking without adjectives. [ 100 → 102] In other words, an adjective-less culture. [ 103 → 104] Ah, well. [ 105 → 105] Oops. [ 106 → 110] Folks, Vatican City has become an utter madhouse. [ 111 → 114] Now, speaking of the Vatican, this past Saturday, [ 114 → 118] May 4th, the Frankster blathered at his Swiss guards... [ 118 → 119] I'm sorry. [ 119 → 122] I mean, he gave an address to the Swiss guards [ 122 → 128] and told them that religious diversity is a human wealth. [ 129 → 129] Yeah. [ 130 → 136] Isn't it just so awesome and enriching that we haven't yet made disciples of all nations for Christ? [ 137 → 138] Fantastic, bro. [ 140 → 142] Francis told his guards that they are to, quote, [ 142 → 144] live in society with the... [ 144 → 151] right attitude, recognizing cultural, religious, and social diversity as human wealth [ 151 → 154] and not as a threat, unquote. [ 155 → 155] See? [ 156 → 161] How poor would our world be if everyone recognized and adored Jesus Christ [ 161 → 163] and belonged to his holy Catholic Church? [ 164 → 169] How wonderful that we also have people worshiping cows instead, [ 169 → 172] casting spells and putting pins in voodoo dolls, [ 173 → 174] and adoring... [ 174 → 175] Satan himself. [ 176 → 177] All that richness. [ 178 → 181] What Bergoglio told the Swiss guards there, [ 181 → 185] he also said to the North Macedonians he just visited this past Tuesday. [ 185 → 188] In a video greeting that he had published ahead of his trip, [ 188 → 194] he told the North Macedonians what it is that makes their country so beautiful. [ 194 → 195] You ready for this? [ 196 → 197] He said, quote, [ 197 → 203] The particular beauty of your country comes from the variety of cultures, [ 203 → 204] and... [ 204 → 210] ethnic and religious affiliations that inhabit it, unquote. [ 211 → 215] Now, of course, all this is right in line with what he said in Abu Dhabi, [ 215 → 217] United Arab Emirates, in February. [ 217 → 218] Remember? [ 219 → 225] On February 4th, he signed a joint declaration with the Grand Imam of the Al-Azhar Mosque [ 225 → 226] that said, quote, [ 226 → 233] The pluralism and the diversity of religions, color, sex, race, and language [ 233 → 234] are willed by God... [ 234 → 239] in his wisdom, through which he created human beings, unquote. [ 240 → 240] See? [ 241 → 243] Moses just didn't get that [ 243 → 247] when he blew a gasket at seeing the Israelites worshiping the golden calf. [ 248 → 252] And neither did Christ when he taught that everyone must become his disciple [ 252 → 255] so that there would be only one flock and one shepherd. [ 256 → 258] And when he reminded the devil of the first commandment, [ 260 → 264] Thou shalt adore the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. [ 264 → 266] Luke 4.8 [ 266 → 272] Oh, well, good thing we finally have Francis to straighten everybody out about this. [ 273 → 276] I mean, you should have heard the sermon he gave in Skopje, North Macedonia. [ 277 → 278] He preached on the words of our Lord, [ 279 → 282] I am the bread of life, whoever comes to me shall not hunger, [ 282 → 285] and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. [ 285 → 289] John 6.35, taken from the Gospel of the Day. [ 290 → 292] In that train wreck of a sermon, [ 292 → 293] Francis talked about what he... [ 294 → 295] He called the, quote, [ 295 → 304] And he also said, quote, [ 304 → 309] All those people discovered that hunger for bread has other names, too. [ 310 → 316] Hunger for God, hunger for fraternity, hunger for encounter and a shared feast, unquote. [ 317 → 319] Or how about this? [ 320 → 320] Quote, [ 320 → 324] We are hungry, Lord, to experience, like that crowd, [ 324 → 326] the multiplication of your mercy, [ 327 → 329] which can break down our stereotypes [ 329 → 332] and communicate the Father's compassion for each person, [ 333 → 336] especially those for whom no one cares, [ 336 → 339] the forgotten or despised. [ 339 → 341] Ooh, adjectives, careful. [ 341 → 344] Let us not be afraid to say it clearly. [ 344 → 347] We are hungry for bread, Lord, [ 347 → 348] the bread of your word, [ 348 → 352] the bread of fraternity, unquote. [ 352 → 356] Francis even quoted himself in the sermon [ 356 → 360] from when he was the pretend Archbishop of Buenos Aires in 1995 [ 360 → 365] when he said in a sermon for Corpus Christi that Christ's is, quote, [ 365 → 370] the language of bread that speaks of tenderness, companionship, [ 371 → 374] generous dedication to others, unquote. [ 375 → 377] Tired of the metaphors yet? [ 377 → 380] Of course, I left the best for last. [ 380 → 384] Francis ends his homily with the sentence, quote, [ 385 → 396] unquote. [ 401 → 405] All right, let's end this podcast on a positive note, though. [ 406 → 409] Francis has given up his involvement in witchcraft. [ 410 → 414] Yeah, at least that's what I have to conclude based on what he said. [ 415 → 418] As reported by VaticanNews.va, [ 418 → 422] on his return flight from North Macedonia this past Tuesday, [ 422 → 425] he was asked how he gets all his energy. [ 426 → 428] And this is what he answered, quote, [ 428 → 433] First of all, I would like to say I do not resort to witchcraft, unquote. [ 434 → 435] Well, that's surprising. [ 435 → 438] I mean, considering that last time he was asked that question, [ 438 → 440] he said the exact opposite. [ 440 → 441] Remember? [ 441 → 447] On January 15th, 2018, Andrea Tornielli of Vatican Insider, [ 448 → 450] who, by the way, now runs Vatican Media, [ 451 → 453] Tornielli wrote, quote, [ 453 → 457] Loud laughter accompanied the joke Francis made in answer to a question [ 457 → 463] posed to him by the journalist Christiana Caricato of TV2000, [ 463 → 467] who, greeting him, asked him what the doctor gives him [ 467 → 469] to be able to face such long journeys. [ 470 → 474] We want to know what the doctor gives you so that we can take it too. [ 474 → 477] We who struggle just as you do. [ 478 → 480] A reference to Bergoglio's stamina during these trips. [ 481 → 483] But I do not go to the doctor. [ 484 → 489] I go to the witch, he said, laughing heartily, unquote. [ 490 → 494] Well, so apparently he doesn't go to the witch anymore now. [ 494 → 496] Maybe he gave it up for Lent or something. [ 496 → 496] I don't know. [ 497 → 499] But in any case, we can rest assured [ 499 → 503] that that witch, at least, doesn't come with an adjective. [ 504 → 507] Tradcast Express is a production of Novus Ordo Watch. [ 508 → 510] Check us out at tradcast.org. [ 510 → 511] And if you like what we're doing, [ 511 → 514] please consider making a tax-deductible contribution [ 514 → 517] at novusortowatch.org slash donate.