[ 0 → 4] TRADCAST EXPRESS [ 30 → 38] This past Sunday, June 25th, the false pope in Rome, Jorge Bergoglio, also known as Francis, [ 39 → 42] had a difficult task for his Angelus Address. [ 42 → 46] He had to give a catechetical reflection on the Gospel reading of the day, [ 47 → 51] and this time the passage was from the 10th chapter of St. Matthew, [ 51 → 58] where Christ speaks about not being afraid of those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul. [ 59 → 60] Instead, our Lord says, [ 60 → 70] The term our Lord used was Gehenna, a common biblical metaphor for hell. [ 71 → 75] Now, if you know anything about Pope Francis, [ 75 → 79] you know that that is a message that doesn't fly with him at all. [ 79 → 84] That's because it focuses on the supernatural life of the soul [ 84 → 87] and reminds us that our earthly life will have been in vain [ 87 → 90] if, in the end, we lose our soul, [ 90 → 90] and we don't have a soul to live in. [ 90 → 92] and spend eternity in hell. [ 92 → 97] Now, if there's one thing the papal pretender from Buenos Aires does not want to talk about, [ 98 → 100] it's the possibility of damnation. [ 101 → 104] Unless he needs some powerful words against the mafia, [ 104 → 108] then he suddenly remembers that people can go to hell. [ 109 → 115] Besides, it's rather difficult for him to fit his ideological talking points into that Gospel passage. [ 115 → 120] I mean, how do you twist what our Lord said into the Bergoglian agenda of... [ 120 → 125] Everyone's included, mercy, mercy, mercy, God never condemns, [ 126 → 129] and caresses migrants in soup kitchens. [ 130 → 130] Yeah? [ 130 → 132] Not an easy task. [ 132 → 134] But Francis did manage. [ 135 → 141] He did it by pretending that when our Lord contrasted the temporal life of the body [ 141 → 143] with the eternal life of the soul, [ 143 → 150] he meant to juxtapose a trivial temporal life with a meaningful temporal life. [ 150 → 154] Here is what the papal pretender said verbatim. [ 155 → 155] Quote, [ 156 → 161] Jesus speaks about Gehenna in order to say that the true fear we should have [ 161 → 165] is that of throwing away one's own life. [ 165 → 168] Jesus says, yes, be afraid of that. [ 169 → 172] It was like saying, you do not need so much to be afraid of suffering, [ 173 → 178] misunderstanding, and criticism of losing prestige and economic advantages [ 178 → 180] to remain faithful to the Gospel. [ 180 → 186] No, but of wasting your existence in the pursuit of trivial things [ 186 → 188] that do not fill life with meaning. [ 189 → 191] This is important for us today. [ 192 → 196] Even today, in fact, some are ridiculed or discriminated against [ 196 → 199] for not following certain fads, [ 199 → 203] which, however, place second-rate realities at the center. [ 203 → 207] For example, to follow after things instead of people, [ 208 → 210] achievement instead of relationship, [ 211 → 211] unquote. [ 212 → 213] Didn't you know that? [ 214 → 218] When Christ said not to be afraid of him who can kill the body, [ 218 → 221] but of him who can kill body and soul, [ 221 → 226] he really meant that we should follow after people instead of things [ 226 → 230] and worry about relationships rather than achievements. [ 231 → 236] Notice that there is nothing supernatural in that message at all. [ 237 → 240] Francis has completely neutralized the salutary, [ 240 → 241] voluntary warning of our Lord [ 241 → 246] and turned it into some generic, naturalist self-help lather [ 246 → 250] that might just as well have been offered by the Dalai Lama [ 250 → 255] and that has all the spiritual value of a Hallmark greeting card. [ 256 → 261] It is utterly amazing how this Jesuit theological shyster [ 261 → 263] can get away with that. [ 263 → 267] But then he also says that religious differences between people [ 267 → 270] are necessary and no one bats an eye. [ 270 → 273] By the way, ask yourself this. [ 273 → 276] Who would have an interest in keeping the truth [ 276 → 279] about the danger of hell away from souls? [ 280 → 282] Would it be our blessed Lord, [ 282 → 285] who suffered and died for souls precisely [ 285 → 287] so that they would not end up there? [ 288 → 292] And who himself warned of the reality of the danger of hell [ 292 → 294] throughout his earthly ministry? [ 294 → 296] Or would it be the devil, [ 296 → 300] who wants to see as many souls eternally damned, [ 300 → 301] as possible? [ 302 → 304] It's not all that difficult [ 304 → 308] to figure out whose vicar Francis really is. [ 309 → 312] All right, now on to Kennedy Hall. [ 313 → 315] We're continuing our critique of his video [ 315 → 318] Why I Am Not a Sedevacantist, [ 318 → 321] published May 26th, 2023. [ 322 → 325] We're at the four minute and seven second mark. [ 325 → 327] There are other ways to be a schismatic. [ 328 → 329] One of the ways to be a schismatic, [ 329 → 330] at least by definition, [ 330 → 332] and I'm not throwing this around loosely, [ 332 → 333] I'm just putting that out there. [ 333 → 335] But the other ways you could be a schismatic [ 335 → 338] are to reject having communion with your fellow Catholics. [ 338 → 340] And there are many sedes who will reject [ 340 → 344] the Catholicity or the Catholic status [ 344 → 346] of other baptized Catholics out of principle. [ 346 → 348] And that to me seems like a dangerous proposition. [ 348 → 351] And that's another conversation for another day. [ 351 → 353] All right, let me address this briefly. [ 354 → 357] Yes, schism can be committed in two ways. [ 357 → 360] By refusing to submit to the Roman pontiff, [ 360 → 364] but also by refusing to maintain communion [ 364 → 366] with other members of the church. [ 367 → 370] But here's the part Kennedy Hall didn't say. [ 371 → 372] And I don't think it was intentional. [ 372 → 375] I think it's just a nuance that escapes a lot of people. [ 376 → 378] We're talking about refusal of communion [ 378 → 381] with other members of the church [ 381 → 384] who are subject to the Roman pontiff. [ 384 → 386] And you can find that spelled out like that [ 386 → 389] in Canon 1325, [ 389 → 390] paragraph 13, [ 390 → 394] of the 1917 Code of Canon Law. [ 395 → 396] Because in fact, [ 397 → 400] that's part of the definition of church membership. [ 401 → 403] You cannot be a member of the Catholic Church [ 403 → 407] if you are not subject to the Roman pontiff. [ 407 → 409] But then we, Sedebacantus, [ 409 → 412] believe there currently is no Roman pontiff [ 412 → 414] to be subject to. [ 414 → 417] So you can see that this gets a little difficult. [ 417 → 420] And the accusation that Sedebacantus, [ 420 → 424] are guilty of refusing communion with other Catholics [ 424 → 427] is actually a case of begging the question. [ 427 → 430] Because it assumes that the institution headed by Francis [ 430 → 432] is the Catholic Church. [ 432 → 435] And it assumes that Francis is the Pope. [ 436 → 438] And it even assumes, in a way, [ 438 → 440] that the Recognize and Resist Trads, [ 440 → 441] like Kennedy Hall, [ 441 → 444] are actually subject to him. [ 444 → 446] Which they're really not. [ 446 → 450] But you can see that this gets really messy really quickly. [ 450 → 453] And I don't want to elaborate on this any further now. [ 453 → 457] But I think it's clear that this is not an argument [ 457 → 459] that's going to help Kennedy Hall. [ 460 → 464] Let's continue at the 6 minute 29 second mark. [ 464 → 468] So