[ 0 → 4] TrapCast Express [ 4 → 15] TrapCast Express, it's Monday, December 20th, 2021. [ 15 → 20] As I'm sure you've heard by now, the modernist apostate Jorge Bergoglio, [ 21 → 24] also known by his pseudonym Pope Francis, [ 24 → 30] has just wished all of the traditionalists in his church a very Merry Christmas. [ 31 → 34] Of course, he did it in a way only he could. [ 35 → 37] This past Saturday, December 18th, [ 38 → 42] Francis had the prefect of his so-called Congregation for Divine Worship [ 42 → 47] and the Discipline of the Sacraments, Archlaemon Arthur Roche, [ 47 → 51] release a letter in which he responds to 11 questions, [ 52 → 53] dubia, they're called, [ 54 → 56] about Traditiones Custodes, [ 57 → 61] Francis' motu proprio released on July 16th of this year, [ 61 → 65] that severely curtails the traditional Latin mass [ 65 → 68] and basically phases it out in the long run. [ 69 → 74] Yeah, it's amazing how quickly the Vatican modernists can respond to dubia [ 74 → 76] if they really want to. [ 77 → 81] Cardinals Braunmuller and Berg are still waiting [ 81 → 84] after over 1,900 days, [ 84 → 88] to have Francis respond to their dubia [ 88 → 91] about the exhortation Amoris Laetitia, [ 92 → 95] which permits publicly unrepentant adulterers [ 95 → 97] to receive the Novus Ordo sacraments. [ 98 → 102] The reason Francis won't respond is because he can't. [ 102 → 105] No matter how he would answer, he would lose. [ 105 → 111] He would either have to admit that Amoris Laetitia contradicts divine law, [ 111 → 113] which would make it void since not even Francis, [ 114 → 116] can overrule God, [ 116 → 119] or he would have to say that there is a misunderstanding [ 119 → 122] and Amoris Laetitia doesn't, in fact, [ 122 → 125] permit adulterers to receive the sacraments. [ 125 → 127] But he can't say that either, [ 127 → 130] because to allow them access to the sacraments [ 130 → 133] was the whole point of issuing the document in the first place. [ 135 → 138] And so, Francis does nothing. [ 139 → 140] He simply sits in the Vatican [ 140 → 144] and hopes the cardinals who submitted those questions [ 144 → 144] will be able to answer. [ 144 → 144] And so, Francis does nothing. [ 144 → 144] He simply sits in the Vatican and hopes the cardinals who submitted those questions [ 144 → 144] will be able to answer. [ 144 → 144] And so, Francis does nothing. [ 144 → 144] He simply sits in the Vatican and hopes the cardinals who submitted those questions [ 144 → 146] will die before he does. [ 147 → 149] And two of them already have. [ 149 → 152] They were a total of four originally, [ 152 → 153] and two are deceased now, [ 154 → 155] and out of the two remaining, [ 156 → 157] one is already 92, [ 158 → 160] and the other just barely survived COVID. [ 162 → 164] But then there are other dubia [ 164 → 167] the Vatican has no problem answering, [ 167 → 170] in fact, was probably most eager to answer, [ 171 → 173] and that's what happened this past Saturday. [ 173 → 176] The document's official title is [ 176 → 178] Responsa at Dubia [ 178 → 180] Responses to the Dubia [ 180 → 183] of the Congregation for Divine Worship [ 183 → 185] and the Discipline of the Sacraments [ 185 → 188] on some provisions of the Apostolic Letter [ 188 → 189] issued motu proprio [ 189 → 192] Traditiones Custodes [ 192 → 194] of the Supreme Pontiff Francis. [ 195 → 196] That's the title. [ 196 → 198] Now, the instruction begins with [ 198 → 201] some introductory remarks by Archlaemon Roche, [ 201 → 203] and he first explains [ 203 → 205] that his worship congregation [ 205 → 207] has received a number of questions [ 207 → 209] on the correct application [ 209 → 211] of Traditiones Custodes. [ 212 → 214] And indeed, Francis' motu proprio [ 214 → 216] had left some questions open. [ 217 → 219] So, this instruction now [ 219 → 221] was somewhat expected, I guess, [ 221 → 224] also because Francis presumably [ 224 → 225] wants to make sure that [ 225 → 227] no conservative bishop will have [ 227 → 230] any excuse to wiggle his way [ 230 → 232] out of submission to him, [ 232 → 