[ 0 → 15] Trapcast Express, it's Wednesday, July 29th, 2020. [ 15 → 20] Well, it looks like we finally got an answer from the Remnant's Michael Matt [ 20 → 25] as to what he means by the divine element of the Catholic Church. [ 25 → 32] Frequent listeners to this podcast will recall that whatever is wrong with the Vatican II Church, [ 32 → 39] the doctrines, the liturgy, the errors in canon law, the canonizations of saints, and so forth, [ 39 → 46] all of that is routinely ascribed by Mr. Matt to the human element of the Church. [ 46 → 52] So, for the longest time, we've been wondering here that if that's all the human element of the Catholic Church, [ 52 → 54] well, then what is left to... [ 55 → 64] And now, in a YouTube video posted on July 24th, entitled [ 64 → 73] Matt has finally answered that question. [ 73 → 74] Take a listen. [ 74 → 78] You see, the modern Church has betrayed and abandoned us all. [ 78 → 82] And again, I'm talking about the human element, not the divine element. [ 82 → 84] God is still with us. Our Lady is still with us. [ 84 → 85] The saints and the angels are still with us. [ 85 → 93] So, for Michael Matt, the indefectible divine element of the Church is God, Our Lady, the angels, and the saints. [ 94 → 100] And because God, Our Lady, the angels, and the saints will always be there and will never defect, [ 100 → 104] therefore, the Catholic Church is indefectible. [ 104 → 107] Yeah, that is absolutely brilliant. [ 107 → 112] By that logic, I guess the Orthodox Church is indefectible as well, [ 112 → 115] or the Anglican sect, or the Lutherans, or whoever else. [ 115 → 120] But, wait a minute. [ 120 → 121] The saints? [ 122 → 130] Does that include St. Paul VI, St. John XXIII, and St. John Paul II? [ 130 → 132] Oh, no, that's right. [ 133 → 140] Those saints, all canonized by Francis, are, of course, part of the human element of the Church. [ 141 → 145] That, ladies and gentlemen, is remnant theology, [ 145 → 148] marketed as traditional Catholicism. [ 149 → 150] Matt continues. [ 151 → 155] But the modern Church, the men of the Church, the modernists, have betrayed us. [ 155 → 156] Indeed, they have. [ 157 → 161] But if they're modernists, then they're not Catholics by definition. [ 161 → 166] And if they're not Catholics, then they can't be the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. [ 167 → 168] See, it's always the same with these people. [ 168 → 172] On the one hand, they will argue that no one is a heretic [ 172 → 175] until he's been condemned as one by a church. [ 175 → 179] That's what they say when they're arguing against Sedevacantism [ 179 → 182] and need to defend their supposed popes. [ 182 → 184] But then, on the other hand, [ 185 → 188] as soon as they get out of that anti-Sedevacantist mode, [ 188 → 194] they have no problem identifying their own hierarchs as modernists, as heretics. [ 194 → 199] People like Cupich, Casper, Marx, Mahoney, Francis himself, even. [ 200 → 203] And that's how you know their argumentation is a bunch of baloney, [ 203 → 205] because they themselves don't follow it. [ 205 → 208] Because they themselves don't believe it. [ 208 → 212] They only put it forth when they're arguing against Sedevacantism. [ 212 → 218] At all other times, they know very well that you can identify a public heretic [ 218 → 220] without a church judgment. [ 220 → 224] Namely, when it's manifest that he is one. [ 225 → 229] Now let's listen to some more sound bites from that Remnant video. [ 229 → 232] And part of that is because Francis has gone too far. [ 232 → 234] The Vatican has gone too far. [ 234 → 235] And during this pandemic, [ 235 → 237] and during these riots, [ 237 → 239] the sheep are looking around for a shepherd, [ 239 → 242] and they realize he's left the pasture. [ 242 → 245] Okay, so Michael Matt's shepherd has left. [ 245 → 248] Here he's talking about Francis, of course. [ 248 → 250] Except