[ 0 → 4] TrapCast Express [ 4 → 15] TrapCast Express, it's Wednesday, October 5th, 2022. [ 16 → 20] Last weekend, from September 30th through October 2nd, [ 21 → 24] an event was hosted at a hotel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania [ 24 → 27] called the Catholic Identity Conference. [ 27 → 31] It was heavily promoted by The Remnant, [ 31 → 35] and judging by in-person attendance, the event was quite popular. [ 36 → 37] It was sold out. [ 37 → 40] Now, I don't know how many people that was in total, [ 40 → 44] but based on pictures I've seen, I'm guessing around 300. [ 45 → 50] The lineup of speakers included some familiar, recognize-and-resist personalities, [ 51 → 53] including a few clerics. [ 53 → 55] Let me name just a few. [ 55 → 57] Michael Matt, editor of The Remnant, [ 57 → 60] who was the master of ceremonies at the event, [ 61 → 65] John Henry Weston, editor and co-founder of LifeSite, [ 66 → 70] Christopher Ferrara, lawyer and Remnant columnist, [ 71 → 73] historian John Rao, and others. [ 74 → 79] As for clerics, I counted four traditionalist priests and three bishops, [ 80 → 85] Core Bishop Anthony Spinoza of the Maronite Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon, [ 85 → 85] and then, [ 87 → 90] the more elusive Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, [ 91 → 93] and, of course, everybody's favorite, [ 93 → 96] the Kazakh auxiliary Athanasius Schneider, [ 96 → 101] who just recently concelebrated the Novus Ordo Missae with Francis [ 101 → 104] when he visited Kazakhstan in September. [ 105 → 108] Before the very next day, after Francis had left, [ 108 → 110] Schneider accused him of heresy. [ 111 → 113] But that's not our topic now. [ 113 → 116] Speaking of Catholic identity, [ 117 → 122] traditionally, the proper way to establish your Catholic credentials [ 122 → 127] would be to point out that you have the approval of your local bishop, [ 127 → 131] who, in turn, is in communion with the Holy See. [ 132 → 135] And, of course, we all know how insistent these recognize-and-resist [ 135 → 138] traditionalists are when it comes to, well, [ 138 → 143] recognizing the supposed legitimacy of the Novus Ordo shepherds [ 143 → 144] whom they resist. [ 145 → 147] Well, it turns out, [ 147 → 148] not surprisingly, [ 149 → 151] that the local Novus Ordo bishop in Pittsburgh, [ 152 → 152] David Zubik, [ 153 → 155] distanced himself from the conference, [ 156 → 160] making clear that this event was not approved by the diocese. [ 161 → 164] In a news article dated September 28th, [ 165 → 166] The Pillar reported, [ 166 → 167] quote, [ 167 → 171] The Diocese of Pittsburgh says it does not encourage Catholics [ 171 → 174] to attend a Pittsburgh conference Saturday, [ 175 → 177] which is slated to urge Catholics to, [ 177 → 177] quote, [ 177 → 180] formal resistance of Pope Francis. [ 181 → 185] The Diocese of Pittsburgh is in no way affiliated with this event. [ 186 → 191] The Diocese does not support, endorse, or encourage people to attend this event. [ 191 → 197] Diocesan spokesperson Jennifer Ann Kowiak told The Pillar, unquote. [ 198 → 202] Ultimately, of course, the Roman Catholic identity [ 202 → 205] is established by communion with the Roman pontiff. [ 205 → 206] In his 1860s, [ 207 → 210] 73 encyclical letter Quartus Supra, [ 211 → 212] Pope Pius IX wrote, [ 212 → 213] quote, [ 213 → 217] For any man to be able to prove his Catholic faith [ 217 → 219] and affirm that he is truly a Catholic, [ 219 → 223] he must be able to convince the apostolic see of this. [ 224 → 226] For this see is predominant, [ 226 → 229] and with it the faithful of the whole church should agree. [ 230 → 232] And the man who abandons the see of Peter [ 232 → 236] can only be falsely confident that he is in the church. [ 237 → 241] As a result, that man is already a schismatic and a sinner [ 241 → 246] who establishes a see in opposition to the unique see of the blessed Peter [ 246 → 250] from which the rites of sacred communion derive for all men. [ 251 → 255] And then the Pope quotes some historical testimony and concludes, [ 256 → 263] All these traditions dictate that whoever the Roman pontiff judges to be a