there are some Sedebacantus who are real strong intellectuals. [ 469 → 473] And my reasons for not submitting to the Sedebacantus thesis [ 473 → 475] or one of the Sedebacantus thesis [ 475 → 478] doesn't really actually have that much to do [ 478 → 480] with the issue of the Roman pontiff. [ 480 → 482] It has to do with the intellectual side. [ 482 → 484] As we'll talk about, it has more to do with the behavior [ 484 → 489] of many prominent figures in the Sedebacantus movement. [ 489 → 490] But not with the intellectual side. [ 491 → 492] Because if I'm being honest, [ 493 → 497] there are very strong arguments for Sedebacantism. [ 498 → 500] Okay, he kind of lost me there. [ 500 → 502] So he publishes a video entitled [ 502 → 505] Why I'm Not a Sedebacantist. [ 505 → 507] And after a few minutes of talking, [ 507 → 510] he reveals that he agrees that Sedebacantus [ 510 → 510] is a Christian. [ 510 → 512] And that Sedebacantism is pretty reasonable. [ 512 → 515] But his chief reason for not wanting to embrace it [ 515 → 518] is how some Sedebacantists act. [ 519 → 520] Supposedly. [ 521 → 523] Now look, Kennedy Hall is not a dummy. [ 524 → 525] He's smart enough to know [ 525 → 527] that that is a fallacious argument. [ 527 → 530] And he would never accept that excuse, [ 530 → 532] for example, from a Baptist who says, [ 532 → 534] you know, I think the case for Catholicism [ 535 → 536] is really strong, [ 536 → 539] but all the Catholics I've encountered, [ 539 → 540] man, I don't like. [ 540 → 541] How they acted. [ 541 → 544] So for me, Catholicism is just not an option. [ 545 → 546] Nonsense. [ 547 → 550] Anyway, let's fast forward to [ 550 → 552] seven minutes and 54 seconds. [ 553 → 554] My main reason, I should say, [ 555 → 558] for rejecting Sedebacantism, [ 558 → 560] as I said, is not intellectual. [ 560 → 563] It's behavioral and almost a gut reaction. [ 563 → 565] And maybe people won't think that's very sophisticated. [ 565 → 566] Well, I am not that sophisticated. [ 566 → 567] Look at my beard. [ 567 → 569] It looks like it needs a weed whacker. [ 569 → 570] Yeah, no. [ 570 → 571] No, no, no, no, no. [ 571 → 572] Sorry, Kennedy. [ 572 → 575] I cannot let you get away with that. [ 575 → 580] You just wrote and published a 217-page book [ 580 → 583] about the Society of St. Pius X, [ 583 → 586] addressing every SSPX-related issue, [ 587 → 589] such as schism, excommunication, [ 589 → 591] supply jurisdiction, [ 591 → 594] irregular canonical status, etc., etc., [ 594 → 597] even presuming to disagree [ 597 → 598] with the decrees and decisions [ 598 → 600] made by the Vatican. [ 600 → 601] about this. [ 601 → 604] Do not now, when it's convenient, [ 604 → 605] play the, [ 605 → 607] oh, well, I'm just some bumpkin [ 607 → 608] with a webcam argument. [ 609 → 610] No. [ 610 → 612] If you're just some simpleton [ 612 → 613] who's entitled to go by his gut [ 613 → 615] rather than by his intellect, [ 616 → 617] then you have no business [ 617 → 620] writing a book defending the SSPX. [ 621 → 623] You can't have it both ways. [ 624 → 625] All right. [ 625 → 627] We'll skip the beard oil commercial [ 627 → 630] and also some of the fluff [ 630 → 630] that, you know, [ 630 → 633] Hall offers until we finally hear something [ 633 → 635] somewhat resembling an argument. [ 636 → 639] And so we're now at the 13-minute [ 639 → 641] and 41-second mark. [ 641 → 642] I've started to notice [ 642 → 644] extremely similar critiques [ 644 → 646] from a lot of the Sedevacantist [ 646 → 647] talking heads. [ 648 → 649] And I've started to ask myself [ 649 → 650] why that is. [ 651 → 653] Because it's sort of a litmus test for me. [ 653 → 655] When someone is vehemently [ 655 → 657] against