[ 0 → 4] TrapCast Express [ 4 → 15] TrapCast Express, it's Monday, September 20th, 2021. [ 16 → 21] The Church of Mercy, Tolerance, and Inclusion, headquartered in Vatican City, [ 21 → 28] has just announced that as of October 1st, only those people holding the Vatican Green Pass, [ 28 → 31] or some equivalent, will be allowed entry. [ 32 → 38] This restriction, however, does not apply to those simply attending a liturgical function. [ 39 → 41] Yeah, otherwise, I guess no one would show up. [ 42 → 47] The ordinance was issued on Saturday by the Pontifical Vatican City State Commission. [ 48 → 54] More specifically, what will be required for entry is the Vatican Green Pass, [ 54 → 58] the European Green Pass, or a foreign COVID-19 certificate. [ 58 → 67] Proving vaccination, recovery, or a negative rapid molecular or antigenic test, [ 67 → 71] as Vaticanist Diane Montagna reports on Twitter today. [ 72 → 76] Now, this is interesting also because, as we now know, [ 76 → 83] the fully vaccinated can still contract and spread the SARS-CoV-2 virus, [ 83 → 87] yet a negative test is not required of those people. [ 87 → 90] It's only required of the unvaccinated. [ 91 → 94] In other words, according to this new ordinance, [ 95 → 99] you are perfectly welcome to carry the virus into Vatican City [ 99 → 103] and spread it to others as long as you're vaccinated. [ 104 → 110] Those wanting to enter the Vatican merely to attend a Eucharistic celebration or other liturgy, [ 111 → 113] although they're exempt from these requirements, [ 113 → 117] will have to perform the usual COVID hygiene rituals of massacres, [ 117 → 120] masking, distancing, and so forth. [ 121 → 124] So, keep in mind, beginning October 1st, [ 124 → 129] if you want to enter Vatican City for reasons other than participating in a liturgy, [ 129 → 135] you will need proof of vaccination, proof of recovery, or a negative test. [ 136 → 139] Everyone else will be marginalized and excluded. [ 140 → 143] No bridge for them, just walls. [ 144 → 147] In other news, the semi-traditionalist flagship, [ 147 → 149] publication The Remnant, [ 149 → 152] is accusing the head of the Vatican II sect [ 152 → 155] of leading a war on sanctifying grace. [ 155 → 158] In an article posted on June 14th, [ 158 → 162] contributor Robert Morrison outlined the various ways [ 162 → 166] in which Jorge Bergoglio demonstrates that the salvation of souls, [ 166 → 167] how to put it, [ 168 → 171] is not exactly one of his priorities, [ 171 → 174] if he even believes in the concept at all. [ 175 → 177] Although Morrison concedes that, [ 177 → 181] Francis deserves considerable blame for the mess he's made, [ 181 → 185] nevertheless, the Remnant contributor also brings up [ 185 → 192] the diabolical disorientation that must surely play a role here as well. [ 192 → 193] Although, truth be told, [ 194 → 198] the infernal work that has been done by the Novos Ordo hierarchy [ 198 → 203] looks a lot more deliberate, purposeful, and determined [ 203 → 205] than merely disoriented. [ 206 → 207] At the end, [ 207 → 210] Morrison even expresses his hope [ 210 → 214] that Francis might convert to Catholicism one day. [ 215 → 218] That is indeed a pious thought, [ 218 → 221] and Morrison's criticism is really spot on. [ 222 → 226] The problem is just that he and the other writers at The Remnant [ 226 → 230] believe that the infernal false prophet they are criticizing [ 230 → 233] is the Pope of the Catholic Church [ 233 → 237] who keeps the gates of hell from prevailing. [ 237 → 240] And lastly, [ 240 → 242] an interesting article entitled [ 242 → 245] Tradition Devoured by the Magisterium [ 245 → 247] appeared on the semi-trad blog [ 