[ 0 → 14] It's Wednesday, January 8th, 2020. [ 15 → 20] Ladies and gentlemen, today we begin with an important message from the editor of The [ 20 → 22] Remnant, Mr. Michael Matt. [ 22 → 26] And I really think that Francis is more or less, the reason we see this, he's pretending, [ 26 → 29] you know, he's pretending to be something that he's not. [ 29 → 30] I couldn't agree more. [ 30 → 34] Francis is pretending to be something that he's not. [ 34 → 37] Unfortunately, Matt wasn't talking about his claim to the papacy. [ 38 → 42] In fact, he doubled down on recognizing him as Pope when he continued. [ 43 → 43] Take a listen. [ 44 → 47] You know, I insist I get in a lot of trouble for calling him, you know, your holiness, [ 47 → 48] the Holy Father. [ 48 → 48] But you know what? [ 48 → 53] He hates that because in Francis's mind, he's not the holy leader of a holy church. [ 53 → 54] He's a politician. [ 54 → 58] He's a political activist leading a humanitarian organization. [ 59 → 59] Well, the what? [ 59 → 63] The Christian Catholic community or whatever they're calling it these days, you know? [ 63 → 69] These clips are taken from The Remnant video entitled Jorge's Heroes, Soros, Bono, and [ 69 → 72] Bill Gates, uploaded to YouTube on January 5th. [ 73 → 73] All right. [ 74 → 79] So Francis allegedly hates it when Michael Matt refers to him as your holiness because [ 79 → 82] he doesn't want to be the holy leader of a holy church. [ 82 → 87] So Matt is only too happy to accept him as precisely that. [ 88 → 88] Folks. [ 89 → 90] Could it be any more backwards? [ 91 → 99] So I guess now Matt's shtick is that calling Francis the Pope is really clobbering and resisting [ 99 → 99] him. [ 100 → 106] When the reality is, of course, that people acknowledging his claim to the papacy is precisely [ 106 → 111] what gives him all his power and credibility, because without that, he can do nothing. [ 112 → 118] And even if people resist his teachings and directives, for as long as they hold him to [ 118 → 119] be the Pope, that's all. [ 119 → 125] He needs to be able to continue with his program of apostasy, because it means that [ 125 → 126] he is in charge. [ 127 → 132] So Michael Matt and his readers are really kidding themselves if they think that their [ 132 → 138] resistance with Viganò and all the rest is doing any great harm to Francis or is throwing [ 138 → 140] a monkey wrench into his plans. [ 140 → 143] At best, they're putting a speed bump in his way. [ 143 → 148] But I guess these people need to motivate themselves on occasion to stay in the game [ 148 → 148] lest they defect. [ 148 → 151] Sedevacantism. [ 151 → 152] Wink wink. [ 153 → 158] Another example would be a post that appeared on January 4th at the Catholic Monitor blog [ 158 → 163] entitled The Catholic Resistance vs. Francis in 2019. [ 164 → 167] There, the author, Fred Martinez, writes, quote, [ 167 → 174] The Catholic Resistance scored major victories against Francis and his Vatican in 2019 before [ 174 → 177] the New Year Slapgate scandal, unquote. [ 177 → 178] And then the author, Fred Martinez, writes, quote, [ 178 → 178] And then the author, Fred Martinez, writes, quote, [ 178 → 183] And then the author lists a number of evil things that Francis did last year and the [ 183 → 187] supposedly good things that the resistance did to respond to that. [ 187 → 191] And then somehow he concludes that the resistance is winning. [ 192 → 194] But how is this a victory against Francis? [ 195 → 200] He's still acknowledged as Pope and he's still doing at least as much damage as before. [ 201 → 203] And honestly, it's getting worse by the week. [ 204 → 208] While the internal novel sort of resistance with people like Burke, Schneider, and other [ 208 → 214] and all of them at the helm, while they're holding conferences and writing books or [ 214 → 218] giving interviews, Francis simply keeps going at full throttle. [ 219 → 220] And you know why? [ 220 → 221] Because he can. [ 221 → 226] He can because they all acknowledge him as Pope. [ 227 → 229] And yes, it is getting worse. [ 230 → 234] Even with all the shenanigans going on in the first few years of his fake pontificate, [ 235 → 238] before last year, did anyone consider it a serious pontificate? [ 238 → 243] The