Archbishop Lefebvre [ 657 → 658] and against the Society of St. Pius X [ 658 → 659] and spends a lot of time [ 659 → 660] going after it, [ 660 → 661] traditional Catholics [ 661 → 662] that support the SSPX, [ 662 → 664] I find that very telling that, [ 665 → 665] in my opinion, [ 666 → 668] someone is just really off [ 668 → 669] about Catholicism. [ 670 → 671] Now, don't confuse my meaning. [ 671 → 672] I'm not saying that [ 672 → 673] if you are not someone [ 673 → 675] who knows a lot about the SSPX, [ 675 → 676] you're not a good Catholic. [ 676 → 677] I'm not saying anything of the sort. [ 677 → 678] I'm just saying for me, [ 678 → 680] in this time that we're in, [ 680 → 680] in 2023, [ 681 → 682] living through this crisis in the church, [ 682 → 683] it just seems like [ 683 → 685] one of the dumbest things to do [ 685 → 687] for people to spend time [ 687 → 688] going after the SSPX. [ 688 → 688] All right. [ 689 → 690] Notice how this is [ 690 → 692] a completely subjective argument. [ 693 → 694] Several times he says, [ 695 → 696] for me, for me. [ 697 → 698] Well, excuse me, [ 698 → 700] but you're not the standard [ 700 → 701] of Catholicism, [ 702 → 703] nor am I. [ 703 → 705] So he, for him, [ 705 → 707] likes Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. [ 708 → 710] Okay, but that's just he, right? [ 711 → 712] Do others get to choose [ 712 → 713] their own standards too? [ 714 → 716] I mean, maybe some like [ 716 → 718] Blaise Cupich or Kevin Farrell, [ 718 → 720] or how about, [ 720 → 722] hey, how about Pope Francis? [ 723 → 726] The latter would actually make sense [ 726 → 727] if you claim he's the Pope. [ 728 → 730] But no, Kennedy Hall [ 730 → 731] has his own standard. [ 731 → 732] Archbishop Lefebvre, [ 733 → 734] Society of St. Pius X. [ 736 → 738] Okay, so then Hall goes on [ 738 → 739] to talk at some length [ 739 → 741] about how even if you think [ 741 → 743] the SSPX is problematic, [ 743 → 745] well, there are many other problems [ 745 → 747] in the church that are much worse [ 747 → 749] and more acute than the SSPX. [ 750 → 751] And yeah, that's true. [ 751 → 753] If you believe Francis is the Pope [ 753 → 754] and the modernist sect [ 754 → 756] is the Catholic Church. [ 756 → 757] Because obviously, [ 757 → 759] if the vicar of Christ [ 759 → 761] tells Buddhists to keep following [ 761 → 762] their master Buddha, [ 763 → 765] if he teaches that [ 765 → 767] God wills false religions [ 767 → 769] as an enrichment for humanity [ 769 → 771] and continually says [ 771 → 773] that Protestants and Orthodox [ 773 → 776] are part of the mystical body of Christ [ 776 → 778] and have a mission from God, [ 779 → 780] if the Vatican, [ 780 → 781] if the Vatican congratulates Hindus [ 781 → 784] on their Feast of Diwali every year [ 784 → 787] and celebrates Hanukkah with Jews, [ 787 → 790] if the church is being overrun [ 790 → 791] by the sodomite lobby [ 791 → 793] and the only thing the Pope [ 793 → 794] really fights against [ 794 → 796] is the traditional Latin Mass, [ 796 → 798] then yeah, who cares [ 798 → 800] if the SSPX has an irregular [ 800 → 801] canonical status. [ 802 → 803] That's true. [ 804 → 806] But then nothing else [ 806 → 807] really matters either. [ 807 → 810] If Francis is a true Pope, [ 810 → 812] and the Novus Ordo Church [ 812 → 813] is the Catholic Church, [ 813 → 815] then what does any of it matter? [ 815 → 816] In fact, [ 816 → 818] then you might as well be [ 818 → 819] a Sede Vacantist, [ 819 → 820] because then that [ 820 → 822] won't matter either. [ 823 → 825] Let's go to the 16 minute, [ 825 → 827] 42 second mark. [ 827 → 828] So when I see people [ 828 → 829] spending their energy [ 829 → 832] going after