[ 0 → 4] Tradcast Express [ 30 → 34] We call them semi-trads here, have been reacting to Francis. [ 35 → 40] I mean, there's a man who for over seven years now has done everything in his power [ 40 → 44] to convince people that he's not the Pope, but they won't believe it. [ 45 → 50] Take, for example, what Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò writes [ 50 → 57] in an October 22nd reaction to Francis' comments on civil unions for sodomites, [ 57 → 59] which I'm sure you've all heard about. [ 60 → 67] Basically, Viganò says that he believes Francis is deliberately trying to get faithful Catholics [ 67 → 72] to rebel against him so he can then exclude them from the Church [ 72 → 76] and denounce them as schismatics and enemies of the Church and the Pope. [ 77 → 82] Viganò writes that he thinks it is the goal of Bergoglio and his magic circle [ 82 → 89] to reach the paradoxical situation in which the one who is recognized as Pope [ 89 → 90] is at the center of the world. [ 90 → 93] At the same time, in a state of schism with the Church he governs, [ 94 → 97] while those who are declared by him to be schismatic for disobedience [ 97 → 104] will find themselves expelled from the Church because of the fact that they are Catholic. [ 104 → 105] Unquote. [ 105 → 111] Now, I know this may sound really insightful and profound at first, [ 111 → 113] but this is theological chaos. [ 114 → 119] According to Catholic dogma, the Pope is the principle of unity. [ 119 → 120] Union with the Pope is the principle of unity. [ 120 → 123] Union with the Pope is necessary for salvation. [ 124 → 128] Now, if the Pope could fall away from the faith or separate from the Church [ 128 → 134] and nevertheless be a valid Pope, you would have an impossible situation. [ 135 → 138] On the one hand, you'd have to be in union with him [ 138 → 141] because you're required to be in union with the Pope. [ 141 → 145] On the other hand, you'd not be permitted to be in union with him [ 145 → 150] because you're not allowed to be in union with heretics or schismatics. [ 150 → 153] So, it would be an impossible situation. [ 154 → 155] Impossible. [ 155 → 158] Not just unlikely or hard to understand, [ 158 → 162] but impossible because it would be a contradiction. [ 163 → 170] So, once again, Bergoglio is making it so obvious, so clear that he cannot be the Pope. [ 170 → 176] And yet, no matter how obvious it is, the semi-trads refuse to accept the reality. [ 178 → 180] They seriously think that one can be the Pope, but they don't. [ 180 → 184] They think that one can be a faithful Catholic in union with the Pope by refusing him submission [ 184 → 192] and that the Pope himself is a schismatic by making those faithful Catholics refuse him submission [ 192 → 194] by teaching things they can't accept. [ 195 → 196] Is your head spinning yet? [ 197 → 205] This is a complete and total mess with no basis in traditional Catholic doctrine or Church history. [ 205 → 209] And yet, the semi-trads are advancing this narrative because otherwise, [ 210 → 215] they would have to be Sedevacantists, and they don't want to be Sedevacantists. [ 215 → 222] In fact, Sedevacantism is denounced by them as the human solution to it all, [ 222 → 228] as Bishop Athanasius Schneider did during the so-called Catholic Identity Conference [ 228 → 231] that took place last weekend, sponsored by The Remnant. [ 233 → 236] Sedevacantism? The human solution? Really? [ 236 → 239] Now, isn't that curious? Let's see. [ 239 → 244] We're saying that since the Vatican II Church has not retained the faith, [ 244 → 251] but contradicted and betrayed it, teaching as Catholic doctrine what was previously sternly condemned by the Church [ 251 → 256] and what leads to perdition, giving us fake sacraments and all kinds of other evils, [ 257 → 263] it therefore cannot be the Catholic Church founded by Christ as the indefectible Ark of Salvation. [ 264 → 267] And neither can its heads be true Popes, therefore. [ 267 → 269] That's not a human solution. [ 269 → 272] It's not a solution at all, really. [ 272 → 276] It's just diagnosing the problem in accord with Catholic doctrine. [ 277 → 283] And so we beg God to fix this mess because we can't figure out how to fix it ourselves, [ 283 → 285] at least not in the practical order. [ 285 → 286] That's all we're saying. [ 287 → 292] The Semitrads, on the other hand, are the ones with the human solution [ 292 → 297] because they're treating the Catholic Church as