[ 0 → 4] Tradcast Express [ 30 → 41] The Ecumenical Movement, which at the time was operating at full blast already among Protestants, but was of course rejected by the Catholic Church. [ 41 → 51] At the same time, recognizing that a lot of Protestants were evidently of goodwill in their desire to see those who want to follow Christ united, [ 52 → 58] the Vatican under Pope Pius XII wanted to take the opportunity to reach those Protestants, [ 58 → 60] make them recognize their error, [ 61 → 70] and show them that the unity and truth they are looking for exists already and only in the Roman Catholic Church, [ 70 → 74] the only true church founded by Jesus Christ. [ 75 → 82] And so in early 1950, the Holy Office, of which Pius XII himself was the head, [ 82 → 90] released a document to all the world's diocesan bishops instructing them on what is and is not permissible, [ 90 → 95] with regard to meeting with Protestants and discussing religion. [ 96 → 104] The document is called Ecclesia Catholica and has been translated into English and can be found on the EWTN website. [ 105 → 109] I'm including a link to it in the notes for this podcast. [ 109 → 116] Anyway, here are some excerpts from it, and as you listen, I'd like you to ask yourself [ 116 → 120] if this sounds like anything the Vatican would put out today. [ 120 → 129] And if not, instead, today's Vatican has been promoting the very errors condemned in this document. [ 129 → 130] Here we go. [ 131 → 131] Quote, [ 132 → 138] Some of the initiatives that have hitherto been taken by various individuals or groups [ 138 → 142] with the aim of reconciling dissident Christians to the Catholic Church, [ 143 → 148] although inspired by the best of intentions, are not always based on right principles, [ 148 → 150] or, if they are, [ 150 → 156] yet they are not free from special dangers, as experience, too, has already shown. [ 157 → 163] Hence, this supreme sacred congregation, which has the responsibility of conserving in its entirety [ 163 → 172] and protecting the deposit of the faith, has seen fit to recall to mind and to prescribe the following. [ 172 → 174] And here I'm going to skip ahead a little. [ 174 → 179] As regards the manner and method of proceeding in this work, [ 179 → 180] the bishops, [ 180 → 187] the bishops themselves will make regulations as to what is to be done and what is to be avoided, [ 187 → 190] and shall see that these are observed by all. [ 191 → 195] They shall also be on guard, lest on the false pretext, [ 196 → 200] that more attention should be paid to the points on which we agree [ 200 → 203] than to those on which we differ, [ 203 → 207] a dangerous indifferentism be encouraged, [ 207 → 210] especially among persons whose transgressions, [ 210 → 212] training in theology, is not deep, [ 213 → 216] and whose practice of their faith is not very strong. [ 217 → 219] For care must be taken, lest, [ 220 → 223] in the so-called ironic spirit of today, [ 223 → 230] through comparative study and the vain desire for a progressively closer mutual approach [ 230 → 233] among the various professions of faith, [ 233 → 239] Catholic doctrine, either in its dogmas or in the truths which are connected with them, [ 240 → 246] be so conformed or in a way adapted to the doctrines of dissident sects [ 246 → 250] that the purity of Catholic doctrine be impaired [ 250 → 254] or its genuine and certain meaning be obscured. [ 255 → 260] Also, they must restrain that dangerous manner of speaking [ 260 → 264] which generates false opinions and fallacious hopes [ 264 → 267] incapable of realization, for example, [ 268 → 270] to the effect that the teachings of the encyclicals [ 270 → 275] of the Roman pontiffs on the return of dissidents to the Church, [ 275 → 277] on the constitution of the Church, [ 277 → 279] on the mystical body of Christ, [ 279 → 282] should not be given too much importance, [ 283 → 286] seeing that they are not all matters of faith, [ 286 → 289] or, what is worse, that in matters of dogma, [ 290 → 295] even the Catholic Church has not yet attained the fullness of Christ, [ 295 → 298] but can still be perfected from outside. [ 299 → 300] They shall take, [ 300 → 301] with particular care, [ 301 → 303] and shall firmly insist, [ 303 → 306] that in going over the history of the Reformation [ 306 → 308] and the Reformers, [ 308 → 312] the defects of Catholics be not so exaggerated, [ 312 → 315] and the faults of the Reformers be so dissimulated, [ 316 → 318] or that things which are rather accidental [ 318 → 320] be not so emphasized, [ 321 → 322] that what is most essential, [ 323 → 325] namely the defection from the Catholic faith, [ 326 → 329] be scarcely any longer seen or felt. [ 330 → 332] Finally, they shall take precautions, [ 333 → 337] lest through an excessive and false external activity, [ 337 → 341] or through imprudence and an excited manner of proceeding, [ 342 → 346] the end in view be rather harmed than served. [ 347 → 351] Therefore, the whole and