the Society of St. Pius X, [ 832 → 833] to be honest, [ 833 → 836] I just have to give my head a shake. [ 836 → 837] And I realize [ 840 → 841] of all the things, [ 841 → 843] if somebody is going to spend [ 843 → 845] their energy going after the SSPX [ 845 → 846] and Archbishop Lefebvre [ 846 → 847] in 2023, [ 848 → 849] with everything that has transpired [ 849 → 850] and all that is going on, [ 851 → 853] it's very hard for me to believe [ 853 → 854] that those involved [ 854 → 856] really do care about souls. [ 856 → 858] Oh, so he's saying this [ 858 → 859] about Sede Vacantists. [ 860 → 862] He's upset and cannot understand [ 862 → 864] why with all the garbage [ 864 → 865] that's going on in the new church, [ 866 → 870] Sede Vacantists would go after the SSPX. [ 870 → 872] Okay, well, let me answer that. [ 873 → 874] The short answer is [ 874 → 876] because the SSPX [ 876 → 878] is false traditionalism. [ 880 → 881] The Society of St. Pius X [ 881 → 882] presents itself [ 882 → 884] as the orthodox solution [ 884 → 886] when in fact it is [ 886 → 888] just another movement [ 888 → 890] that, wittingly or not, [ 890 → 893] undermines traditional Catholicism. [ 894 → 896] Even if Hall disagrees, [ 896 → 898] this is not difficult to understand. [ 899 → 900] If we're going to [ 900 → 901] If we care about truth [ 901 → 903] and want to save souls, [ 903 → 905] then obviously we have to oppose [ 905 → 907] any and all error, [ 907 → 909] not just modernism. [ 910 → 911] In fact, a false opposition, [ 912 → 913] a false alternative [ 913 → 915] that presents itself [ 915 → 916] as the orthodox solution [ 916 → 919] is in some sense even more dangerous [ 919 → 920] than the open apostasy [ 920 → 922] of the Novus Ordo. [ 922 → 923] Don't misunderstand. [ 924 → 926] This has nothing to do [ 926 → 927] with judging people [ 927 → 929] or being mean [ 929 → 930] or anything like that. [ 930 → 932] We totally understand [ 932 → 933] that there are many good souls [ 933 → 935] in the SSPX [ 935 → 936] who are just trying to do their best [ 936 → 938] to escape the madness [ 938 → 940] and do God's will [ 940 → 941] and raise good families. [ 941 → 943] That's perfectly understood. [ 944 → 947] But that doesn't make the SSPX right. [ 947 → 948] And it doesn't mean [ 948 → 950] that those souls are not in danger, [ 951 → 952] at least objectively speaking. [ 953 → 955] We'll leave the subjective to God. [ 956 → 959] The SSPX, regardless of intentions, [ 959 → 960] tends to be a little bit more [ 960 → 960] divisive than the SSPX. [ 960 → 961] It teaches people [ 961 → 963] a seriously distorted ecclesiology. [ 964 → 965] It misleads people [ 965 → 967] regarding the church and the papacy. [ 968 → 969] And it sets itself up [ 969 → 970] as the final arbiter [ 970 → 972] of doctrine and liturgy [ 972 → 974] and effectively presumes [ 974 → 976] to overrule the judgments [ 976 → 978] of the supposed Holy See. [ 978 → 980] To mention just a few things. [ 981 → 984] Read the 1873 encyclical [ 984 → 985] Quartus Supra [ 985 → 986] of Pope Pius IX [ 986 → 989] and see how many errors [ 989 → 990] Pius IX has made. [ 990 → 991] Pius IX condemns in that text [ 991 → 994] that are almost verbatim [ 994 → 995] the same errors held [ 995 → 997] and promoted today [ 997 → 998] by the Lefebvrists, [ 998 → 1000] by the SSPX. [1001 → 1002] Kennedy Hall's argument [1002 → 1003] only works [1003 → 1005] if the SSPX position [1005 → 1007] is a perfectly legitimate [1007 → 1009] and orthodox alternative [1009 → 1011] alongside Sedevacantism. [1012 → 1013] But that's not the case. [1015 → 1016] And so Hall is upset [1016 → 1017] that Sedevacantists [1017 → 1018] would spend so much time [1018 → 1019] and