though it were a merely human institution. [ 297 → 298] They think that apart from the Catholic Church, the Catholic Church is a human institution. [ 298 → 299] They think that apart from the Catholic Church, the Catholic Church is a human institution. [ 299 → 303] Apart from ex cathedra pronouncements, the Pope can teach all kinds of heresies [ 303 → 305] and so mislead the entire Church. [ 306 → 308] He's just not supposed to do that. [ 308 → 311] And when he does teach such infernal doctrines, [ 312 → 316] it's necessary for the faithful to rise up and courageously oppose him, [ 316 → 318] according to the Semitrad view of things. [ 319 → 322] The faithful are then called to heroically endure the state of affairs [ 322 → 325] as a kind of ecclesiastical calvary [ 325 → 327] until a future Pope, one day, [ 328 → 329] comes to his senses and says, [ 329 → 331] as determined by them, of course, [ 332 → 335] and annuls all the errors and heresies and fake saints [ 335 → 338] and invalid sacraments of the last few decades. [ 338 → 342] And then somehow that will all be binding again, of course, [ 343 → 345] necessary for all the faithful to accept, [ 346 → 347] just like in ages past. [ 348 → 350] That is essentially what they hold, [ 350 → 353] and what is that, if not a human solution? [ 353 → 356] How is that treating the Catholic Church any differently [ 356 → 359] from any other organization in this world? [ 359 → 361] And yet these people have the gall [ 361 → 366] to accuse us Sedevacanists of proposing a human solution. [ 366 → 367] You have got to be kidding. [ 368 → 371] We're just applying Catholic doctrine, [ 371 → 373] which, by the way, is divinely sanctioned. [ 374 → 376] We're just applying Catholic doctrine [ 376 → 378] to the situation at hand [ 378 → 379] and removing ourselves [ 379 → 383] from what can clearly be identified as a false Church. [ 384 → 386] How is that a human solution? [ 387 → 389] And now Archbishop, [ 389 → 390] is essentially saying that [ 390 → 393] France's attempt to rid his Church of Catholics [ 393 → 396] is yet another reason for remaining in that Church [ 396 → 398] and attached to him. [ 399 → 401] That is insane. [ 402 → 404] No matter what the guy does, [ 404 → 408] these people just refuse to believe that he's not the Pope. [ 408 → 409] It is absurd. [ 411 → 414] As one anonymous Twitter user put it the other day, [ 415 → 415] quote, [ 416 → 419] Don't tell me that Sedevacantism means [ 419 → 420] that the gates of hell have prevailed [ 420 → 424] when your Pope is standing at the gates of hell [ 424 → 426] ushering people in. [ 427 → 427] Unquote. [ 429 → 432] All right, there's been a lot of news as of late [ 432 → 433] and so we need to move along [ 433 → 435] and also look at some other stories. [ 435 → 438] Here, my favorite headline of the last few days. [ 438 → 440] I'm not making this up. [ 440 → 440] Listen to this. [ 440 → 442] It was on Catholic News Agency, [ 442 → 444] October 19th, 2020. [ 444 → 446] The headline reads, [ 447 → 448] Vatican asks UN [ 448 → 450] to eliminate the risks [ 450 → 453] of satellite collisions in outer space. [ 454 → 457] Now, that headline really reflects [ 457 → 459] the absurdity that we're in. [ 460 → 462] The world is going to hell in a handbasket, [ 463 → 464] but the Vatican is concerned [ 464 → 467] about satellite collisions in outer space. [ 468 → 471] I mean, does it get any more tone deaf than that? [ 472 → 473] No, no. [ 473 → 475] It's not wrong to worry about [ 475 → 477] potential collisions in outer space. [ 477 → 478] That's totally fine. [ 478 → 479] That's not the issue. [ 480 → 482] The issue is the misplaced priority. [ 483 → 486] It is not the task of an institution [ 486 → 488] that claims to be the Roman Catholic Church [ 488 → 492] to involve itself in every possible earthly concern, [ 492 → 495] especially not if at the same time [ 495 → 499] the real and supernatural tasks are being neglected. [ 500 → 503] Christ commanded us to make disciples of all nations, [ 503 → 506] not to solve or prevent every problem in society. [ 507 → 508] When the apostles began, [ 508 → 508] they said, [ 508 → 509] when they're preaching, [ 509 → 510] they weren't going around to discuss [ 510 → 513] unemployment or sustainable agriculture. [ 513 → 516] As noble and important as those things [ 516 → 517] might have been in themselves, [ 518 → 519] that just wasn't their job. [ 520 → 523] As St. John the Baptist said in John 3, 31, [ 