247 → 250] Rarate Cheli on September 1st. [ 250 → 253] The name of the author is not given, [ 253 → 257] but the translator is noted as being Peter Kwasniewski, [ 257 → 260] the original having been written in Spanish. [ 261 → 266] The article criticizes what it claims is an undue recent shift [ 266 → 267] in the Church from empathy, [ 267 → 269] from emphasizing tradition [ 269 → 272] to emphasizing the magisterium. [ 273 → 273] Quote, [ 273 → 277] a kind of reduction of tradition to the magisterium [ 277 → 279] has been slowly taking place [ 279 → 282] since the beginning of the second millennium [ 282 → 285] and more rapidly in the last few centuries. [ 286 → 286] Unquote. [ 287 → 290] This, the author believes, is a dangerous development. [ 290 → 292] He writes disapprovingly, [ 292 → 292] quote, [ 292 → 295] To put it in an exaggerated way, [ 296 → 297] Catholics today believe [ 297 → 302] in tradition because the magisterium commands it. [ 303 → 303] Unquote. [ 304 → 307] Well, please pardon the flippancy here, [ 307 → 310] but duh, of course. [ 311 → 314] The Catholic believes in Scripture and tradition [ 314 → 318] because the infallible authority on earth [ 318 → 319] established by God himself, [ 320 → 322] the Catholic Church, tells him so. [ 323 → 326] She is the guardian of Scripture and tradition [ 326 → 327] and without her, [ 327 → 329] we would not know [ 329 → 331] what is divinely inspired Scripture [ 331 → 334] nor what is divine tradition. [ 335 → 338] Otherwise, all we'd have is mountains of writings [ 338 → 340] from various historical authors, [ 341 → 342] at least allegedly, [ 342 → 344] with each individual Catholic [ 344 → 346] having to figure out for himself [ 346 → 349] what is in line with God's revelation [ 349 → 351] and what isn't. [ 352 → 354] Now, speaking of tradition, [ 355 → 356] St. Augustine of Hippo, [ 356 → 357] a church, [ 357 → 359] a church father and doctor [ 359 → 361] who lived in the 4th and 5th centuries, [ 362 → 364] wrote the following in chapter 5 [ 364 → 366] of his treatise against [ 366 → 369] the fundamental epistle of Manichaeus. [ 369 → 370] Quote, [ 370 → 371] For my part, [ 371 → 373] I should not believe the gospel [ 373 → 377] except as moved by the authority [ 377 → 379] of the Catholic Church. [ 379 → 380] Unquote. [ 380 → 381] So there, [ 382 → 384] that's the testimony of tradition. [ 386 → 386] You see, [ 386 → 389] the church existed before [ 389 → 390] divine revelation was even complete. [ 392 → 393] There was already a magisterium [ 394 → 396] before all of sacred tradition [ 396 → 398] had been publicly revealed [ 398 → 400] and all of sacred Scripture [ 400 → 401] had been written. [ 402 → 404] Remember, divine revelation, [ 405 → 406] public revelation, [ 406 → 408] did not cease until the death [ 408 → 410] of the last apostle, [ 410 → 413] which was around 100 A.D. [ 414 → 414] So, [ 414 → 416] how is it that we believe [ 416 → 418] in the Catholic Church [ 418 → 419] to begin with? [ 419 → 420] On what grounds [ 420 → 422] do we accept her authority? [ 423 → 424] We do so on account [ 424 → 425] of what's called [ 425 → 427] the external motives of credibility. [ 428 → 429] And these can be found [ 429 → 431] explained and defended at length [ 431 → 434] in pre-Vatican II apologetics books [ 434 → 435] such as [ 435 → 437] We Stand with Christ [ 437 → 439] by Fr. Joseph Clifford Fenton, [ 439 → 441] which has since been reprinted [ 441 → 442] under the title [ 442 → 443] Laying the Foundation. [ 445 → 446] The credentials [ 446 → 446] of the Catholic Church [ 446 → 450] by the Rev. J.B. Bagshaw. [ 451 → 455] It's B-A-G-S-H-A-W-E. [ 456 → 458] Defense of the Catholic Church [ 458 → 461] by Fr. Francis X. Doyle. [ 462 → 464] And the pre-Vatican II editions [ 464 → 465] of the book [ 465 → 467] The Faith of Millions [ 467 → 469] by Fr. John O'Brien. [ 469 → 473] So, basically 1958 and before. [ 473 → 474] That book went through [ 474 → 476] numerous editions. [ 476 → 478] And you don't want to get [ 478 → 480] the post-Vatican II ones. [ 481 → 483] So, these are just [ 483 → 484] some of the examples [ 484 → 486] of popular books [ 486 → 487] written for the laity [ 487 → 490] to prove the rational foundation [ 490 → 492] of the Roman Catholic religion. [ 494 → 496] Now, these motives of credibility [ 496 → 498] are very important, [ 498 → 499] especially in our day [ 499 → 501] because they are denied [ 501 → 502] and attacked [ 502 → 504] by the Novus Ordo modernists [ 504 → 505] who undermine [ 505 → 506] this rationalization [ 506 → 508] by appealing instead [ 508 → 511] to a subjective experience, [ 512 → 514] to an encounter with God. [ 515 → 517] But that can never be [ 517 → 519] the foundation for the true faith [ 519 → 522] because, as St. Pius X said, [ 523 → 523] quote, [ 523 → 525] on what grounds can modernists [ 525 → 528] deny the truth of an experience [ 528 → 530] affirmed by a follower of Islam? [ 531 → 533] Will they claim a monopoly [ 533 → 534] of true experiences [ 534 → 536] for Catholics alone? [ 536 → 537] Unquote. [ 538 → 539] That's from the encyclical [ 539 → 542] Paschendi, paragraph 14. [ 543 → 546] Also, the First Vatican Council [ 546 → 547] in 1870 produced [ 547 → 550] a beautiful dogmatic constitution [ 550 → 552] on the Catholic faith [ 552 → 556] that explains faith and reason [ 556 → 557] and how they work together. [ 557 → 560] And it also condemns [ 560 → 563] various errors relating to that. [ 563 → 564] We're not saying [ 564 → 566] that the Catholic faith [ 566 → 567] can be reduced [ 567 → 569] to the historical evidence [ 569 → 570] for the Catholic religion. [ 570 → 572] That would not be faith. [ 573 → 574] What we are saying is [ 574 → 576] that the motives of credibility [ 576 → 579] establish that it is reasonable [ 579 → 580] to have faith [ 580 → 581] in the Catholic Church. [ 582 → 584] This faith is still [ 584 → 585] a gift from God. [ 586 → 587] We are still required [ 587 → 589] to use our free will [ 589 → 591] to assent internally [ 591 → 592] to what God has revealed. [ 593 → 595] And His grace is needed [ 595 → 596] to move our faith. [ 596 → 596] to move our faith. [ 596 → 597] to move our faith. [ 597 → 599] But the motives of credibility [ 599 → 601] show that it is reasonable [ 601 → 603] to give this assent [ 603 → 605] and that it is unreasonable [ 605 → 606] not to. [ 607 → 609] Okay, now, returning [ 609 → 611] to the greatly misinformed [ 611 → 613] and misleading article [ 613 → 615] published by Rarate Chaley. [ 616 → 617] Look, of course, [ 617 → 618] we all know [ 618 → 619] what the author's motivation [ 619 → 620] is here [ 620 → 622] in publishing this article. [ 622 → 625] He's trying to de-emphasize [ 625 → 626] the role and authority [ 626 → 628] of the Magisterium [ 628 → 629] precisely because [ 629 → 632] the Magisterium he believes in, [ 632 → 634] the Nualzardo Magisterium, [ 635 → 636] isn't in sync [ 636 → 637] with sacred tradition. [ 638 → 639] And it doesn't promote [ 639 → 642] or safeguard divine revelation. [ 643 → 644] On the contrary, [ 644 → 645] it actually attacks it. [ 646 → 647] So, this article [ 647 → 650] is just another effort [ 650 → 651] to come to terms [ 651 → 653] with the false modernist Magisterium [ 653 → 655] without embracing [ 655 → 656] the dreaded Magisterium. [ 656 → 657] and detested [ 657 → 