241] the Frankster on a matter so near and dear to his heretical heart, the suppression of the [ 241 → 248] traditional Catholic Missal. And so, what are these new directives, these clarifications [ 248 → 254] of Tradiciones Custodes? Let's have a look. It's a total of 11 questions that were answered, [ 254 → 260] and before anyone now says that that's not a binding document, it's not authoritative, [ 260 → 266] it wasn't issued by Francis, it's just some archbishop talking, let me read you this portion. [ 267 → 274] Quote, the Supreme Pontiff Francis, in the course of an audience granted to the prefect of this [ 274 → 283] congregation on November 18th, 2021, was informed of and gave his consent to the publication of [ 283 → 290] these responsa ad dubia with attached explanatory notes. Unquote. [ 290 → 297] Quote, so there, that thing comes with Francis' full authority. Not that he has any, but if you [ 297 → 304] believe he's the Pope, then in your universe, he does. All right, so here's what the document says. [ 305 → 310] I'm going to mention only the most important of the 11 points and simplify them a little bit so [ 310 → 318] it'll be easier to understand. Brace yourselves because this is really severe. All right, ready? [ 318 → 320] All right, first one. [ 320 → 326] Regarding the celebration of the traditional mass in the parish church. Remember, Tradizionis [ 326 → 334] Custodes forbids it to be offered in the main church of a parish. And this new document now [ 334 → 340] says that if the people who want this mass can't find a suitable location for it, the local bishop [ 340 → 348] can petition the Vatican for a dispensation to use the parish church temporarily. That is, [ 348 → 350] until a proper, [ 350 → 355] venue has been found. And if the Vatican graciously grants the dispensation, [ 356 → 364] well, then the mass still cannot be advertised in the official parish mass schedule. Okay, [ 364 → 369] this is how much they hate anything reminding them of traditional Catholicism. [ 369 → 375] All right, next point. The sacraments of baptism, penance, and extreme unction, [ 375 → 378] and the nuptial mass for holy matrimony, [ 378 → 380] can only be [ 380 → 386] celebrated in the traditional rite with the local bishop's permission and only in the so-called [ 386 → 392] personal parishes that have already been established. So that will be churches used [ 392 → 397] by the Institute of Christ the King, the Fraternity of St. Peter, and similar groups. [ 397 → 404] On the other hand, confirmations and ordinations are forbidden in the old rite entirely. [ 406 → 409] Then, priests authorized to say the traditional [ 409 → 411] mass who refuse to [ 411 → 413] concelebrate the Novus Ordo for the [ 413 → 415] chrism mass during Holy Week [ 415 → 417] ought to have their permission [ 417 → 419] to offer the traditional mass [ 419 → 420] revoked. [ 421 → 422] But don't worry, [ 423 → 425] first the bishop is supposed to reach [ 425 → 427] out and attempt to establish [ 427 → 429] a fraternal dialogue [ 429 → 431] with the offending [ 431 → 432] presbyter. [ 434 → 435] Before a bishop [ 435 → 437] is allowed to give permission to [ 437 → 439] any new priest ordained after [ 439 → 441] July 16th, 2021 [ 441 → 443] to offer the traditional [ 443 → 445] mass, he, the bishop, [ 446 → 447] has to obtain permission [ 447 → 449] from Rome for that. [ 449 → 451] Okay? You can imagine [ 451 → 453] how that's going to go, right? [ 454 → 454] Yeah. [ 455 → 457] The document then recommends [ 457 → 460] that permission [ 460 → 461] for the offering of the [ 461 → 463] traditional mass be given only for [ 463 → 465] a time, and not [ 465 → 467] indefinitely. And then, [ 467 → 469] after that time is up, [ 469 → 471] an assessment be made [ 471 → 473] if the time should be continued [ 473 → 475] or not. [ 476 → 477] And then [ 477 → 479] there are also a bunch of minor restrictions [ 479 → 482] which we don't need to get into. [ 482 → 483] Things like, you know, [ 483 → 485] if a priest who's authorized [ 485 → 487] to offer the traditional mass can't [ 487 → 