[ 0 → 4] TrapCast Express [ 4 → 15] TrapCast Express, it's Tuesday, January 26th, 2021. [ 16 → 19] Yesterday was the feast of the conversion of St. Paul, [ 19 → 25] and that means it was also the last day of the so-called Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. [ 25 → 34] The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is observed by the Vatican II sect every year from January 18th to January 25th. [ 35 → 40] It is a corruption of the traditional Catholic Chair of Unity octave, [ 41 → 51] originally approved by Pope St. Pius X in 1909 and later extended as an observance for the whole Church by Pope Benedict XV in 1916. [ 52 → 55] Yes, I said corruption, because it's not. [ 55 → 57] Not a development. [ 57 → 59] Let me briefly explain the difference. [ 60 → 65] The Novus Ordo Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is eight days of prayer [ 65 → 69] that somehow the adherents of all the different denominations come to be unified, [ 70 → 75] though no one really knows exactly how the final product would look. [ 76 → 79] They just know it's not everybody becoming Catholic. [ 80 → 84] The traditional Catholic Chair of Unity octave, on the other hand, [ 85 → 85] was eight days. [ 85 → 90] That's a lot of prayer for the conversion of heretics and schismatics to the Catholic Church, [ 91 → 97] because that is the only acceptable way to obtain Christian unity, according to Catholic doctrine. [ 98 → 99] Let me explain briefly. [ 100 → 104] Since heretics and schismatics, by definition, are validly baptized, [ 105 → 108] they have received an indelible mark from the Catholic Church. [ 109 → 112] Membership in that church, however, they have forfeited [ 112 → 115] on account of their public adherence to heretical or schismatics. [ 115 → 121] Because of that, the church beckons these wayward souls to return to her. [ 122 → 128] And so every year, these eight days of prayer are observed to beg God for exactly that, [ 128 → 133] that all who have left the Catholic Church would come to see the error of their ways [ 133 → 138] and, strengthened by divine grace, would reunite with the Roman Catholic Church, [ 139 → 140] which they have left. [ 141 → 143] And this is not a difficult concept, right? [ 143 → 145] It's not difficult to understand. [ 145 → 147] Even by people who don't agree with it. [ 148 → 153] At the same time, of course, it is rather difficult to hold that position [ 153 → 156] and engage in ecumenism. [ 157 → 160] No heretical sect will want to have ecumenical dialogue [ 160 → 164] with a church that claims to be the only true church, [ 164 → 170] which they, the heretics, must rejoin in order to be united with Christ [ 170 → 172] and attain eternal salvation. [ 173 → 175] So, when Vatican Churches, [ 175 → 177] came around in the early 1960s, [ 178 → 179] that had to go. [ 179 → 181] Not just the chair of Unity Octave, [ 181 → 186] but the entire traditional Catholic understanding of the church [ 186 → 190] in order to open up the way for ecumenism. [ 191 → 192] How did the Council do it? [ 193 → 198] By changing the Catholic teaching that the church founded by Christ [ 198 → 200] is the Catholic Church [ 200 → 203] into a completely new idea, [ 203 → 203] namely, [ 203 → 206] that the church founded by Christ [ 206 → 210] subsists in the Catholic Church. [ 211 → 213] With this clever formulation, [ 213 → 217] the Council destroyed the strict identity between the two [ 217 → 220] and created a real distinction between [ 220 → 222] Roman Catholic Church on the one hand [ 222 → 226] and mystical body of Christ on the other. [ 226 → 228] Now, in 1950, [ 229 → 231] Pope Pius XII had already detected [ 231 → 233] that some theologians were beginning to wonder [ 233 → 235] off into this grave error. [ 235 → 237] So, in his encyclical, [ 237 → 239] Humani Generis, [ 239 → 241] the Pope wrote the following, [ 241 → 241] quote, [ 241 → 245] Some say they are not bound by the doctrine [ 245 → 248] explained in our encyclical letter of a few years ago [ 248 → 251] and based on the sources of Revelation, [ 251 → 254] which teaches that the mystical body of Christ [ 254 → 257] and the Roman Catholic Church [ 257 → 260] are one