658] Sedevacantism. [ 659 → 661] But, unfortunately [ 661 → 662] for the author, [ 662 → 664] the Catholic tradition [ 664 → 667] is that it is precisely [ 667 → 669] the divinely established [ 669 → 670] and guaranteed function [ 670 → 673] of the Catholic Magisterium [ 673 → 674] to propose [ 674 → 675] what is contained [ 675 → 676] in sacred scripture [ 676 → 678] and sacred tradition, [ 679 → 681] lest each individual Catholic [ 681 → 682] should have to become [ 682 → 683] his own Magisterium [ 683 → 685] like the Protestants. [ 685 → 686] And, of course, [ 686 → 687] and so, therefore, [ 687 → 689] Pope Leo XIII taught, [ 689 → 690] quote, [ 690 → 692] it belongs to the Pope [ 692 → 694] to judge authoritatively [ 694 → 695] what things [ 695 → 697] the sacred oracles contain, [ 697 → 698] as well as [ 698 → 700] what doctrines are in harmony [ 700 → 702] and what in disagreement [ 702 → 703] with them. [ 704 → 704] And also, [ 704 → 706] for the same reason, [ 706 → 707] to show forth [ 707 → 708] what things are to be [ 708 → 709] accepted as right [ 709 → 711] and what to be rejected [ 711 → 712] as worthless, [ 713 → 714] what it is necessary to do, [ 714 → 716] and what to avoid, [ 716 → 717] doing in order [ 717 → 720] to attain eternal salvation. [ 720 → 721] For otherwise, [ 722 → 723] there would be no sure [ 723 → 726] interpreter of the commands of God, [ 726 → 727] nor would there be [ 727 → 728] any safe guide [ 728 → 729] showing man [ 729 → 731] the way he should live. [ 731 → 732] Unquote. [ 732 → 733] And that is Leo XIII [ 733 → 735] in the encyclical [ 735 → 737] Sapientiae Christianae [ 737 → 739] number 24. [ 740 → 744] Also, on October 24th, 1954, [ 745 → 746] Pope Pius XII [ 746 → 747] issued a radio message [ 747 → 749] to the International Congress [ 749 → 750] on Mariology. [ 751 → 753] Now, Mariology is the branch [ 753 → 754] of Catholic theology [ 754 → 756] that concerns itself [ 756 → 758] with divine revelation [ 758 → 761] relating to the Blessed Virgin Mary. [ 762 → 765] Here is what Pius XII declared, [ 765 → 765] quote, [ 765 → 767] The work of research, [ 767 → 770] inasmuch as it concerns Mariology, [ 770 → 772] will proceed all the more safely [ 772 → 774] and with greater fruit [ 774 → 775] the more constantly, [ 776 → 778] there is present to the eyes of all [ 778 → 780] that immediate and universal [ 780 → 781] rule of truth [ 781 → 784] established for all theologians [ 784 → 786] in matters of faith and morals, [ 787 → 789] namely the sacred magisterium [ 789 → 791] of the Church. [ 792 → 793] Later, in the same message, [ 793 → 794] he says, [ 794 → 795] Nor is it lawful [ 795 → 798] to investigate and explain [ 798 → 799] the documents of tradition [ 799 → 801] and at the same time [ 801 → 803] neglect or minimize [ 803 → 805] the sacred magisterium [ 805 → 806] and the sacred magisterium [ 806 → 807] the life and worship [ 807 → 808] of the Church [ 808 → 810] as they have manifested themselves [ 810 → 813] in the course of the centuries. [ 813 → 814] For sometimes [ 814 → 816] the documents of antiquity [ 816 → 818] seen simply in themselves [ 818 → 819] give little light, [ 820 → 821] but if they are joined with [ 821 → 822] and compared to [ 822 → 824] the liturgical life of the Church [ 824 → 825] with the faith, [ 826 → 826] devotion, [ 827 → 827] and piety [ 827 → 829] of the Christian people, [ 829 → 831] which the same magisterium [ 831 → 833] supports and directs, [ 833 → 836] they furnish splendid testimonies [ 836 → 837] to Catholic truth. [ 838 → 838] In fact, [ 839 → 839] the Church, [ 840 → 841] in all the ages of her life, [ 842 → 843] is ruled and guided [ 843 → 844] by the Holy Spirit, [ 