[ 0 → 15] It's Wednesday, April 7th, 2021. [ 16 → 23] If you needed any more evidence that the Vatican II Church is truly a Judas Church, a church [ 23 → 27] of betrayal of Jesus Christ, well, you got it this past Holy Week. [ 27 → 35] On Holy Thursday, the official newspaper of the Vatican, the Osservatore Romano, dedicated [ 35 → 44] its front page and pages 2 and 3 to a kind of rehabilitation of Judas Iscariot, who betrayed [ 44 → 49] our Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane and then later that night killed himself in despair. [ 50 → 56] The Recognize and Resist website Tradition in Action published a report on that, and [ 56 → 57] that's what I'll be quoting from now. [ 57 → 60] This is just so incredible. [ 60 → 61] Quote, [ 61 → 67] The newspaper of the Holy See, L'Osservatore Romano, dedicated the first three pages of [ 67 → 71] its Maundy Thursday edition to praising Judas Iscariot. [ 72 → 79] In a first-page editorial titled Judas and the Scandal of Mercy, Andrea Monda explains [ 79 → 86] that the Vatican organ decided this year to honor the most tragic and unsettling figure [ 86 → 87] of the gospel. [ 87 → 94] The editor, probably obeying an order of Pope Francis, chose to post on its front page [ 94 → 101] the reproduction of a picture that presents a naked Jesus bending over and tenderly ministering [ 101 → 103] to a dead Judas. [ 104 → 109] Monda explains that the author of this painting is a French Catholic who became impressed [ 109 → 116] by Francis' words praising the traitor in his book When You Pray, Say Our Father. [ 116 → 117] The author explains that the author of this painting is a French Catholic who became impressed [ 117 → 118] by Francis' words praising the traitor in his book When You Pray, Say Our Father. [ 118 → 122] Monda also reports that after Jesus was crucified, he would have returned to life immediately, [ 123 → 128] gone to the fig tree and taken down Judas' body and ministered to it. [ 128 → 134] Monda also reports that Francis loved this painting so much that he has placed it on [ 134 → 139] the wall behind his desk along with another representing Judas. [ 140 → 146] The inside pages of the Vatican paper feature a sermon by Father Primo Mazzolari saying [ 146 → 147] that he believes, [ 147 → 149] Judas was forgiven by our Lord. [ 150 → 157] A brief comment by Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini on Mazzolari's sermon saying that each of [ 157 → 159] us can have a Judas inside himself. [ 160 → 167] A text by Giovanni Papini arguing that Judas must have had an ulterior motive to betray [ 167 → 172] Christ because 30 silver coins did not have that great a worth. [ 173 → 177] And a text by Giuseppe Berto impersonating Judas who affirmed, [ 177 → 181] that Jesus owes his glorification to him. [ 182 → 183] Unquote. [ 183 → 185] This is unbelievable. [ 186 → 190] This is totally in line with Bergoglio, with Francis, right? [ 190 → 197] Deny that the Blessed Virgin Mary is the co-redemptrix, but honor Judas Iscariot on the [ 197 → 202] grounds that if he hadn't committed the mortal sin of betraying Christ, well, then our redemption [ 202 → 204] wouldn't have been carried out. [ 204 → 207] This is sickening blasphemy and it is in. [ 207 → 209] Your face. [ 210 → 217] Ladies and gentlemen, what more does Francis have to do to prove that he's not the Pope? [ 217 → 223] That he's not the one keeping the gates of hell from prevailing, but opening them far [ 223 → 226] and wide, ushering people in. [ 227 → 235] Now, to be clear, the betrayal of Judas, as great of a sin as it was, obviously was not [ 235 → 237] beyond being forgiven by Christ. [ 237 → 237] Our Lord. [ 237 → 244] Our Lord would have forgiven Judas if, like St. Peter, he had actually shown supernatural [ 244 → 248] contrition and begged Christ to forgive him. [ 248 → 253] The problem with Judas is that he did not do that. [ 253 → 259] Yes, he was sorry for what he'd done, that's true, but instead of throwing himself on the [ 259 → 266] mercy of God, seeking his forgiveness, he despaired of God's mercy and died impenitent. [ 267 → 273] He wasn't forgiven by God because he failed to ask for forgiveness. [ 274 → 279] There are two motives that can prevent one from asking God for forgiveness. [ 280 → 285] One is presumption, thinking you don't