[ 0 → 4] Tradcast Express [ 4 → 14] Tradcast Express, it's Saturday, December 28th, 2019. [ 15 → 20] It's amazing how many people out there try to defend the traditional Catholic faith [ 20 → 24] by disregarding and contradicting the traditional Catholic faith. [ 25 → 28] Case in point, the Hermits of Westray, Scotland. [ 28 → 31] Earlier this year, I think it was around May, [ 31 → 35] they published a declaration on their website, The Trumpeteer, [ 35 → 38] in which they formally severed their communion with Francis. [ 39 → 43] Not, mind you, while pointing out that he cannot be the Pope of the Catholic Church [ 43 → 46] and therefore they're withdrawing their communion with him, [ 47 → 51] but rather while still fully accepting him as a legitimate Pope. [ 52 → 57] Among the things they wrote in that declaration, entitled with great grief, is the following. [ 57 → 58] Quote, [ 58 → 62] The bride has become the harlot of old. [ 62 → 67] Tragically, the head of the church on earth, Pope Francis, by his utterances, his behavior, [ 68 → 73] his teaching and his actions, has shown himself to be indeed a great heretic. [ 74 → 78] We who are watchmen for the church, who must speak from the watchtower of truth, [ 79 → 83] have no option but to withdraw our obedience from Pope Francis [ 83 → 86] and sever communion with the Holy See. [ 87 → 88] We do this. [ 88 → 93] With great fear and trepidation, but we cannot take part in the Pope's sin. [ 93 → 98] This is not an act of schism, nor is it an act of defiance. [ 98 → 100] It is an act of real prudence. [ 100 → 105] For no one in their right mind would stay in a burning building, [ 105 → 108] nor would they silently go down with a sinking ship. [ 109 → 114] The Holy Roman Church over the last 60 years is being transformed inexorably [ 114 → 118] into the false church prophesied by Blessed Anna Kempel, [ 118 → 119] Catherine Emmerich. [ 120 → 125] The church's structures and her teachings have been infected by heresy and wrongdoing, [ 126 → 131] and those who are of the church of Christ must come out of the false church, [ 131 → 136] just as the early Christians were miraculously called out of Jerusalem [ 136 → 139] before it was destroyed in A.D. 70. [ 140 → 144] Truly, these are desperate times which require desperate measures. [ 144 → 148] We have most reluctantly had to take such a drastic stand, [ 148 → 151] because the successors of the apostles, namely the bishops, [ 152 → 155] faced with the horror of an apostate pope, [ 155 → 157] have failed to defend the gates of the church, [ 158 → 162] as the hordes of hell ransack so much of the city of God." [ 162 → 167] Now, assuming for a minute that Francis were a true pope, [ 168 → 170] and his modernist sect were the Catholic Church, [ 170 → 176] then what these hermits just said in that declaration is a formal act of schism. [ 177 → 178] And in any case, it is loathsome, [ 178 → 182] for it claims that the Catholic Church can defect, [ 183 → 186] that it can be prudent to withdraw from communion with the Roman pontiff, [ 187 → 190] when that is the very definition of schism, [ 190 → 194] and it claims that the Bride of Christ has become a prostitute. [ 195 → 196] That is blasphemy. [ 197 → 200] In his encyclical Mortalium Animus, [ 200 → 205] which you would think the supposed defenders of traditional Catholicism are familiar with, [ 205 → 207] Pope Pius XI wrote, [ 207 → 207] quote, [ 208 → 210] During the lapse of centuries, [ 210 → 213] the mystical spouse of Christ has never been contaminated, [ 214 → 218] nor can she ever in the future be contaminated. [ 219 → 219] Unquote. [ 220 → 223] And then the pope quotes St. Cyprian as follows, [ 224 → 224] quote, [ 224 → 228] The Bride of Christ cannot be made false to her spouse. [ 228 → 231] She is incorrupt and