845 → 846] not only in defining [ 846 → 847] and teaching the faith, [ 847 → 849] but also in her worship [ 849 → 850] and in the exercise [ 851 → 853] of the piety and devotion [ 853 → 854] of the faithful, [ 855 → 856] and by the same Spirit [ 856 → 859] is infallibly directed [ 859 → 860] to the knowledge [ 860 → 861] of revealed truth." [ 862 → 865] Again, that was Pope Pius XII, [ 866 → 867] from his radio message [ 867 → 869] to the International Congress [ 869 → 870] on Mariology, [ 870 → 873] October 24th, 1954. [ 875 → 876] Likewise, [ 876 → 878] Pope Leo XIII [ 878 → 879] had declared, [ 880 → 880] quote, [ 880 → 882] Christ instituted in the Church [ 882 → 885] a living, authoritative, [ 885 → 886] and permanent magisterium, [ 887 → 889] which by his own power [ 889 → 889] he strengthened [ 889 → 892] by the Spirit of Truth he taught [ 892 → 894] and by miracles confirmed. [ 895 → 895] He willed, [ 896 → 897] willed, and ordered [ 897 → 898] under the gravest penalties [ 898 → 900] that its teachings [ 900 → 901] should be received [ 901 → 904] as if they were his own. [ 904 → 905] Unquote. [ 905 → 906] That's from the encyclical [ 906 → 908] Satis Conitum, [ 909 → 910] number nine. [ 911 → 912] And finally, [ 912 → 912] in his encyclical [ 913 → 915] against the neo-modernism [ 915 → 916] of his day, [ 916 → 917] Humani Generis, [ 918 → 919] Pope Pius XII, [ 919 → 919] pointed out [ 919 → 921] that Christ's words [ 921 → 922] to his disciples [ 922 → 924] in Luke 10.16, [ 925 → 925] he who, [ 925 → 926] heareth you, heareth me, [ 927 → 928] apply to the Church's [ 928 → 929] teaching authority, [ 930 → 931] and for that reason, [ 932 → 932] that authority, [ 933 → 933] that magisterium, [ 934 → 935] must be adhered to. [ 936 → 938] In the same text, [ 938 → 939] Pius XII taught [ 939 → 940] that in addition to [ 940 → 941] Scripture and tradition, [ 942 → 942] quote, [ 942 → 944] God has given to his Church [ 944 → 946] a living, teaching authority [ 946 → 948] to elucidate and explain [ 948 → 950] what is contained [ 950 → 951] in the deposit of faith [ 951 → 954] only obscurely and implicitly. [ 954 → 956] This deposit of faith [ 956 → 958] our divine Redeemer [ 958 → 959] has given for [ 959 → 960] authentic interpretation [ 960 → 962] not to each of the faithful, [ 963 → 965] not even to theologians, [ 965 → 968] but only to the teaching authority [ 968 → 969] of the Church. [ 969 → 969] Unquote. [ 970 → 971] That's Humani Generis, [ 971 → 973] paragraph 21. [ 974 → 975] Now, all of this [ 975 → 977] makes perfect sense, [ 977 → 978] doesn't it? [ 978 → 981] The reason why it doesn't jive [ 981 → 983] with the Novus Ordo Magisterium [ 983 → 984] of Francis, [ 984 → 986] and its five faithless predecessors, [ 986 → 988] is not because there's a flaw [ 988 → 990] in the Catholic understanding [ 990 → 991] of the magisterium, [ 992 → 992] or because there's been [ 992 → 995] an undue shift of emphasis, [ 995 → 997] or because tradition has been [ 997 → 999] devoured by the magisterium, [ 999 → 1001] but rather because [1001 → 1004] Francis is not the Pope. [1004 → 1006] The Novus Ordo sect [1006 → 1008] is not the Catholic Church, [1008 → 1010] and its magisterium [1010 → 1012] is not the teaching authority [1012 → 1013] established. [1014 → 1016] By Jesus Christ, our Lord. [1017 → 1017] There. [1018 → 1019] Fixed it for you. [1020 → 1022] Tradcast Express is a production [1022 → 1024] of Novus Ordo Watch. [1024 → 1026] Check us out at tradcast.org, [1026 → 1028] and if you like what we're doing, [1028 → 1030] please consider making a tax-deductible [1030 → 1031] contribution at [1031 → 1033] novusortowatch.org [1033 → 1034] slash donate.