possibility that the Mother Earth goddess Pachamama would be worshipped in the Vatican? [ 244 → 248] Did anyone think that that was realistically going to happen? [ 249 → 254] And if you recall, they worshipped Pachamama not only in the Vatican gardens on the eve [ 254 → 259] of the Amazon Senate, but also carried the idol in procession to the Senate Hall the [ 259 → 260] next day. [ 260 → 267] And at the closing liturgy, an offering of a bowl of soil was placed on the high altar [ 267 → 268] of St. Peter's Basilica. [ 268 → 271] Yeah, that's where we're at. [ 272 → 276] And these guys think they're winning, the resistance guys. [ 277 → 284] Folks, there is no alternative to proclaiming from the housetops that this man, this Jorge [ 284 → 289] Mario Bergoglio, is not the Pope of the Catholic Church. [ 289 → 294] That is necessary because the papacy has consequences. [ 294 → 298] A Catholic is obliged by traditional Catholic doctrine. [ 298 → 304] He is sent to everything a Pope teaches on faith and morals, not just the infallible [ 304 → 304] stuff. [ 305 → 307] So, resistance is not an option. [ 308 → 313] And if you do resist Francis while acknowledging him to be the Pope, you're contradicting [ 313 → 314] Catholic doctrine on the papacy. [ 315 → 320] So, if you think that you're accomplishing anything by resisting the Frankster, you're [ 320 → 323] quite mistaken and the joke's on you. [ 323 → 326] For Francis, that's a win-win. [ 326 → 328] As long as people acknowledge him as Pope. [ 328 → 331] He wins, even if he loses. [ 332 → 338] By the way, the excommunicated Westray Hermits that we talked about in the last Tradcast [ 338 → 343] Express, number 99, now say that Francis has ceased to be the Pope. [ 344 → 345] That's a step in the right direction. [ 346 → 352] And I want to mention it because my main criticism of their action had been that they severed [ 352 → 355] ties with the man they were acknowledging to be the Pope. [ 355 → 358] And that, of course, is the sin of schism. [ 358 → 364] So, I don't know if they changed their minds in the middle of the game on this or what, [ 364 → 370] but in an open letter published January 4th, 2020, the Hermits wrote, quote, [ 370 → 377] With the appearance of Amoris Laetitia and his other heresies, Pope Francis became a [ 377 → 382] heretic, ceased being a Catholic, and was therefore no longer Pope, unquote. [ 383 → 385] So, just for the record, okay? [ 385 → 388] They at least now say that he is. [ 388 → 390] No longer the Pope. [ 391 → 393] All right, on to our final topic. [ 395 → 400] A wise man once said that where there is abortion, there is animal worship. [ 400 → 406] And how true that tragically is in our oh-so-enlightened modern Western societies. [ 407 → 414] The night between December 31st and January 1st, 21 monkeys died in a German zoo after [ 414 → 418] fire broke out due to careless use of sky lanterns. [ 418 → 420] Okay, that's a type of firework. [ 421 → 427] And this happened in the city of Krefeld in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. [ 428 → 432] Now, it's obviously a sad and tragic thing when monkeys burn to death in a fire. [ 433 → 438] Because though they can't reason or think, since they don't have a rational soul, they [ 438 → 443] can and certainly do feel pain, since they have what's called a sensitive soul. [ 444 → 447] So, 21 monkeys died and two survived. [ 448 → 448] Now, the way they... [ 448 → 453] If the Germans are acting, you'd think that this was a terrorist attack with 21 people [ 453 → 453] dying. [ 454 → 459] Okay, there are police press conferences updating the public on how this happened, [ 459 → 463] how the surviving animals are doing, who's responsible for this. [ 464 → 468] And now different firework stores have said that they're no longer going to be selling [ 468 → 470] sky lanterns because of this. [ 471 → 476] And what's even worse is that people have now been placing candles and flowers and cards [ 476 → 478] by the scene. [ 478 → 481] And made it into a memorial site. [ 481 → 482] It is absurd. [ 483 → 486] I mean, these monkeys are being treated as if they were human. [ 487 → 492] But of course, when 21 pre-born children are slaughtered in the womb, no one bats an eye. [ 493 → 500] One of the fundamental