[ 0 → 14] Tradcast Express, it's Friday, July 12th, 2019. [ 15 → 20] The actual news headlines these days are beyond parody or fiction. [ 20 → 26] For example, consider this one from the British Daily Mail dated July 11th. [ 26 → 37] Yeah, that's where we're at now in terms of headlines. [ 38 → 45] But hey, when people accept a public apostate as the Pope of the Catholic Church, anything is possible. [ 45 → 50] Which reminds me of a recent post at the Non Veni Pacem blog. [ 50 → 53] On July 3rd, a post was published with the title, [ 53 → 56] Count Me In, Moral Certitude. [ 56 → 60] And the Invalid Abdication of Pope Benedict XVI Still Reigning. [ 61 → 67] So, this idea that Benedict XVI didn't really resign or didn't resign validly, [ 68 → 72] we've termed it resignationism, others call it benevacantism, [ 72 → 76] this idea is appealing to more and more people, it seems. [ 77 → 79] People who simply cannot take Francis anymore. [ 80 → 85] And of course, what better way out than to point at the other guy in white in Vatican City, [ 85 → 88] saying that he is the Pope instead. [ 89 → 96] See, just in terms of externals, you know, the papal regalia and the title and the name and the reclusion and the Vatican, [ 96 → 104] just in terms of externals, it's not nearly so crazy as sedevacantism is always claimed to be, right? [ 105 → 110] So, those who can see that Catholicism is done for if Francis is a valid Pope, [ 110 → 114] can conveniently now switch back to Ratzinger. [ 114 → 115] Benedict XVI. [ 115 → 118] And then all is saved. [ 119 → 120] Right? [ 120 → 122] Well, that's what they think. [ 122 → 127] But have these people ever considered that that was maybe the game plan all along? [ 127 → 130] Have they ever given any thought to the idea that, [ 130 → 132] considering what we know about Ratzinger, [ 133 → 137] who is no less heretical than Francis, he's just more circumspect about it, [ 137 → 142] that this whole weird resignation and Pope Emeritus circus [ 142 → 145] was created precisely so that Francis, [ 145 → 148] could shift the apostasy into highest gear, [ 148 → 152] and they wouldn't have to worry about driving everyone to sedevacantism? [ 153 → 157] Because those who can see that there's no way that Francis is Pope, [ 158 → 161] now have a new alternative to fall back on. [ 161 → 165] Benedict, the real Pope, hiding in Vatican City. [ 166 → 171] And that's where this post comes in that I just mentioned at the Non Veni Pacem blog. [ 172 → 175] There, the author outlines why he thinks Benedict's resignation [ 175 → 177] was invalid and concludes, [ 177 → 197] And this is what gets me. [ 197 → 201] The reason for concluding that Francis is an antipope, [ 201 → 203] which is obviously true, [ 203 → 205] the reason he gives for concluding, [ 205 → 210] is not the heaps and heaps of heresy and apostasy he's been spouting for years [ 210 → 215] and the poison he's been infusing into countless souls who believe him to be the Pope. [ 215 → 222] No, it's Ratzinger's idiotic view of the papacy as a kind of quasi-diarchy instead of a monarchy, [ 223 → 225] which is probably a heresy, by the way. [ 225 → 231] It's that bizarre idea that somehow keeps him not from ever being Pope, mind you, [ 231 → 233] but from not being Pope. [ 233 → 235] This is completely loony. [ 236 → 238] And that's the Anne Barnhart argument. [ 239 → 242] Benedict is in substantial error about what the papacy is, [ 243 → 245] and therefore he cannot validly resign it. [ 245 → 250] Well, hello, if he is substantially in error about the essence of the papacy, [ 250 → 253] such that it would render his resignation invalid, [ 253 → 256] then he cannot validly accept the office to begin with. [ 257 → 260] If it invalidates his resignation, [ 260 → 262] then it also invalidates his acceptance. [ 263 → 267] So, this is absolutely amazing, [ 267 → 270] but it shows what Novus Ordoism can do to souls. [ 271 → 276] Truckloads of heresy and apostasy have not been able to convince these people [ 276 → 278] that Bergoglio is not the Pope, [ 278 → 280] but when it comes to Ratzinger's resignation, [ 281 → 283] suddenly they discover moral certitude. [ 284 → 284] Unbelievable. [ 286 → 288] All right, let's move on to something else. [ 288 → 293] The Roman Curia of the Novus Ordo Church is about to get an extra infusion, [ 293 → 294] of estrogen. [ 295 → 299] The so-called Catholic News Service reports in an article on July 8th [ 299 → 302] that Francis has named seven women [ 302 → 307] to be full members of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life [ 307 → 310] and Societies of Apostolic Life. [ 310 → 312] And yes, that is a first, [ 312 → 316] even for the modernist sect occupying Vatican City. [ 318 → 322] Then, in an interview given to the Argentinian paper