[ 0 → 4] TrapCast Express [ 4 → 15] TrapCast Express, it's Wednesday, June 16th, 2021. [ 16 → 17] Great news, everyone. [ 18 → 24] Francis has made it clear to seminarians that he will not tolerate perversion. [ 24 → 31] In an address to the community of the St. Pius X Pontifical Regional Seminary in Ancona, Italy, [ 32 → 35] given on June 10th, the papal imposter said, [ 35 → 35] quote, [ 36 → 39] Clericalism is a perversion of the priesthood. [ 40 → 41] It's a perversion. [ 41 → 44] And rigidity is one of the manifestations. [ 44 → 48] When I find a seminarian or a young priest who is rigid, [ 48 → 52] I say, something bad is happening to him inside. [ 52 → 54] Behind all rigidity, [ 54 → 59] there is a serious problem because rigidity lacks humanity. [ 59 → 60] Unquote. [ 60 → 60] Bam! [ 61 → 64] There goes yet another pope being all Catholic and all that. [ 64 → 65] So there, we have it. [ 66 → 71] If, on the other hand, seminarians engage in unspeakable acts, [ 71 → 74] then the papal response is, [ 74 → 76] who am I to judge? [ 76 → 78] Well, actually, let's see. [ 78 → 82] In 1 Corinthians 2.15, St. Paul says, [ 82 → 83] quote, [ 83 → 84] But the... [ 84 → 90] So, who is Francis to judge? [ 90 → 94] Well, obviously not the spiritual man. [ 95 → 95] All right. [ 95 → 98] While we're on the topic of the Frankster, [ 98 → 102] on June 10th, the false pope tweeted the following, [ 102 → 103] quote, [ 103 → 109] Perseverance is the gift of God by which all his other gifts are maintained. [ 110 → 113] Let us pray that as individuals and as church, [ 114 → 116] we might persevere in doing good [ 116 → 119] and not to lose sight of what counts. [ 120 → 120] Unquote. [ 121 → 128] Okay, it's nice to hear the Argentinian apostate talk about final perseverance for once, [ 128 → 131] but notice what he omits. [ 131 → 134] He makes no reference to the final goal. [ 134 → 139] He just talks generically about doing good. [ 139 → 141] But what is that? [ 141 → 144] And most of all, what for? [ 144 → 148] Doing good is wonderful, but it's not the goal. [ 148 → 150] It's only the means to the goal. [ 150 → 151] What is the goal? [ 152 → 154] Francis doesn't tell you. [ 154 → 155] Why not? [ 155 → 157] Because he's a naturalist, [ 157 → 162] and eternal beatitude in heaven is a supernatural goal. [ 163 → 166] See, Francis doesn't preach the true gospel from above. [ 166 → 171] He preaches the false gospel of man from below. [ 172 → 174] In other news, [ 174 → 176] on May 18th of this year, [ 176 → 182] 1 Peter 5 published a heartfelt cry of desperation from a Novus Ordo seminarian [ 182 → 189] who is calling it quits because the Roman Catholic religion is simply not taught or practiced [ 189 → 191] in the Vatican II Church. [ 191 → 192] And so he asks, [ 193 → 196] Is there any reason why I should remain Catholic? [ 197 → 202] It's a really heart-wrenching piece because you can tell it comes from the heart of a [ 202 → 203] good-willed, sincere, and faithful Christian. [ 203 → 208] Sincere and pious soul who's just trying to be a faithful Catholic, [ 208 → 214] but is realizing that the religion he believes in is not welcome in the official structures [ 214 → 218] of what is supposedly the Roman Catholic Church. [ 219 → 222] Now, two days later, on May 20th, [ 223 → 229] a response to that piece was published also on 1 Peter 5 by Dr. Peter Kwasniewski. [ 230 → 230] It's entitled, [ 231 → 233] A Reply to the Discouraged Seminarist, [ 233 → 238] There are 6,000 reasons to remain Catholic. [ 239 → 241] But here's the rub. [ 242 → 249] Not a single one of those 6,000 reasons has anything to do with the Vatican II Church. [ 250 → 254] And what are those 6,000 reasons that Kwasniewski references? [ 255 → 260] Well, he says that the Catholic Church venerates at least 6,000 