[ 0 → 17] Tradcast Express, it's Monday, January 20th, 2020, Ratzinger Rising. [ 17 → 25] That is the title of a May 8th, 2017 article posted at First Things, written by William [ 25 → 30] Doino Jr., who is also a contributor to Inside the Vatican magazine. [ 31 → 38] Not surprisingly, the author sings the praises of how wonderful of a Catholic and how great [ 38 → 45] of a theologian Father Joseph Ratzinger is, the man today known as Pope Emeritus Benedict [ 45 → 46] XVI. [ 47 → 54] Yes, I know that Francis makes Benedict look like an ultra-Orthodox inquisitor serving [ 54 → 59] high mass for Pope St. Pius X, but looks can be deceiving. [ 59 → 65] See, Francis is very open about his apostasy, whereas Benedict has been hiding it under [ 65 → 72] a veneer of respectability, dignity, and orthodoxy, and that's a tactic that's been working [ 72 → 74] out for him very well. [ 74 → 76] Why am I bringing this up? [ 76 → 77] Well, no doubt. [ 77 → 82] You heard about the kerfuffle last week regarding the book From the Depths of Our Hearts, Defending [ 82 → 90] Priestly Celibacy, co-authored by Benedict, as well as Cardinal Robert Serra, the current [ 90 → 93] head of the Vatican's Congregation for Divine Worship. [ 93 → 98] In case you hadn't heard yet, I'll spare you the details and just say that the bottom line [ 98 → 104] is that the Vatican has ordered that Benedict's name be removed from the cover of the book [ 104 → 107] as the co-author, and instead be demoted. [ 107 → 109] To the status of contributor. [ 110 → 115] Yeah, it seems that Benedict and Serra threw a monkey wrench into plans by Francis to make [ 115 → 122] priestly celibacy optional when he issues his much-expected post-Amazon Synod apostatical [ 122 → 124] exhortation in the coming weeks. [ 125 → 131] This latest Vatican drama has once again manifested an apparent wedge between Francis and Benedict, [ 131 → 135] the supposed Pope and Pope Emeritus, respectively. [ 136 → 136] Now, whether that... [ 137 → 142] ...opposition between the two is real or just pretended, the fact remains that it is [ 142 → 148] incredibly useful to the Vatican to religion, continuing its charade. [ 148 → 149] Think about it. [ 149 → 155] All those in the Novus Ordo Church who can't stand Francis any longer now appear to have [ 155 → 159] a really convenient alternative to fall back on. [ 159 → 159] Benedict. [ 160 → 163] Yeah, Benedict is the real Pope, see? [ 163 → 167] He wears white, he lives in the Vatican. [ 167 → 173] He garbled his resignation announcement, he bifurcated the papacy into an active and [ 173 → 180] a contemplative role, he still kind of calls himself Pope and still gives the apostolic [ 180 → 180] blessing. [ 181 → 187] And unlike his successor, he portrays dignity and looks orthodox. [ 187 → 193] In other words, if someone were trying to get you to think that Benedict is the real [ 193 → 197] Pope, he really couldn't drop any more hints, could he? [ 197 → 200] I mean, without giving it away completely. [ 201 → 207] For what it's worth, folks, my prediction is that 2020 will be the year that the Benedict [ 207 → 214] is the real Pope deception finds major acceptance, especially among the recognize and resist [ 214 → 217] traditionalists and conservative Novus Ordos. [ 217 → 220] And I believe that that is by intent. [ 221 → 222] Why by intent? [ 223 → 225] Who would benefit from this? [ 225 → 226] Not Francis, right? [ 226 → 233] That's true, Francis certainly wouldn't benefit from it, but the Novus Ordo Church as a whole [ 233 → 233] would. [ 234 → 240] Now remember, the Novus Ordo Church was a false modernist sect long before Jorge Bergoglio [ 240 → 243] ever moved into the Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican. [ 244 → 250] With Francis pushing the apostasy to the next level, they're now gradually moving in the [ 250 → 256] direction of all religions worshiping the same God, and God wills there to be many different [ 256 → 257] religions anyway. [ 258 → 264] With Francis pushing this apostasy ever further to its logical conclusions, the powers that [ 264 → 268] be know that there will be many that won't want to go along with it. [ 269 → 275] People who'll need a little assistance, so to speak, much like the Lefebvris did in the [ 275 → 276] 1970s and after. [ 277 → 278] And look at them now. [ 278 → 283] It took them a number of decades longer than everybody else, but now they're well on their [ 283 → 286] way to full communion with the Vatican. [ 286 → 293] And with all that's been happening since the election of Bergoglio, you'd think the Society [ 293 → 299] of St. Pius X would be screaming at the top of its lungs denouncing the man, and yet there [ 299 → 301] is practically silence. [ 302 → 306] I mean, there's very little and only very low-key opposition from them. [ 308 → 314] So yeah, it took the SSPX a few decades to get to that point, but there they are. [ 314 → 316] And now that Francis... [ 316 → 322] Francis is at the helm and kicking the modernist revolution into ever higher gear, once again [ 322 → 328] a few stragglers need to be taken care of, so to speak, to ensure that they won't abandon [ 328 → 333] the modernist church altogether and, heaven forbid, figure out that the Holy See has been [ 333 → 339] vacant for all these years and the Novus Ordo hierarchy is mostly a bunch of non-Catholic [ 339 → 341] laymen in fancy costumes. [ 342 → 345] And in many cases, even the costumes leave a lot to be desired. [ 346 → 350] Look, this quip about costumes is not just rhetoric. [ 350 → 356] Consider what St. Paul says in his second letter to the Corinthians, chapter 11, verse 13. [ 356 → 356] Quote, [ 357 → 364] For such false apostles are deceitful workmen, transforming themselves into the apostles [ 364 → 365] of Christ. [ 366 → 366] Unquote. [ 367 → 375] Heretics do disguise themselves as