La Nación, [ 322 → 323] that was published in the newspaper La Nación, [ 323 → 324] that was published this past Monday, [ 325 → 329] the Frankster said that he would like to visit his native Argentina next year. [ 331 → 334] Yeah, the question is just whether anyone there actually wants to see him, [ 334 → 338] because they know him very well there, [ 339 → 343] and the facade of the jolly and humble Pope who loves everybody [ 343 → 346] isn't going to fly that well. [ 347 → 351] You know, Francis has visited so many countries in the last six years [ 351 → 353] that it's become painfully obvious that he's not going to be able to visit them. [ 353 → 357] It's obvious that there's one nation he's been avoiding like the plague, [ 358 → 360] his own, Argentina. [ 360 → 362] And from the beginning, he made excuses [ 362 → 366] for why he just wouldn't be able to go there just yet. [ 368 → 371] And so, in my opinion, he knows that after six years, [ 372 → 374] no excuse is going to work anymore. [ 374 → 378] So, he knows he'll just have to bite the bullet and go. [ 379 → 382] So, yeah, my opinion is that the official plan [ 382 → 384] is to visit in 2020, [ 384 → 386] but then something will probably come up [ 386 → 389] and he'll have to postpone it till 2021. [ 390 → 392] And he's probably hoping he'll die before then, [ 392 → 394] but that's probably not going to happen. [ 396 → 397] All right. [ 397 → 400] Lastly, a very conservative Novus Ordo priest [ 400 → 403] has been excommunicated by his supposed bishop. [ 404 → 407] No, not for abusing anyone or anything. [ 407 → 409] He would have just been moved to a different parish for that. [ 409 → 409] No. [ 410 → 412] He did something that, [ 412 → 415] gets Novus Ordo bishops really upset, [ 416 → 419] where they have no sense of humor and no tolerance. [ 420 → 425] He took issue with the spirit of Vatican II [ 425 → 430] and some things done and said by the Novus Ordo popes. [ 431 → 435] Now, that is the one thing you cannot do [ 435 → 436] in the Vatican II church, [ 437 → 439] as the moniker kind of suggests. [ 440 → 442] When it comes to supposedly Catholicism, [ 442 → 445] like politicians voting for abortion, for example, [ 445 → 448] or for using federal funds to support the dismemberment [ 448 → 451] of children in the womb and the sale of their body parts, [ 451 → 455] that's when Novus Ordo bishops count on dialogue [ 455 → 458] and tolerance and the primacy of conscience. [ 459 → 462] Besides, they discover that excommunicating such people [ 462 → 466] would be a martyrs and really would not accomplish anything anyway. [ 467 → 471] But when it comes to an issue they actually care about, [ 471 → 475] like making sure people don't even think about [ 475 → 478] questioning Vatican II or all those sainted popes [ 478 → 480] that the council cranked out in bulk, [ 480 → 484] that's where they swiftly exercise the full force [ 484 → 485] of their putative authority. [ 487 → 490] And so on July 8th, Church Militant published an article [ 490 → 493] entitled Priest Excommunicated Parish Closed [ 494 → 496] After Criticism of Conciliar Popes. [ 497 → 499] Let me quote from this piece a little bit. [ 499 → 500] Quote, [ 501 → 504] The priest of the personal ordinariate of the chair of St. Peter [ 504 → 508] has been excommunicated and his parish permanently closed [ 508 → 513] months after he criticized certain actions of various popes [ 513 → 516] both during and after the Second Vatican Council. [ 517 → 520] On April 1st, Bishop Stephen J. Lopes announced [ 520 → 523] he had issued a decree of excommunication [ 523 → 524] against Father Von Trecco, [ 525 → 528] pastor of St. Bede the Venerable in suburban Minneapolis, [ 529 → 531] citing rejection of the majesty, [ 531 → 533] the ministerial authority of an ecumenical council, [ 534 → 535] and a series of popes. [ 536 → 539] The charge stems from a homily Father Trecco delivered [ 539 → 541] on November 25th, 2018, [ 542 → 544] the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. [ 545 → 548] The first signs of trouble came on December 11th [ 548 → 550] when Father Trecco was contacted by [ 550 → 553] Ordinariate Vicar General Father Timothy Perkins. [ 553 → 557] Father Perkins denounced the homily as tantamount to heresy [ 557 → 560] and ordered Trecco to fly to Texas [ 560 → 561] for a meeting with the Pope. [ 561 → 563] Trecco met with Bishop Stephen Lopes, [ 563 → 565] head of the personal Ordinariate. [ 565 → 568] The following day, Father Trecco met with Bishop Lopes, [ 569 → 571] Vicar General Perkins, and Father Richard Kramer, [ 572 → 576] Director of Vocations at the Ordinariate's Houston Chancery. [ 576 → 579] And this is where it gets interesting. [ 580 → 582] You see, Trecco was asked to affirm [ 582 → 586] that he