modest. [ 231 → 233] She knows but one dwelling. [ 233 → 237] She guards the sanctity of the nuptial chamber chastely, [ 237 → 238] and modestly. [ 238 → 239] Unquote. [ 240 → 244] That's Mortalium Animus, paragraph number 10. [ 244 → 248] In the very next paragraph, the same Pope Pius XI writes, [ 248 → 248] quote, [ 249 → 252] Furthermore, in this one Church of Christ, [ 252 → 256] no man can be or remain who does not accept, [ 256 → 264] recognize, and obey the authority and supremacy of Peter and his legitimate successors. [ 265 → 265] Unquote. [ 266 → 268] So much for recognize and resist. [ 268 → 272] The true teaching is recognize and obey. [ 273 → 276] In 1908, in his apostolic letter Tuum Illud, [ 277 → 279] Pope St. Pius X had taught, quote, [ 280 → 284] What is of highest importance to the safeguarding of Catholic truth [ 284 → 290] is to follow and obey the successor of St. Peter with the greatest faith. [ 290 → 291] Unquote. [ 291 → 295] And of course, we all know the dogmatic declaration by Pope Boniface VIII [ 295 → 297] in the Bull Unam Sanctam, [ 297 → 299] in the year 1302. [ 299 → 300] Quote, [ 300 → 316] Well, in any case, the reason I'm bringing up this declaration now [ 316 → 320] is that just a few days ago, on Christmas Eve, December 24th, [ 321 → 324] the hermits received a formal decree of excommunication [ 324 → 326] from the Novus Ordo bishop, [ 326 → 327] in whose diocese, [ 327 → 328] they reside, [ 328 → 330] Mr. Brian McGee. [ 330 → 333] And now, apparently, the hermits are aghast. [ 334 → 335] Well, duh. [ 336 → 337] What were they thinking? [ 338 → 340] Of course they're going to be excommunicated [ 340 → 342] by the man they think is their legitimate bishop [ 342 → 346] if they declare straight up that they're withdrawing from communion [ 346 → 349] with the man they all acknowledge to be the vicar of Christ. [ 350 → 352] Why should this be surprising? [ 352 → 353] And why are they upset? [ 354 → 356] They themselves had already declared [ 356 → 356] that their... [ 357 → 359] They're out of communion with the entity [ 359 → 361] their bishop is in communion with, [ 361 → 363] so obviously they've also withdrawn [ 363 → 365] from communion with their bishop. [ 366 → 366] So the bishop, [ 367 → 368] well, he's a layman, of course, [ 369 → 370] but he's officially their bishop, [ 370 → 373] is simply ratifying from his end [ 373 → 375] that they have indeed separated themselves [ 375 → 377] from what both sides believe to be [ 377 → 379] the Catholic communion. [ 380 → 382] In a response to the decree of excommunication, [ 383 → 385] the hermits write to Mr. McGee, [ 385 → 385] quote, [ 385 → 388] that you should have sent it so close to Christmas [ 388 → 391] shows a heartlessness that does you no credit. [ 392 → 393] Unquote. [ 393 → 394] That is absurd. [ 395 → 397] They themselves had already declared [ 397 → 398] that they have no communion [ 398 → 401] with what they believe to be the Holy See. [ 402 → 404] And so they're the ones who cut themselves off. [ 404 → 406] That was back in May, [ 406 → 407] or maybe it was April. [ 408 → 411] And the Novus Ordo bishop waited until late December [ 411 → 413] to issue a decree of excommunication. [ 413 → 414] If anything, [ 414 → 415] you could say that was pretty... [ 415 → 416] pretty lenient. [ 417 → 419] Further on in their response to the decree, [ 419 → 420] the hermits, of course, [ 420 → 422] point out that they are defiant as ever [ 422 → 424] and retract nothing of what they said [ 424 → 426] in their original declaration. [ 427 → 427] In fact, [ 428 → 429] they berate their bishop [ 429 → 430] for not denouncing Francis [ 430 → 432] for his heresies and stuff. [ 432 → 432] And of course, [ 432 → 434] they're entirely right in doing that. [ 435 → 437] But the point is that