Catholics, both literally and metaphorically. [ 375 → 376] So, [ 376 → 382] what better way to ensure the deception will continue one way or another than by generating [ 382 → 389] a false opposition movement whose de facto head is someone whom the world once recognized [ 389 → 390] as the Pope? [ 391 → 391] Voila! [ 392 → 394] There is your Benedict XVI. [ 395 → 400] If he weren't already there, why, one would just have to invent him. [ 402 → 405] Just like the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, [ 405 → 413] the whole scenario is just too attractive to resist right and alas once again many will partake [ 413 → 421] of that fruit thinking that by doing so their eyes are being opened how does it not occur to [ 421 → 427] people that this whole thing with benedict's odd resignation and the retaining of the papal garb [ 427 → 432] and the nonsense about an expanded papacy with an active member and a contemplative member and all [ 432 → 440] that was planned precisely so that those who refuse to stick with francis have another modernist [ 440 → 447] option to fall back on ensuring that they'll remain in the false church rather than become [ 447 → 454] sedevaconists this whole benedict is still the pope thing which we've called resignationism by [ 454 → 460] the way is nothing but a false opposition movement meant to control those who would otherwise figure [ 460 → 462] out that the vatican ii [ 462 → 462] said [ 462 → 471] cannot be the roman catholic church now don't get me wrong when i say false opposition i'm not saying [ 471 → 478] that all the people in it are malicious evildoers trying to deceive souls of course not no i think [ 478 → 484] that most of them are simply deceived themselves but either way the fact remains that this [ 484 → 491] opposition is false false in the sense that it doesn't provide an authentic catholic alternative [ 491 → 499] to the modernist revolution but is simply another less intense version of the same vatican ii religion [ 499 → 507] instead of taking you back to 1958 the benedict option if i may call it that will simply take you [ 507 → 515] back to 2012 but no matter whether you stick with francis or go over to benedict either way [ 515 → 521] you'll always get vatican ii not only is ratzinger one of the most important people in the world but [ 521 → 527] the world's biggest champions of the abominable council he himself was one of the major players [ 527 → 535] there and he's never repudiated it things are really really bad in novus orto land right now [ 535 → 542] and everyone seems to be reaching his breaking point to show you how serious matters are let me [ 542 → 548] quote to you some interesting comments from the editor of inside the vatican magazine robert [ 548 → 551] moynihan in the december 2019 [ 551 → 558] edition he explains that for that particular issue he's refusing to cover the vatican news [ 558 → 565] because of quote the apostasy from traditional orthodox belief regarding faith and morals [ 565 → 572] meaning that a certain non-orthodox heretical opinion has begun to become preeminent in many [ 572 → 579] sectors of the church also in many places in rome also in many places inside the vatican [ 579 → 581] so that to report once again on the [ 581 → 588] news inside the vatican would be to report on many vices many sins and many non-catholic and [ 588 → 597] non-christian opinions causing more scandal to my readers unquote and so for the december issue [ 597 → 604] moynihan decided on the following course of action quote i will for one month boycott all news about [ 604 → 610] the vatican all news about scandal and corruption all news about heretical and apostate teaching [ 610 → 611] and [ 611 → 619] simply prepare an issue centered on christ on his birth his life his betrayal his suffering his death [ 619 → 629] and resurrection unquote this is a big deal inside the vatican is a flagship publication [ 629 → 636] if i'm not mistaken a copy of each issue is sent to every single nobles ordo bishop in the world [ 636 → 641] the situation is now so dire that for one month [ 641 → 648] editor-in-chief refuses to report on exactly what has been happening inside the vatican [ 648 → 654] not simply because there are vices and sins to report on but because there is heresy there's [ 654 → 661] apostasy i mean we're talking about an abandonment of the catholic religion that's what heresy and [ 661 → 669] apostasy are and we're at the point now where even journalists reporters are saying i can't take it [ 669 → 675] anymore. I can't report on this anymore. I've got to take a break. It's too much. [ 677 → 684] And by the way, the issue of whether Benedict is the real Pope is brought up occasionally [ 684 → 690] also in Inside the Vatican in the Letters to the Editors section. So Robert Moynihan [ 690 → 699] is not afraid to print that. So even there, this idea that Benedict didn't validly resign [ 699 → 705] and that Bergoglio is not the Pope for that reason, that is becoming, like I said, more [ 705 → 711] and more acceptable in the mainstream. And I think this year is going to be the year [ 711 → 718] that it really takes off. So you can see Francis is pushing the envelope so far now [ 718 → 725] that more and more people are concluding that Benedict is the legitimate Pope. And if that's [ 725 → 728] by design, it's a brilliant one-two punch. [ 729 → 736] Either way, with Benedict or with Francis, people will stay in the false modernist religion [ 736 → 744] and therefore will always get Vatican II. So don't be surprised if this year we'll once [ 744 → 748] again see Ratzinger rising. [ 749 → 754] Tradcast Express is a production of Novos Ordo Watch. Check us out at tradcast.org. And if [ 754 → 758] you like what we're doing, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution. [ 759 → 762] At novosordowatch.org slash donate.