that Francis has not left. [ 250 → 255] He's there, teaching and preaching and legislating all the time. [ 255 → 258] Matt just doesn't like what he has to say. [ 259 → 261] He's not stopped leading the sheep. [ 261 → 263] He's simply leading them astray. [ 263 → 265] He's leading them to eternal damnation. [ 265 → 268] Under the guise of mercy and accompaniment. [ 268 → 272] But the beautiful thing about the divinely instituted papacy [ 272 → 277] is that the supreme shepherd cannot lead the faithful astray. [ 277 → 282] That's rooted in Christ's prayer mentioned in Luke 22, 32. [ 282 → 285] And hence the First Vatican Council teaches, [ 285 → 286] quote, [ 286 → 290] Indeed, all the venerable fathers have embraced their apostolic doctrine, [ 290 → 293] meaning the Pope's apostolic doctrine, [ 293 → 297] and the holy orthodox doctors have venerated and followed it, [ 297 → 305] knowing full well that the See of St. Peter always remains unimpaired by any error, [ 305 → 311] according to the divine promise our Lord the Savior made to the chief of his disciples. [ 311 → 315] I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not, [ 315 → 319] and thou, being once converted, confirm thy brethren. [ 319 → 320] Unquote. [ 320 → 322] And that is that quote from Luke 22. [ 323 → 327] 32 used by the First Vatican Council. [ 327 → 331] So that's the beautiful thing about the Holy See, [ 331 → 334] the haven of eternal salvation. [ 334 → 337] Its magisterium cannot defect. [ 337 → 341] It cannot suddenly start teaching heresy. [ 341 → 348] Its doctrine, its doctrinal decisions and guidance are always safe to follow. [ 348 → 352] You cannot suffer shipwreck in the faith by following the Holy See, [ 352 → 354] by following the Pope. [ 354 → 357] That is the point of having a Holy See. [ 357 → 359] That is why Christ established it. [ 359 → 365] And that is why Pope Pius XI could say in his encyclical Casti Canubii that, [ 365 → 366] quote, [ 366 → 369] A characteristic of all true followers of Christ, [ 369 → 371] lettered or unlettered, [ 371 → 378] is to suffer themselves to be guided and led in all things that touch upon faith or morals [ 378 → 381] by the Holy Church of God through its supreme pastor, [ 381 → 383] the Roman Pontiff, [ 383 → 387] who is himself guided by Jesus Christ our Lord. [ 387 → 388] Unquote. [ 388 → 394] That again is Casti Canubii and it's paragraph number 104. [ 394 → 401] So a defected or a doctrinally dangerous Holy See is not possible. [ 401 → 403] What is possible, however, [ 403 → 407] is that a false Pope should be installed in the Holy See [ 407 → 410] and pretend to be the real Pope. [ 410 → 412] And one way you can know that, [ 412 → 415] one way you can know that that's what's taking place [ 415 → 417] is that the doctrines that are issued by him [ 417 → 420] are in manifest plain contradiction [ 420 → 424] to what we are obliged to believe as Catholics. [ 424 → 430] And in fact, that ties in with our blessed Lord's prophecy in Matthew 26, 31, [ 430 → 435] which in turn is based on the prophecy in Zacharias 13, 7, [ 435 → 437] I will strike the shepherd [ 437 → 439] and the sheep of the flock [ 439 → 441] shall be dispersed. [ 441 → 446] Now, of course, that is a prophecy of the passion and death of Christ. [ 446 → 451] However, since the Pope is the vicar of Christ [ 451 → 453] and the visible shepherd of the Church, [ 453 → 457] it is not unreasonable to see in this also a prophecy [ 457 → 460] of the Pope being struck at some point, [ 460 → 465] especially given St. Paul's words in 2 Thessalonians 2, [ 465 → 468] where he speaks of the restraining power [ 468 → 471] against the Antichrist being taken out of the way [ 471 → 473] at the appointed time. [ 473 → 475] And it's very important to understand [ 475 → 479] that that isn't some kind of triumph of the devil. [ 479 → 482] It's rather God's providence at work. [ 482 → 485] Just as