[ 0 → 4] Tradcast Express [ 4 → 14] Tradcast Express, it's Friday, September 27th, 2019. [ 15 → 18] There is real perversion in the Church. [ 18 → 25] That is what Pope Francis admitted in a private talk with Jesuits in Mozambique on September 5th, [ 25 → 30] the transcript of which was just released yesterday by La Civiltà Cattolica. [ 31 → 37] Of course, we're talking about the great evil of clericalism that is afflicting the Vatican II sect [ 37 → 41] and endangering the salvation of souls everywhere. [ 42 → 42] Quote, [ 42 → 47] Clericalism demands that the shepherd always stays ahead, sets a course, [ 47 → 51] and punishes with excommunication those who stray from the flock. [ 51 → 55] In short, the very opposite of what Jesus did. [ 55 → 60] Clericalism condemns, separates, beats, and despises the people of God. [ 61 → 64] Clericalism has a direct consequence in rigidity. [ 65 → 69] Have you never seen young priests all stiff in black cassocks and hats [ 69 → 71] in the shape of the planet Saturn on their heads? [ 72 → 76] Behind all the rigid clericalism, there are serious problems. [ 76 → 84] I had to intervene recently in three dioceses with problems that expressed themselves in these forms of rigidity [ 84 → 85] that concealed more than I could. [ 85 → 87] Moral problems and imbalances. [ 87 → 88] Unquote. [ 89 → 94] Well, the world is no doubt relieved to hear that the Frankster is personally stepping in [ 94 → 99] to crack down on such grave immorality in dioceses throughout the world. [ 99 → 103] It's just a different kind of accompaniment, you see. [ 104 → 108] Another thing the Argentinian apostate said in this talk is the following, [ 108 → 110] and make sure you're seated. [ 110 → 110] Quote, [ 111 → 115] Today I felt a certain bitterness after a meeting with young people, [ 115 → 119] a woman approached me with a young man and a young woman. [ 119 → 122] I was told they were part of a slightly fundamentalist movement. [ 123 → 126] She said to me in perfect Spanish, [ 126 → 128] Your Holiness, I am from South Africa. [ 129 → 132] This boy was a Hindu and converted to Catholicism. [ 132 → 135] This girl was Anglican and converted to Catholicism. [ 136 → 142] But she told me in a triumphant way, as though she was showing off a hunting trophy. [ 142 → 145] I felt uncomfortable and said to her, [ 145 → 150] Madam, evangelization, yes, proselytism, no. [ 150 → 151] Unquote. [ 151 → 155] Yeah, that's typical Bergoglio right there. [ 155 → 161] Hey, dude, this woman was thrilled to death that her two friends had been rescued from false religions [ 161 → 164] in which there is no salvation. [ 164 → 168] The first one was rescued from the wicked idolatry of Hinduism, [ 168 → 172] in which people worship cows and I'm not even going to say what else. [ 173 → 174] And the second one was rescued from a proselytism, [ 174 → 175] and the second one was rescued from a proselytism, [ 175 → 178] a Protestant sect that is founded on adultery. [ 178 → 180] A Catholic would be thrilled to hear that. [ 181 → 183] And bless God and thanksgiving. [ 184 → 190] Instead, the Frankster is uncomfortable because he suspects the woman proselytized. [ 191 → 191] You know what? [ 192 → 193] She probably did. [ 194 → 195] And now she is excited. [ 195 → 199] She is joyful because her proselytism bore fruit. [ 199 → 204] Because she brought two souls from the kingdom of the devil into the kingdom of God. [ 204 → 208] Well, at least she thinks it's the kingdom of God. [ 208 → 211] I mean, it's a novel sort of sect, but you know, you get the idea. [ 212 → 213] And so that's why she's excited. [ 214 → 216] She's like the shepherd who's found the lost sheep. [ 216 → 219] Like the father who receives his prodigal son. [ 220 → 224] Like the woman who's found the groat that she lost and calling her friends, [ 224 → 230] she tells them, rejoice with me because I have found the groat which I had lost. [ 231 → 233] See Luke 15, 9. [ 233 → 235] And what does Bergoglio do? [ 236 → 239] He abrades her for triumphalism. [ 240 → 245] Well, you know, it is cause for rejoicing when Christ triumphs over Satan. [ 245 → 248] When truth triumphs over error. [ 248 → 251] When light triumphs over darkness. [ 251 → 254] When virtue triumphs over vice. [ 254 → 257] When grace triumphs over sin. [ 257 → 261] As St. Paul says in 2 Corinthians 2.14, [ 261 → 263] Now thanks be to God. [ 263 → 266] Who always maketh us to triumph in Christ Jesus [ 266 → 271] and manifesteth the odor of his knowledge by us in every place. [ 272 → 277] And we'll look at one more outrageous excerpt from Bergoglio's chat [ 277 → 280] with his fellow Jesuits in Mozambique. [ 280 → 284] The apostate from Buenos Aires repeated once more his heresy, [ 