[ 0 → 4] TrapCast Express [ 4 → 14] TrapCast Express, it's Monday, February 8th, 2021. [ 15 → 19] If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into the pit. [ 20 → 25] Our blessed Lord said in St. Matthew's Gospel, chapter 15, verse 14. [ 25 → 33] A recent example of this can be seen in a lengthy new missive from the former Vatican nuncio to the United States, [ 34 → 37] the so-called Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. [ 38 → 43] In his letter dated January 31st, published at The Remnant, [ 44 → 49] Fr. Viganò once again demonstrates that despite whatever his intentions may be, [ 49 → 54] he does not believe in the Catholic teaching on the papacy. [ 54 → 55] And how could he? [ 55 → 60] Considering that he believes that Jorge Bergoglio, Francis, is pope. [ 61 → 66] Interestingly enough, in contradiction to many other recognizant resistors, [ 67 → 69] Viganò says that, quote, [ 69 → 72] we can nevertheless recognize a pope as a heretic, [ 73 → 82] and as such refuse on a case-by-case basis to show him the obedience to which he would otherwise be entitled, unquote. [ 83 → 85] Now, isn't that interesting? [ 85 → 90] What happened to canonical warnings or a church judgment [ 90 → 96] that other semi-triad apologists tell us are necessary to know that Francis is a heretic? [ 98 → 102] Since a heretic, by definition, is not a member of the church, [ 102 → 105] he cannot be the head of the church either. [ 105 → 110] And so it follows that if you can recognize Francis to be a heretic, [ 110 → 115] then you can also recognize that he is not the pope. [ 115 → 119] Because those are really two sides of the same coin. [ 119 → 121] If you can know the one, you can know the other. [ 121 → 124] It's really not a difficult concept. [ 125 → 127] A little further on in his letter, [ 127 → 130] Fr. Viganò writes about Francis, quote, [ 130 → 135] The fact that as pope he teaches heterodox doctrines [ 135 → 139] or gives scandal to the simple with provocative affirmations [ 139 → 143] makes his fault one of extreme gravity [ 143 → 145] because whoever listens to him, [ 145 → 150] believes that he is listening to the voice of the good shepherd, unquote. [ 151 → 154] Save this one for posterity, folks. [ 154 → 158] Viganò admits, and by publishing it without a disclaimer, [ 158 → 162] the editors at The Remnant are presumed to agree with it, [ 162 → 169] Viganò admits that Francis teaches heresy in his capacity as the putative pope, [ 170 → 173] not simply as a private individual, [ 173 → 175] but as part of his magisterium, [ 175 → 179] and he says that this is very grave [ 179 → 182] because people will submit to his magisterium [ 182 → 184] and in this manner be misled. [ 185 → 192] Yet that is precisely what traditional Catholic doctrine on the papacy says is impossible, [ 192 → 195] that the faithful should be misled [ 195 → 198] by following the teaching of the Roman pontiff. [ 198 → 199] It is impossible. [ 200 → 204] Here, listen to the words of Pope Pius XI in his 1930s, [ 205 → 207] the encyclical Casti Connubii. [ 208 → 209] Quote, [ 209 → 211] Let the faithful also be on their guard [ 211 → 215] against the overrated independence of private judgment [ 215 → 218] and that false autonomy of human reason. [ 219 → 221] For it is quite foreign to everyone [ 221 → 222] bearing the name of a Christian [ 222 → 224] to trust his own mental powers [ 224 → 226] with such pride [ 226 → 229] as to agree only with those things [ 229 → 232] which he can examine from their inner nature [ 232 → 235] and to imagine that the church sent by God [ 235 → 237] to teach and guide all nations [ 237 → 242] is not conversant with present affairs and circumstances, [ 243 → 246] or even that they must obey only in those matters [ 246 → 249] which he has decreed by solemn definition, [ 249 → 252] as though her other decisions might be presumed to be false [ 252 → 257] or putting forward insufficient motive for truth and honesty. [ 258 → 259] Quite to the contrary, [ 259 → 262] a