Christ had to be slain, [ 485 → 487] and he did this of his own volition, [ 487 → 490] and not because his enemies were more powerful than he, [ 490 → 494] so also the temporary removal of the Pope, [ 494 → 497] the temporary eclipse of the papacy, [ 497 → 500] is willed by God in order, ultimately, [ 500 → 504] to defeat the devil in a more humiliating fashion [ 504 → 506] and to save more souls [ 506 → 509] and to give more glory to God. [ 509 → 513] And, you know, that may not be apparent to us right now, [ 513 → 516] but the mind of God is infinitely greater [ 516 → 520] than our little created intellects. [ 520 → 524] Now, to underscore that I'm not just saying that, [ 524 → 527] consider what Father Sylvester Berry wrote [ 527 → 533] in 1921, commenting on chapter 13 of the Apocalypse. [ 533 → 534] Quote, [ 534 → 538] The beast arising from the earth is a false prophet, [ 538 → 540] the prophet of Antichrist. [ 540 → 543] Our divine Savior has a representative on earth [ 543 → 545] in the person of the Pope, [ 545 → 548] upon whom he has conferred full powers [ 548 → 550] to teach and govern. [ 550 → 553] Likewise, Antichrist will have his representative [ 553 → 555] in the false prophet, [ 555 → 556] who will be endowed [ 556 → 559] with the plenitude of satanic powers [ 559 → 561] to deceive the nations. [ 561 → 564] As indicated by the resemblance to a lamb, [ 564 → 567] the prophet, meaning the false prophet, [ 567 → 570] will probably set himself up in Rome [ 570 → 572] as a sort of antipope [ 572 → 576] during the vacancy of the papal throne [ 576 → 578] mentioned above. [ 578 → 579] Unquote. [ 579 → 581] And that is from Father Berry's book, [ 581 → 585] The Apocalypse of St. John, page 135. [ 585 → 587] In a previous chapter, [ 587 → 589] Berry had mentioned that the Antichrist [ 589 → 592] would reveal himself during a vacancy [ 592 → 593] of the apostolic see. [ 593 → 596] Here's what he wrote on page 124 [ 596 → 598] of the same book. [ 598 → 599] Quote, [ 599 → 601] It is a matter of history [ 601 → 603] that the most disastrous periods [ 603 → 605] for the Church were times [ 605 → 607] when the papal throne was vacant, [ 607 → 609] or when antipopes contended [ 609 → 612] with the legitimate head of the Church. [ 612 → 614] Thus also shall it be in those evil days [ 614 → 616] to come. [ 616 → 620] The Church, deprived of her chief pastor, [ 620 → 623] must seek sanctuary in solitude [ 623 → 626] there to be guided by God himself [ 626 → 629] during those trying days. [ 629 → 632] In those days the Church shall also find [ 632 → 635] refuge and consolation in faithful souls, [ 635 → 637] especially in the seclusion [ 637 → 639] of the religious life. [ 639 → 641] Unquote. [ 641 → 643] Now, the point here is not to say [ 643 → 646] that Francis is the Antichrist [ 646 → 648] or the false prophet. [ 648 → 650] I simply want to point out [ 650 → 653] that the idea that there is a vacancy [ 653 → 654] of the Holy See [ 654 → 657] while a false pope reigns in Rome [ 657 → 660] is not incompatible with Catholic theology, [ 660 → 662] is not unheard of, [ 662 → 665] and in fact it seems to be hinted at [ 665 → 667] in Catholic prophecy [ 667 → 669] in the sacred scriptures. [ 669 → 672] So if Michael Matt notices that [ 672 → 674] the shepherd is absent, [ 674 → 677] then that's because Francis is not in fact [ 677 → 680] the Catholic chief shepherd. [ 680 → 682] But there's more. [ 682 → 684] Bishop Schneider, where'd he come from? [ 684 → 686] He's proof, obviously, [ 686 → 688] that God is still with his Church. [ 688 → 690] Bishop Schneider is leading us now [ 690 → 693] as a shepherd, as a faithful shepherd. [ 693 → 696] Ah yes, so since Matt doesn't like the man [ 696 → 699] he acknowledges to be the chief shepherd of Catholicism, [ 699 → 701] he instead turns to a shepherd [ 701 → 703] of his own choosing, [ 703 → 705] in this case, Athanasius