524 → 526] he that is of the earth, [ 526 → 527] of the earth he is, [ 528 → 530] and of the earth he speaketh. [ 531 → 531] At this point, [ 531 → 533] the Vatican is basically [ 533 → 534] the United Nations at prayer, [ 535 → 537] and I'm not so sure about the prayer part. [ 538 → 541] Then we have an interesting tidbit [ 541 → 542] from France's general audience [ 542 → 545] last Wednesday, October 21st. [ 545 → 546] He said, [ 546 → 546] quote, [ 547 → 549] if you pray many rosaries each day [ 549 → 551] but then gossip about others [ 551 → 554] and nourish grudges inside if you hate others, [ 555 → 556] this is truly artificial. [ 556 → 557] It is not true. [ 558 → 558] Unquote. [ 559 → 562] Now, let me first say that of course he's right [ 562 → 565] in saying that your rosaries won't do you any good [ 565 → 567] if you're not willing to give up sin. [ 567 → 568] You can't do that. [ 568 → 570] You can't love God without loving your neighbor. [ 571 → 572] So there's nothing wrong with that. [ 573 → 575] However, I'd like to point out that [ 575 → 577] France's never says that your rosaries [ 577 → 579] won't do you any good [ 579 → 581] if at the same time you have no intention [ 581 → 583] of abandoning impurity. [ 584 → 585] If you cross-dress, [ 585 → 587] if you're living in an illicit relationship, [ 588 → 590] if you're stubbornly clinging to heresy [ 590 → 593] or to so-called abortion rights, etc. [ 594 → 595] No, when it comes to those things, [ 596 → 597] then France's will either be silent [ 597 → 598] or appeal to God. [ 598 → 600] Appeal to compassion, mercy, [ 601 → 603] who am I to judge, yada yada. [ 603 → 604] But heaven forbid, [ 605 → 606] you should be a devout Catholic [ 606 → 609] and perhaps struggle with certain sins [ 609 → 610] concerning your neighbor. [ 610 → 613] Then France's will throw those rosary beads [ 613 → 614] right in your face. [ 615 → 615] A double standard? [ 616 → 617] Imagine that. [ 618 → 622] And finally, a headline on Vatican News today. [ 623 → 626] Pope Francis dreams of a Europe of solidarity [ 626 → 628] and respect for all people. [ 628 → 630] Isn't that lovely? [ 631 → 633] Yeah, you know, that's what a Freemason [ 633 → 635] or a naturalist would dream about, [ 635 → 636] but not a Catholic. [ 637 → 640] See, a real Catholic, especially a true Pope, [ 640 → 642] would dream of a Europe that is Catholic, [ 643 → 645] in which Christ is recognized as King [ 645 → 648] not only by individuals and families, [ 648 → 650] but by societies and nations, [ 650 → 652] and where the people and the governments [ 652 → 656] submit themselves to the sweet yoke of his law [ 656 → 657] and where sanctifying grace [ 657 → 658] adheres to the faith. [ 658 → 659] Adorns the souls of all. [ 660 → 663] That is what a real Pope would want for Europe. [ 664 → 666] Now, I know that the first objection people will have [ 666 → 669] is that, oh man, that's totally unrealistic. [ 670 → 672] Well, let me say two things about that. [ 672 → 675] Number one, nothing is impossible with God, [ 676 → 677] oh ye of little faith. [ 677 → 680] Of course, it's unrealistic if you think of it [ 680 → 681] in merely natural terms [ 681 → 683] and leave out of account [ 683 → 686] the supernatural assistance of God and his grace. [ 687 → 688] Number two, [ 688 → 691] it's not just that Francis isn't dreaming [ 691 → 693] of a Catholic Europe for the immediate future, [ 694 → 696] he doesn't want a Catholic Europe at all, [ 697 → 698] not even as the ideal. [ 699 → 701] So don't fall for the specious arguments about, [ 702 → 704] oh yeah, that's what Francis would want eventually, [ 705 → 707] but, you know, you've got to take baby steps at first. [ 707 → 710] No, he doesn't want it even as the ideal. [ 711 → 715] His ideal world is the one described in Fratelli Tutti, [ 716 → 718] where there are not faith, hope, and charity, [ 718 → 721] but liberty, equality, and fraternity, [ 722 → 726] a Masonic paradise that is ready for the Antichrist. [ 727 → 730] Looks like Archbishop Viganò, the remnant, [ 731 → 732] and the rest of the Semitrads [ 732 → 736] are going to be resisting for decades to come. [ 737 → 740] Tradcast Express is a production of Novos Ordo Watch. [ 740 → 742] Check us out at tradcast.org, [ 742 → 743] and if you like what we're doing, [ 743 → 746] please consider making a tax-deductible contribution [ 746 → 748] at NovosOrdoWatch.com. [ 748 → 748] NovosOrdoWatch.org [ 748 → 749] slash donate.