[ 0 → 4] TrapCast Express [ 4 → 14] TrapCast Express, it's Friday, June 12th, 2020. [ 15 → 23] These days a lot of people are wondering if Benedict XVI's resignation in February of 2013 was perhaps invalid. [ 23 → 30] There appear to be some issues with how he phrased it and the fact that he calls himself Pope Emeritus. [ 30 → 36] Retains the white cassock and the title Your Holiness and still presumes to impart the apostolic blessing. [ 37 → 40] And of course the fact that his successor is as Catholic as the Dalai Lama. [ 41 → 44] Have not a few people wondering about that. [ 45 → 48] Well, ladies and gentlemen, we've resolved the conundrum for you. [ 49 → 57] Benedict XVI's resignation was indeed invalid, but not because of some defect in the intent to resign, [ 58 → 59] but because he never actually had... [ 60 → 63] held the papal office even for an instant. [ 64 → 69] In other words, you can't resign from the papacy if you're not the Pope. [ 70 → 71] Can we prove that? [ 71 → 76] To quote a famous Kenyan-born individual, yes, we can. [ 77 → 84] You see, the election of a public heretic to the papacy is invalid, as the Catholic Encyclopedia confirms. [ 85 → 89] And in our most recent post on the blog at NovosOrdoWatch.org, [ 90 → 98] we prove that Ratzinger was exactly that before his 2005 election. [ 99 → 103] A public, manifest, and pertinacious heretic. [ 104 → 111] In his 1982 book, released five years later in English translation as Principles of Catholic Theology, [ 111 → 120] then Cardinal Ratzinger explicitly denied the dogma of papal primacy as defined by the First Vatican Council, [ 120 → 127] in 1870, as a primacy of jurisdiction and not merely a primacy of honor. [ 128 → 133] Ratzinger claims that the primacy of jurisdiction is not part of the deposit of faith [ 133 → 137] and was not believed by Catholics in the first millennium, [ 138 → 143] and therefore it ought not to be a requirement for the Eastern Orthodox to profess this [ 143 → 148] as an article of faith necessary for reunion. [ 148 → 150] We've laid out the entire context of the papacy, [ 150 → 154] our case in great detail, with generous quotations from Ratzinger's work, [ 155 → 160] and we also demonstrate pertinacity on his part in our post of June 11th, [ 160 → 165] entitled Invalid Resignation or Invalid Election? [ 165 → 169] Benedict XVI's Denial of the Dogma of Papal Primacy. [ 170 → 177] That's our contribution to the endless debates about whether Benedict is still pope or not. [ 177 → 178] How about both? [ 179 → 180] He's still... [ 180 → 181] not. [ 183 → 190] On May 30th, the world's most notorious Jesuit, Jorge Bergoglio, Pope Francis, [ 191 → 196] sent a video message to the so-called Catholic Charismatic Renewal International Service, [ 196 → 202] in which he talked about the suffering in the world due to COVID-19, the coronavirus thing. [ 203 → 207] According to an article by Crux, posted on June 1st, [ 207 → 210] Francis said that the distress that has come upon us, [ 210 → 211] and the world because of it, [ 212 → 212] quote, [ 212 → 220] will have been useless if we do not build together a more just, more equitable, more Christian society. [ 221 → 223] Not in name, but in reality. [ 223 → 226] A reality that leads us to a Christian behavior. [ 227 → 231] If we do not work to end the pandemic of poverty in the world, [ 231 → 234] the pandemic of poverty in each of our own countries, [ 234 → 237] in the cities where each of us lives, [ 237 → 240] this time will have been in vain. [ 240 → 241] Unquote. [ 242 → 246] So here you can see what a monstrous naturalist the man is. [ 246 → 251] He's teaching that unless suffering endured leads to benefits in the temporal world, [ 251 → 252] then it's useless. [ 253 → 255] That is naturalism. [ 256 → 260] Francis just completely denied the supernatural value of suffering, [ 260 → 261] of misery and distress, [ 262 → 265] if it's endured lovingly and patiently with God's help [ 265 → 268] by souls in the state of sanctifying grace. [ 269 → 270] Think about the importance of suffering, [ 270 → 273] the immense supernatural value such suffering has. [ 274 → 276] It can release souls from purgatory. [ 276 → 279] It can merit graces for oneself and for others. [ 279 → 281] It can obtain the conversion of sinners. [ 282 → 284] It can make reparation for sin. [ 284 → 287] It can even