[ 0 → 4] Tradcast Express [ 4 → 14] Tradcast Express, it's Monday, February 3rd, 2020. [ 14 → 19] Tomorrow marks the first anniversary of the Declaration on Human Fraternity, [ 20 → 24] signed by Francis and some Muslim imam in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. [ 25 → 28] You will recall that that is the document in which it is stated, [ 28 → 35] quote, the pluralism and the diversity of religions, color, sex, race, and language [ 35 → 41] are willed by God in his wisdom through which he created human beings, unquote. [ 42 → 47] Not only is this heresy and blasphemy, it is apostasy. [ 48 → 52] If that statement were true, then Catholicism would be false. [ 52 → 56] The very notion of revealed religion would be over. [ 57 → 58] Anyway, we covered... [ 58 → 61] We covered that at great length in a podcast back then, [ 61 → 67] as well as in several posts on our blog at novosortowatch.org. [ 67 → 71] To mark the first anniversary of this landmark declaration, [ 71 → 76] which will clearly prove to be the foundation stone of the coming religion of the Antichrist, [ 76 → 80] there is taking place today and tomorrow a convention in Abu Dhabi [ 80 → 85] at which the Vatican's Prefect of Communications, Mr. Paolo Ruffini, gave an address. [ 85 → 88] And it's that address that we're briefly going to... [ 88 → 92] It was published by Vatican News Today. [ 92 → 94] Ruffini says, quote, [ 94 → 100] We all know how important it is, as the Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Elders said, [ 100 → 106] to develop a vision of media policy based on human fraternity and peaceful coexistence. [ 107 → 112] I'm also grateful to the Higher Committee for the implementation of the document on human fraternity, [ 113 → 117] which since last August has continuously promoted the achievement [ 117 → 118] of the Abu Dhabi Convention. [ 118 → 121] Abu Dhabi Declaration Goals, unquote. [ 121 → 123] All right, so this is very important. [ 124 → 128] This apostate declaration is not simply a document that was signed once [ 128 → 133] and then ends up in a drawer and in six months nobody even remembers it. [ 134 → 138] No, they're making sure that the anti-Catholic principles contained in it [ 138 → 143] are being diffused widely and implemented in a practical way [ 143 → 147] so as to ensure that everyone they reach will imbibe them. [ 147 → 151] It's a little bit like Vatican II, which, you know, most people didn't read, [ 151 → 155] but which everybody imbibed through the new Mass, [ 155 → 159] through the liturgical revolution, and the new catechesis, [ 159 → 160] and also the new architecture. [ 161 → 166] So the Vatican is busy developing a media policy here, [ 166 → 170] which means that what gets reported, what gets shown, [ 170 → 173] what gets emphasized, what gets omitted, [ 173 → 176] will reflect their idea of religious difference, [ 177 → 180] as a legitimate, positive, and good thing. [ 181 → 186] Forget about what Francis said privately to Bishop Athanasius Schneider [ 186 → 190] about God willing different religions only with his permissive will. [ 191 → 195] That was a lie by Francis to shut Schneider up, and we all know it. [ 196 → 200] The Vatican has been and will be taking practical steps [ 200 → 204] to promote religious differences as positively desired by God. [ 205 → 207] That's why Francis said to him, [ 207 → 209] to an interreligious group of youths in Mozambique, [ 209 → 211] five months after he lied to Schneider, [ 212 → 212] quote, [ 213 → 228] But let's return to Ruffini now. [ 228 → 229] He continues, quote, [ 237 → 253] So there it is. [ 253 → 256] They're working feverishly on communicating the principles [ 256 → 258] of the apostate declaration. [ 258 → 263] They want people to drink deeply from this heretical document [ 263 → 266] and enshrine its anti-Catholic ideas in everybody. [ 267 → 269] Now, you know how it is. [ 269 → 272] All action begins with thought. [ 272 → 275] If your mind is filled with apostate ideas, [ 276 → 279] your actions are going to reflect that. [ 279 → 283] And though you may end up with lots of peace, so to speak, [ 283 → 287] you will most certainly not be advancing the kingdom of Christ, [ 287 → 289] nor the peace of Christ, [ 289 → 292] which is the kind of peace he alone can give [ 292 → 296] because it is based on grace, on the Beatitudes, [ 296 → 296] on the Beatitudes, [ 297 → 299] and on imitating Christ. [ 300 → 304] Remember, in St. John's Gospel, chapter 14, verse 27, [ 304 → 306] our Lord says, quote, [ 306 → 321] Yes, peace is a good thing. [ 322 → 322] We want peace. [ 323 → 325] We don't want war or bloodshed. [ 325 → 326] But true peace, [ 326 → 328] the kind God wills, [ 328 → 331] is not simply the absence of war. [ 331 → 336] It is the result of a fruitful implementation of the gospel, [ 336 → 339] not of some naturalist document on human fraternity, [ 340 → 342] which seeks to equalize all religions [ 342 → 345] and denies Jesus Christ, the only Savior, [ 346 → 348] and the Prince of Peace. [ 349 → 351] And so, therefore, as Pope Pius XI made clear, [ 351 → 356] we are seeking the peace of Christ in the kingdom of Christ. [ 356 → 359] Our job is to convert the world to the gospel, [ 360 → 361] not by force, obviously, [ 362 → 363] and not by bloodshed, [ 363 → 365] but by preaching of the truth. [ 366 → 368] And that document signed a year ago in Abu Dhabi [ 368 → 370] is not the gospel. [ 370 → 374] It's a blasphemous piece of apostasy. [ 375 → 379] Next, Ruffini moves on to the most significant part [ 379 → 380] of his whole address. [ 380 → 382] He says, quote, [ 382 → 385] The world's religions have an educational task, [ 385 → 389] to draw out the best from each person. [ 389 → 391] Religions are not the problem. [ 391 → 393] They are part of the solution [ 393 → 395] because they can remind us [ 395 → 398] that it is necessary to raise the heart upwards [ 398 → 399] to the Most High [ 399 → 403] to learn how to build the city of man. [ 404 → 404] Unquote. [ 405 → 408] Look, folks, they're not even hiding it. [ 408 → 410] They don't need to anymore [ 410 → 412] because people are so apathetic [ 412 → 415] or ignorant or brainwashed or bad-willed [ 415 → 417] that they just shrug at this. [ 417 → 421] The world's religions have no common task whatsoever. [ 422 → 423] Only the true religion, [ 424 → 426] the one actually revealed by God, [ 426 → 426] has a task, [ 427 → 429] and that is the divine commission. [ 429 → 431] That is the task given it by God. [ 432 → 433] The other religions, [ 433 → 435] if they have any tasks at all, [ 436 → 437] is to go away [ 437 → 438] because they're not from God [ 438 → 440] and have no legitimacy. [ 440 → 443] And this must be said. [ 444 → 445] Now, Ruffini, [ 445 → 447] Ruffini says that religions are not the problem. [ 447 → 448] Well, that depends. [ 449 → 451] See, he's cleverly not distinguishing [ 451 → 453] the true religion from false religions, [ 453 → 456] which is a distinction the Vatican's long abandoned anyway. [ 457 → 459] But the fact remains what it was [ 459 → 461] for 1900 years before Vatican II. [ 461 → 464] False religions are a problem. [ 464 → 466] The true religion is not a problem. [ 467 → 468] It should be pretty evident, right? [ 469 → 472] And look at what Ruffini then says. [ 472 → 474] He says that religions are part [ 474 → 477] of the solution because they can remind us [ 477 → 479] that it is necessary to raise [ 479 → 481] the heart upwards to the most high [ 481 → 482] to learn how to build [ 482 → 484] the city of man. [ 484 → 486] Now, as we've been saying