saints, [ 260 → 263] and he explicitly does not mean, [ 263 → 265] the post-Vatican II saint factory. [ 266 → 268] Meaning that, without question, [ 268 → 275] every single one of those 6,000 saints lived and died before Vatican II [ 275 → 280] and testified to the truth of the pre-Vatican II Church. [ 281 → 288] So, Kwasniewski is actually confirming the seminarian's very occasion of despair. [ 288 → 293] Namely, that the Church he accepts as the Roman Catholic Church today [ 293 → 295] the Vatican II Church, [ 295 → 298] gives one no reason to be a Catholic [ 298 → 300] and every reason not to be one. [ 301 → 304] In fact, as the seminarian is finding out, [ 304 → 307] one cannot really be a Catholic in it. [ 308 → 313] So, Kwasniewski has unwittingly proven the seminarian's very point. [ 314 → 317] Namely, that today's supposed Catholic Church [ 317 → 320] is an apostate institution. [ 320 → 323] But if today's Church is, [ 323 → 324] as Kwasniewski believes, [ 324 → 326] identical, in essence, [ 326 → 328] to the pre-Vatican II Church, [ 328 → 333] then that means that the Catholic Church has become apostate. [ 334 → 337] But if the Catholic Church has become apostate, [ 337 → 342] then it cannot be the Church founded by Jesus Christ. [ 342 → 346] The only way to get out of this conundrum [ 346 → 352] is to hold that the Vatican II Church is not the Roman Catholic Church. [ 353 → 358] Now, look, I'm not saying that we've got it all figured out, okay? [ 358 → 359] There is a lot of mystery here. [ 360 → 361] You know, people ask, [ 362 → 364] well, how did this happen, right? [ 364 → 365] How could this happen? [ 366 → 369] And what about Cardinal this and Bishop that? [ 369 → 370] How come they didn't see it? [ 372 → 374] Folks, at the end of the day, [ 374 → 376] we have to go by what we know [ 376 → 380] and what we know about the Vatican II Church now. [ 381 → 382] So, forget about what other people say. [ 382 → 382] Forget about what other people say. [ 382 → 386] Forget about what other people knew or didn't know or see decades ago. [ 386 → 389] You can't base your religion on an opinion. [ 390 → 391] And that's all it is. [ 392 → 395] People have the opinion that someone like, say, [ 395 → 399] Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre or Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani [ 399 → 400] or Padre Pio, [ 400 → 403] that since these men weren't Sedevacantes, [ 403 → 405] then we shouldn't be either. [ 406 → 407] Well, for one thing, [ 408 → 410] Archbishop Lefebvre died in 1991, [ 411 → 412] Cardinal Ottaviani in 1991, [ 412 → 413] Cardinal Lefebvre in 1979, [ 413 → 416] and Padre Pio in 1968. [ 417 → 421] We've seen a lot more things than what they ever saw. [ 422 → 426] And we have a lot more information now than they did back then. [ 427 → 429] And without meaning to denigrate in any way [ 429 → 434] whatever good and holy things these three individuals may have said or done, [ 435 → 438] let me just make the objective observation [ 438 → 441] that no Catholic is required to believe [ 441 → 442] that any of them would be a Catholic. [ 442 → 444] That any of them was either exceptionally holy [ 444 → 446] or exceptionally prudent [ 446 → 450] or had any kind of special guidance from God [ 450 → 452] that we ought now to imitate. [ 453 → 454] On the other hand, [ 455 → 458] we are required to adhere firmly to Catholic teaching [ 458 → 461] and not to allow any individual cleric, [ 462 → 463] no matter how holy, [ 463 → 467] no matter how learned or how pious he appears to have been, [ 468 → 470] to trump that teaching. [ 471 → 471] And so, [ 472 → 475] in order to figure out this mess in the church today, [ 475 → 479] you have to look at the pre-Vatican II doctrines [ 479 → 482] and draw the conclusions that follow from