need to be forgiven because you don't have any [ 285 → 289] sin or because your sins aren't all that bad or don't require repentance. [ 290 → 291] That's presumption. [ 291 → 297] And then the other is despair, thinking your sin is so great that God can't forgive you. [ 297 → 300] You cannot or will not forgive it. [ 300 → 307] In either case, you do not seek forgiveness and therefore you cannot receive it. [ 307 → 310] Judas chose the second motive, despair. [ 311 → 317] He thought he couldn't or wouldn't ever be forgiven for his great crime and so hanged himself. [ 318 → 327] By doing that, instead of begging forgiveness, he added the mortal sin of suicide and the [ 327 → 328] sin of betrayal. [ 330 → 336] Now, between the extremes of presumption and despair, there is the virtuous middle, and [ 336 → 337] that is called hope. [ 338 → 341] Hope is a theological virtue. [ 341 → 346] We do not presume on God's forgiveness and we do not despair of it. [ 346 → 349] Rather, we hope to be forgiven. [ 349 → 351] We hope for a merciful judgment. [ 352 → 355] We hope to arrive at eternal life one day. [ 355 → 357] And we do so. [ 357 → 362] Not relying on our own merits, but on the grace and mercy of God. [ 362 → 365] That's why we pray in the act of hope, [ 365 → 372] O my God, relying on thine infinite goodness and promises, I hope to obtain the pardon [ 372 → 379] of my sins, the help of thy grace, and life everlasting through the merits of Jesus Christ, [ 380 → 382] my Lord and Redeemer. [ 382 → 387] What is expressed in this act of hope is neither presumption, [ 387 → 388] nor despair. [ 389 → 396] The act of hope affirms both our own frailty and God's mercy, goodness, and faithfulness [ 396 → 402] to his promises, on which we rely in order to overcome that frailty. [ 404 → 410] Now, Judas Iscariot did not have the theological virtue of hope at the end of his life. [ 410 → 412] He died in despair. [ 412 → 417] And we know that he is in hell because Christ himself, [ 418 → 419] revealed it to us. [ 420 → 423] In Mark 14.21, Christ says, [ 424 → 428] And the Son of Man indeed goeth, as it is written of him, [ 429 → 433] but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man shall be betrayed. [ 434 → 438] It were better for him if that man had not been born. [ 440 → 446] So there, so much for honoring Judas on the grounds that the redemption wouldn't have happened without him. [ 447 → 452] Now, the statement that it would be better for Judas if he had never been born [ 452 → 457] allows for no other interpretation than that he went to hell. [ 457 → 464] Because if he did not go to hell, then even if he spends the remainder of time in purgatory, [ 464 → 470] he will eventually get out and be admitted to an eternity of heaven. [ 471 → 477] And then it would not be true to say that it would have been better for him had he not been born. [ 477 → 482] For an eternity of heaven is obviously better than having never been born [ 482 → 488] or never existed even after suffering millennia of torments. [ 489 → 495] So the only way we can truthfully say that it would have been better for someone not to have existed at all [ 495 → 502] is if that person has to spend all eternity in hell, in eternal damnation. [ 503 → 505] But there's more. [ 505 → 507] In John 17.12, [ 507 → 512] Christ prays to his father for his disciples, and he says explicitly, [ 513 → 529] So yes, Judas is lost. [ 529 → 531] Christ said so. [ 532 → 535] And that's why our Lord calls him the son of perdition. [ 535 → 540] And finally, in Acts 1.25, [ 541 → 555] So no, there is no hope for Judas Iscariot. [ 556 → 561] He is eternally lost, and we know that because God revealed it to us. [ 561 → 565] And God cannot lie or be mistaken. [ 565 → 574] The fact that the Vatican II Church under Bergoglio is trying so hard to rehabilitate the son of perdition [ 574 → 580] is another clear indication that it is not the Catholic Church, but a counterfeit, [ 581 → 583] a false church, the anti-church, [ 584 → 591] probably the entity that is described as the operation of error in 2 Thessalonians 2.10. [ 593 → 595] Meanwhile, on April 3rd, which was the day of the crucifixion, [ 595 → 601] Michael Madd, editor of The Remnant, posted an article entitled [ 601 → 607] The Scandal of the Cross, Why I Will Never Leave the