schismatic [ 263 → 267] for not expressly admitting and reverencing his power, [ 267 → 270] must stop calling himself Catholic. [ 271 → 271] Unquote. [ 272 → 278] That's the encyclical Quartus Supra of Pius IX, paragraph 9. [ 278 → 285] So, the very idea of a Catholic identity conference against the Pope [ 285 → 287] is already impossible, [ 288 → 289] because submission to him, [ 290 → 293] not simply the idea of submission in the abstract, [ 293 → 295] but actual submission in the concrete, [ 295 → 297] is the ultimate, [ 297 → 299] ultimate criterion of Catholicism. [ 300 → 303] It is what guarantees your orthodoxy [ 303 → 306] and your proper integration into the mystical body. [ 307 → 309] That is the point of the papacy [ 309 → 312] as a visible divine institution. [ 313 → 315] That is why Christ established it. [ 316 → 321] God has attached to the papacy certain divine gifts and prerogatives [ 321 → 324] that cannot be thwarted by human effort. [ 325 → 327] If it were possible, [ 327 → 329] for the papacy to be overcome, [ 329 → 331] it would have failed a long time ago. [ 332 → 334] And that is why the enemies of the Church [ 334 → 337] had to install false popes, [ 337 → 338] after Pius XII, [ 339 → 341] to accomplish their nefarious deeds, [ 342 → 346] because it would have been impossible to do with true popes. [ 347 → 350] So, the idea of a Catholic identity [ 350 → 353] that rejects genuine submission to the Pope [ 353 → 355] is an inherent contradiction. [ 357 → 358] How, then, do the remnant [ 358 → 360] and the other semi-trade organizations [ 360 → 364] claim to have an authentic Catholic identity? [ 364 → 368] Why, adherence to tradition, of course. [ 369 → 373] But, tradition itself refutes them, [ 373 → 375] because it is tradition, [ 375 → 377] as Pius IX himself points out, [ 377 → 381] that requires the submission to the Pope, [ 381 → 385] which they're refusing to the man they recognize as the Pope. [ 387 → 389] And, in any case, [ 389 → 392] the final arbiter of tradition is the Pope, [ 392 → 394] not each individual believer. [ 395 → 398] You can't simply set yourself up as the final arbiter [ 398 → 399] against the Pope, [ 400 → 402] effectively overruling him. [ 402 → 405] But that, of course, is exactly what they're doing, [ 405 → 409] since they refuse to say that he's not a valid Pope. [ 410 → 414] Well, then, the following words of Pope St. Pius X [ 414 → 415] apply to them, [ 415 → 416] who warned against, [ 416 → 417] quote, [ 418 → 439] unquote. [ 446 → 451] Now, of course, one can certainly sympathize [ 451 → 454] with these recognize-and-resist traditionalists, [ 454 → 458] because, obviously, what Francis is doing is extremely bad. [ 459 → 460] It is harmful to souls. [ 461 → 462] It is anti-Catholic. [ 462 → 466] It is disgusting, blasphemous, heretical, and so on. [ 467 → 470] In short, it undermines faith, hope, and charity, [ 471 → 473] and leads people to eternal damnation. [ 474 → 476] So, of course, they're right, [ 476 → 478] to criticize him for all that. [ 478 → 480] The problem is not their disagreement [ 480 → 483] with what Jorge Bergoglio is teaching and doing. [ 484 → 487] The problem is that, in spite of it all, [ 487 → 490] they still cling to the absurd idea [ 490 → 493] that he is a true and valid Pope. [ 493 → 496] That totally undercuts their entire resistance [ 496 → 500] and puts them in a situation of doing precisely [ 500 → 504] what Catholic theology does not permit a Catholic to do. [ 505 → 506] And what the theologians, [ 506 → 508] what the theology of the papacy assures us [ 508 → 510] will never have to be done. [ 511 → 514] Withdraw yourself from submission to the Pope [ 514 → 517] in order to protect your soul from heresy [ 517 → 520] and other dangerous errors. [ 520 → 525] God himself guarantees that you will never have to become a schismatic [ 525 → 529] in order to keep from becoming a heretic. [ 531 → 535] Now, even though there were three bishops in attendance, [ 535 → 535] one of them, by the way, was a bishop, [ 535 → 537] one of them via video connection, [ 538 → 540] none of them is nor has ever been [ 540 → 544] a local ordinary governing a diocese. [ 544 → 