here for years, [ 486 → 488] the Novus Ordo Vatican is permanently [ 488 → 491] hijacking the supernatural purpose [ 491 → 492] of religion, the true religion, [ 493 → 495] and reducing it to a naturalist [ 495 → 496] humanitarianism. [ 496 → 498] You know, as though our blessed Lord became [ 498 → 500] man in order that we would feed [ 500 → 502] the hungry and practice solidarity [ 502 → 504] and have sustainable agriculture. [ 504 → 506] Well, that's what the city of man [ 506 → 507] is all about. [ 508 → 510] You know, it's the city of God [ 510 → 512] that Catholics need to work for, [ 512 → 514] which is the opposite of the city of man, [ 515 → 516] according to St. Augustine. [ 517 → 518] But, of course, that doesn't mean [ 518 → 521] that we shouldn't care for our fellow man, right? [ 521 → 524] It's precisely by building the city of God [ 524 → 526] that man will be taken care of [ 526 → 528] because God commands us to love [ 528 → 530] our neighbor as ourselves. [ 530 → 532] And remember the divine words [ 532 → 533] of our blessed Lord, [ 533 → 534] quote, [ 534 → 546] So, yes, we have to first [ 546 → 549] seek the kingdom of God [ 549 → 551] and then the city of man [ 551 → 552] or whatever you want to call it [ 552 → 554] will follow in accordance [ 554 → 556] with God's will and in accordance [ 556 → 557] with the gospel. [ 558 → 560] There is no greater service [ 560 → 562] you can provide to your fellow man [ 562 → 563] than to preach the gospel to him. [ 563 → 565] There is no greater way [ 565 → 566] to show him charity [ 566 → 569] than to love God with all your heart, [ 569 → 571] mind, soul, and strength. [ 571 → 573] For if you do so, [ 573 → 574] you will also love your neighbor [ 574 → 577] and love him for God's sake. [ 578 → 579] Now, back to Ruffini. [ 580 → 580] He says, quote, [ 581 → 583] As Pope Francis strongly affirmed, [ 583 → 585] the means of communication [ 585 → 586] and communication itself [ 586 → 588] have to be constructive [ 588 → 589] instead of destructive. [ 590 → 592] Means for bringing people together [ 592 → 593] instead of keeping people apart. [ 593 → 595] Means of dialogue [ 595 → 596] instead of monologue. [ 597 → 598] Means providing orientation [ 598 → 600] instead of disorientation. [ 601 → 602] Means promoting understanding [ 602 → 604] instead of misunderstanding. [ 604 → 606] Means for walking in peace [ 606 → 608] rather than disseminating hate. [ 609 → 609] Unquote. [ 610 → 612] Now, the first thing that comes to mind [ 612 → 614] is to ask, why? [ 615 → 616] Why does communication [ 616 → 618] before all else have to fulfill [ 618 → 620] a certain agenda [ 620 → 622] rather than simply being a vehicle [ 622 → 623] for manifesting [ 623 → 623] what is true and what is false? [ 623 → 625] What is in the other's mind? [ 625 → 627] I mean, that is the purpose of speech, [ 627 → 629] to reveal the mind. [ 630 → 631] Now, of course, [ 631 → 632] not everything that is in the mind [ 632 → 635] is good or should be revealed. [ 635 → 636] That's clear. [ 636 → 638] And no, you shouldn't hate anyone. [ 639 → 640] But of course, the term hate here [ 640 → 643] is just a political tool, right? [ 643 → 644] It's an ideological fighting word [ 644 → 646] to brand any person [ 646 → 648] or any idea that is considered [ 648 → 650] unwelcome by the globalists [ 650 → 652] like Francis and his ilk. [ 652 → 653] That's all this is. [ 653 → 655] Remember these words [ 655 → 656] of our blessed Lord? [ 656 → 657] Quote, [ 657 → 658] Do not think that I came [ 658 → 660] to send peace upon earth. [ 660 → 662] I came not to send peace, [ 662 → 663] but the sword. [ 664 → 666] For I came to set a man at variance [ 666 → 667] against his father [ 667 → 668] and the daughter against her mother [ 668 → 670] and the daughter-in-law [ 670 → 671] against her mother-in-law. [ 671 → 672] And a man's enemies [ 672 → 674] shall be they of his own household. [ 675 → 677] He that loveth father or mother [ 677 → 679] more than me is not worthy of me. [ 679 → 681] And he that loveth son or daughter [ 681 → 683] more than me is not worthy of me. [ 683 → 686] And he that taketh not up his cross [ 686 → 687] and followeth me [ 687 → 689] is not worthy of me. [ 689 → 690] Unquote. [ 690 → 691] That was St. Matthew's Gospel, [ 692 → 695] chapter 10, verses 34 through 37. [ 695 → 697] Or how about this [ 697 → 699] from St. John's Gospel, chapter 8, [ 699 → 701] verses 42 through 47. [ 702 → 702] Quote, [ 702 → 704] Jesus therefore said to them, [ 704 → 706] If God were your father, [ 706 → 707] you would indeed love me. [ 708 → 710] For from God I proceeded and came. [ 710 → 712] For I came not of myself, [ 712 → 713] but he sent me. [ 714 → 716] Why do you not know my speech? [ 716 → 718] Because you cannot hear my word. [ 718 → 720] You are of your father the devil, [ 720 → 723] and the desires of your father you will do. [ 723 → 725] He was a murderer from the beginning, [ 725 → 727] and he stood not in the truth, [ 727 → 729] because truth is not in him. [ 730 → 731] When he speaketh a lie, [ 731 → 732] he speaketh of his own, [ 732 → 733] for he is a liar, [ 734 → 735] and the father thereof. [ 735 → 737] But if I say the truth, [ 737 → 738] you believe me not. [ 739 → 741] Which of you shall convict me of sin? [ 741 → 743] If I say the truth to you, [ 743 → 744] why do you not believe me? [ 745 → 746] He that is of God [ 746 → 748] heareth the words of God. [ 748 → 750] Therefore you hear them not, [ 750 → 752] because you are not of God. [ 753 → 753] Unquote. [ 754 → 756] Now, do you think that the two passages [ 756 → 758] I just quoted would pass [ 758 → 761] the modernist Vatican's test for communication [ 761 → 762] that is constructive [ 762 → 764] instead of destructive? [ 764 → 766] Bringing people together [ 766 → 768] instead of keeping people apart? [ 769 → 770] Providing orientation [ 770 → 772] instead of disorientation? [ 772 → 774] Promoting understanding [ 774 → 775] instead of misunderstanding? [ 776 → 777] Walking in peace [ 777 → 778] rather than disseminating [ 778 → 780] so-called hate? [ 781 → 782] Fat chance. [ 783 → 784] Ruffini keeps going. [ 784 → 785] Quote, [ 785 → 787] Evil cannot be fought with evil. [ 787 → 790] Truth cannot be served with misinformation. [ 791 → 793] It is also up to communicators [ 793 → 794] to spread this culture, [ 794 → 795] this awareness, [ 795 → 797] this mutual understanding. [ 798 → 800] Removing the false necessity of controversy, [ 800 → 801] the false imperative [ 801 → 804] that one's identity depends on having an enemy [ 804 → 807] also depends on communicators. [ 807 → 807] Unquote. [ 808 → 810] He says more, but let's stop here. [ 811 → 814] Okay, so he says that evil cannot be fought with evil, [ 814 → 816] and that's true enough. [ 816 → 817] But it begs the question, [ 818 → 819] what is evil? [ 819 → 821] Now, this guy doesn't know evil [ 821 → 822] when it hits him in the face, [ 822 → 825] because what he's promoting right there is evil. [ 826 → 827] It is evil to say [ 827 → 830] that God wills the diversity of religions. [ 830 → 831] It is evil to say [ 831 → 832] as Francis does, [ 832 → 835] that something cannot be considered true [ 835 → 836] if it hurts others. [ 837 → 838] So the modernist Vatican [ 838 → 840] is the one spreading misinformation here. [ 841 → 842] Anyway, Ruffini also speaks [ 842 → 845] of a false necessity of controversy, [ 845 → 846] the false imperative [ 846 → 849] that one's identity depends on having an enemy. [ 850 → 852] Well, you know, it was Christ the Lord [ 852 → 854] who himself taught us [ 854 → 856] that the gospel would have enemies. [ 857 → 859] The gospel isn't universal niceness. [ 860 → 861] It is the love [ 861 → 862] of God first, [ 862 → 864] and then the love of neighbor. [ 865 → 866] Christ said, [ 866 → 866] quote, [ 866 → 868] He that is not with me [ 868 → 869] is against me, [ 869 → 873] and he that gathereth not with me scattereth. [ 873 → 873] Unquote. [ 874 → 875] That's Luke 11, 23. [ 876 → 878] And those who are not with Christ [ 878 → 881] are necessarily his enemies. [ 881 → 883] He himself said so. [ 884 → 886] And in his first letter to the Corinthians, [ 886 → 888] chapter 15, verse 25, [ 888 → 890] St. Paul writes about [ 890 → 891] the end of the world, [ 891 → 893] this, quote, [ 893 → 894] he, meaning Christ, [ 894 → 897] must reign until he hath put [ 897 → 899] all his enemies under his feet. [ 899 → 900] Unquote. [ 901 → 903] And in his epistle to the Philippians, [ 903 → 905] the same apostle exhorts, [ 905 → 905] quote, [ 906 → 907] Be followers of me, brethren, [ 907 → 909] and observe them who walk [ 909 → 911] so as you have our model. [ 912 → 913] For many walk, [ 913 → 914] of whom I have told you often, [ 915 → 916] and now tell you weeping, [ 916 → 918] that they are enemies [ 918 → 920] of the cross of Christ, [ 920 → 921] whose endless destruction, [ 921 → 923] whose God is their belly, [ 923 → 925] and whose glory is in their shame, [ 925 → 927] who mind earthly things. [ 927 → 928] Unquote. [ 928 → 931] That's Philippians 3, verses 17 through 19. [ 932 → 934] So, if we truly follow Christ, [ 934 → 935] we will have enemies [ 935 → 937] because Christ has enemies. [ 938 → 939] Now, that doesn't mean [ 939 → 941] that we hate our enemies. [ 941 → 943] On the contrary, Christ specifically [ 943 → 945] commanded us to love [ 945 → 947] our enemies and to do them good. [ 949 → 950] But they are enemies [ 950 → 951] nonetheless. [ 951 → 953] At least in a spiritual sense. [ 954 → 956] So, Ruffini is the one [ 956 → 957] spreading fake news here, [ 957 → 958] spreading misinformation. [ 959 → 961] And that is part of all that [ 961 → 963] Abu Dhabi human fraternity stuff [ 963 → 965] that they're trying to get [ 965 → 966] everybody to accept. [ 968 → 969] All right, there would be more to cover, [ 970 → 971] but I'm going to stop here. [ 972 → 973] Pope St. Pius X [ 973 → 975] hit the nail on the head [ 975 → 977] in his condemnation of Sionism. [ 977 → 979] In his apostolic letter, [ 979 → 980] Our Apostolic Mandate, [ 981 → 982] of 1910. [ 982 → 985] He said this about human fraternity. [ 986 → 986] Quote, [ 987 → 989] Indeed, we have the human experience [ 989 → 992] of pagan and secular societies [ 992 → 994] of ages past to show [ 994 → 996] that concern for common interests [ 996 → 998] or affinities of nature [ 998 → 1000] weigh very little against [1000 → 1002] the passions and wild desires [1002 → 1003] of the heart. [1003 → 1005] No, venerable brethren, [1005 → 1008] there is no genuine fraternity [1008 → 1010] outside Christian charity. [1011 → 1012] Through the love of God [1012 → 1014] and His Son Jesus Christ, [1014 → 1015] our Savior, [1015 → 1018] Christian charity embraces all men, [1019 → 1020] comforts all, [1020 → 1022] and leads all to the same faith [1022 → 1026] and same heavenly happiness. [1026 → 1026] Unquote. [1027 → 1030] Now, that is definitely not [1030 → 1031] what is being promoted [1031 → 1033] in Abu Dhabi. [1034 → 1035] Tradcast Express is a production [1035 → 1037] of Novus Ordo Watch. [1037 → 1039] Check us out at tradcast.org [1039 → 1040] and if you like what we're doing, [1040 → 1040] please consider subscribing to our channel. [1040 → 1041] Please consider making [1041 → 1042] a tax-deductible contribution [1042 → 1044] at novusordowatch.org [1045 → 1046] slash donate.