Catholic Church. [ 608 → 613] Now, by Catholic Church, he means the modernist institution of which Francis is the head, [ 614 → 618] the one he continually sifts and resists, lest he end up believing what it teaches. [ 620 → 624] Now, remember what another writer, Jason Morgan, said, [ 625 → 630] in an October 2nd, 2020 blog post at The Remnant's website. [ 631 → 636] Morgan referred to this church as New Church, and I'm quoting now, [ 636 → 643] New Church, the faux-Catholic church headed by Pope Francis, unquote. [ 643 → 647] And he added that this New Church, quote, [ 647 → 652] is not a religious organization at all, unquote. [ 652 → 655] You can find that at Remnant Newspaper. [ 655 → 663] The post is entitled Pope Refuses to Meet with Trump's Pro-Life Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo. [ 663 → 670] We talked about that strange ecclesiastical split personality disorder that's going on at The Remnant [ 670 → 673] in Tratcast number 29, if you remember. [ 673 → 677] You can find that episode at Tratcast.org. [ 677 → 682] Just scroll down to where all the full-length episodes are listed, and you'll find it in there. [ 682 → 685] It was released on December 11th, 2020. [ 685 → 691] All right, so Michael Madd will never leave the fake New Church [ 691 → 694] that is not a religious organization at all. [ 694 → 695] Got it. [ 695 → 698] The problem is, he doesn't want you to leave it either. [ 699 → 705] And so he uses the enticing but flawed and actually blasphemous argumentation [ 705 → 711] that this defected and non-religious New Church is the true Church of Christ [ 711 → 712] just in its crucified state, [ 712 → 715] so that if you were to abandon, [ 715 → 717] that fake apostate Church, [ 717 → 720] then you'd be abandoning Christ on the cross. [ 722 → 728] Hello, the mystical body of Christ cannot become apostate. [ 728 → 735] What Madd is proposing has nothing to do with a passion of the Church or a crucified Church. [ 735 → 738] It's more like saying that Christ sinned. [ 739 → 742] That would be the proper parallel to draw, [ 742 → 745] the proper analogy to what Madd, [ 745 → 746] is saying, [ 746 → 749] not a suffering and crucified Christ, [ 749 → 750] but a sinful, [ 750 → 754] defected Christ that leads people into sin and apostasy. [ 755 → 759] Now, that's obviously blasphemy and heresy, [ 759 → 762] but it is ultimately what Madd is saying, [ 762 → 764] even if he doesn't mean to, [ 764 → 767] by saying that this new Church with its new religion [ 767 → 770] is the mystical body of Christ, [ 770 → 771] crucified or not. [ 772 → 773] In this article, [ 774 → 774] Madd writes, [ 774 → 775] quote, [ 775 → 777] If Peter's faith can fail him, [ 778 → 780] and Christ prayed it would not, [ 780 → 781] meaning it is possible, [ 782 → 784] then surely mine can fail me, [ 784 → 786] and yours can fail you. [ 786 → 787] Unquote. [ 787 → 790] Well, here he's leaving out of account that, [ 790 → 790] of course, [ 790 → 793] Christ's prayer was efficacious. [ 793 → 796] It accomplished what Christ intended. [ 796 → 801] God the Father obviously heard the prayer of God the Son. [ 802 → 803] In Hebrews 5, 7, [ 803 → 805] St. Paul points out, [ 805 → 807] that in his supplications our Lord, [ 807 → 808] quote, [ 808 → 811] was heard for his reverence. [ 811 → 812] Unquote. [ 813 → 818] Now, in Luke 22, verses 31 and 32, [ 818 → 820] our Lord said to St. Peter, [ 820 → 821] quote, [ 821 → 822] Simon, Simon, behold, [ 823 → 825] Satan hath desired to have you, [ 825 → 827] that he may sift you as wheat, [ 827 → 829] but I have prayed for thee, [ 829 → 831] that thy faith fail not. [ 832 → 834] And thou, being once converted, [ 834 → 835] confirm, [ 835 → 836] thy brethren. [ 837 → 837] Unquote. [ 838 → 841] The Catholic Church understands this passage [ 841 → 845] to be the reason why the papacy cannot fail [ 845 → 848] as the perpetual rock of orthodoxy. [ 849 → 850] Once he was pope, [ 850 → 853] and that didn't happen until after the resurrection, [ 853 → 854] by the way, [ 854 → 855] as we'll prove in a moment, [ 855 → 857] once he was pope, [ 857 → 861] St. Peter would have an unfailing faith, [ 861 → 863] as would his successors. [ 863 → 865] That is a divine, [ 865 → 866] divine guarantee. [ 867 → 867] And so, [ 868 → 870] the First Vatican