entire Catholic doctrine [ 351 → 353] is to be presented and explained. [ 354 → 358] By no means is it permitted to pass over in silence, [ 358 → 360] or to veil in ambiguous terms, [ 360 → 365] the Catholic truth regarding the nature and way of justification, [ 366 → 368] the constitution of the Church, [ 369 → 372] the primacy of jurisdiction of the Roman pontiff, [ 373 → 377] and the only true union by the return of the dissidents [ 377 → 381] to the one true Church of Christ. [ 381 → 383] It should be made clear to them [ 383 → 386] that in returning to the Church [ 386 → 388] they will lose nothing of that good [ 388 → 389] which by the grace of God, [ 389 → 390] by the grace of God, [ 390 → 392] has hitherto been implanted in them, [ 393 → 395] but that it will rather be supplemented [ 395 → 397] and completed by their return. [ 398 → 401] However, one should not speak of this [ 401 → 403] in such a way that they will imagine [ 403 → 405] that in returning to the Church [ 405 → 408] they are bringing to it something substantial [ 408 → 410] which it has hitherto lacked. [ 411 → 415] It will be necessary to say these things clearly and openly, [ 415 → 418] first, because it is the truth [ 418 → 419] that they themselves are seeking, [ 419 → 419] secondly, [ 420 → 421] and moreover, [ 421 → 423] because outside the truth [ 423 → 426] no true union can ever be attained. [ 427 → 428] Unquote. [ 429 → 433] The document is dated December 20th, 1949, [ 433 → 438] but it was not published until January 31st, 1950. [ 440 → 443] There really isn't a whole lot to say here. [ 443 → 445] It's pretty self-explanatory, isn't it? [ 446 → 449] Vatican II and the Postconciliar Magisterium [ 449 → 450] have overridden, [ 450 → 453] overthrown the traditional Catholic doctrine. [ 454 → 455] Because, notice, [ 456 → 459] Pius XII is appealing to doctrine here. [ 459 → 461] This is not simply about discipline. [ 462 → 466] The only way true union can be attained [ 466 → 470] is by the conversion of Protestants to Catholicism. [ 471 → 474] And that is a matter of doctrine, he says. [ 474 → 477] And isn't it interesting [ 477 → 479] that with all the disagreements [ 479 → 480] that the difference, [ 480 → 483] different parties in the ecumenical movement today have, [ 483 → 487] the one thing they all agree on, [ 487 → 489] including the Vatican, especially, [ 490 → 492] is that the eventual conversion [ 492 → 495] of the non-Catholics to Catholicism [ 495 → 498] is definitely and explicitly [ 498 → 501] not the goal of ecumenism. [ 502 → 504] And that tells you all you need to know. [ 505 → 507] All right, moving on. [ 507 → 508] As we all know, [ 509 → 510] the Jesuit apostate, [ 510 → 511] Jorge Bergoglio, [ 512 → 513] better known by his stage name, [ 514 → 514] Pope Francis, [ 515 → 518] has a staggering amount of profound wisdom [ 518 → 520] to share with humanity. [ 521 → 523] And that is exactly what he did [ 523 → 524] this past June 13th [ 524 → 526] in an audience with participants [ 526 → 530] in the General Chapter of the Missionaries of Africa. [ 531 → 531] He told them, [ 531 → 532] quote, [ 532 → 534] The Apostle of Jesus Christ [ 534 → 536] is not one who proselytizes. [ 538 → 539] Evangelical proclamation [ 539 → 539] has been a great help to him. [ 539 → 539] Evangelical proclamation [ 539 → 539] has been a great help to him. [ 539 → 540] And that is exactly what he did this past June 13th in an audience with participants in the General Chapter of the Missionaries of Africa. [ 540 → 543] to do with proselytism. [ 544 → 544] Unquote. [ 545 → 546] Oh, really? [ 547 → 548] Well, let's see. [ 548 → 550] What do we find, for example, [ 550 → 552] in the Acts of the Apostles? [ 553 → 555] Do we find the apostles and disciples [ 555 → 557] preaching Jesus Christ [ 557 → 558] and his gospel, [ 558 → 561] answering objections and arguing [ 561 → 562] with Jews and Gentiles? [ 562 → 564] Or do we find them only [ 564 → 566] practicing encounter [ 566 → 568] and feeding the poor, [ 568 → 570] or promoting sustainable asthmas? [ 570 → 575] agriculture and caressing the unemployed and all that, until people start asking them, [ 576 → 580] oh my goodness, why are you even doing this? Can you tell me more about your religion? [ 581 → 588] Because that's kind of how Francis approaches this. So, let's see. If we look at chapter 2, [ 588 → 596] verses 22 through 36, we find St. Peter, the first pope, preaching in clear words the gospel [ 596 → 603] of Jesus Christ, exhorting the people to recognize Jesus of Nazareth as the true messiahs [ 603 → 609] and the son of God who was raised from the dead after they crucified him. And you know what [ 609 → 617] happened? The people converted. Verse 37 says, now when they had heard these things, they had [ 617 → 623] compunction in their heart and said to Peter and to the rest of the apostles, what shall we do, [ 623 → 624] men and brethren? [ 624 → 631] And you know what Peter told them? He gave them very