Schneider. [ 705 → 707] The problem is that [ 707 → 710] that's not how it works in the Catholic Church. [ 710 → 712] You don't get to pick and choose [ 712 → 714] whichever bishop you prefer to follow. [ 714 → 716] In the Catholic Church, [ 716 → 718] your legitimate shepherd [ 718 → 720] is the bishop of your diocese. [ 720 → 723] Athanasius Schneider is only an auxiliary. [ 723 → 725] He's not even an ordinary. [ 725 → 728] And his jurisdiction is in Astana, Kazakhstan. [ 728 → 731] Now unless Matt has moved to Central America, [ 731 → 733] or Central Asia recently, [ 733 → 735] I'm pretty sure that's not his diocese. [ 735 → 737] No, Mr. Matt. [ 737 → 739] Your shepherd is, like it or not, [ 739 → 741] Bernard Hebda, [ 741 → 744] the arch-layman of St. Paul and Minneapolis. [ 744 → 746] And over and above that, [ 746 → 748] it's Jorge Bergoglio. [ 748 → 751] You don't get to choose someone from Kazakhstan instead [ 751 → 753] because you like what he says. [ 753 → 756] That's not traditional Catholicism, [ 756 → 759] which you're supposedly fighting for. [ 759 → 762] Here, instead, is traditional Catholicism. [ 762 → 765] Listen to Pope Leo XIII, [ 765 → 766] quote, [ 766 → 768] To the shepherds alone [ 768 → 770] was given all power to teach, [ 770 → 772] to judge, to direct. [ 772 → 774] On the faithful was imposed the duty [ 774 → 776] of following their teaching, [ 776 → 779] of submitting with docility to their judgment, [ 779 → 781] and of allowing themselves to be governed, [ 781 → 783] corrected, and guided by them [ 783 → 785] in the way of salvation. [ 785 → 787] Thus it is an absolute necessity [ 787 → 789] for the simple faithful [ 789 → 791] to submit in mind and heart [ 791 → 793] to their own pastors, [ 793 → 795] and for the latter to submit with them [ 795 → 798] to the head and supreme pastor. [ 798 → 800] In this subordination and dependence [ 800 → 803] lie the order and life of the church. [ 803 → 805] In it is to be found [ 805 → 807] the indispensable condition [ 807 → 809] of well-being and good government. [ 809 → 811] On the contrary, [ 811 → 812] if it should happen [ 812 → 814] that those who have no right to do so [ 814 → 816] should attribute authority to themselves, [ 816 → 818] if they presume to become judges and teachers, [ 818 → 820] if inferiors in the government [ 820 → 822] of the universal church attempt [ 822 → 824] or try to exert an influence [ 824 → 826] different from that of the supreme authority, [ 826 → 828] there follows a reversal [ 828 → 830] of the true order, [ 830 → 832] many minds are thrown into confusion, [ 832 → 834] and souls leave the right path. [ 834 → 836] Unquote. [ 836 → 838] That is traditional Catholic doctrine. [ 838 → 840] That was Pope Leo XIII [ 840 → 842] in his apostolic letter, [ 842 → 843] Epistola, [ 843 → 845] to the shepherds alone, [ 845 → 847] to the shepherds alone, [ 847 → 849] in the letter Epistola tua. [ 849 → 853] Published June 17, 1885. [ 853 → 855] But there's more. [ 855 → 856] When I was a child, [ 856 → 859] Catholics looked to Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre [ 859 → 861] when he stood up and said [ 861 → 863] something has gone very wrong in the church. [ 863 → 865] We looked to him for leadership [ 865 → 866] and for Catholicism [ 866 → 868] and for Christianity [ 868 → 870] and for salvation of our children, [ 870 → 872] our schools, our seminaries, our priests. [ 872 → 874] We looked to Archbishop Lefebvre [ 874 → 876] and now we look to Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, [ 876 → 883] To Bishop Athanasius Schneider and to whatever faithful priests and bishops are left to keep and defend the old faith. [ 884 → 893] Yeah, see, and that's exactly how it does not work in the Catholic Church, because believe it or not, that is private judgment. [ 894 → 902] Matt has decided on his own non-existent authority to follow a bishop who is not his