they cannot hold [ 437 → 439] that Francis teaches heresy and apostasy [ 439 → 441] in his magisterium [ 441 → 442] and still be the pope. [ 443 → 445] Nor can they hold that the Catholic Church [ 445 → 445] has defiance, [ 445 → 448] as they obviously are saying, [ 448 → 450] nor can they withdraw from submission [ 450 → 452] to the person they still hold [ 452 → 454] as the legitimate vicar of Christ on earth. [ 456 → 457] They cannot do any of that [ 457 → 459] without themselves denying [ 459 → 461] the traditional Catholic faith [ 461 → 463] that they, quite rightly, [ 463 → 465] accuse Francis of denying. [ 466 → 468] And so it's ironic to an absurd degree [ 468 → 470] that in their reply, [ 470 → 471] they accuse Francis [ 471 → 474] of being a great betrayer of the faith [ 474 → 475] when they themselves, [ 475 → 477] are betraying it. [ 477 → 478] They're just betraying it [ 478 → 480] with regard to different dogmas [ 480 → 480] than Francis. [ 481 → 482] But if you're a heretic, [ 483 → 484] you're a heretic and not a Catholic. [ 485 → 485] It doesn't matter, [ 486 → 487] as far as that goes, [ 487 → 488] whether you're a heretic [ 488 → 489] for denying the papacy [ 489 → 491] or the Immaculate Conception [ 491 → 493] or the indissolubility of marriage. [ 494 → 496] The Hermits' last sentence [ 496 → 497] in their response [ 497 → 499] to the decree of excommunication reads, [ 499 → 499] quote, [ 500 → 501] There is nothing more to say [ 501 → 504] and so we declare your excommunication [ 504 → 505] as utterly worthless [ 505 → 508] and totally null and void. [ 508 → 508] Unquote. [ 509 → 511] Funny, that's the same people [ 511 → 512] who typically accuse [ 512 → 514] Sedevacanists of private judgment. [ 515 → 516] And here they are, [ 516 → 518] possessing no authority whatsoever, [ 518 → 520] presuming to declare [ 520 → 523] their bishop's decree of excommunication [ 523 → 524] to be null and void. [ 525 → 527] Yeah, well, I think pretty much [ 527 → 528] all heretics consider [ 528 → 529] their own excommunications [ 529 → 530] to be worthless. [ 531 → 533] And although it's true [ 533 → 534] that it's possible [ 534 → 535] for a bishop to declare [ 535 → 538] an excommunication unjustly, [ 538 → 540] in which case it is of no effect, [ 541 → 543] nevertheless, in this case, [ 543 → 545] the excommunication isn't unjust, [ 546 → 547] if we suppose for a moment [ 547 → 549] that McGee were the lawful bishop [ 549 → 550] with the power to excommunicate. [ 551 → 553] And even if it were unjust, [ 553 → 555] the Hermits have no power [ 555 → 556] to declare it void. [ 557 → 558] Furthermore, [ 558 → 560] and this is where it pays, [ 560 → 560] once again, [ 561 → 562] to be actually somewhat familiar [ 562 → 564] with the traditional Catholic faith [ 564 → 565] when claims are made, [ 565 → 566] to be defending and upholding, [ 567 → 569] Pope Clement XI condemned [ 569 → 571] the teaching of the Jansenist [ 571 → 572] Pascal Quesnel [ 572 → 575] that an unjust excommunication [ 575 → 576] need not be feared. [ 577 → 578] Listen to this. [ 578 → 579] Quote, [ 579 → 582] The fear of an unjust excommunication [ 582 → 583] should never hinder us [ 583 → 584] from fulfilling our duty. [ 585 → 586] Never are we separated [ 586 → 587] from the Church, [ 587 → 589] even when by the wickedness of men [ 589 → 592] we seem to be expelled from it [ 592 → 594] as long as we are attached to God [ 594 → 596] to Jesus Christ [ 596 → 597] and to the Church herself [ 597 → 598] by charity. [ 599 → 599] Unquote. [ 600 → 602] That is condemned [ 602 → 604] by Clement XI. [ 605 → 606] And another one. [ 606 → 607] Quote, [ 607 → 608] To suffer in peace [ 608 → 610] an excommunication [ 610 → 611] and an unjust anathema [ 611 → 613] rather than betray truth [ 613 → 