reasons for this perversion is that contemporary man no longer considers [ 500 → 506] what a thing is and instead only focuses on what a thing can do. [ 506 → 508] And the more something can do, the more... [ 508 → 511] The more value contemporary man will attach to it. [ 511 → 517] And for that reason, grown monkeys are more and more being considered of greater worth [ 517 → 523] and value than pre-born children or even born children because a little child can't [ 523 → 528] do anything except scream and can't even feed himself. [ 528 → 532] Whereas a grown monkey can do all kinds of things. [ 533 → 537] Never mind that the human child is made in the image and likeness of God with an immortal [ 537 → 538] soul. [ 538 → 541] And has the ability to attain the beatific vision. [ 542 → 548] A monkey has no such lofty calling and will simply cease to exist when it dies. [ 548 → 551] And yes, I said it. [ 552 → 554] Now, why am I telling you this? [ 554 → 562] I'm telling you this because the Novus Ordo theologian father, Reiner Hagenkord, has weighed [ 562 → 562] in on this. [ 562 → 567] And he says that he would find it entirely appropriate to have a memorial site. [ 568 → 569] And he says that he would find it entirely appropriate to have a memorial service in [ 569 → 570] the wake of this tragedy. [ 571 → 575] And by memorial service, he means a Novus Ordo mass, right? [ 575 → 577] No, it wouldn't quite be a funeral mass. [ 578 → 579] Granted, they're not at that point yet. [ 580 → 585] It would be more of a bereavement service for the people to help them deal with their [ 585 → 586] grief. [ 586 → 589] Folks, you can't make the stuff up. [ 590 → 597] Now, remember a few years back, the bereavement service held in a Belgian Novus Ordo church [ 597 → 598] after a famous mass. [ 598 → 599] This dog died. [ 599 → 600] Remember that? [ 600 → 609] You can still find our post on that if you go to novusordowatch.org slash wire and type [ 609 → 613] gone to the dogs into the search box on the right-hand side. [ 613 → 617] That was published on April 25th, 2015. [ 618 → 625] And with this latest news about Mr. Hagenkord and France's whole Laudato Si' environmentalist [ 625 → 627] stuff, we're probably going to see more of that. [ 627 → 628] We're probably going to see more of that. [ 628 → 630] We're probably going to see more and more of that in the near future. [ 631 → 633] Don't think it's not going to happen. [ 633 → 635] Don't think that that could never happen. [ 636 → 641] Think of all the outrageous news headlines that you read today and don't even bother [ 641 → 645] clicking on anymore because you've heard it so many times before. [ 646 → 653] And yet, oftentimes, we're talking about things that five or ten years ago were totally unthinkable. [ 654 → 658] Now, one thing I haven't told you yet about Mr. Hagenkord. [ 658 → 658] And yet, oftentimes, we're talking about things that five or ten years ago were totally unthinkable. [ 658 → 659] Now, one thing I haven't told you yet about Mr. Hagenkord is this. [ 660 → 668] He is the founder of the so-called Institute of Theological Zoology in the city of Munster, [ 668 → 668] Germany. [ 669 → 671] Yes, you heard correctly. [ 671 → 673] Theological Zoology. [ 674 → 676] Well, you know, it's only fair. [ 676 → 682] In the Novus Ordo sect, there's theological anthropology and there's the theology of [ 682 → 682] the body. [ 682 → 685] So, why not a theology of animals? [ 685 → 688] Of course, the very idea of the body is the theology of animals. [ 688 → 694] But the idea of a theological zoology is thoroughly modernist because animals are not a source [ 694 → 700] of supernatural divine revelation, which is what theology concerns itself with. [ 700 → 704] So, there can be no theological zoology. [ 705 → 710] At the same time, it is rather fitting that this should now be an accepted Novus Ordo theological [ 710 → 715] field, considering that the Vatican II religion is a theological zoo. [ 718 → 721] Tradcast Express is a production of Novus Ordo Watch. [ 722 → 724] Check us out at tradcast.org. [ 724 → 727] And if you like what we're doing, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution [ 727 → 731] at novusortowatch.org slash donate. [ 731 → 761] We'll see you next time.