[ 0 → 4] TrapCast Express [ 30 → 38] Novus Ordo Watch.org slash wire, where we analyze the content at some length. [ 38 → 43] But, hey, I can summarize the video for you in just one sentence. [ 44 → 51] Who cares what religion you practice? We're all working at the same soup kitchen anyway. [ 51 → 58] Yeah, it was all about how Christians, Jews, and Muslims, and people of any other tradition, [ 58 → 60] have to remember what is Islam. [ 60 → 64] It's essential to their respective religion, supposedly. [ 65 → 67] The worship of God and the love of neighbor. [ 68 → 76] The rest, you know, the divinity of Christ, heaven and hell, the papacy, that's just details. [ 77 → 81] Now, Francis wouldn't be Francis if he weren't clever. [ 82 → 88] So, while that video is being released, he preaches a sermon on the Feast of the Epiphany, [ 88 → 89] saying, quote, [ 90 → 109] Now, what do you think that means for Pachamama, that Mother Earth goddess, also known as Gaia? [ 110 → 117] The Frankster has basically just told us that either he is an idolater or Pachamama is God. [ 117 → 120] Because, remember, he presided over it. [ 120 → 125] It's worship in the Vatican Gardens on the eve of the October Synod in 2019. [ 126 → 131] And in his post-synodal exhortation, Carida Amazonia, he wrote, quote, [ 131 → 141] It is possible to take up an indigenous symbol in some way without necessarily considering it as idolatry. [ 142 → 148] A myth charged with spiritual meaning can be used to advantage and not always considered a pagan error. [ 149 → 149] Some religious festivals... [ 150 → 155] Some religious festivals have a sacred meaning and are occasions for gathering and fraternity, [ 155 → 161] albeit in need of a gradual process of purification or maturation. [ 162 → 162] Unquote. [ 162 → 165] That's Carida Amazonia, number 79. [ 166 → 175] So, if you believe Francis is your pope, then you have to admit that either you are subject to an idolater [ 175 → 180] or to someone who believes that Pachamama is the true goddess. [ 180 → 184] I guess that's how Francis keeps the gates of hell from prevailing. [ 185 → 192] Well, that's important, because if Francis isn't keeping the gates of hell from prevailing against the Catholic Church, [ 193 → 194] then he isn't the pope. [ 195 → 198] Because that is what the pope does. [ 198 → 204] It's not simply what he is supposed to do, but what he actually does. [ 204 → 209] Until that is, he is taken out of the way, as foretold in 2 Thessalonians, [ 210 → 218] so that the mystery of iniquity can fully unfold itself and the operation of error can deceive the masses [ 218 → 228] that all may be judged who have not believed the truth but have consented to iniquity, as verse 11 says. [ 229 → 234] Now, there's another gem in Francis' epiphany sermon that I want to mention. [ 234 → 235] He says, quote, [ 235 → 239] No one worships the Lord without first experiencing... [ 240 → 245] the interior growth that comes from embarking on a journey. [ 246 → 246] Unquote. [ 247 → 247] Yeah. [ 248 → 249] Whatever. [ 250 → 250] Okay? [ 250 → 258] These people are always talking about journeys and encounter and experiences [ 258 → 266] and such elusive concepts that, in the end, no one has any idea anymore what was actually said. [ 266 → 269] I mean, read a chapter of Joseph Ratzinger. [ 270 → 279] Or Gerhard Muller or Karl Rahner sometime and try to summarize, in a few sentences, what was actually said. [ 280 → 280] Good luck. [ 281 → 283] Here, let me give you an example. [ 284 → 288] This is my own translation from a passage in Gerhard Ludwig Muller's book, [ 289 → 292] The Mass, Source of Christian Life. [ 292 → 298] He's talking about how the real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist comes about. [ 299 → 300] Quote, [ 300 → 308] The conversion of substance means that bread and wine go from being natural vehicles of communication [ 308 → 314] to being a new way of supernatural communication between God and man [ 314 → 322] with the goal of transmitting salvation, which occurred in Jesus Christ, in a real historical way. [ 323 → 327] Christ, then, is really present in an objective sense [ 327 → 330] because it is God alone who fixes the end. [ 330 → 335] He is the absolute horizon before which the reality of the world and history [ 335 → 340] and the manner of his self-communication can be contemplated. [ 341 → 341] Unquote. [ 343 → 345] That's from Muller's book, On the Mass. [ 346 → 351] In the original German, it's entitled Die Messe, Quelle Christlichen Lebens. [ 352 → 355] And there it is found on page 141. [ 356 → 360] Yeah, with Muller there is always, [ 360 → 364] what utter twaddle. [ 364 → 366] It is insufferable, this stuff. [ 367 → 372] And look at how the Vatican II Church and its horrific new mass, [ 372 → 375] or what I like to call the Novus Ordo worship service, [ 376 → 377] look at that. [ 378 → 381] I mean, that is the product of this kind of theology. [ 382 → 384] And vice versa, too, I guess. [ 386 → 389] Now, speaking of Germans, on December 29, 2012, [ 390 → 395] the Jesuit rag America published a news article with the title [ 395 → 399] Head of German Bishops Self-Described Conservative [ 399 → 404] Calls for Changing Church Teaching on LGBT People and Women. [ 406 → 408] Now, when I read that, I thought to myself [ 408 → 412] that these ultra-modernist German Novus Ordo bishops [ 412 → 415] are exactly what