489] make it one Sunday, then whoever replaces [ 489 → 491] him also has to have permission. [ 492 → 493] Stuff like that. [ 494 → 495] Oh, and [ 495 → 497] since all of this [ 497 → 499] is obviously of the utmost [ 499 → 501] importance to the salvation of [ 501 → 503] souls, all of these stipulations [ 503 → 505] went into effect [ 505 → 507] immediately upon publication [ 507 → 509] this past Saturday, [ 510 → 511] December 18th. [ 513 → 515] Alright, so, as you [ 515 → 517] can see, this is [ 517 → 518] beyond cruel. [ 519 → 521] Rome is making it [ 521 → 523] extremely difficult for their [ 523 → 525] traditional mass people to still have [ 525 → 526] their mass, especially [ 526 → 529] when you compare it to what was allowed [ 529 → 531] by Benedict XVI's [ 531 → 533] Summorum Pontificum, which [ 533 → 535] Francis just revoked in [ 535 → 535] July. [ 536 → 539] The new regulations now [ 539 → 541] are so severely restrictive [ 541 → 543] and even silly to some [ 543 → 544] extent that it's evident [ 544 → 547] that they're not only torturing [ 547 → 548] their traditional mass people, [ 549 → 551] they're really enjoying [ 551 → 553] it. They're laughing at them. [ 554 → 555] These [ 555 → 557] modernists are monsters. They despise [ 557 → 559] Catholicism. They despise [ 559 → 561] the Holy Sacrifice [ 561 → 562] of the Mass. [ 562 → 565] They despise the so-called [ 565 → 566] Old Church. [ 567 → 569] That's because they've long established [ 569 → 571] a new church with a new [ 571 → 573] religion. And [ 573 → 575] their original intent was [ 575 → 577] always to get all the [ 577 → 579] Catholics of the Old Church [ 579 → 580] to go along with the New Church. [ 581 → 583] And when that didn't quite work out, [ 584 → 584] rather than [ 584 → 587] lose those people, the Vatican modernists [ 587 → 589] decided to make some concessions [ 589 → 591] to them in terms of [ 591 → 593] the celebration of the traditional [ 593 → 595] mass. And look, I [ 595 → 597] keep saying traditional mass, but it's [ 597 → 599] technically, it's the 1962 [ 599 → 601] Missal of Angelo [ 601 → 603] Roncalli, John XXIII, [ 603 → 605] the man who called Vatican II. [ 606 → 607] But [ 607 → 609] it's so close to the Missal of [ 609 → 611] Pope Pius XII and its predecessors [ 611 → 613] that for our purposes here, we'll [ 613 → 614] call it the traditional Latin mass. [ 616 → 617] Yeah, so the [ 617 → 619] modernists allowed those people to [ 619 → 620] have the traditional mass [ 620 → 623] because they figured that giving them the [ 623 → 625] mass and, you know, which they'd [ 625 → 627] known from childhood, was [ 627 → 629] probably a pretty good deal because [ 629 → 631] it would keep them in the new church [ 631 → 633] and keep them from making too much of a [ 633 → 635] fuss and eventually they would just [ 635 → 637] die out and then everybody [ 637 → 638] would be in line with the new religion [ 638 → 640] and the new mass. [ 641 → 643] And, you know, the so-called Novosorto [ 643 → 645] mass. That was the plan [ 645 → 647] but it didn't quite work. [ 648 → 649] So [ 649 → 651] the Vatican kept making more and more [ 651 → 653] concessions to these [ 653 → 654] people, the traditional Latin mass people, [ 655 → 657] in exchange for them staying in the [ 657 → 657] new church. [ 659 → 661] But the more concessions [ 661 → 663] they made, the more those people [ 663 → 665] distanced themselves from the [ 665 → 666] new religion of Vatican II [ 666 → 668] and the new mass. [ 668 → 670] The reason for that is [ 670 → 672] that the traditional mass [ 672 → 675] teaches the traditional Catholic [ 675 → 677] faith. It [ 677 → 679] expresses the old and true [ 679 → 681] ecclesiology of the [ 681 → 683] Catholic Church being the one [ 683 → 685] true religion and the [ 685 → 687] holy mass being the one [ 687 → 689] true sacrifice of Calvary [ 689 → 691] offered to the Most Holy [ 691 → 693] Trinity in adoration, [ 693 → 695] thanksgiving, petition [ 695 → 697] and atonement. [ 698 → 699] At the end of the day, [ 700 → 701] that theology [ 701 → 703] is incompatible