specific, very clear instructions. He said, [ 632 → 640] do penance and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of [ 640 → 647] your sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. That's verse 38. And then, [ 647 → 653] and this is my favorite part, St. Luke, the author of the Acts of the Apostles, tells us, [ 654 → 660] they therefore that received his word were baptized, and they were added in that day [ 660 → 669] about 3,000 souls. And they were persevering in the doctrine of the apostles and in the [ 669 → 677] communication of the breaking of bread and in prayers. That's Acts 2, verses 41 and 42. [ 677 → 684] Why is that significant? Because it mentions two things that Francis either detests, [ 684 → 692] or doesn't care much about. First, St. Luke counts the number of souls who were converted. [ 692 → 699] That's a complete no-no for Francis, who considers that triumphalism, you know, [ 699 → 705] treating converts like a trophy. He mentioned that in his chat with Jesuits in Mozambique on [ 705 → 714] September 5th, 2019. And second, St. Luke says that these converts persevered in the doctrine, [ 714 → 722] of the apostles. Can you imagine? In other words, they rigidly clung to certainties. [ 723 → 728] Can't have that with Bergoglio, you know, because the faith is an encounter. [ 729 → 735] And remember when he said that being a Christian is not about adhering to a doctrine? Yeah, [ 735 → 742] he said that. That was March 31st, 2019 in Morocco. You can look it up. [ 742 → 742] St. Luke says that they were not adhering to a doctrine. [ 742 → 743] St. Luke says that they were not adhering to a doctrine. Yeah, he said that. That was March 31st, [ 743 → 744] 2019 in Morocco. You can look it up. Of course, the faith is not adhering to a doctrine. [ 744 → 750] The very first thing that identifies and distinguishes a Christian is his creed, [ 750 → 757] the doctrine he professes. Baptism too, of course, but baptism is only a one-time event, [ 758 → 767] and one can cease to be a Christian, a Catholic, even though baptized, right? So, the faith is [ 767 → 773] crucial. Of course, you also have to live the faith, certainly in order to be saved. But even [ 773 → 774] if you're in mortal sin, you have to live the faith. You have to live the faith. You have to [ 774 → 780] As long as you continue to profess the true faith, that is what makes you a Christian, [ 780 → 785] a Catholic. And that is dogma, per the Council of Trent. Quote, [ 785 → 794] If anyone shall say that he who has faith without charity is not a Christian, let him be anathema. [ 794 → 803] Unquote. That's Session 6, Canon 28. You can find it in Denzinger 838. Now, there are, of course, [ 803 → 810] some additional nuances, such as excommunication and so on, but we don't need to get into all that [ 810 → 817] here now. My point is simply that Francis was speaking nonsense when he said that being a [ 817 → 825] Christian is not about adhering to a doctrine. That is exactly what it's about. Now, to get [ 825 → 832] back to the issue of proselytism, the Acts of the Apostles also tell us that St. Paul reasoned with [ 832 → 841] the people he sought to convert. That's right. He preached, he taught, argued, debated, refuted, [ 841 → 851] all that. It wasn't just soup kitchens and encounter. We find that in Acts 17, where we [ 851 → 857] read things such as, And for three Sabbath days he reasoned with them out of the Scriptures. [ 857 → 862] That's verse 2. And also Acts 18, for example, in verse 4, [ 862 → 864] where we read, [ 864 → 877] And likewise, in verse 19, [ 877 → 890] And in that chapter, we also read of a certain convert from Judaism named Apollo who preached [ 890 → 892] the gospel. And in verse 18, [ 892 → 909] Now, could you imagine the Novus Ordo Vatican doing that, evangelizing the Jews like that, [ 910 → 916] trying to share with them, very charitably, of course, the evidence that Jesus of Nazareth is [ 916 → 921] indeed the Messiah that their own Old Testament points to? [ 922 → 926] And then refuting their objections. Could you imagine? [ 927 → 933] Instead, they've got this dumb ecumenical office that says there's no mission to the Jews and that [ 933 → 942] the old law is still valid for them. It's an abomination. So, clearly, the Vatican does not [ 942 → 948] approve of the type of proselytism that we find in the Acts of the Apostles. If they did, [ 949 → 950] they would imitate it. [ 950 → 957] Now, Francis, by the way, added the following in his words to the missionaries of Africa. [ 958 → 958] Quote, [ 958 → 967] If at any point one of you finds himself proselytizing, please stop, convert, and then [ 967 → 978] continue. Unquote. See, he does want conversion after all. The conversion of those who proselytize. [ 979 → 980] Tradcast Express is on. [ 980 → 986] The production of Novos Ordo Watch. Check us out at Tradcast.org. And if you like what we're doing, [ 986 → 992] please consider making a tax-deductible contribution at NovosOrdoWatch.org.