546] Carlo Viganò was a nuncio, [ 546 → 549] a Vatican ambassador, before his retirement. [ 550 → 552] Anthony Spinoza, the core bishop, [ 552 → 556] is a kind of auxiliary in a Maronite eparchy [ 556 → 559] and currently rector of a basilica and shrine. [ 559 → 562] And he himself says that he has no jurisdiction. [ 563 → 564] And in fact, he's not even listed [ 564 → 567] at the Catholic Hierarchy website. [ 568 → 570] And Athanasius Schneider is likewise [ 570 → 572] only an auxiliary bishop. [ 573 → 577] So, out of the three, one is a retired diplomat, [ 578 → 580] another is a basilica and shrine rector, [ 580 → 584] and the third is an auxiliary in an almost irrelevant diocese. [ 585 → 588] I mean, compared to the global church at large. [ 589 → 592] The Archdiocese of Maria Santissima in Astana, [ 592 → 593] as it's called, [ 593 → 599] is only responsible for roughly 60,000 novus ordos. [ 599 → 601] That's 1.6%, [ 601 → 605] 1.6% of the total population [ 605 → 607] in the diocesan territory. [ 609 → 611] Now, why am I bringing this up? [ 612 → 615] It shouldn't matter what status a particular cleric has, [ 615 → 617] since that doesn't make him right or wrong [ 617 → 619] in his argumentation, right? [ 619 → 621] Of course, that is true. [ 621 → 624] But I'm raising this matter [ 624 → 626] in order to bring some much-needed perspective [ 626 → 628] to this event. [ 629 → 632] See, these resistance conferences look quite impressive [ 632 → 636] when there are several bishops listed as speakers, right? [ 636 → 639] That gives the whole event a certain additional layer [ 639 → 642] of perceived authority and legitimacy. [ 643 → 645] But in reality, when you look at this [ 645 → 649] from the perspective of the universal Vatican II Church, [ 650 → 651] these people are nobodies. [ 651 → 653] A retired nuncio, [ 654 → 656] an Eastern Rite shrine rector, [ 657 → 660] and an auxiliary bishop from a tiny diocese, [ 660 → 664] tiny in terms of the number of people being shepherded, [ 664 → 667] in the midst of the steppes of Central Asia. [ 668 → 671] Folks, in the entire Vatican II Church, [ 672 → 677] there are 5,610 bishops alive today. [ 678 → 679] Now, that includes all of them, [ 679 → 680] active, retired, [ 681 → 683] diocesan ordinaries, auxiliaries, [ 684 → 685] Latin Rite, Eastern Rite, [ 685 → 686] curial, post-librarian, [ 686 → 688] whatever you name it. [ 688 → 689] All of them. [ 690 → 693] And out of those 5,610, [ 694 → 696] they got three. [ 697 → 699] And not a single one of them [ 699 → 703] is an active or retired diocesan ordinary. [ 705 → 709] Yes, sometimes they get support from Joseph Strickland, [ 709 → 711] who actually is an active ordinary, [ 711 → 714] novus ordo bishop in Tyler, Texas. [ 714 → 716] But he's the only one. [ 717 → 719] And then there's Cardinal Raymond Burke, [ 720 → 722] but he's been retired since 2014. [ 723 → 726] And frankly, I don't know what his stance is anymore, [ 727 → 729] as far as resistance and all that. [ 729 → 733] Ever since he made a big deal about that fraternal correction [ 733 → 736] that he announced he was going to issue against Francis, [ 736 → 738] and then didn't follow through with, [ 739 → 741] he seems to have pretty much disappeared, [ 741 → 743] from everybody's radar. [ 744 → 745] On August 7th this year, [ 745 → 749] Burke preached a homily in Wisconsin, [ 749 → 753] in which he warned of an advancing apostasy in the church. [ 754 → 757] He just seemed to have some trouble identifying [ 757 → 761] the advanced apostate directing the whole thing. [ 762 → 762] It's unfortunate. [ 763 → 766] In any case, my point is that [ 766 → 770] what may look like this huge and significant resistance event [ 770 → 771] is, [ 771 → 772] in the end, [ 772 → 775] if you look at the total absolute numbers, [ 775 → 777] little more than chicken dust. [ 778 → 782] What is branded as some big Catholic identity conference [ 782 → 784] with tough resistance, [ 784 → 785] and, you know, [ 785 → 786] now we're going to show him and all that. [ 787 → 788] In the end, [ 788 → 790] it's little more than a pep rally [ 790 → 792] in which all the people in attendance [ 792 → 794] basically