acknowledges the validity of the Second Vatican Council [ 586 → 589] and the legitimacy of the papal claimants [ 589 → 591] John XXIII, Paul XXIII, [ 591 → 594] John Paul I, John Paul II, [ 594 → 597] Benedict XVI, and Francis, [ 598 → 600] even though nothing he had said [ 600 → 602] had indicated otherwise. [ 603 → 604] How about that? [ 605 → 608] See, there's one thing and one thing only [ 608 → 611] that these people are really nervous about, [ 611 → 614] questioning the legitimacy of Vatican II [ 614 → 616] and the modernist monsters [ 616 → 620] that have masqueraded as Catholic popes since then. [ 620 → 621] And the reason? [ 621 → 622] The reason is simply this. [ 624 → 627] It's the entire basis of their religion. [ 627 → 630] If you take that away, it all collapses. [ 631 → 632] There's nothing left. [ 632 → 636] If you deny the papal claims of these charlatans [ 636 → 638] and the abominable robber senate [ 638 → 640] that is the foundation of their new religion, [ 641 → 642] you're pulling the rug out [ 642 → 644] from underneath their entire modernist edifice. [ 645 → 646] Take it all away, [ 647 → 649] and what is left of the Vatican II religion? [ 649 → 650] Nothing. [ 650 → 651] It's over. [ 651 → 656] Their religion begins with John XXIII in 1958. [ 656 → 659] They may let you have the Latin Mass, [ 659 → 663] but boy, you are not going to get from them [ 663 → 665] the old faith, [ 665 → 667] the religion of Pope Pius XII [ 667 → 669] and his predecessors. [ 670 → 671] Ladies and gentlemen, [ 672 → 674] when was the last time you heard about [ 674 → 678] a Novus Ordo priest being called in by the bishop [ 678 → 681] because of what he had said in a sermon? [ 681 → 684] See, somehow that never happens [ 684 → 686] for any of the countless garbage sermons [ 686 → 689] most Novus Ordo priests preach every Sunday. [ 690 → 694] It only happens when someone passionately preaches [ 694 → 696] something that resembles Catholicism. [ 697 → 700] Then, all hell breaks loose. [ 701 → 702] Let me quote a little more [ 702 → 703] from the Church Militant article. [ 704 → 705] Quote, [ 705 → 707] In spite of Father Treco's pledges of fidelity, [ 707 → 710] Bishop Lopes dismissed his personal profession of faith, [ 710 → 715] accusing the priest of fomenting schism within the Church. [ 716 → 718] As Father Treco and his backers point out, [ 718 → 719] the bishop has refused to specify [ 719 → 722] how and where in his homily [ 722 → 724] Father Treco incited schism, [ 725 → 727] noting that instead Lopes has lobbed accusations [ 727 → 730] only in general terms. [ 730 → 731] Unquote. [ 732 → 734] See, I find that a bit funny. [ 734 → 737] I mean, here this bishop jokester is insistent [ 737 → 738] on accepting Vatican II [ 738 → 740] and then pretends to be all concerned [ 740 → 741] about schism. [ 742 → 745] Well, has he not learned from the council [ 745 → 748] that schismatic sects are used by the Holy Ghost [ 748 → 749] as means of salvation? [ 750 → 752] Doesn't he know that schismatics are also [ 752 → 754] baptized brothers in Christ [ 754 → 757] whose sacraments give access to salvation? [ 758 → 761] Doesn't he know that he's in at least partial communion [ 761 → 764] with schismatics who are not lacking [ 764 → 766] in so many gifts [ 766 → 768] that help to build up the body of Christ? [ 769 → 770] I mean, where has this man been? [ 770 → 773] I think the real question is, [ 773 → 774] does he accept Vatican II? [ 776 → 779] So anyway, Mr. Lopes charged Mr. Treco [ 779 → 780] with a public act of schism [ 780 → 783] but refused to identify exactly [ 783 → 784] how this delict had been committed [ 784 → 787] even after being asked to do so. [ 789 → 791] Treco assured him he would be happy [ 791 → 793] to recant anything contrary to the faith [ 793 → 796] but that he's not aware of having stated [ 796 → 797] anything contrary to it. [ 798 → 799] Well, that wasn't good enough [ 799 → 800] for the pretender. [ 800 → 803] And he proceeded to excommunicate Treco [ 803 → 806] and on May 19th, the entire parish [ 806 → 808] was shut down. [ 808 → 811] Folks, I don't say it with glee [ 811 → 812] but with charity. [ 812 → 814] This is what you get [ 814 → 816] when you hold that modernists [ 816 → 818] can rule the Catholic Church. [ 818 → 819] If you acknowledge [ 819 → 822] as legitimate Catholic shepherds [ 822 → 824] people who are public modernists [ 824 → 826] then don't complain [ 826 → 828] if they give you [ 828 → 829] and enforce modernism. [ 831 → 833] Tradcast Express is a production [ 833 → 834] of Novos Ordo Watch. [ 834 → 836] Check us out at tradcast.org [ 836 → 838] and if you like what we're doing [ 838 → 840] please consider making a tax-deductible contribution [ 840 → 843] at novosordowatch.org [ 843 → 844] slash donate.