with the [ 703 → 705] new mass, which is essentially a [ 705 → 706] Protestant Lord's Supper service [ 706 → 709] in which friends gather around the [ 709 → 710] table to share a meal. [ 711 → 713] And if you're really conservative [ 713 → 714] in the new church, [ 715 → 717] you believe that what is consumed [ 717 → 718] at that meal is literally [ 718 → 721] Jesus Christ. But it's a [ 721 → 723] meal nonetheless, and not [ 723 → 724] a sacrifice. [ 725 → 727] And so this is why the [ 727 → 729] modernists in Rome are so adamant [ 729 → 731] about the traditionalists in their [ 731 → 733] church having to submit to Vatican [ 733 → 734] II and the new mass. [ 735 → 737] Whereas their original [ 737 → 739] intent had been to give all these [ 739 → 741] concessions for the traditional mass [ 741 → 743] in order to gently lead [ 743 → 745] those people into the new religion, [ 745 → 747] it got out of hand, and [ 747 → 749] the traditional mass became for them, [ 749 → 751] or at least for many of them, [ 751 → 753] probably most, the symbol of [ 753 → 755] resistance to Vatican II [ 755 → 757] and the post-conciliar magisterium. [ 758 → 759] And the [ 759 → 761] tantrum these traditionalists [ 761 → 763] are now throwing proves it. [ 763 → 765] Why do you think they're so upset? [ 766 → 767] Because they [ 767 → 769] want nothing to do with the [ 769 → 771] Vatican II or the new mass [ 771 → 773] or any of the post-conciliar [ 773 → 775] garbage. Because that's not [ 775 → 777] their religion. That's not [ 777 → 778] Catholic worship. [ 779 → 781] That's not the magisterium they follow. [ 783 → 784] Now, you might say, [ 785 → 787] well, wait a minute, all this has been around [ 787 → 788] since the 1960s. [ 789 → 791] Why are they in a tizzy over it [ 791 → 791] now? [ 793 → 795] Because now, it actually [ 795 → 797] affects them directly [ 797 → 799] in their personal lives. [ 799 → 800] Now, it acutely [ 800 → 803] interferes with their practice [ 803 → 803] of religion. [ 804 → 807] See, in the last 33 years [ 807 → 808] or so, since John Paul II [ 808 → 811] issued the Ecclesia Dei [ 811 → 813] indult, if the Vatican [ 813 → 815] put out some heretical document, [ 815 → 817] for example, they could just shrug [ 817 → 819] it off and ignore it. They could [ 819 → 821] resist it, speak against [ 821 → 823] it, whatever. It didn't seriously [ 823 → 824] impact their life. [ 825 → 827] They used the old catechisms [ 827 → 828] to teach their children anyway, [ 829 → 830] and they went to the traditional Mass. [ 831 → 833] If John Paul II got anointed [ 833 → 835] with cow dung by a Hindu [ 835 → 837] priestess, or Benedict XVI [ 837 → 839] prayed at a mosque, it was [ 839 → 841] bad, but it ultimately [ 841 → 843] didn't matter to them because [ 843 → 845] they could ignore it. They could [ 845 → 847] pray for the Holy Father, [ 847 → 849] listen to tapes by [ 849 → 850] Gregory Hess, [ 851 → 853] and subscribe to The Remnant, [ 853 → 855] and read Michael Davies. [ 855 → 856] That's how that worked. [ 856 → 858] But now, it's personal. [ 859 → 860] Now the Vatican has [ 860 → 862] actually moved to take away [ 862 → 864] their Sunday Mass. [ 864 → 867] Or they've restricted it so much that it's [ 867 → 869] extremely difficult to still get to it [ 869 → 870] and the writing is on the wall. [ 871 → 873] The traditional Mass is being phased [ 873 → 874] out. No new [ 874 → 877] traditional priests, except those Rome [ 877 → 879] permits. Of course, they're [ 879 → 881] going to permit very few, if any. [ 882 → 882] And besides, [ 883 → 884] as of this past Saturday, [ 884 → 886] no more easy traditional [ 886 → 888] baptisms. Now they have [ 889 → 890] through hoops to get that. [ 891 → 892] And definitely no more traditional [ 892 → 895] confirmation. So if your son or daughter [ 895 → 896] needs confirmation, it'll be [ 896 → 899] either at the Novus Ordo, or [ 899 → 899] it won't happen. [ 901 → 902] Yeah, well, or of course you could go to the [ 902 → 904] Society of St. Pius X, but officially [ 904 → 905] that's not allowed. [ 906 → 