effort [1019 → 1019] arguing that the SSPX position [1019 → 1021] arguing against [1021 → 1022] the Society of St. Pius X [1022 → 1025] because he has not understood [1025 → 1027] how serious the differences [1027 → 1029] between Lefebvrism [1029 → 1030] and Sedevacantism are. [1031 → 1033] They're not two flavors [1033 → 1034] of the same thing. [1035 → 1037] They're two very different things [1037 → 1038] even if externally [1038 → 1040] they resemble one another [1040 → 1041] to an extent. [1042 → 1045] Alright, next let's go to [1045 → 1047] 17 minutes and 48 seconds. [1048 → 1049] At a certain point [1049 → 1051] whether we're looking [1051 → 1052] at canon law [1052 → 1053] or church history [1053 → 1053] or whatever [1053 → 1056] we do need to put down [1056 → 1056] our textbooks [1056 → 1059] put down our Wikipedia [1059 → 1061] put down our whatever [1061 → 1061] for a moment [1061 → 1064] and realize that we are Catholics [1064 → 1066] and if we are attending [1066 → 1067] valid sacraments [1067 → 1068] and we are living [1068 → 1069] in a state of grace [1069 → 1071] then we can ask [1071 → 1072] for the Holy Ghost [1072 → 1073] to guide us [1073 → 1074] in our lives. [1075 → 1076] And if that's the case [1076 → 1077] we should see some fruits [1077 → 1078] of that sort of thing. [1079 → 1081] And the fact that [1081 → 1081] so many Sedes [1081 → 1082] spend their time [1082 → 1084] really going after [1084 → 1086] a lot of other [1086 → 1086] traditional Catholics [1086 → 1087] to me [1087 → 1089] I just don't see good fruits. [1090 → 1091] Maybe that's not a very [1091 → 1092] sophisticated argument [1092 → 1093] but I just don't see it. [1093 → 1095] Alright, so like I said [1095 → 1096] this only works [1096 → 1098] if you already agree [1098 → 1099] with Kennedy Hall [1099 → 1101] that the SSPX [1101 → 1102] is a legitimate [1102 → 1104] and perfectly orthodox [1104 → 1106] option for a Catholic. [1106 → 1108] But that's not an effective [1108 → 1109] argument against [1109 → 1110] Sedevacantism [1110 → 1112] since from the very outset [1112 → 1113] it already assumes [1113 → 1115] as true [1115 → 1116] the very thing [1116 → 1117] that Sedevacantists dispute. [1118 → 1120] So Hall is really [1120 → 1121] not making sense. [1121 → 1122] He's saying [1122 → 1124] oh look at these [1124 → 1125] bad fruits. [1125 → 1127] But he's labeling [1127 → 1128] as bad fruits [1128 → 1129] things that are [1129 → 1130] only bad fruits [1130 → 1131] if Sedevacantists [1131 → 1132] are wrong [1132 → 1133] and the SSPX [1133 → 1134] is right. [1135 → 1136] In other words [1136 → 1137] if Sedevacantists [1137 → 1138] are right [1138 → 1139] and the SSPX [1139 → 1140] position is in fact [1140 → 1142] a false alternative [1142 → 1143] a collection of [1143 → 1144] dangerous errors [1144 → 1145] about the church [1145 → 1146] and the papacy [1146 → 1148] then what he's denouncing [1148 → 1149] as bad fruits [1149 → 1151] are really not [1151 → 1152] bad fruits at all [1152 → 1153] but good fruits. [1154 → 1155] And as far as [1155 → 1156] valid sacraments go [1156 → 1158] you know the SSPX [1158 → 1159] has some priests [1159 → 1160] in its ranks [1160 → 1161] that were ordained [1161 → 1162] in the Novel Sordo [1162 → 1164] and were not [1164 → 1165] conditionally reordained. [1166 → 1167] Now that's [1167 → 1168] invalid masses [1168 → 1169] and [1169 → 1169] and invalid [1169 → 1170] absolutions. [1172 → 1172] Furthermore [1172 → 1173] thanks to the [1173 → 1174] Novel Sordo [1174 → 1175] Bishop Vitas Wander [1175 → 1177] the SSPX [1177 → 1178] now also has [1178 → 1180] invalid holy oils [1180 → 1181] somewhere in Europe [1181 → 1182] certainly in Germany [1182 → 1184] and possibly