Francis needs [ 415 → 420] in order for him to look centrist and moderate. [ 420 → 420] You know what I mean? [ 420 → 422] Even conservative at times, right? [ 423 → 423] I mean, think about it. [ 424 → 426] It's like selling overpriced wine. [ 426 → 430] You put that bottle in between a cheap one [ 430 → 433] and an even more expensive one, right? [ 433 → 436] This way the price looks reasonable and middle of the road. [ 437 → 439] And that's how this Novus Ordo game works. [ 440 → 444] Francis always needs people to his left and to his right [ 444 → 446] so he doesn't appear to be the extremist. [ 448 → 449] And you can always point to, [ 450 → 453] you know, someone who's even more extreme than he is [ 453 → 455] and say, well, see, but he's not like that guy. [ 456 → 461] And so he will always appear to be the moderate, [ 461 → 465] the reasonable fellow who's not too extreme. [ 467 → 469] And look at how far it's gotten him [ 469 → 472] and his predecessors of infelicitous memory. [ 472 → 476] Their program of apostasy has been immensely successful. [ 477 → 480] And it really hasn't been much more than, [ 480 → 482] you know, a few speed bumps along the way for them. [ 482 → 486] You know, like the Ottaviani intervention in 1969 [ 486 → 490] or the Lefebvre's challenges in the 70s and 80s. [ 491 → 493] And what's happening in our days? [ 493 → 494] Not much. [ 495 → 499] The Society of St. Pius X is a shadow of its former self [ 499 → 502] in terms of challenging the modernist Vatican. [ 502 → 505] And now it's worse than ever in Rome. [ 506 → 508] Cardinal Raymond Berg, for example, [ 508 → 510] has roared like a lion, [ 510 → 512] but then when push came to shove, [ 512 → 514] didn't follow through with as much-touted [ 514 → 518] formal correction of Francis that he was going to issue. [ 519 → 521] Not that it would have really accomplished anything anyway, [ 522 → 526] but the conservatives and semi-trads [ 526 → 529] have had countless petitions, demonstrations, [ 529 → 531] TV appearances and interviews, [ 531 → 533] public pleas, prayer rallies, [ 533 → 536] even a filial correction of the Frankster [ 536 → 538] and a formal, [ 538 → 540] accusation of heresy. [ 541 → 542] The result? [ 543 → 544] Nothing really. [ 544 → 546] A lot of blog posts. [ 547 → 551] And then the former Vatican nuncio to the United States, [ 551 → 555] Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, [ 555 → 558] he comes out with message after message, [ 558 → 559] interview after interview, [ 559 → 561] sometimes three times per week, [ 561 → 567] in which he denounces this or that aberration of the new church. [ 567 → 568] But what is this? [ 568 → 569] What is this supposed to accomplish? [ 570 → 571] What is the goal here? [ 571 → 575] Do the semi-trads really think that if only Viganò could issue [ 575 → 579] another, I don't know, 15 messages, [ 579 → 582] then the Vatican II sect will convert to Catholicism? [ 583 → 585] See, the reason all of these people, [ 586 → 588] however good-willed the individuals may be, [ 589 → 592] the reason why they cannot win against Francis [ 592 → 596] is that they acknowledge him to be the Pope of the Catholic Church. [ 597 → 598] By doing that, [ 598 → 600] they give him all the power he needs [ 600 → 605] because the Pope is an absolute monarch in the Catholic Church. [ 605 → 609] So for them to recognize Jorge Bergoglio as the Pope, [ 609 → 611] as the vicar of Christ, [ 612 → 615] they're guaranteeing that no matter what they do, [ 615 → 618] he will win and they will lose. [ 619 → 621] It could not be otherwise [ 621 → 624] because a Pope as such cannot be removed. [ 624 → 625] He cannot be judged. [ 626 → 627] He cannot be condemned. [ 627 → 628] He cannot be condemned. [ 628 → 628] He cannot be condemned. [ 628 → 629] He cannot be corrected. [ 629 → 632] His decisions cannot be appealed. [ 633 → 634] And that is dogma. [ 635 → 638] Why is it so hard for people to understand [ 638 → 642] that a man who does not profess the Catholic religion [ 642 → 645] cannot be the head of that religion? [ 646 → 650] Why can they not accept that a man who is ensuring [ 650 → 653] that the gates of hell are opened [ 653 → 656] and all hell is let into the church [ 656 → 657] cannot at the same time [ 657 → 661] be the man whose office is guaranteed by God [ 661 → 665] to keep the gates of hell from prevailing [ 665 → 666] against the church? [ 668 → 671] The only possible conclusion is [ 671 → 674] that the apostate Bergoglio, Francis, [ 674 → 675] is not the Pope. [ 677 → 679] And to all appearances, [ 679 → 682] the Catholic Church hasn't had a Pope [ 682 → 686] since the death of Pius XII in 1958. [ 686 → 687] And then, [ 687 → 692] that is why all hell has broken loose. [ 693 → 698] Recognizing that is not denying the dogma of the papacy. [ 699 → 702] It is, in fact, a great testimony to its truth. [ 703 → 706] And, if enough people do it, [ 706 → 711] it also takes away all of France's de facto power. [ 712 → 716] Because if he's not the Pope of the Catholic Church, [ 716 → 717] then he's just a man who is not a Pope. [ 717 → 719] He's just Jorge, the apostate. [ 721 → 724] Tradcast Express is a production of Novos Ordo Watch. [ 724 → 726] Check us out at tradcast.org. [ 727 → 728] And if you like what we're doing, [ 728 → 731] please consider making a tax-deductible contribution [ 731 → 734] at novosordowatch.org slash donate.