reassure each other [ 794 → 797] with various arguments and anecdotes and stunts [ 797 → 799] that they're on the right track, [ 799 → 801] no matter what Rome says. [ 801 → 804] Or what Sedevacantists say. [ 805 → 807] They're pretty much just preaching to the choir, though. [ 808 → 811] And the only media outlets even covering the conference [ 811 → 813] are their own, [ 813 → 815] and those that already agree with them. [ 815 → 816] You know, [ 816 → 818] Catholic Family News, [ 818 → 819] One Peter Five, [ 819 → 820] The Remnant, [ 820 → 821] LifeSite. [ 822 → 823] Oh, with one exception. [ 824 → 825] Ladies and gentlemen, [ 825 → 827] there was one exception to that. [ 827 → 830] Well, one that I'm aware of, that is. [ 830 → 832] And that is [ 832 → 833] The Pillar [ 833 → 836] at PillarCatholic.com [ 836 → 837] The same Pillar [ 837 → 839] that I quoted from earlier. [ 841 → 842] On September 30th, [ 842 → 844] the first day of the conference, [ 844 → 846] The Pillar published a news article [ 846 → 847] entitled [ 847 → 852] Papal Resistance Not Meant to Be a Protestant Revolution [ 852 → 854] Conference Organizer Claims. [ 855 → 860] Now, that article is absolutely worth a complete read. [ 860 → 862] And I've put the link in the show notes [ 862 → 863] for this Express Trapcast [ 863 → 865] because it is hilarious. [ 866 → 868] I'm going to quote from it some [ 868 → 870] because it is quite revealing. [ 870 → 873] See, The Pillar is a fairly new website [ 873 → 876] founded by two Novus Ordo canon lawyers, [ 876 → 878] J.D. Flynn and Ed Condon, [ 879 → 880] who are also journalists. [ 881 → 885] And they're definitely on the more conservative side of things, [ 885 → 886] but they're not traditionalists. [ 887 → 889] And they're very professional [ 889 → 890] in what they do. [ 890 → 892] Their reporting isn't biased [ 892 → 895] in favor of or against some agenda. [ 896 → 897] And so they approached [ 897 → 899] the Catholic Identity Conference [ 899 → 901] with the proper neutral journalistic attitude, [ 902 → 905] but of course asked some challenging questions. [ 905 → 907] And you'll see how that went [ 907 → 908] in just a moment. [ 908 → 910] But first, let me point out [ 910 → 912] that the Catholic Identity Conference [ 912 → 915] had published a press release [ 915 → 916] on September 22nd [ 916 → 918] in order to get the word out [ 918 → 920] and get some media attention. [ 920 → 923] Here is what that press release said. [ 923 → 924] Quote, [ 924 → 928] At 4.30 p.m. on Saturday, October 1st, [ 928 → 930] a press conference will take place [ 930 → 932] at the Catholic Identity Conference [ 932 → 935] in the Grand Ballroom of the Doubletree [ 935 → 936] by Hilton Hotel, Pittsburgh, [ 936 → 939] Greentree, 500 Mansfield Avenue. [ 940 → 943] Three prominent lay Catholic spokesmen [ 943 → 946] will present articles of charitable resistance [ 946 → 947] against the Vatican [ 947 → 950] and the pontificate of Pope Francis. [ 950 → 953] There will be three five-minute interventions, [ 954 → 956] each covering a different and separate aspect [ 956 → 958] of formal resistance [ 958 → 962] on behalf of practicing American Catholics. [ 963 → 964] Intervention one, [ 964 → 966] resistance to Pope Francis' [ 966 → 969] recent violation of natural justice, [ 970 → 971] Tradiciones Custodes, [ 972 → 974] which constitutes religious discrimination [ 974 → 976] against practicing Catholics. [ 977 → 978] Intervention two, [ 978 → 979] resistance based on [ 980 → 982] Francis' undermining of the Church's [ 982 → 984] established moral theology [ 984 → 987] on contraception and divorce, [ 987 → 988] Amoris Laetitia. [ 989 → 991] Intervention three, [ 991 → 994] resistance based on the Vatican endorsement [ 994 → 996] of the World Economic Forum agenda, [ 996 → 998] including climate change hysteria, [ 999 → 1001] as laid out in Laudato Si', [1001 → 1003] as well as the worldwide lockdown, [1003 → 1004] including of churches, [1005 → 1007] all of which constitute crimes [1007 → 1009] against God and humanity. [1010 → 1011] After the interventions, [1012 → 1014] there will be a 30-minute session [1014 → 1016] in which presenters will take