Council says that, [ 870 → 870] quote, [ 870 → 874] this gift of truth and a never-failing faith [ 874 → 877] was divinely conferred upon Peter [ 877 → 880] and his successors in this chair, [ 880 → 883] that they might administer their high duty [ 883 → 885] for the salvation of all, [ 885 → 888] that the entire flock of Christ, [ 888 → 892] turned away by them from the poisonous food of error, [ 892 → 894] might be nourished on the sustenance [ 894 → 895] of heavenly doctrine, [ 896 → 899] that with the occasion of schism removed, [ 899 → 902] the whole church might be saved as one, [ 903 → 906] and relying on her foundation might stay firm [ 906 → 908] against the gates of hell. [ 909 → 909] Unquote. [ 910 → 911] That's Vatican I, [ 911 → 913] Dogmatic Constitution, [ 913 → 914] Pastor Aeternus, [ 915 → 916] Chapter 4, [ 917 → 921] and you can find that in Denzinger, 1837. [ 921 → 923] Yeah, so, [ 923 → 927] Francis doesn't quite fit that description, does he? [ 928 → 931] That's not because the dogma of the papacy is false, [ 931 → 934] it's because Francis isn't a pope. [ 936 → 939] You know, it really isn't that hard to figure out. [ 939 → 942] It just creates loads of undesirable consequences. [ 942 → 944] It raises a lot of questions. [ 944 → 947] It leads into a lot of mystery. [ 947 → 950] And, of course, it requires a strong faith. [ 950 → 953] But God has a right [ 953 → 954] to our faith. [ 954 → 955] He has a right [ 955 → 957] to be believed. [ 957 → 959] He has a right to demand of us [ 959 → 960] that we believe [ 960 → 963] that though heaven and earth pass away, [ 963 → 965] his word will not pass away, [ 965 → 969] as he said in Mark 13, 31. [ 970 → 971] So, if you're wondering, [ 972 → 974] okay, now what? [ 974 → 976] So, Francis isn't the pope [ 976 → 978] and the Vatican II church isn't the Catholic church, [ 978 → 980] but now what? [ 981 → 982] If you're wondering that, [ 982 → 984] you can go to [ 984 → 991] for some helpful advice [ 991 → 992] and a lot of resources, [ 993 → 994] a lot of links. [ 994 → 995] That, again, is [ 995 → 1004] You can put that in there as one word, [1004 → 1005] now what, [1005 → 1006] or you can hyphenate it, [1006 → 1007] now hyphen what. [1008 → 1010] Either one will get you to the same page. [1011 → 1012] Now, [1012 → 1013] back to Michael Matt. [1014 → 1015] Further on in his article, [1015 → 1019] he recycles one of the oldest straw men [1019 → 1020] he could find. [1021 → 1021] He says, [1022 → 1022] quote, [1022 → 1025] Yes, Francis is denying him, [1025 → 1026] meaning our Lord, [1026 → 1030] but so too did Peter 2,000 years ago. [1030 → 1032] Yes, the bishops are betraying him, [1033 → 1035] but so too did Bishop Judas. [1035 → 1038] Yes, the bishops and priests are in hiding, [1038 → 1041] but so too were the first bishops and priests then, [1041 → 1042] when, [1042 → 1045] all but one of them took off for the tall grass. [1046 → 1048] We cannot abandon the Catholic Church [1048 → 1050] because of one bad pope [1050 → 1052] or 1,000 bad bishops, [1053 → 1053] unquote. [1054 → 1055] You know, [1055 → 1057] I don't know how many more times [1057 → 1059] this lousy argument has to be refuted, [1060 → 1061] but here we go. [1062 → 1065] When St. Peter denied our Lord, [1065 → 1067] he was not yet the pope. [1068 → 1069] He didn't become pope [1069 → 1072] until our Lord told him to, [1072 → 1073] feed his sheep, [1073 → 1075] which was after the resurrection [1075 → 1077] and before the ascension. [1077 → 1080] You can look it up in Denzinger 1822 [1080 → 1082] from Vatican I, [1082 → 1084] Pastor Eternus, chapter 1, [1085 → 1086] where it says, [1086 → 1086] quote, [1087 → 1089] And upon Simon Peter alone, [1089 → 1092] Jesus, after his resurrection, [1093 → 1094] conferred the jurisdiction [1094 → 1097] of the highest pastor and director [1097 → 1099] over his entire fold, [1100 → 1100] saying, [1100 → 1102] feed my lambs, [1102 → 1103] feed my sheep, [1104 → 1104] unquote. [1105 → 1106] Secondly, [1107 → 1108] the problem with Francis [1108 → 1112] isn't that he's a morally bad pope, [1112 → 1113] a sinner, [1113 → 1114] we're all sinners, [1114 → 1117] but that he does not profess [1117 → 1119] the Roman Catholic religion [1119 → 1122] and imposes upon the universal church [1122 → 1126] a magisterium