merit eternal life. [ 287 → 289] Only with God's grace, of course. [ 290 → 294] Yes, it can also, of course, obtain many important temporal helps, [ 294 → 297] such as relieving physical suffering for others, [ 297 → 300] finding employment, healing illness, [ 300 → 301] and so on. [ 301 → 303] But Francis, as usual, [ 303 → 307] reduces it all to the natural plane and leaves it there. [ 307 → 310] He always drags people down. [ 310 → 314] He puts the supernatural at the service of the natural [ 314 → 316] instead of the other way around. [ 317 → 319] Now, I know in what I quoted, [ 319 → 323] he does mention Christian society and Christian behavior, [ 323 → 325] but that doesn't get him off the hook. [ 325 → 328] For one thing, when he mentions Christian society, [ 329 → 330] he really means Masonic. [ 330 → 332] He means a Masonic society with religious liberty [ 332 → 336] and interreligious dialogue and human fraternity and whatnot. [ 337 → 339] And by Christian behavior, [ 339 → 341] he essentially means corporal works of mercy [ 341 → 344] and his own ideological dogmas [ 344 → 347] like accompaniment and environmentalism and all that. [ 348 → 349] But regardless, [ 349 → 353] even though a true Christian society is what we want, [ 353 → 356] that doesn't mean that suffering endured [ 356 → 360] that doesn't lead to such a society is useless. [ 360 → 361] And that's the point. [ 362 → 363] By saying what he said, [ 364 → 366] Francis just caused immense despair [ 366 → 368] in countless suffering individuals [ 368 → 373] whose temporal misery will never have any impact on this world, [ 373 → 375] will never make a positive difference [ 375 → 377] to anything going on on this planet. [ 378 → 379] Let me tell you, [ 379 → 381] naturalism is cruel, [ 381 → 382] just like communism, [ 383 → 384] which is the ultimate consequence [ 384 → 389] for a society that denies or downplays the supernatural. [ 390 → 392] Well, ladies and gentlemen, [ 393 → 395] in the unlikely event that you missed it, [ 396 → 400] it's been five years since the publication of Laudato Si', [ 400 → 402] France's encyclical on the environment, [ 403 → 406] and the Vatican is throwing a big party. [ 406 → 411] According to a report by the so-called Catholic News Agency of May 19th, [ 411 → 411] quote, [ 412 → 415] the special Laudato Si' anniversary year [ 415 → 417] is an initiative of the Dicastery [ 417 → 419] for promoting integral human development. [ 419 → 419] And it's an initiative of the Dicastery for promoting integral human development. [ 420 → 420] And it's an initiative of the Dicastery for promoting integral human development. [ 420 → 422] It will include a wide range of events, [ 422 → 424] starting with a global day of prayer [ 424 → 426] and ending in the launch [ 426 → 429] of multi-year sustainability action plans. [ 430 → 433] Just a few of the other special projects [ 433 → 434] to be launched throughout the year [ 434 → 438] are the new annual Laudato Si' Awards, [ 438 → 441] a documentary film on Laudato Si', [ 441 → 442] a tree initiative, [ 443 → 446] and a social media Read the Bible contest. [ 446 → 449] Other planned events are a June 18th webinar, [ 449 → 452] marking the encyclical's release anniversary, [ 453 → 455] as well as participation in the ecumenical [ 455 → 457] Season of Creation Month, [ 458 → 460] September 4th through October 1st. [ 461 → 462] Unquote. [ 463 → 466] Now let's compare that to the Vatican festivities [ 466 → 468] for the 100th anniversary [ 468 → 471] of the anti-modernist encyclical Pascendi [ 471 → 473] of Pope St. Pius X [ 473 → 476] on September 8th, 2007, [ 476 → 479] with Benedict XVI occupying [ 479 → 479] with Benedict XVI occupying [ 479 → 481] the Apostolic Palace at the time. [ 481 → 485] We have sourced an exclusive audio clip for you [ 485 → 486] that provides a really good glimpse [ 486 → 489] of the atmosphere of the celebrations. [ 499 → 500] Uh, yeah. [ 501 → 504] Well, hey, that too went on for a whole year, so. [ 505 → 507] And then in August of 2014 [ 507 → 508] for the 100th anniversary of the Catholic Church, [ 508 → 509] for the 100th anniversary of the Catholic Church, [ 509 → 510] for the 100th anniversary of the Holy Death [ 510 → 512] of Pope St. Pius X, [ 513 → 514] the Vatican under Francis launched [ 514 → 517] another celebration just like that. [ 518 → 519] And the funny thing is, [ 519 → 521] it sounded exactly the same. [ 522 → 525] Now you've probably heard me say this before, [ 526 → 528] but if hypocrisy caused weight gain, [ 529 → 531] Francis wouldn't fit into St. Peter's Square. [ 531 → 534] On February 13th of this year, [ 534 → 536] the Jesuit apostate gave one of his infamous [ 536 → 539] daily homilies, and in it, [ 539 → 539] he wrote, [ 539 → 541] he warned of worldliness [ 541 → 543] and the danger of, get ready for this, [ 544 → 546] the danger of apostasy. [ 550 → 553] Yeah, see, that's exactly my kind of humor, too. [ 554 → 556] Francis preached on the day's reading, [ 556 → 558] taken from the third book of Kings, [ 559 → 560] or depending on what Bible you have, [ 560 → 562] it's the first book of Kings, [ 562 → 565] chapter 11, verses 4 to 13. [ 565 → 567] That's the passage that talks about [ 567 → 569] King Solomon's falling on his knees, [ 569 → 570] falling away from the faith, [ 570 → 572] and defecting into idolatry, [ 573 → 575] which the pagan women he had taken [ 575 → 576] for wives and concubines [ 576 → 578] had seduced him into. [ 579 → 580] So during his homily, [ 580 → 582] Bergoglio warned against [ 582 → 586] a slow slide into apostasy. [ 587 → 588] Here's a direct quote [ 588 → 590] provided by Vatican News. [ 590 → 591] Quote, [ 591 → 593] The women led his heart astray, [ 593 → 595] and the Lord rebuked him. [ 595 → 597] You turned away your heart. [ 597 → 598] This happens in our daily life, [ 598 → 599] in our own lives. [ 600 → 601] None of us is a criminal. [ 601 → 604] None of us commits great sins like David did [ 604 → 605] with the wife of Uriah. [ 606 → 607] But wherein lies the danger? [ 608 → 611] Letting ourselves slide slowly [ 611 → 613] because it is an anesthetized fall. [ 614 → 616] You don't even realize it, [ 616 → 617] but slowly you slip. [ 618 → 619] Things get relativized, [ 619 → 622] and faithfulness to God is lost. [ 622 → 622] Unquote. [ 623 → 625] Now, keep in mind, [ 625 → 626] that's a man talking [ 626 → 628] who after five slow decades [ 628 → 631] of Vatican II ecumenism [ 631 → 632] and interreligious dialogue [ 632 → 634] just last year [ 634 → 636] proclaimed that God desires [ 636 → 638] a diversity of religions, [ 639 → 640] that religious differences [ 640 → 641] are something necessary, [ 642 → 643] and ended up having [ 643 → 645] a clearly idolatrous ceremony [ 645 → 647] in the Vatican gardens [ 647 → 650] where mostly indigenous pagans [ 650 → 651] prostrated themselves [ 651 → 654] before a statue of Pachamama, [ 655 → 657] another name for the earth goddess Gaia, [ 658 → 658] and later, [ 658 → 661] accepted an offering to that goddess [ 661 → 663] and placed it on the high altar [ 663 → 665] of St. Peter's Basilica. [ 666 → 668] So that man now warns us [ 668 → 671] of a slow and anesthetized [ 671 → 672] fall into apostasy. [ 673 → 675] Very interesting. [ 676 → 677] But it gets better. [ 678 → 679] You see, the quote I just gave you, [ 680 → 681] there's more to it. [ 681 → 682] Francis added, quote, [ 683 → 685] These women were from other peoples. [ 685 → 687] They had their own gods. [ 687 → 688] And how often do we [ 688 → 689] forget the Lord [ 689 → 692] and begin to deal with other gods? [ 692 → 694] Money, vanity, pride. [ 695 → 697] But this is done slowly, [ 697 → 699] and without the grace of God, [ 699 → 700] everything is lost. [ 701 → 701] Unquote. [ 702 → 703] So there, [ 704 → 705] Francis has now identified [ 705 → 708] the false gods he is warning us about [ 708 → 710] that can lead us into apostasy. [ 711 → 712] Not Pachamama, [ 713 → 714] not Hindu idols, [ 715 → 717] not the Talmudic Jewish Shekinah [ 717 → 718] or the Muslim Allah, [ 718 → 722] but money, vanity, pride. [ 723 → 724] If the indigenous pagans [ 724 → 725] in the Amazon region [ 725 → 726] worshipped money [ 726 → 728] instead of Mother Earth, [ 728 → 729] Francis would have given them [ 729 → 730] a tongue lashing [ 730 → 732] instead of an Amazon synod. [ 733 → 735] Tradcast Express is a production [ 735 → 736] of Novus Ordo Watch. [ 737 → 739] Check us out at tradcast.org [ 739 → 740] and if you like what we're doing, [ 740 → 741] please consider making [ 741 → 743] a tax-deductible contribution [ 743 → 745] at novusortowatch.org [ 745 → 746] slash donate. [ 748 → 749] Thank you.