questions [1016 → 1017] from members of the press. [1018 → 1021] CIC press credentials will be required. [1021 → 1023] Contact Tess Mullins to apply. [1024 → 1025] Unquote. [1026 → 1027] So, clearly, [1027 → 1029] they're making it sound pretty serious. [1030 → 1033] A press conference is going to put the world on notice [1033 → 1035] that this nonsense the Pope has been doing [1035 → 1037] will now be formally resisted. [1038 → 1040] Like, whatever that means. [1040 → 1043] So, the Pillar took this press release [1043 → 1046] at face value and decided to ask [1046 → 1047] some uncomfortable questions. [1048 → 1051] Let me read from their September 30th article, [1051 → 1053] which is pretty long, [1053 → 1054] so I can only pick out a few things, [1055 → 1057] and I'll be skipping around [1057 → 1058] to make this easier. [1058 → 1059] Listen to this. [1059 → 1060] Quote, [1060 → 1063] The director of an upcoming conference [1063 → 1065] of Catholic traditionalists said Thursday [1065 → 1069] that a plan to issue articles of resistance [1069 → 1070] against the Vatican and the Vatican itself [1070 → 1072] to Pope Francis is not meant to oppose [1072 → 1074] the pontiff directly, [1074 → 1077] while conceding that the provocative talk titles [1077 → 1079] used at the Catholic Identity Conference [1079 → 1082] help boost conference attendance. [1083 → 1086] So, it's not intended to be as combative [1086 → 1087] as it sounds. [1088 → 1090] Is it opposition to some of the Pope's policies? [1091 → 1092] I mean, absolutely, [1093 → 1095] but not to him as a person, [1095 → 1097] Frankovich, a West Virginia attorney, [1098 → 1099] told the Pillar. [1099 → 1100] While the Pillar is not intended to be [1100 → 1102] While the lawyer insisted that attendees [1102 → 1104] at the Catholic Identity Conference [1104 → 1105] are faithful Catholics, [1106 → 1109] he conceded that the idea of formal resistance [1109 → 1110] to the Pope, [1111 → 1113] as expressed by conference organizers [1113 → 1114] in a press release, [1114 → 1117] could seem to run counter to that idea. [1118 → 1120] And that's not the intention, he said. [1121 → 1123] I mean, I didn't write the press release, [1123 → 1125] but maybe it could have been worded better. [1126 → 1128] Maybe it should have been something like [1128 → 1130] opposition of the Pope's policies. [1130 → 1132] Unquote. [1132 → 1136] Okay, so we note that right off the bat, [1136 → 1139] the organizer is already dampening the tone, [1140 → 1142] saying he didn't write the press release. [1142 → 1144] Alrighty, but it gets better. [1145 → 1145] Quote, [1146 → 1148] Asked about a section of the press release [1148 → 1150] which accused the Pope of endorsing [1150 → 1154] crimes against God and humanity, [1154 → 1156] Frankovich distanced himself, [1156 → 1157] telling the Pillar, [1157 → 1159] I can't speak to that. [1159 → 1159] That's not. [1159 → 1161] That's not what I'll be talking about. [1162 → 1162] Unquote. [1163 → 1166] Okay, I guess we can just leave it at that. [1167 → 1169] Now, as regards the question [1169 → 1171] what the formal resistance [1171 → 1174] on behalf of practicing American Catholics [1174 → 1176] actually means, [1177 → 1179] the Pillar decided to ask the person [1179 → 1181] whose name appears on the press release [1181 → 1184] as the official contact person for the conference, [1185 → 1186] Ms. Tess Mullins. [1186 → 1187] Quote, [1187 → 1189] She said, [1189 → 1191] The articles of resistance [1191 → 1194] were meant to encourage bishops and the Pope [1194 → 1196] to continue allowing traditionalist Catholics [1196 → 1200] to worship using the extraordinary form of the Mass. [1201 → 1205] We're not advocating that anyone disobey or act out. [1206 → 1207] Definitely nothing aggressive. [1208 → 1210] We're not violent or anything like that. [1210 → 1213] Resistance just means, in this case, [1213 → 1214] that they're seeking to preserve [1214 → 1216] what's been handed down in the Church [1216 → 1218] to believe and protect [1218 → 1220] all the dogmas of faith [1220 → 1222] that we were taught to protect and defend. [1222 → 1224] That's pretty much it. [1224 → 1227] We just hope the