them [ 482 → 484] for our situation. [ 484 → 486] You cannot outsource that [ 486 → 489] to some figure you've personally chosen [ 489 → 491] to attach yourself to. [ 492 → 495] And yet, that is precisely what happens [ 495 → 498] in these semi-traditionalist groups time and again, [ 498 → 502] especially those that aren't in full communion with Rome. [ 502 → 503] With Francis. [ 504 → 506] The Society of St. Pius X, for example, [ 507 → 509] is all concerned about being loyal to the Archbishop, [ 510 → 512] to Archbishop Lefebvre. [ 512 → 514] What they should be worried about [ 514 → 516] is being loyal to Catholic doctrine. [ 517 → 519] Now, they might say that Archbishop Lefebvre himself [ 519 → 521] was loyal to Catholic doctrine [ 521 → 523] and therefore being loyal to the Archbishop [ 523 → 525] is being loyal to Catholic doctrine. [ 526 → 530] But, funny, that's actually not what the doctrine says. [ 531 → 532] See, the doctrine says, [ 532 → 534] that the ultimate criterion [ 534 → 537] of your faithfulness to Catholic teaching [ 537 → 538] is your adherence to the Pope. [ 539 → 543] Therefore, you must be in communion with the Pope [ 543 → 546] and the one to determine whether you are or not [ 546 → 548] is not you, but the Pope. [ 549 → 551] The Pope, any true Pope, [ 551 → 556] is the divinely appointed guarantee of orthodoxy in the Church. [ 557 → 559] The papacy, you have to remember, [ 559 → 561] is a divine institution. [ 561 → 562] It is God's creation. [ 562 → 564] Not man's. [ 565 → 567] So, even though all other bishops in the world [ 567 → 569] might fall away from the faith, [ 569 → 572] the Bishop of Rome will not. [ 572 → 574] God himself guarantees it. [ 575 → 579] And now you can see the importance of Sedevacantism. [ 580 → 582] Because only if the papal claimants [ 582 → 585] after Pius XII were imposters, [ 586 → 587] were not true Popes, [ 587 → 589] only then can we understand [ 589 → 592] why the modernist revolution [ 592 → 593] was able to take place. [ 594 → 596] Why God's promises and guarantees [ 596 → 598] for the papacy didn't prevent it. [ 599 → 601] And yes, that is foretold in Sacred Scripture. [ 601 → 606] In 2 Thessalonians 2, verses 3 to 11. [ 607 → 608] Let me quote that to you. [ 608 → 610] And this time, I'm going to quote it [ 610 → 612] from the pre-Vatican tomb [ 612 → 614] and senior Ronald Knox translation, [ 614 → 617] which is easier to understand for most people [ 617 → 618] than the Douay-Rheims translation. [ 619 → 621] And perhaps it's a good thing [ 621 → 622] to hear this passage [ 622 → 624] in a different rendition for once. [ 625 → 627] So, this is St. Paul speaking. [ 627 → 628] Quote, [ 628 → 631] Do not let anyone find the means [ 631 → 632] of leading you astray. [ 632 → 635] The apostasy must come first. [ 636 → 637] The champion of wickedness [ 637 → 639] must appear first, [ 639 → 641] destined to inherit perdition. [ 642 → 644] This is the rebel [ 644 → 645] who is to lift up his head [ 645 → 647] above every divine name, [ 648 → 650] above all that men hold in reverence. [ 651 → 653] Till at last he enthrones himself [ 653 → 654] in God's temple [ 654 → 657] and proclaims himself as God. [ 658 → 659] Do not you remember [ 659 → 660] my telling you of this [ 660 → 662] before I left your company? [ 663 → 665] At present, there is a power, [ 666 → 667] you know what I mean, [ 667 → 669] which holds him in check [ 669 → 671] so that he may not show himself [ 671 → 674] before the time appointed to him. [ 675 → 675] Meanwhile, [ 676 → 677] the conspiracy of revolt [ 677 → 679] is already at work. [ 680 → 680] Only, [ 680 → 682] he who checks it now [ 682 → 683] will be able to check it [ 683 → 685] until he is removed [ 685 → 687] from the enemy's path. [ 688 → 689] Then it is [ 689 → 691] that