and the same thing. [ 260 → 263] Some reduce to a meaningless formula, [ 263 → 266] the necessity of belonging to the true church [ 266 → 270] in order to gain eternal salvation, unquote. [ 270 → 274] That's the encyclical Humani Generis, number 27. [ 274 → 277] Now, what Pius XII decries here [ 277 → 281] is exactly what Vatican II did a few years later. [ 281 → 283] It taught that the mystical body of Christ [ 283 → 287] and the Roman Catholic Church are not identical. [ 287 → 290] Instead, it taught that one can be part [ 290 → 292] of the mystical body of Christ [ 292 → 295] without being part of the Catholic Church [ 295 → 299] by teaching that elements of the Catholic Church [ 299 → 303] are present also in heretical sects and other religions. [ 303 → 307] And that leads to all kinds of absurd conclusions. [ 307 → 308] For example, [ 308 → 311] in number three of its decree on ecumenism, [ 311 → 314] Unitatis Redintegratio, [ 314 → 315] the Council said, quote, [ 315 → 319] All who have been justified by faith in baptism [ 319 → 321] are members of Christ's body, [ 321 → 324] and have a right to be called Christian, [ 324 → 328] and so are correctly accepted as brothers [ 328 → 331] by the children of the Catholic Church, unquote. [ 331 → 335] Not surprisingly, that is exactly what Francis believes, [ 335 → 339] and he is even more explicit about it. [ 339 → 344] For example, a year ago, on January 17th, 2020, [ 344 → 347] he told a delegation of Finnish Lutherans, quote, [ 347 → 351] As members of one and the same mystical body of Christ, [ 351 → 353] Christians are bound to one another [ 353 → 357] and must bear one another's burdens, unquote. [ 357 → 359] And you can research this for yourself if you want, [ 359 → 362] but given the context and who he's speaking to, [ 362 → 366] it is clear that he's referring to all the baptized [ 366 → 368] who profess belief in Christ. [ 368 → 372] So he's not just referring to Catholics. [ 372 → 377] Now, yesterday, for the last day of the Christian Unity Prayer Week, [ 377 → 380] the false pope explained that it is his view that Catholics [ 380 → 384] and Protestants, all the baptized who believe in Christ, [ 384 → 388] are part of the same vine that is Christ's body. [ 388 → 391] They all abide in him. [ 391 → 394] They're just not perfectly unified with each other. [ 394 → 398] And the way he explained that is by introducing a new metaphor. [ 398 → 401] Remember, the modernists love to speak in metaphors [ 401 → 405] because they lend themselves to vagueness and ambiguity. [ 405 → 409] By introducing a new metaphor of Christian unity, [ 409 → 413] they're looking like three concentric rings around the vine, [ 413 → 416] much like the rings of a tree trunk. [ 416 → 420] So during his homily for Second Vespers for January 25th, [ 420 → 425] Francis said, and I'm skipping around here to just give you the highlights, [ 425 → 427] he said, quote, [ 427 → 431] The first circle, the innermost, is abiding in Jesus. [ 431 → 434] This is the first unity, our personal integrity, [ 434 → 439] the work of the grace we receive by abiding in Jesus. [ 439 → 443] The second circle is that of unity with Christians. [ 443 → 445] We are branches of the same vine. [ 445 → 450] We are communicating vessels in the sense that the good or the evil [ 450 → 453] that each of us does affects all others. [ 453 → 457] It is not possible to encounter Jesus apart from his body, [ 457 → 462] made up of many members, as many as are the baptized. [ 462 → 468] If our worship is genuine, we will grow in love for all those who follow Jesus, [ 468 → 473] regardless of the Christian communion to which they may belong. [ 473 → 479] For even though they may not be one of ours, they are his. [ 479 → 485] The third circle of unity, the largest, is the whole of humanity. [ 485 → 487] Unquote. [ 487 → 492] Now this is typical Novus Ordo garbage theology. [ 492 → 495] Francis takes our Lord's image of the vine. [ 495 → 497] Remember, our Lord said, [ 497 → 501] I am the vine, you the branches, in John 15, 5. [ 501 → 504] Francis takes that image and distorts it [ 504 → 509] so that he can fit his false ecumenism and his human fraternity jazz into