elsewhere [1184 → 1186] and that means [1186 → 1188] invalid last rites [1188 → 1190] and invalid confirmations [1190 → 1191] where those oils [1191 → 1192] are used. [1193 → 1194] Folks the matter [1194 → 1195] is serious. [1196 → 1196] Okay [1196 → 1198] last soundbite now [1198 → 1199] 19 minutes [1199 → 1201] and 39 seconds. [1201 → 1202] As I've released [1202 → 1202] this book [1202 → 1204] my book on Marcel Lefebvre [1204 → 1204] oops [1204 → 1205] which you can find [1205 → 1206] in the description [1206 → 1206] to this video [1206 → 1208] and seeing the energy [1208 → 1209] spent by both [1209 → 1210] sort of the leftists [1210 → 1211] in the conservative [1211 → 1212] Catholic movement [1212 → 1213] and the say days [1213 → 1215] in the sort of [1215 → 1215] fringe traditional [1215 → 1216] Catholic movement [1216 → 1217] I realized [1217 → 1218] they're basically [1218 → 1219] in so many ways [1219 → 1221] two sides of the same coin [1221 → 1222] and I just don't really [1222 → 1223] want any part of it. [1223 → 1223] You know [1223 → 1224] this is really [1224 → 1225] not terribly sophisticated. [1226 → 1227] Oh look [1227 → 1228] the conservative [1228 → 1229] Novoselic [1229 → 1230] Ordos are attacking [1230 → 1231] the SSPX [1231 → 1232] and the Sedevacantists [1232 → 1233] are attacking [1233 → 1234] the SSPX. [1235 → 1235] See [1235 → 1236] they're the same. [1237 → 1238] I mean this is [1238 → 1240] kindergarten argumentation [1240 → 1241] guilt by association. [1242 → 1243] The reason [1243 → 1244] why there is [1244 → 1245] this overlap [1245 → 1246] is actually [1246 → 1247] quite simple. [1248 → 1249] Both conservative [1249 → 1250] Novoselic [1250 → 1250] Ordos [1250 → 1252] and Sedevacantists [1252 → 1253] share [1253 → 1254] the pre-Vatican [1254 → 1255] II understanding [1255 → 1256] of the required [1256 → 1257] submission [1257 → 1258] to the Pope. [1259 → 1260] And so [1260 → 1261] both sides [1261 → 1262] here recognize [1262 → 1263] that the SSPX [1263 → 1264] has not retained [1264 → 1265] that understanding [1265 → 1267] but distorts it [1267 → 1268] because otherwise [1268 → 1269] it would either [1269 → 1270] have to follow [1270 → 1271] Francis in his errors [1271 → 1273] and embrace [1273 → 1274] his heretical [1274 → 1275] magisterium [1275 → 1276] or else say [1276 → 1277] that Francis [1277 → 1278] is not the Pope. [1279 → 1279] That's all [1279 → 1280] that's going on here. [1282 → 1282] All right [1282 → 1283] with that [1283 → 1285] we have completed [1285 → 1285] our critique [1285 → 1287] of Kennedy Hall's [1287 → 1287] video [1287 → 1289] Why I Am Not [1289 → 1290] a Sedevacantist [1290 → 1292] and I would say [1292 → 1292] in summary [1292 → 1293] that [1293 → 1294] I'm sorry [1294 → 1295] but it's a pretty [1295 → 1296] useless clip [1296 → 1297] in my opinion. [1297 → 1298] 20 minutes [1298 → 1300] of wasted time. [1300 → 1301] The argumentation [1301 → 1302] is very subjective [1302 → 1304] it's not convincing [1304 → 1305] and it reveals [1305 → 1306] a number of [1306 → 1307] significant flaws [1307 → 1308] in reasoning. [1309 → 1310] But then [1310 → 1311] that is bound [1311 → 1311] to happen [1311 → 1312] when you approach [1312 → 1314] theological topics [1314 → 1315] with your gut [1315 → 1316] more than [1316 → 1316] with your mind. [1317 → 1318] Tradcast Express [1318 → 1319] is a production [1319 → 1321] of Novus Ordo Watch. [1321 → 1322] Check us out [1322 → 1323] at Tradcast.org [1323 → 1324] and if you like [1324 → 1325] what we're doing [1325 → 1326] please consider [1326 → 1327] making a tax-deductible [1327 → 1328] contribution [1328 → 1329] at [1329 → 1331] NovusOrdoWatch.org [1331 → 1331] slash [1331 → 1332] donate.