284 → 286] or at least grave error, [ 286 → 292] that sins against the sixth commandment are among the least serious of sins. [ 293 → 293] Here's what he says. [ 293 → 300] One dimension of clericalism is the exclusive moral fixation on the sixth commandment. [ 301 → 306] Once a Jesuit, a great Jesuit, told me to be careful in giving absolution [ 306 → 310] because the most serious sins are those that are more angelical, [ 310 → 313] pride, arrogance, dominion. [ 314 → 319] And the least serious are those that are less angelical, such as greed and lust. [ 319 → 323] We focus on sex and then we do not give way to, [ 323 → 326] social injustice, slander, gossip, and lies. [ 326 → 331] The church today needs a profound conversion in this area. [ 332 → 332] Unquote. [ 334 → 336] What utter, utter baloney. [ 337 → 340] Now he said this once before, two years ago, [ 340 → 343] in the book-length interview conducted by Dominique Wolleton, [ 343 → 346] published in the United States under the title [ 346 → 351] A Future of Faith, The Path of Change in Politics and Society. [ 351 → 353] And this attitude of, [ 353 → 357] explains why he is so lax about matters of sexual morality. [ 358 → 364] The problem is, it's simply not true that sins of lust are among the least serious of sins. [ 365 → 366] Quite the contrary. [ 368 → 372] Now, of course, there are sins that are worse than those against the sixth commandment. [ 372 → 376] And it's not like sins contrary to purity are unforgivable or anything. [ 376 → 378] Of course, they can be forgiven. [ 378 → 382] But the vice of lust does not admit of light matter. [ 382 → 388] Which means that any sin of lust committed with full knowledge and consent is a mortal sin [ 388 → 392] and deprives the soul of sanctifying grace. [ 392 → 397] Because of the weakness of the flesh, which is the result of original sin, [ 397 → 401] the sin of lust is very easy to fall into. [ 402 → 406] And it doesn't take much for that kind of sin to become habitual. [ 406 → 411] So sins against the sixth commandment are among the most serious of sins [ 411 → 412] because they're easy to commit. [ 412 → 415] And so hard to get out of. [ 416 → 419] And they have such grave consequences. [ 419 → 421] I mean, they can destroy marriages. [ 422 → 429] So what Bergoglio is doing is he's gravely harming the souls of his listeners [ 429 → 430] by spouting this nonsense. [ 431 → 434] When the Blessed Mother appeared at Fatima in 1917 [ 434 → 437] to warn the world of God's impending chastisement, [ 437 → 441] she didn't complain about lies, gossip, or social injustice. [ 442 → 445] Although I'm not trying to make light of those sins. [ 445 → 451] No, she warned that more souls go to hell for sins against purity [ 451 → 453] than for any other sin. [ 454 → 456] And that makes sense if you think about it. [ 457 → 459] A man who does not guard his eyes, for example, [ 459 → 464] can easily commit adultery in his heart, as Christ says, [ 464 → 466] just by looking lustfully at a woman. [ 467 → 470] And so that sort of thing can happen just by being careless. [ 470 → 471] Right? [ 471 → 472] Right. [ 472 → 473] Right. [ 473 → 473] Right. [ 473 → 474] Right. [ 474 → 475] Right. [ 475 → 475] Right. [ 475 → 476] Right. [ 476 → 477] Right. [ 477 → 478] Right. [ 478 → 478] Right. [ 479 → 484] So for Francis to say that sexual sins are among the least serious, [ 484 → 487] that is completely false and very dangerous. [ 488 → 491] Look at what St. Alphonsus Liguori said about that. [ 492 → 496] And believe me, he knew a little bit about Catholic moral theology. [ 497 → 497] Quote, [ 497 → 500] My brother, do not say, as many do, [ 500 → 505] that sins against chastity are light sins and that God bears with them. [ 505 → 507] What, do you say that is a light sin? [ 508 → 511] But it is a mortal sin, and if it is a mortal sin, [ 511 → 515] one act of it that would be only the consent to a wicked thought [ 515 → 518] is sufficient to send you to hell. [ 519 → 524] No fornicator hath inheritance in the kingdom of Jesus Christ and of God. [ 525 → 526] Ephesians 5.5 [ 526 → 527] Unquote. [ 527 → 532] So no, we don't need a profound conversion on this matter. [ 532 → 534] If anyone needs conversion, it's Francis. [ 535 → 540] In fact, perhaps one reason why there have been so many horrific sexual abuse cases [ 540 → 545] in the Nobles Orner Church is precisely because so many of the perpetrators [ 545 → 552] had convinced themselves, like Francis, that sexual sins are just not that big of a deal. [ 553 → 557] Unlike, you know, rigidity and clericalism, [ 557 → 559] saturn-shaped hats. [ 560 → 563] Now those are a real danger to salvation, [ 564 → 568] and Francis may just have to withhold absolution.