the rebel will show himself [ 691 → 693] and the Lord Jesus will destroy him [ 693 → 694] with the breath of his mouth, [ 695 → 696] overwhelming him [ 696 → 698] with the brightness of his presence. [ 698 → 700] He will come when he comes [ 700 → 703] with all Satan's influence to aid him. [ 704 → 706] There will be no lack of power [ 706 → 708] of counterfeit signs and wonders [ 708 → 710] and his wickedness will deceive [ 710 → 710] the spirit of the devil. [ 710 → 711] There will be no lack of souls [ 711 → 712] that are doomed [ 712 → 713] to punish them [ 713 → 715] for refusing that fellowship [ 715 → 716] in the truth [ 716 → 718] which would have saved them. [ 719 → 721] That is why God is letting loose [ 721 → 723] among them a deceiving influence [ 723 → 725] so that they give credit [ 725 → 726] to falsehood. [ 727 → 729] He will single out for judgment [ 729 → 730] all those who refused [ 730 → 732] credence to the truth [ 732 → 734] and took their pleasure [ 734 → 736] in wrongdoing." [ 736 → 739] Again, that's 2 Thessalonians 2 [ 740 → 742] verses 3 through 11. [ 743 → 745] And there we have it. [ 745 → 746] From the very beginning, [ 746 → 747] from Good Friday on, [ 748 → 750] when the Jews definitively rejected [ 750 → 751] the true Messiah [ 751 → 752] and so became apostate, [ 753 → 754] from that day on, [ 755 → 756] they have sought to supplant [ 756 → 758] his reign, his kingdom, [ 759 → 760] and to make war against it. [ 761 → 763] And that movement of apostasy [ 763 → 765] that they spawned [ 765 → 766] will culminate [ 766 → 769] in the reign of the Antichrist. [ 769 → 770] That's why St. Paul says, [ 770 → 772] that the apostasy [ 772 → 773] must come first [ 773 → 775] before Christ returns. [ 776 → 778] See, the Thessalonians [ 778 → 779] were under the impression [ 779 → 781] that Christ's return was imminent, [ 781 → 783] that they would live to see [ 783 → 784] the Lord return in glory. [ 785 → 786] And so in verses 1 and 2, [ 787 → 788] which I didn't quote, [ 788 → 789] he tells them, [ 789 → 791] no, don't let anyone tell you that [ 791 → 793] because other things [ 793 → 794] have to happen first. [ 794 → 795] Other things have to happen [ 795 → 797] before Christ returns. [ 797 → 799] And it is those things [ 799 → 800] that he then goes on [ 800 → 801] to describe. [ 803 → 804] This great movement [ 804 → 806] of apostasy then [ 806 → 807] that began on Good Friday [ 807 → 809] will not be victorious [ 809 → 811] until the appointed time, [ 811 → 813] just as Christ's enemies [ 813 → 815] were not able to overcome him [ 815 → 817] until Good Friday. [ 818 → 819] And not because they were [ 819 → 821] more powerful than him, [ 821 → 824] but because God wanted it that way. [ 824 → 825] God freely chose [ 825 → 826] to allow himself [ 826 → 828] to be overcome by his enemies [ 828 → 829] and so it will be. [ 829 → 830] And so it will be. [ 830 → 830] And so it will be. [ 830 → 831] And so it was going to be [ 831 → 832] also with his church, [ 833 → 834] which is his mystical body. [ 836 → 837] Until the appointed time, [ 838 → 839] the movement of apostasy [ 839 → 841] could not succeed. [ 841 → 843] It could not usher in [ 843 → 845] this great and universal apostasy [ 845 → 847] that will produce the Antichrist [ 847 → 849] because, as St. Paul says, [ 850 → 850] there is someone [ 850 → 852] who keeps it in check, [ 852 → 854] someone who stands [ 854 → 855] in the enemy's path [ 855 → 858] until he is taken out of the way. [ 859 → 859] And who do you think [ 859 → 861] that is? [ 861 → 864] It is the Pope. [ 864 → 866] God established the papacy [ 866 → 868] as the divine guarantee [ 868 → 869] for the infallibility [ 869 → 871] and indefectibility [ 871 → 872] of the church. [ 872 → 874] But he also decreed [ 874 → 875] that the day would come [ 875 → 877] when the Pope is taken out of the way [ 877 → 879] for a time [ 879 → 881] so that the mystery of iniquity, [ 881 → 883] that movement of apostasy, [ 883 → 886] can prevail just as the Jews [ 886 → 887] and the Romans prevailed [ 887 → 888] against Christ [ 888 → 888] for a short time. [ 888 → 889] And so it will be. [ 889 → 889] And so it will be. [ 889 → 890] For a short time. [ 891 → 892] And that is, in essence, [ 893 → 894] what Pope Pius IX teaches [ 894 → 897] in his 1853 encyclical [ 897 → 899] Inter Multiplicis. [ 899 → 900] Quote, [ 900 → 902] Now you know well [ 902 → 904] that the most deadly foes [ 904 → 905] of the Catholic religion [ 905 → 908] have always waged a fierce war, [ 908 → 909] but without success, [ 910 → 911] against this chair. [ 912 → 913] They are by no means ignorant [ 913 → 915] of the fact that religion itself [ 915 → 917] can never totter and fall [ 917 → 918] while this chair remains [ 918 → 918] in the hands of the Church. [ 918 → 919] and fall while this chair remains [ 919 → 919] intact, [ 920 → 922] the chair which rests on the rock [ 922 → 924] which the proud gates of hell [ 924 → 925] cannot overthrow, [ 926 → 927] and in which there is [ 927 → 929] the whole and perfect solidity [ 929 → 931] of the Christian religion. [ 932 → 932] Therefore, [ 933 → 934] because of your special faith [ 934 → 935] in the Church [ 935 → 937] and special piety [ 937 → 939] toward the same chair of Peter, [ 940 → 941] we exhort you [ 941 → 942] to direct your constant efforts [ 942 → 945] so that the faithful people of France [ 945 → 947] may avoid the crafty deceptions [ 947 → 948] and errors [ 948 → 949] of these plotters [ 949 → 952] and develop a more filial affection [ 952 → 953] and obedience [ 953 → 955] to this apostolic sea. [ 956 → 958] Be vigilant in act and word [ 958 → 960] so that the faithful may grow in love [ 960 → 962] for this holy sea, [ 962 → 964] venerated and accepted [ 964 → 965] with complete obedience. [ 966 → 967] They should execute [ 967 → 968] whatever the sea itself [ 968 → 972] teaches, determines, and decrees. [ 973 → 973] Unquote. [ 974 → 975] Again, that's the encyclical [ 975 → 977] Inter Multiplicis, [ 977 → 978] paragraph 17, [ 978 → 980] so Pius IX [ 980 → 982] is warning people [ 982 → 984] against the fierce attacks [ 984 → 986] of that movement of apostasy, [ 986 → 987] which of course [ 987 → 990] has many different manifestations. [ 990 → 991] It's not just one doctrine [ 991 → 992] or a group of people. [ 993 → 994] For example, [ 994 → 996] you've got Protestantism, [ 996 → 997] you've got Freemasonry, [ 998 → 999] you've got Communism, [ 999 → 1000] you've got Theosophy, [1001 → 1001] and so on. [1002 → 1003] He's warning people [1003 → 1006] that all this is striving [1006 → 1008] against the chair of St. Peter. [1008 → 1010] But won't be able to prevail [1010 → 1013] for as long as that chair [1013 → 1014] remains intact. [1015 → 1017] And therefore he exhorts people [1017 → 1019] in order to ensure [1019 → 1021] that they will not be misled [1021 → 1022] by this evil movement, [1022 → 1024] by all these evil ideas, [1024 → 1025] he exhorts them [1025 → 1027] to complete loyalty [1027 → 1028] and obedience [1028 → 1030] to the apostolic sea. [1031 → 1034] The papacy is the very antidote [1034 → 1035] to the garbage [1035 → 1037] we are witnessing today [1037 → 1038] that is being put out there. [1038 → 1038] And that is being pushed [1038 → 1042] by this false church in Rome. [1043 → 1045] Yes, it is a false church. [1046 → 1047] We know that. [1047 → 1049] We know that an institution [1049 → 1051] that teaches liberty, [1051 → 1053] equality, and fraternity [1053 → 1055] instead of faith, hope, and charity, [1055 → 1058] that rejoices at the