615] is to imitate St. Paul, [ 616 → 617] far be it from rebelling [ 617 → 618] against authority [ 618 → 620] or of destroying unity. [ 621 → 621] Unquote. [ 622 → 622] Again, [ 622 → 624] this too was condemned [ 624 → 626] by Pope Clement XI [ 626 → 629] on September 8th, 1713 [ 629 → 631] in the Apostolic Constitution [ 631 → 632] Unigenitus. [ 633 → 634] You can look that up for yourselves [ 634 → 638] in Denzinger numbers 1441 and 42. [ 639 → 640] Now let me finish [ 640 → 641] by quoting you [ 641 → 642] some beautiful passages [ 642 → 644] from the encyclical letter [ 644 → 645] Quartus Supra [ 645 → 647] of Pope Pius IX. [ 648 → 649] It is unfortunately [ 649 → 650] much too little known [ 650 → 651] among traditionalists [ 651 → 652] and yet it is [ 652 → 653] of the greatest importance [ 653 → 655] and highly relevant [ 655 → 656] to what we're discussing here. [ 657 → 658] The document reads [ 658 → 659] like it was written [ 659 → 660] specifically [ 660 → 661] to counter and condemn [ 661 → 663] the Society of St. Pius X [ 663 → 665] and other recognize [ 665 → 667] and resist proponents. [ 667 → 669] Here are some excerpts. [ 669 → 670] Quote, [ 670 → 672] It has always been [ 672 → 673] the custom of heretics [ 673 → 674] and schismatics [ 674 → 676] to call themselves Catholics [ 676 → 677] and to proclaim [ 677 → 678] their many excellences [ 678 → 680] in order to lead peoples [ 680 → 681] and princes into error. [ 681 → 684] For any man [ 684 → 685] to be able to prove [ 685 → 686] his Catholic faith [ 686 → 687] and affirm that he is [ 687 → 688] truly a Catholic [ 688 → 690] he must be able [ 690 → 691] to convince [ 691 → 693] the Apostolic See of this [ 693 → 695] for this See is predominant [ 695 → 696] and with it [ 696 → 698] the faithful of the whole Church [ 698 → 698] should agree. [ 699 → 700] And the man who abandons [ 700 → 701] the See of Peter [ 701 → 704] can only be falsely confident [ 704 → 706] that he is in the Church. [ 707 → 709] Whoever the Roman pontiff [ 709 → 711] judges to be a schismatic [ 711 → 711] for his faith [ 711 → 713] for not expressly admitting [ 713 → 715] and reverencing his power [ 715 → 717] must stop calling himself Catholic. [ 719 → 721] But if one should be afraid [ 721 → 723] even of an unjust condemnation [ 723 → 724] by one's bishop [ 724 → 726] what must be said [ 726 → 727] of those men [ 727 → 728] who have been condemned [ 728 → 730] for rebelling against their bishop [ 730 → 732] and this Apostolic See [ 732 → 734] and tearing to pieces [ 734 → 736] as they are now doing [ 736 → 737] by a new schism [ 737 → 739] the seamless garment of Christ [ 739 → 740] which is the Church. [ 741 → 742] The Catholic Church [ 742 → 744] has always regarded [ 744 → 744] as schismatic [ 744 → 747] those who obstinately oppose [ 747 → 749] the lawful prelice of the Church [ 749 → 750] and in particular [ 750 → 752] the chief shepherd of all. [ 753 → 754] Unquote. [ 754 → 755] Again, that was [ 755 → 757] Pope Pius IX [ 757 → 759] Encyclical Quartus Supra [ 759 → 761] of 1873. [ 761 → 763] Go to papalincyclicals.net [ 763 → 765] and read the whole thing [ 765 → 766] and ask yourself [ 766 → 767] why you were told [ 767 → 768] about this encyclical [ 768 → 770] by a Sedevacantist [ 770 → 771] and not by a Catholic. [ 771 → 772] Not by your favorite [ 772 → 774] recognize-and-resist pundit. [ 774 → 776] Diabolical disorientation. [ 776 → 779] Ah, that must be the reason. [ 779 → 780] Tradcast Express [ 780 → 781] is a production of [ 781 → 782] Novos Ordo Watch. [ 783 → 783] Check us out at [ 783 → 785] tradcast.org [ 785 → 786] and if you like what we're doing [ 786 → 787] please consider making [ 787 → 788] a tax-deductible contribution [ 788 → 789] at [ 789 → 791] novosordowatch.org [ 791 → 792] slash donate.