908] And yeah, of course, no more [ 908 → 910] traditional ordinations. [ 911 → 911] So, [ 911 → 913] what do you think [ 913 → 915] that does to all those seminarians [ 915 → 917] that were wanting to be traditional [ 917 → 918] priests in communion, [ 919 → 920] with the new Church? [ 922 → 923] So, that's why [ 923 → 925] this is such a big deal now. [ 926 → 927] And the reason [ 927 → 929] why there is so much tension [ 929 → 931] between the pre-Vatican II and the [ 931 → 933] post-Vatican II is quite simply [ 933 → 935] that the Vatican II religion is [ 935 → 937] not Roman Catholicism. [ 937 → 939] You cannot reconcile [ 939 → 941] the Vatican II religion [ 941 → 943] with the Roman Catholic faith [ 943 → 944] before the Council. [ 945 → 947] And this whole kerfuffle about [ 947 → 949] the Old Mass proves it. [ 949 → 950] See, if the [ 950 → 952] traditional Mass were perfectly [ 952 → 954] compatible with Francis' [ 955 → 957] Magisterium and the whole new religion, [ 957 → 959] if the Old Mass and the [ 959 → 960] Old Catechisms were compatible [ 960 → 962] with that, if they were essentially [ 962 → 965] the same thing, then the [ 965 → 967] modernists in Rome wouldn't [ 967 → 969] care if anyone attended [ 969 → 970] the traditional Mass [ 970 → 972] or used the old books. [ 973 → 974] But they sure do [ 974 → 976] care, don't they? [ 977 → 979] So, from the perspective [ 979 → 981] of a faithful Novus Ordo [ 981 → 982] Vatican II believer, [ 982 → 984] what the Vatican under Francis [ 984 → 986] just did makes perfect [ 986 → 989] sense. The Council [ 989 → 991] called for a liturgical reform. [ 991 → 993] That reform was put [ 993 → 994] together and promulgated by the [ 994 → 996] Supreme Pontiff, and the prior [ 996 → 998] liturgical rite was then superseded [ 998 → 1001] by that reform, and therefore [1001 → 1002] it can no longer be used now [1002 → 1004] because it was modified, [1004 → 1006] it developed. Again, [1007 → 1008] I'm speaking here from the perspective [1009 → 1010] of the new Church. [1011 → 1013] Now, they showed some mercy [1013 → 1015] to those souls that were really [1015 → 1017] attached to the old Latin Mass [1017 → 1019] and let them have it a little while longer, [1019 → 1021] but always with the intent to [1021 → 1021] reign them in. [1022 → 1025] They just figure that we have a few stragglers [1025 → 1027] here and they need some extra attention, [1027 → 1029] some additional help [1029 → 1031] to get them to comply with the [1031 → 1033] new program. And now [1033 → 1035] they're finding, wait a minute, [1035 → 1036] after decades of our [1036 → 1038] kind and generous treatment, [1039 → 1040] these people have [1040 → 1043] no intention of [1043 → 1044] embracing Vatican II. They're [1044 → 1047] hostile to the new Mass [1047 → 1049] and to the papal magisterium of [1049 → 1051] the past few decades. They despise [1051 → 1052] Francis. [1053 → 1054] They use the Mass we've [1054 → 1056] generously given them [1056 → 1058] and are saying that it alone [1058 → 1060] is the true Mass. [1061 → 1062] They publish writings [1062 → 1064] and give speeches denouncing the [1064 → 1066] post-conciliar magisterium, [1066 → 1068] the recently canonized saints, [1069 → 1070] new liturgical directives, [1070 → 1072] encyclicals, and exhortations of the [1072 → 1075] Holy Father, all the while proclaiming [1075 → 1077] themselves to be the real [1077 → 1078] Catholics. [1079 → 1081] You know what? I think it's time [1081 → 1082] to take away their Mass. [1083 → 1084] And then we'll [1084 → 1086] see just how faithful [1086 → 1088] they really are. [1090 → 1090] That, [1091 → 1093] ladies and gentlemen, is the perspective [1093 → 1095] of the faithful Vatican II [1095 → 1097] believer. And you [1097 → 1098] know what? It makes all [1098 → 1100] the sense in the world. [1100 → 1102] It's not true, but it's [1102 → 1104] totally consistent [1104 → 1106] in itself. If [1106 → 1108] Francis were Pope, then [1108 → 1110] submission to him would be [1110 → 1112] the living criterion for [1112 → 1114] orthodoxy. Sounds [1114 → 