Hindu festival of lights [1058 → 1060] and wishes Muslims [1060 → 1063] that they draw abundant spiritual fruit [1063 → 1065] from their observance of Ramadan, [1066 → 1067] a church that believes [1067 → 1068] the apostate Jews [1068 → 1070] to be God's chosen people [1070 → 1072] and worships Pachamama [1072 → 1073] in St. Peter's Basilica, [1074 → 1075] a church that teaches [1075 → 1077] that the sixth commandment [1077 → 1079] is really more of a suggestion [1079 → 1081] that would be ideal to follow [1081 → 1083] if it doesn't conflict too much [1083 → 1084] with your life, [1085 → 1086] a church that claims [1086 → 1087] that God wills there [1087 → 1089] to be many different religions [1089 → 1091] as a reflection of his wisdom. [1092 → 1093] Such a church [1093 → 1095] may be a lot of things, [1095 → 1096] but it is definitely not. [1096 → 1099] The Roman Catholic Church, [1099 → 1100] the spotless bride of Christ, [1100 → 1102] an ark of eternal salvation [1102 → 1104] outside of which [1104 → 1106] no one can be saved. [1107 → 1109] Folks, figuring this out [1109 → 1111] is not that difficult. [1112 → 1113] Uncomfortable? [1113 → 1114] Yes, certainly. [1115 → 1116] Inconvenient? [1116 → 1117] Definitely. [1118 → 1118] Puzzling? [1118 → 1119] For sure. [1120 → 1122] But nevertheless, true. [1123 → 1124] And the truth, [1124 → 1125] as our blessed Lord says [1125 → 1126] in John 8, 13, [1126 → 1128] will make us free. [1130 → 1131] So, what to do? [1132 → 1134] If you're new to Sedevacantism, [1134 → 1135] if you're bewildered [1135 → 1136] about everything, [1137 → 1138] if you just need [1138 → 1139] some consoling words [1139 → 1141] and helpful guidance [1141 → 1142] to help you figure things out, [1143 → 1144] go to [1144 → 1145] novusordowatch.org [1146 → 1148] slash nowwhat. [1149 → 1150] That will give you [1150 → 1151] a lot of information [1151 → 1153] and not leave you hanging. [1153 → 1154] Again, that's [1154 → 1155] novusordowatch.org [1155 → 1156] novusordowatch.org [1156 → 1158] slash nowwhat. [1159 → 1160] That's one word. [1160 → 1161] Now what? [1162 → 1163] And so you see that [1163 → 1165] the semi-traditionalists [1165 → 1166] like Peter Kwasniewski, [1167 → 1168] those recognizing resistors [1169 → 1171] who think that you can be [1171 → 1172] a Roman Catholic [1172 → 1173] in the Vatican II Church, [1173 → 1175] you just have to resist [1175 → 1176] all the evil there [1176 → 1176] while recognizing [1177 → 1179] the hierarchy as true, [1179 → 1181] make a mockery [1181 → 1182] of the very traditional [1182 → 1183] Catholic doctrine [1183 → 1186] they supposedly seek to uphold [1186 → 1186] and say, well, I don't know. [1186 → 1187] I don't know. [1188 → 1189] St. Ambrose said [1189 → 1191] that where Peter is, [1191 → 1192] there is the Church, [1192 → 1194] meaning where the Pope is, [1194 → 1196] there is the Church. [1197 → 1198] Now when there hasn't been [1198 → 1199] a Pope for decades, [1200 → 1201] it is then understandably [1201 → 1202] very difficult [1202 → 1204] to answer the question [1204 → 1206] where is the Church? [1207 → 1209] But answering that question [1209 → 1210] begins with knowing [1210 → 1212] where the Church is not. [1213 → 1214] And if there's one place [1214 → 1216] where the Roman Catholic Church [1216 → 1218] is definitely not, [1219 → 1221] it is the apostate Vatican II sect [1221 → 1222] currently headed [1222 → 1224] by Jorge Bergoglio. [1225 → 1226] Tradcast Express [1226 → 1227] is a production [1227 → 1229] of Novos Ordo Watch. [1229 → 1230] Check us out [1230 → 1231] at tradcast.org [1231 → 1232] and if you like [1232 → 1232] what we're doing, [1232 → 1233] please consider making [1233 → 1235] a tax-deductible contribution [1235 → 1238] at novosordowatch.org [1238 → 1239] slash donate.