of false doctrine. [1127 → 1129] That is the problem. [1130 → 1131] The entire [1131 → 1133] Novus Ordo church [1133 → 1135] is filled with false doctrine [1135 → 1138] from the so-called pope on down [1138 → 1140] to the lowliest of catechists [1140 → 1143] and to the average parishioner. [1143 → 1145] And I'm not just talking about [1145 → 1146] doctrinal nuances. [1146 → 1147] At this point, [1147 → 1150] we're talking about absolute whoppers, [1150 → 1152] like teaching and believing [1152 → 1153] that Protestants [1153 → 1155] are part of the body of Christ [1155 → 1157] and that they have a mission [1157 → 1159] from God to preach the gospel [1159 → 1161] and that they do, [1161 → 1161] in fact, [1162 → 1162] preach the gospel. [1164 → 1165] Or that today's Jews [1165 → 1168] have a valid covenant with God [1168 → 1171] or that they need not be evangelized. [1172 → 1173] Or the latest big heresy [1173 → 1175] is that God wills [1175 → 1178] a diversity of religions. [1179 → 1181] Now, that one hasn't trickled down yet [1181 → 1182] to the entire church, [1182 → 1184] but Francis started the process [1184 → 1185] two years ago [1185 → 1186] and you can bet your bottom dollar [1186 → 1189] that he's going to keep watering that seed [1189 → 1190] so it'll eventually [1190 → 1192] burst into full bloom. [1193 → 1195] Now, the so-called traditionalists [1195 → 1196] in the new church [1196 → 1199] have created little enclaves [1199 → 1199] for themselves [1199 → 1201] where they shield themselves [1201 → 1202] from all this junk, [1202 → 1204] but where they have necessarily [1204 → 1207] abandoned the traditional Catholic teaching [1207 → 1208] of submission [1208 → 1211] to the magisterium of the Holy See. [1211 → 1211] Why? [1212 → 1214] Because, since they recognize [1214 → 1215] an apostate as pope, [1216 → 1217] they have to protect themselves [1217 → 1218] from his religion, [1218 → 1220] which they know to be false, [1220 → 1220] and they have to protect themselves [1220 → 1221] and a great danger [1221 → 1223] to the salvation of souls. [1224 → 1225] So, right there, you can see [1225 → 1227] that in the world of these [1227 → 1229] semi-traditionalists, [1229 → 1230] as we call them, [1230 → 1232] it's not the pope [1232 → 1233] who's keeping the gates of hell [1233 → 1234] from prevailing, [1234 → 1235] it's them [1235 → 1238] by refusing to accept [1238 → 1239] the papal teaching. [1240 → 1241] What a madhouse. [1242 → 1244] Ladies and gentlemen, [1244 → 1246] to abandon the Novus Ordo church [1246 → 1248] or new church, [1248 → 1249] as the remnant has called it, [1249 → 1250] is not, [1250 → 1250] is not, [1250 → 1252] is not to abandon Christ. [1252 → 1254] It is to be faithful to him [1254 → 1255] because he promised [1255 → 1257] that such a scenario [1257 → 1258] would not be possible [1258 → 1260] and therefore [1260 → 1262] it cannot be his church. [1262 → 1264] What scenario am I talking about? [1265 → 1266] Well, you know, [1266 → 1267] false doctrines, [1267 → 1268] false saints, [1269 → 1270] impious sacramental rites, [1271 → 1272] unending heaps [1272 → 1274] of fake marriage annulments, [1275 → 1276] invalid sacraments [1276 → 1277] to a large extent, [1278 → 1279] harmful disciplinary laws [1279 → 1280] and whatever else [1280 → 1282] the recognize and resist crowd [1282 → 1284] thinks that the Holy See [1284 → 1286] can actually present [1286 → 1287] to the faithful. [1288 → 1290] If that can come [1290 → 1292] from the real Catholic church, [1292 → 1293] then we don't need [1293 → 1295] a Catholic church [1295 → 1295] because then [1295 → 1297] it's not the Ark of Salvation [1297 → 1300] and not the Bride of Christ. [1301 → 1303] But no, [1303 → 1304] that is not [1304 → 1305] the Catholic church. [1306 → 1307] It is the anti-church, [1308 → 1309] the counterfeit church. [1309 → 1310] In fact, [1310 → 1313] as we've seen most recently, [1313 → 1315] it is not the church of St. Peter. [1316 → 1319] It is the church of Judas. [1320 → 1322] Tradcast Express is a production [1322 → 1323] of Novos Ordo Watch. [1324 → 1326] Check us out at tradcast.org [1326 → 1327] and if you like what we're doing, [1327 → 1328] please consider making [1328 → 1330] a tax-deductible contribution [1330 → 1333] at novosortowatch.org [1333 → 1334] slash donate.