extraordinary form can keep going. [1228 → 1230] We're hoping that the Vatican will hear us [1230 → 1233] and that the arguments are logical enough [1233 → 1236] to make them rethink Tradiciones Custodes, [1237 → 1239] Mullins told the Pillar. [1239 → 1240] Unquote. [1241 → 1245] All right, so apparently this formal resistance thing [1245 → 1248] is just them basically doing their own thing, [1248 → 1251] and hoping the Vatican will give them back [1251 → 1252] the traditional Mass [1252 → 1255] and listen to what they have to say. [1256 → 1256] Mm-hmm. [1257 → 1259] But it gets better still. [1260 → 1261] Quote, [1261 → 1263] After the press conference was announced, [1263 → 1266] organizers of the Catholic Identity Conference [1266 → 1268] seemed to have made some effort [1268 → 1272] to distance themselves from the formal resistance plan. [1272 → 1274] Mullins told the Pillar [1274 → 1276] that while the press conference would take place [1276 → 1278] during the Catholic Identity Conference, [1278 → 1281] appeared on the conference schedule [1281 → 1284] and had been announced on conference letterhead, [1285 → 1288] it was not actually a part of the conference. [1289 → 1290] And while Mullins used [1290 → 1293] a Catholic Identity Conference email address [1293 → 1296] offered to supply conference press credentials [1296 → 1298] and was identified to the Pillar [1298 → 1300] by the Catholic Identity Conference [1300 → 1302] as a conference spokesperson, [1303 → 1306] she insisted that she was not formally affiliated [1306 → 1307] with the conference, [1307 → 1308] and neither was she. [1308 → 1308] Neither was the [1308 → 1311] Articles of Resistance press conference. [1311 → 1312] Unquote. [1313 → 1315] I'm starting to get dizzy here, honestly. [1317 → 1320] Maybe we can go back to Eric Frankovich for a moment. [1321 → 1324] And I'm still reading from the same Pillar article. [1324 → 1324] Quote, [1325 → 1329] Frankovich said he thought the idea of resisting the Pope [1329 → 1331] had been largely misunderstood. [1332 → 1333] I want to tell you, [1333 → 1336] I think some of these terms get kind of misconstrued [1336 → 1337] and unintentionally stated, [1338 → 1340] so, the director explained. [1341 → 1342] Evoking Galatians 2, [1343 → 1346] Frankovich explained that St. Paul resisted St. Peter, [1347 → 1349] the first Pope, to his face [1349 → 1351] because he was clearly wrong. [1351 → 1352] Unquote. [1354 → 1357] Yeah, but St. Paul resisted St. Peter personally, [1358 → 1359] to his face. [1360 → 1361] And just moments ago, [1362 → 1363] Frankovich had said [1363 → 1366] that they're not resisting Francis as a person, [1366 → 1367] just some of his policies. [1368 → 1373] Oh, and as far as the question of heresy goes, [1373 → 1376] Frankovich also had some interesting comments on that. [1377 → 1377] Quote, [1378 → 1381] The lawyer said that while some speakers [1381 → 1383] at the Catholic Identity Conference [1383 → 1386] have said Pope Francis is not Catholic [1386 → 1389] or have accused the Pope of heresy, [1389 → 1392] that's not the attitude at all [1392 → 1396] in most diocesan and traditional order parishes. [1397 → 1397] Those, [1398 → 1399] who are accusing the Pope of heresy, [1399 → 1402] do not speak for most traditionalist Catholics, [1402 → 1403] Frankovich said, [1404 → 1405] even if they do speak [1405 → 1408] at the Catholic Identity Conference. [1409 → 1409] Unquote. [1410 → 1410] Ha ha. [1411 → 1413] And speak at the conference they do, [1414 → 1416] such as Athanasius Schneider [1416 → 1417] and John Henry Weston, [1417 → 1420] who both signed the September 16th [1421 → 1424] formal accusation of heresy [1424 → 1425] against Francis, [1426 → 1427] in which they rightly charge him [1427 → 1428] with denouncing, [1428 → 1429] and denying dogma [1429 → 1430] defined at the Council of Trent. [1432 → 1432] So, [1433 → 1434] this is all very puzzling, [1435 → 1435] if you ask me. [1436 → 1437] Resistance, yes, [1437 → 1439] but not against the Pope himself, [1439 → 1441] only against his policies. [1441 → 1442] And then only some of them, [1442 → 1445] just like St. Paul resisted St. Peter to his face. [1447 → 1448] And