shepherd. [ 902 → 909] And he's done so even in defiance of the man he claims is the vicar of Christ on earth. [ 910 → 918] And why? Well, because it is obvious that this man, Francis, is not leading souls to salvation. [ 919 → 926] Not only by his own personal bad example, but in his official capacity, in his magisterial documents, [ 926 → 932] in the men he declares to be saints, in the liturgical and disciplinary laws that he issues, [ 932 → 935] and so forth. It is obvious. [ 936 → 944] But it is, by Catholic theology, a necessary consequence, then, that this man cannot be the pope, [ 944 → 951] else we are totally destroying the entire Catholic doctrinal edifice of the papacy, [ 952 → 958] which is exactly what the remnant and the other recognize-and-resist trads are doing [ 958 → 962] with their persistent recognition of this manifest opportunity. [ 963 → 966] The Pope has to be the Mittelbritannian, if you will, [ 966 → 969] because they don't want to be Sedevacantists. [ 971 → 972] Alright, one more clip. [ 972 → 976] The world is desperate for the return of the king. [ 977 → 981] The world is desperate for holy mother church to come back to them. [ 982 → 984] But we're not a democracy. [ 984 → 991] The bishops, the priests, the cardinals, eventually a future pope will have to lead us back. [ 991 → 991] Okay. [ 991 → 992] Okay. [ 992 → 997] admits that the church is not a democracy right after he's told us to pick and choose [ 997 → 999] which bishops to follow. [1000 → 1007] Which, by the way, is a totally deadly and self-refuting idea, because if he gets to [1007 → 1013] follow Athanasius Schneider instead of Bernard Hebda or Jorge Bergoglio, well, what's going [1013 → 1018] to keep someone else from following Blaise Cupich, Reinhard Marx, or Wilton Gregory? [1018 → 1023] See, that's why there is a pope in the Catholic Church. [1024 → 1025] Well, when there is one. [1025 → 1032] You ultimately have to be in union with the pope, not with this or that other bishop of [1032 → 1035] your own choosing who opposes the pope, but with the pope. [1036 → 1045] On January 21, 1878, Pope Pius IX wrote about opposition to the papal magisterium in his [1045 → 1047] apostolic letter Didicimus. [1047 → 1052] To the president of the Italian Catholic Youth Council, as follows, [1053 → 1053] quote, [1053 → 1059] "...divine providence permits this so that it may appear all the more clearly that the [1059 → 1065] church established by God cannot be destroyed by violence from without or by discord from [1065 → 1065] within. [1066 → 1073] And all history has shown very well that the ills she suffers have no other result than [1073 → 1077] a more striking manifestation of the truth, a firmer, [1077 → 1083] and more effective faith on the part of those who have held to the truth, a more docile [1083 → 1087] and more zealous union with this chair of truth. [1088 → 1094] We congratulate you, therefore, on the fact that although you suffer doubtless at the [1094 → 1099] defection of your brothers, separated from you by the breath of perfidious teaching, [1099 → 1106] you are not troubled for all that, and are even being stimulated by their error to receive [1106 → 1107] with greater willingness. [1107 → 1114] And to follow with more zeal not only the orders, but even all the directives of the [1114 → 1115] apostolic see. [1116 → 1122] And by so doing, you are certain that you cannot be deceived or betrayed." [1122 → 1130] And now you know, ladies and gentlemen, what is the real divine element of the Catholic [1130 → 1131] Church. [1131 → 1135] But the modern church, the men of the church, the modernists have betrayed us. [1136 → 1137] Tradcast Express. [1137 → 1140] This is a production of Novos Ordo Watch. [1140 → 1144] Check us out at Tradcast.org, and if you like what we're doing, please consider making a [1144 → 1149] tax-deductible contribution at NovosOrdoWatch.org slash donate.