1117] scary, doesn't it? Well, there's [1117 → 1118] your hint. He's not the Pope. [1120 → 1121] So, [1121 → 1123] yeah, this idea of [1123 → 1125] the traditional Mass as a gracious [1125 → 1126] concession to those who [1126 → 1128] need a little more time to accept Vatican II, [1128 → 1130] and the new Church, [1131 → 1132] that isn't an invention [1132 → 1134] of Francis. That was the thought [1134 → 1137] behind any concessions Paul VI [1137 → 1138] made to individual [1138 → 1140] priests in the very beginning. [1141 → 1143] It was the thought behind [1143 → 1144] John Paul II's limited [1144 → 1146] 1984 indult, and [1146 → 1148] then the broader Ecclesia Dei [1148 → 1150] indult of 1988. [1151 → 1152] And granted, it's a [1152 → 1154] little more complicated with [1154 → 1156] the 2007 [1156 → 1158] Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of [1158 → 1159] Benedict XVI. [1160 → 1163] There, I think Ratzinger was trying really hard [1163 → 1164] to get the Lefebvris of the [1164 → 1166] Society of St. Pius X on board. [1167 → 1169] So, he tried [1169 → 1170] to find a way to put the [1170 → 1172] Novus Ordo Mass and the traditional Mass [1172 → 1174] on an equal footing and concocted [1174 → 1177] this utterly absurd idea [1177 → 1179] of there being two forms [1179 → 1180] of the one Roman Rite [1180 → 1182] that supposedly mutually [1182 → 1184] enrich each other. I mean, [1184 → 1186] just nutty stuff, [1186 → 1188] right? But when that came [1188 → 1190] out, most of the Semitrats [1190 → 1192] didn't care because they liked [1192 → 1194] the result. They had their [1194 → 1196] traditional Mass and had it more [1196 → 1199] widely available, and [1199 → 1200] that was ultimately all that [1200 → 1202] mattered to them. They didn't [1202 → 1204] care that the theology that [1204 → 1207] gave them their traditional Mass [1207 → 1208] was actually a train wreck [1208 → 1211] and a dangerous one at that. [1212 → 1213] Novus Ordo [1213 → 1214] Watch published a big article [1214 → 1216] back then blasting Ratzinger for [1216 → 1218] his dangerous and false theologies, [1218 → 1220] but of course it fell on deaf ears. [1222 → 1222] Verrata Caeli [1222 → 1224] and many of these Semitrat [1224 → 1226] outlets were singing the praises [1226 → 1228] of their Benedict XVI [1228 → 1231] who was now restoring tradition [1231 → 1232] and whatnot, and [1232 → 1235] you just couldn't get to those people. [1235 → 1237] They were in ecstasy. [1237 → 1238] And you were just a party [1238 → 1240] pooper to them, a naysayer, [1241 → 1242] a Sedevacantist who was upset that [1242 → 1244] the Vatican II Church was becoming traditional [1244 → 1246] again, and so do away with [1246 → 1248] any need for Sedevacantism. [1248 → 1249] Basically. [1250 → 1252] Well, now the chickens have [1252 → 1254] come home to roost, [1254 → 1256] and the disillusionment, the frustration, [1257 → 1258] the anger couldn't [1258 → 1259] be greater. [1260 → 1262] Well, theology has consequences. [1262 → 1264] If your access to the traditional [1264 → 1266] Mass depends on [1266 → 1268] the concession of modernists, [1268 → 1270] then don't be surprised [1270 → 1272] if one day that concession [1272 → 1273] is revoked. [1274 → 1276] What one modernist gives, [1276 → 1278] another can take away. [1278 → 1281] The real question is [1281 → 1282] why are you [1282 → 1284] recognizing a modernist [1284 → 1285] as Pope? [1286 → 1288] There's a lot more to say about this [1288 → 1290] and say it we will. Also, [1290 → 1292] we'll look at some reactions, especially [1292 → 1294] from Michael Matt [1294 → 1296] of The Remnant in the next [1296 → 1298] podcast, which I anticipate will be [1298 → 1301] published within 48 hours [1301 → 1302] of this one. [1302 → 1303] Stay tuned. [1304 → 1306] Tradcast Express is a production of [1306 → 1308] Novos Ordo Watch. Check us out [1308 → 1310] at Tradcast.org, and if you [1310 → 1312] like what we're doing, please consider making [1312 → 1313] a tax-deductible contribution [1313 → 1316] at NovosOrdoWatch.org [1316 → 1317] slash donate.