it. [ 509 → 513] Whereas the true image is that Christ is the vine [ 513 → 515] and Catholics are the branches, [ 515 → 519] specifically Catholics in the state of sanctifying grace. [ 519 → 524] Those outside of that state are essentially branches that are still attached [ 524 → 526] but have died [ 526 → 528] and are bound to fall off. [ 528 → 535] Bergoglio's idea of the vine has mutated into a vine with layers or rings around it [ 535 → 537] that in the end include all of humanity, [ 537 → 541] regardless of faith, hope, or charity, [ 541 → 544] not to mention supernatural grace. [ 544 → 550] It is a naturalist distortion of the true image of the vine given us by Christ [ 550 → 554] in which only his true followers are the branches. [ 554 → 555] No rings, [ 555 → 556] no layers, [ 556 → 558] just vine and branches. [ 558 → 563] And those who defect from this vine are cut off, [ 563 → 567] as St. Paul says in Romans 11, 22, [ 567 → 571] See then the goodness and the severity of God, [ 571 → 574] towards them indeed that are fallen the severity, [ 574 → 577] but towards thee the goodness of God, [ 577 → 583] if thou abide in goodness, otherwise thou also shalt be cut off. [ 583 → 584] End quote. [ 585 → 593] In 1868, Pope Pius IX wrote an apostolic letter called Iam Vos Omnes [ 593 → 598] and he addressed it to all Protestants and other non-Catholics [ 598 → 602] ahead of the Convocation of the First Vatican Council [ 602 → 605] to beg them to return to the Catholic Church. [ 605 → 609] In that letter, he contrasted the Roman Catholic Church [ 609 → 612] with their heretical and schismatic sects [ 612 → 614] and pointed out that, quote, [ 614 → 617] neither any one of these societies, [ 617 → 619] meaning the heretical sects, [ 619 → 622] neither any one of these societies by itself [ 622 → 624] nor all of them together [ 624 → 628] can in any manner constitute and be [ 628 → 630] that one Catholic Church [ 630 → 633] which Christ our Lord built and established [ 633 → 636] and willed should continue. [ 636 → 640] And they cannot in any way be said to be branches [ 640 → 642] or parts of that Church [ 642 → 646] since they are visibly cut off from Catholic unity. [ 646 → 647] Unquote. [ 647 → 648] Bam! [ 648 → 652] That is the perennial Roman Catholic teaching. [ 652 → 656] And the drivel we hear from Francis and the Novus Ordo Church in our day [ 656 → 660] stands in contradiction to that teaching. [ 660 → 662] It's not a development of the teaching, [ 662 → 664] it's a contradiction. [ 664 → 667] Because only one or the other can be true. [ 667 → 671] Either Protestants as such are part of the Church, [ 671 → 672] the Body of Christ, [ 672 → 673] or they're not. [ 673 → 675] It can't be both. [ 675 → 678] And it certainly can't be one thing before Vatican II [ 678 → 681] and its opposite after Vatican II. [ 681 → 686] So, folks, you really ought to be a Sedevacantist either way. [ 686 → 688] If we Sedevacantists are right, [ 688 → 691] you ought to be one because it's the truth. [ 691 → 693] And if we were wrong, [ 693 → 695] you might as well be Sedevacantist [ 695 → 698] because then it wouldn't matter if you are one [ 698 → 700] because then you'd still be united [ 700 → 702] to the Mystical Body of Christ [ 702 → 706] as Vatican II and its fake popes assure you. [ 706 → 709] You know, they really can't have it both ways. [ 709 → 712] They can't say that everyone who believes in Christ [ 712 → 715] and is baptized is part of the Mystical Body [ 715 → 719] and engrafted into the vine that is Christ, [ 719 → 723] including, you know, pro-abortion, lesbian, Methodist women clergy, [ 723 → 726] but somehow not Sedevacantists [ 726 → 729] who simply profess the religion of Pope Pius XII [ 729 → 732] and all the popes before him. [ 732 → 734] It doesn't work that way. [ 734 → 738] So, in short, be a Sedevacantist [ 738 → 741] because even if we're wrong, we're right. [ 741 → 745] Tradcast Express is a production of Novos Ordo Watch. [ 745 → 747] Check us out at Tradcast.org [ 747 → 749] and if you like what we're doing, [ 749 → 752] please consider making a tax-deductible contribution [ 752 → 754] at NovosOrdoWatch.org [ 754 → 756] slash donate.