characteristic of all true followers of Christ, [ 263 → 264] lettered or unlettered, [ 264 → 265] is to suffer the truth, [ 265 → 269] to be guided and led in all things [ 269 → 271] that touch upon faith or morals [ 271 → 273] by the Holy Church of God [ 273 → 275] through its supreme pastor, [ 275 → 276] the Roman pontiff, [ 277 → 280] who is himself guided by Jesus Christ, [ 280 → 281] our Lord. [ 281 → 282] Unquote. [ 282 → 283] That's Pius XI, [ 284 → 285] Casti Connubii, [ 286 → 288] paragraph number 104. [ 289 → 290] In 1950, [ 291 → 293] Pope Pius XII said the following [ 293 → 295] about the papal magisterium. [ 295 → 296] Quote, [ 296 → 298] This sacred office of teacher [ 298 → 300] in matters of faith and morals [ 300 → 305] must be the proximate and universal criterion of truth [ 305 → 307] for all theologians, [ 307 → 311] since to it has been entrusted by Christ our Lord [ 311 → 313] the whole deposit of faith, [ 313 → 314] sacred scripture, [ 314 → 315] and divine tradition [ 315 → 319] to be preserved, guarded, and interpreted. [ 320 → 321] Nor must it be thought [ 321 → 323] that what is expounded in encyclical letters [ 323 → 325] does not of itself [ 325 → 326] demand consent, [ 326 → 328] since in writing such letters [ 328 → 329] the popes do not exercise [ 329 → 332] the supreme power of their teaching authority. [ 333 → 334] For these matters are taught [ 334 → 336] with the ordinary teaching authority [ 336 → 338] of which it is true to say [ 338 → 340] he who heareth you [ 340 → 341] heareth me. [ 341 → 342] It's Luke 10.16. [ 343 → 345] And generally what is expounded [ 345 → 347] and inculcated in encyclical letters [ 347 → 349] already for other reasons [ 349 → 351] appertains to Catholic doctrine. [ 352 → 353] Unquote. [ 353 → 354] That's Pius XII, [ 354 → 356] Encyclical Humanae Generis, [ 357 → 359] Numbers 18 and 20. [ 360 → 362] Now there are many other quotes like that [ 362 → 364] and you can find them all, [ 364 → 365] we've got them collected [ 365 → 369] at novosordowatch.org [ 369 → 372] novosordowatch.org [ 372 → 376] From the menu simply click on Catholicism [ 376 → 378] then click on the papacy [ 378 → 382] and that will give you many more quotes like that. [ 383 → 384] And this is a quote from a book [ 384 → 386] This papal teaching that we've just gone over [ 386 → 390] doesn't mean that everything the pope teaches [ 390 → 391] is always infallible [ 391 → 395] but it does mean that all of it [ 395 → 397] is always authoritative [ 397 → 402] and safe for a Catholic to embrace. [ 402 → 405] In other words, you will never put your soul in danger [ 405 → 410] by following the teaching of a true Roman pontiff. [ 411 → 413] Now, Viganò continues. [ 413 → 414] He says, [ 414 → 440] Unquote. [ 440 → 443] Now, here it gets really wild. [ 443 → 444] He's asserting that [ 444 → 446] the virtue of obedience [ 446 → 448] allows him to suspend judgment [ 448 → 451] on who is or isn't pope. [ 451 → 453] I find that very curious. [ 453 → 454] What he's trying to do, [ 455 → 457] at least for all practical purposes, [ 457 → 460] is remove the papacy from the faith. [ 461 → 463] This is a smoother sounding version of the [ 463 → 467] it doesn't matter if Francis is the pope error, [ 467 → 471] which the remnant peddled in late October of 2014. [ 472 → 474] Anyone who says that it doesn't matter [ 474 → 474] anyone who says that it doesn't matter [ 474 → 477] if Francis is the pope or not [ 477 → 481] has obviously not understood the papacy. [ 481 → 484] The only people who can say such a thing [ 484 → 488] are people who don't submit to the pope anyway. [ 488 → 492] And that is exactly what I've been saying for years [ 492 → 495] that the recognize and resist traditionalists [ 495 → 496] have reduced the papacy [ 496 → 500] to a completely meaningless concept [ 500 → 503] where you submit when the pope is right [ 503 → 504] and refuse submission. [ 504 → 505] When he's wrong. [ 506 → 510] Just like your local grocery store clerk, right? [ 510 → 512] You agree with her if she's right [ 512 → 514] and you disagree if she's wrong. [ 514 → 516] In other words, [ 516 → 518] there's no essential difference [ 518 → 520] between the pope [ 520 → 523] and your local grocery store clerk. [ 525 → 527] Now, let me continue with Viganò. [ 527 → 529] It gets worse still. [ 530 → 531] The former Vatican nuncio decries, [ 532 → 534] the absurdity of having to, [ 534 → 536] to disobey a person who is [ 536 → 540] simultaneously pope and heresiarch, [ 540 → 542] Athanasius and Arius, [ 543 → 544] one who is de jure light [ 545 → 547] but de facto darkness. [ 548 → 548] Unquote. [ 549 → 553] So, here he's twisting himself into a pretzel. [ 554 → 554] Why? [ 555 → 558] Because he doesn't want to be a Sedevacantist. [ 559 → 561] He doesn't want to conclude [ 561 → 564] that Francis is not the pope, [ 564 → 567] because he cannot be the pope. [ 568 → 570] So, instead, he utters such [ 570 → 573] a completely moronic and heretical, [ 573 → 575] even blasphemous thing, [ 575 → 577] that a man can be at one and the same time [ 577 → 579] pope and heretic, [ 579 → 582] Saint Francis de Sales and Martin Luther, [ 582 → 584] light and darkness. [ 585 → 586] He might as well have said [ 586 → 587] shepherd and wolf, [ 588 → 589] pope and antipope, [ 590 → 593] vicar of Christ and vicar of Antichrist. [ 593 → 594] This is, [ 594 → 595] is madness. [ 597 → 598] Now, if Vigano were some [ 598 → 600] obscure individual mumbling [ 600 → 602] such inanities to himself, [ 602 → 604] it would be bad enough. [ 604 → 607] But this man is now being celebrated [ 607 → 610] as the great voice of orthodoxy [ 610 → 612] against the darkness of our times, [ 612 → 615] the great faithful antidote [ 615 → 616] to Francis. [ 619 → 622] Now, let's turn to St. Paul for a minute. [ 622 → 623] In 2 Corinthians, [ 623 → 627] chapter 6, verses 14 and 15, [ 627 → 628] the apostle asks, [ 629 → 629] quote, [ 630 → 643] unquote. [ 644 → 646] This applies here, too, [ 646 → 649] just as Christ cannot also be the devil, [ 649 → 651] and just as the Catholic Church [ 651 → 653] cannot be both the immaculate bride [ 653 → 653] of Christ, [ 653 → 657] and also the whore of Babylon, [ 657 → 659] neither can the vicar of Christ [ 659 → 662] also be the vicar of Antichrist. [ 663 → 666] He cannot be the guarantee of orthodoxy, [ 666 → 667] the rule of faith, [ 668 → 669] and at the same time, [ 669 → 672] a heretic who poisons souls [ 672 → 673] through his magisterium. [ 674 → 676] I mean, duh, right? [ 676 → 678] If that were possible, [ 678 → 680] the papacy would not only be useless, [ 681 → 682] but outright dangerous. [ 683 → 686] Then the faithful would constantly [ 686 → 689] have to be on guard against being misled [ 689 → 692] by false teachings coming from the Holy See, [ 693 → 693] from the Pope. [ 694 → 698] But that is not how God instituted his church. [ 699 → 701] Have a listen to these beautiful words [ 701 → 704] of Pope St. Leo IX, [ 704 → 706] taken from his apostolic letter [ 706 → 707] in Terra Pax, [ 708 → 711] dated September 2nd, 1053. [ 712 → 713] Quote, [ 713 → 716] The Holy Church built upon a rock [ 716 → 717] that is Christ, [ 717 → 719] and upon Peter, or Cephas, [ 720 → 721] the son of John, [ 721 → 723] who first was called Simon, [ 724 → 725] because by the gates of hell, [ 726 → 728] that is, by the disputations of heretics, [ 729 → 731] which lead the vain to destruction, [ 731 → 733] it would never be overcome. [ 734 → 736] Thus truth itself promises, [ 736 → 738] through whom are true whatsoever things are true, [ 738 → 743] the gates of hell will not prevail against it. [ 743 → 744] Matthew 16, 18. [ 745 → 746] The same son declares [ 746 → 749] that he obtained the effect of this promise [ 749 → 750] from the Father by prayers, [ 751 → 752] by saying to Peter, [ 752 → 754] Simon, Simon, behold, [ 754 → 756] Satan hath desired to have you, [ 756 → 758] that he may sift you as wheat. [ 759 → 760] But I have prayed for thee [ 760 → 