that resistance language [1448 → 1450] is kind of hyped up anyway [1450 → 1451] to get the Vatican's attention. [1452 → 1453] They don't quite mean it. [1454 → 1456] And although some of the conference speakers [1456 → 1457] accuse the Pope of heresy, [1458 → 1459] most other people [1459 → 1460] don't even agree with that. [1461 → 1462] And then each speaker [1462 → 1464] only speaks for himself anyway, [1464 → 1465] which is why the press conference, [1466 → 1468] that big, boldly announced highlight, [1469 → 1470] isn't even part of the event. [1471 → 1473] And the official press spokeswoman [1473 → 1474] isn't really affiliated [1474 → 1475] with the conference either. [1476 → 1478] She's just got a conference email address. [1482 → 1483] But in any case, [1483 → 1485] Frankovich clarified, [1485 → 1487] everyone there agrees [1487 → 1487] that, [1488 → 1489] Francis is the Pope. [1491 → 1493] So, let's not sweat it, folks. [1493 → 1495] We wouldn't want to be crazy [1495 → 1497] Sedevacanis now, would we? [1498 → 1500] I mean, why would anyone think [1500 → 1502] that the chaplain of the New World Order, [1503 → 1505] who outlaws the traditional Latin mass, [1506 → 1508] helps to push the globalist Great Reset, [1509 → 1511] encourages sodomites in their identity, [1512 → 1514] denies infallible Catholic dogma, [1514 → 1516] has repeatedly praised [1516 → 1518] an Italian abortion icon, [1518 → 1520] says that continual cohabitation [1520 → 1522] with one and the same person [1522 → 1523] is a real marriage, [1524 → 1526] teaches that God wills [1526 → 1528] a diversity of religions, [1528 → 1529] and so much more, [1530 → 1532] why would anyone think [1532 → 1534] that that man is perhaps not [1534 → 1536] the vicar of Christ [1536 → 1538] who keeps the gates of hell [1538 → 1539] from prevailing? [1539 → 1542] I mean, that would obviously be outrageous. [1545 → 1546] Now, I have to say [1546 → 1547] that my favorite part [1547 → 1547] in that whole thing is that I think it's a great part of the book. [1547 → 1550] That whole Pillar article is the following. [1551 → 1553] The Pillar asks Frankovich regarding [1553 → 1556] some of the talks that have rather provocative titles, [1557 → 1560] such as France's missionary genocide. [1561 → 1563] And his response is that, [1564 → 1566] yeah, these could have been phrased [1566 → 1567] a little bit more smoothly, [1568 → 1569] but that it's human nature [1569 → 1571] when people are frustrated. [1571 → 1573] They lash out, you know? [1573 → 1577] And then he says this, quote, [1577 → 1579] and I'll grant you, [1579 → 1581] maybe we should be a little more cautious [1581 → 1583] with some of the titles that we're doing. [1584 → 1586] I would grant you that some of it, [1586 → 1587] I hate to say this, [1587 → 1590] but, you know, some of it does generate [1590 → 1592] enthusiasm and attendance [1592 → 1594] of people, unquote. [1595 → 1596] Ah, so [1596 → 1597] that tough resistance talk [1597 → 1599] is more bark than bite. [1600 → 1601] It gets people fired up [1601 → 1603] and more conference tickets sold. [1604 → 1604] Good to know. [1605 → 1607] In any case, this article, [1607 → 1610] by the Pillar, was most enlightening [1610 → 1611] and I really encourage everyone [1611 → 1613] to read it in full. [1614 → 1616] On Facebook, Michael Matt called it [1616 → 1617] an attack piece, [1618 → 1619] but it's really not. [1619 → 1621] It's just coverage from journalists [1621 → 1623] who don't have a bias [1623 → 1625] in favor of what they're doing. [1626 → 1628] They asked some critical questions [1628 → 1630] and look at how quickly [1630 → 1631] the interlocutors started [1631 → 1633] backpedaling, relativizing. [1634 → 1636] Clearly, they were not prepared [1636 → 1637] for even the slightest, [1637 → 1640] challenge to their resistance [1640 → 1640] position. [1641 → 1643] Now, these three prominent [1643 → 1645] lay Catholic spokesmen [1645 → 1647] at that press conference were [1647 → 1650] Eric Frankovich, John Henry Weston, [1650 → 1651] and Michael Matt. [1651 → 1653] But honestly, folks, [1653 → 1656] outside of the choir to which they're [1656 → 1658] preaching, almost nobody [1658 → 1660] would know who these people [1660 → 1662] are. Now, you may [1662 → 1663] be familiar with them. [1663 → 1665] If you're into these topics and you frequent [1665 → 1667] conservative Novus Ordo or [1667 → 1669] semi-trad websites or even just [1669 → 1671] Novus Ordo watch, since we do talk about [1671 → 1674] them, but most [1674 → 1675] of the pew sitters in the Vatican [1675 → 1678] II Church wouldn't have a clue [1678 → 1680] as to who these three laymen are, [1680 → 1682] especially not Eric Frankovich, [1682 → 1684] whom even I had never heard of [1684 → 1684] before. [1685 → 1688] And I'm not trying to fault [1688 → 1688] them for this. [1689 → 1692] I'm really just trying to put things [1692 → 1694] into perspective by stating [1694 → 1695] a fact, a fact which [1695 → 1697] perhaps they are not quite so aware [1697 → 1700] of because they're always operating [1700 → 1701] within their bubbles. [1702 → 1704] What this press conference [1704 → 1705] ultimately amounted to [1705 → 1708] was three people who are [1708 → 1710] virtually unknown in the Novus Ordo [1710 → 1712] world, listing [1712 → 1713] some of Francis' outrageous [1713 → 1716] teachings and deeds, condemning [1716 → 1718] them, and announcing that [1718 → 1720] they won't follow him in those things. [1720 → 1722] Well, whoop-dee-doo. [1722 → 1723] What else is new? [1725 → 1726] On Facebook, [1727 → 1727] Michael Matt is [1727 → 1729] saying that this press conference was a [1729 → 1731] great success. Now, I have [1731 → 1733] no idea how he would [1733 → 1735] measure that. Obviously, [1736 → 1737] the people in attendance were [1737 → 1740] going to applaud because they already [1740 → 1741] agree with them anyway, [1742 → 1743] right? So else they wouldn't be [1743 → 1744] attending in the first place. [1746 → 1748] Now, just for comparison's [1748 → 1749] sake, to put some more perspective [1749 → 1751] into this, the cringy [1751 → 1754] Los Angeles Religious Education [1754 → 1755] Congress draws approximately [1756 → 1757] 40,000 [1757 → 1759] people every year. [1760 → 1761] Okay? I mean, that [1761 → 1764] event is uber-modernist [1764 → 1766] utopia, with crazy [1766 → 1768] inculturated liturgies and [1768 → 1769] speakers like James Martin [1769 → 1771] and Richard Rohr. [1771 → 1774] Okay? So just for comparison's sake, [1774 → 1776] I really don't know [1776 → 1778] what they think they'll accomplish with their [1778 → 1780] identity crisis conferences [1780 → 1782] other than provide mutual [1782 → 1783] comfort and support, basically. [1784 → 1786] At the same time, [1786 → 1787] let's not be too hard on them, [1787 → 1790] either. There is nothing they can [1790 → 1792] do. Not for as long [1792 → 1793] as they insist on recognizing [1793 → 1796] Francis as a true pope. [1796 → 1798] That is all the [1798 → 1799] recognition he needs, because [1799 → 1802] that is what gives him all his [1802 → 1803] perceived authority. [1803 → 1805] Whether they resist him or not, [1806 → 1808] or issue some declaration [1808 → 1809] defying his errors, even [1809 → 1812] to his face, folks, it simply [1812 → 1813] doesn't matter. [1814 → 1815] Bergoglio is not [1815 → 1817] going to lose any sleep over [1817 → 1819] it. If he's the [1819 → 1821] pope, he wins. [1822 → 1823] It's as simple as that. [1824 → 1825] That is how our blessed Lord [1825 → 1827] set up the Catholic Church. [1828 → 1829] And so that is actually [1829 → 1830] a good thing. [1831 → 1833] The problem is not [1833 → 1835] how the papacy works. [1835 → 1837] The problem is that [1837 → 1839] there is a usurper in Rome, [1840 → 1841] a man claiming to be [1841 → 1843] pope who isn't. [1844 → 1846] There is no way around [1846 → 1847] that conclusion. [1847 → 1849] And it is a necessary one [1849 → 1851] if you want to safeguard [1851 → 1853] your Catholic identity. [1854 → 1855] Tradcast Express [1855 → 1857] is a production of Novos Ordo [1857 → 1859] Watch. Check us out at [1859 → 1861] tradcast.org, and if [1861 → 1863] you like what we're doing, please consider [1863 → 1865] making a tax-deductible contribution [1865 → 1869] at novosordowatch.org [1869 → 1870] slash donate.