762] that thy faith fail not, [ 763 → 765] and thou being once converted, [ 765 → 766] confirm thy brethren. [ 767 → 769] It's Luke 22, 31 and 32. [ 771 → 771] Therefore, [ 771 → 772] will there be, [ 772 → 774] anyone so foolish [ 774 → 776] as to dare to regard his prayer [ 776 → 778] as in any way vain, [ 779 → 781] whose being willing is being able? [ 781 → 784] By the see of the chief of the apostles, [ 785 → 786] namely by the Roman church, [ 787 → 788] through the same Peter, [ 788 → 790] as well as through his successors, [ 791 → 794] have not the comments of all the heretics [ 794 → 798] been disapproved, rejected, and overcome, [ 798 → 799] and the hearts of the brethren [ 799 → 801] in the faith of Peter, [ 801 → 802] which soweth, [ 802 → 804] so far neither has failed [ 804 → 807] nor up to the end will fail, [ 807 → 808] been strengthened? [ 810 → 810] Unquote. [ 811 → 813] Again, that was Pope St. Leo IX, [ 814 → 816] Apostolic Letter in Terra Pax. [ 816 → 821] You can read this in Denzinger 3.51. [ 822 → 825] So, all the semi-trads [ 825 → 826] who think they're just going by [ 826 → 828] what the church has always taught, [ 828 → 831] well, what you just heard [ 831 → 832] is what the church is, [ 832 → 832] is what the church is, [ 832 → 840] church has always taught. The papacy is the very antidote to the garbage that emanates from [ 840 → 848] Francis. It is impossible for him to be the pope, and that has nothing to do with presuming to make [ 848 → 856] an authoritative legal declaration or legal judgment. It is simply a necessary consequence [ 856 → 865] from what we know to be the true Catholic teaching. But Viganò makes it even worse. [ 865 → 869] In his January 31st letter, he also says this, quote, [ 870 → 876] The paradox is that in order to remain in communion with the apostolic see, [ 876 → 884] we must separate ourselves from the one who should represent it and see ourselves bureaucratically [ 884 → 886] excommunicated by one who is not. [ 886 → 892] Who is in an objective state of schism with himself. Unquote. [ 894 → 902] Seriously? Can it get any more ridiculous? Can it get any more absurd to be in communion [ 902 → 906] with the holy see you have to separate yourself from the pope? [ 907 → 916] Look, this is basically just Gallicanism. Every schismatic, every heretic can make that argument, [ 916 → 916] right? [ 916 → 923] That although they're not in union with the pope, they are nevertheless in union with the real holy [ 923 → 930] see and what the pope should be teaching or doing. Well, the whole point of having a visible head of [ 930 → 940] the church who teaches and governs is that he is the criterion of church unity. If Francis is the [ 940 → 946] pope, then to separate yourself from him is to separate yourself from the church. That, [ 946 → 955] is what being the pope means. But that's what being the pope implies. Being the head of the church, [ 955 → 963] being the vicar of Christ. That's what that is, okay? You can't have it both ways. You can't have [ 963 → 973] a pope without the papacy. Look at what Pope Heinz IX said in 1873 in his apostolic letter [ 973 → 975] Per Tristissima. [ 976 → 984] But you, dearly beloved sons, remember that in all that concerns the faith, morals, and government of [ 984 → 990] the church, the words which Christ said of himself, he that gathereth not with me scattereth, [ 990 → 998] can be applied to the Roman pontiff who holds the place of God on earth. Ground your whole [ 998 → 1006] wisdom, therefore, in an absolute obedience and a joyous and constant adherence to this [1006 → 1015] chair of Peter, unquote. And in 1849, the same Pius IX had taught this, quote, [1015 → 1024] Indeed, one simple way to keep men professing Catholic truth is to maintain their communion [1024 → 1034] with and obedience to the Roman pontiff, unquote. That's from the encyclical Gnostis et Nobiscum, [1034 → 1036] paragraph 17. [1036 → 1046] And in 1876, the same Pius IX wrote in his encyclical Que in Patriarchatio, quote, [1046 → 1053] What good is it to proclaim aloud the dogma of the supremacy of St. Peter and his successors? [1054 → 1060] What good is it to repeat over and over declarations of faith in the Catholic Church [1060 → 1066] and of obedience to the apostolic see when actions give the lie to these people? [1066 → 1068] These fine words, unquote. [1070 → 1077] So, the traditional teaching, you know, what the Church has always taught, is very clear [1077 → 1085] on this. People need to understand that you can't save tradition by denying tradition. [1086 → 1093] And this idea that Vigano is putting forward that you can be excommunicated bureaucratically [1093 → 1095] and then it doesn't really mean anything. [1096 → 1100] That was also condemned by Pope Clement XI. [1100 → 1105] You can find that in Denzinger, number 1441. [1105 → 1111] The exact error Pope Clement condemned is this, quote, [1111 → 1118] The fear of an unjust excommunication should never hinder us from fulfilling our duty. [1119 → 1124] Never are we separated from the Church even when, by the wickedness of men, [1125 → 1126] we seem to be expelled. [1126 → 1133] from it as long as we are attached to God, to Jesus Christ, and to the Church herself [1133 → 1136] by charity, unquote. [1137 → 1144] And that, again, is an error condemned by Pope Clement XI in the Apostolic Constitution [1144 → 1150] Unigenitus against the Jansenist Quesnel in the year 1713. [1152 → 1155] And lastly, Vigano's idea, [1156 → 1160] that Francis is in schism with himself. [1161 → 1167] It's just another novel and harebrained semi-trad concept [1167 → 1173] made up, made up, to justify not being a Sedevacantist. [1174 → 1176] Just like we've been saying on Novos Ordo Watch, [1177 → 1181] these people will affirm anything but Sedevacantism. [1183 → 1185] And yet, in a recent video, [1186 → 1188] the editor of The Remnant, Michael Matt, [1189 → 1196] said that Archbishop Vigano is proof that God has not abandoned his Church. [1196 → 1198] Listen to this clip real quick. [1198 → 1201] And so I went to Munich, where out of the blue, [1202 → 1205] I received an invitation to go to a local hotel [1205 → 1209] and visit a man who I'd never met and who I didn't know at the time [1209 → 1212] was about to emerge in 2020, the year from hell. [1213 → 1216] He was about to emerge as a living, breathing, [1216 → 1219] living proof that God has not abandoned us. [1219 → 1224] Never saw that coming, that meeting before I left the country that day, that weekend. [1224 → 1230] I'm not going to go into the details of my first meeting with Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano. [1230 → 1236] This audio clip is found in the video Biden, Davos, and the Great Christian Reset, [1236 → 1241] published on the Remnant's YouTube channel on January 29th, 2021. [1243 → 1245] While the Catholic truth, on the other hand, [1245 → 1249] is quite different, God does not abandon his Church [1249 → 1253] by safeguarding the office of the papacy from error, [1253 → 1257] from heresy, from leading the Church astray. [1258 → 1265] But of course you can't believe that if instead you believe that Francis is Pope. [1266 → 1268] One final thought. [1268 → 1271] For all those who accept Francis as Pope, [1272 → 1274] but are following Vigano as the great antidote [1274 → 1281] to Francis, and think that by doing this they're somehow saving the Church or saving the faith, [1282 → 1283] let me ask you this. [1283 → 1289] If the Pope can mislead the faithful in his official magisterium, [1290 → 1296] why in the world do you think that a retired Vatican nuncio like Vigano [1296 → 1301] couldn't do the same in his own private letters? [1303 → 1303] Remember, [1303 → 1309] if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into the pit. [1311 → 1314] Tradcast Express is a production of Novos Ordo Watch. [1314 → 1318] Check us out at tradcast.org, and if you like what we're doing, [1318 → 1324] please consider making a tax-deductible contribution at novosortowatch.org.