[ 0 → 15] Tradcast Express, it's Friday, September 8th, 2023. [ 16 → 21] In less than a month, the great Synod on Synodality will open in the Vatican. [ 22 → 28] And some people in the conservative Novos Ordo and traditionalist Recognize and Resist camps [ 28 → 35] are warning that Pope Francis is about to create a different church. [ 36 → 41] And not without reason, in his 2021 opening address for the Synodal Process, [ 42 → 47] yes, this bureaucratic Synod on Synodality has been in the making for two years now, [ 48 → 50] Francis said this, [ 50 → 51] Quote, [ 51 → 55] Father Yves Congar, of blessed memory, once said, [ 55 → 57] There is no need to create a nobility. [ 58 → 61] There is no need to create another church, but to create a different church. [ 61 → 62] That is the challenge. [ 63 → 68] For a different church, a church open to the newness that God wants to suggest, [ 69 → 75] let us with greater fervor and frequency invoke the Holy Spirit and humbly listen to him, [ 76 → 80] journeying together as he, the source of communion and mission, desires, [ 81 → 83] with docility and courage. [ 84 → 84] Unquote. [ 84 → 87] A few days ago, on September 4th, [ 88 → 92] the Remnant's Robert Morrison published an article entitled, [ 93 → 99] Now that Francis has created Congar's different church, can we stop calling it Catholic? [ 100 → 107] Now, it puzzles me when people are acting as if that different church hadn't long come into being already, [ 108 → 114] specifically at the Second Vatican Council, which met from 1962 until 1965. [ 115 → 117] Vatican II even changed the date. [ 118 → 122] They changed the definition of the church and introduced a new ecclesiology. [ 123 → 130] Whereas Pope Pius XII had taught in his encyclical Mystici Corporis of 1943 [ 130 → 136] that the mystical body of Christ is the Catholic Church, in Latin, est, [ 137 → 142] and seven years later again emphasized in his encyclical Humani Generis [ 142 → 147] that the mystical body of Christ and the Roman Catholic Church are one and the same thing. [ 148 → 153] Vatican II instead taught in Lumen Gentium No. 8 [ 153 → 154] that the, quote, [ 154 → 160] one church of Christ, constituted and organized in the world as a society, [ 161 → 163] subsists in the Catholic Church, [ 164 → 171] although many elements of sanctification and of truth are found outside of its visible structure. [ 172 → 172] Unquote. [ 173 → 176] And if you thought that that difference is not significant, [ 177 → 177] well, [ 177 → 181] you have decades of ecumenism to prove you wrong. [ 182 → 187] In fact, it was none other than the late Joseph Ratzinger, [ 187 → 189] also known as Benedict XVI, [ 189 → 194] who, in his role as prefect of the Congregation for the Destruction of the Faith, [ 194 → 195] under John Paul II, [ 196 → 202] confirmed that the Council's teaching differs from the prior teaching of Pope Pius XII. [ 203 → 207] In 2001, Ratzinger wrote in the Vatican's in-house newspaper, [ 207 → 208] quote, [ 209 → 213] And he's talking about the subsists in, [ 214 → 215] subsistit in, in Latin. [ 216 → 221] With this expression, the Council differs from the formula of Pius XII, [ 221 → 224] who said in his encyclical Mystici Corporis Christi, [ 225 → 230] the Catholic Church is, est, the one mystical body of Christ. [ 230 → 235] The difference between subsistit and est conceals within itself [ 235 → 237] the whole ecumenical system. [ 237 → 256] The theoretical and practical consequences of this change in theology [ 256 → 261] are visible in the ecumenism the Vatican II Church has taught and legislated [ 261 → 265] in its official magisterial documents since the Council. [ 266 → 267] None of these changes are visible in the ecumenism the Vatican II Church has taught and legislated in its official magisterial documents since the Council. [ 267 → 269] None of these fake authorities in the Vatican today [ 269 → 274] believe or teach that the only religious unity that is possible, [ 274 → 276] according to Catholic doctrine, [ 276 → 281] is that of all non-Catholics converting to Catholicism, [ 281 → 285] so that soon there may be but one flock and one shepherd, [ 286 → 290] as Pope Pius XI put it in his prayer for the consecration of the human race [ 290 → 292] to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. [ 293 → 297] That teaching has long been rejected by the modern church, [ 297 → 303] and it's clear that present-day ecumenism would not be possible [ 303 → 307] if the Vatican claimed that only the Catholic religion is true [ 307 → 310] and therefore all must convert to it. [ 311 → 315] How much of a difference there is between the traditional Catholic doctrine [ 315 → 318] and the new teaching since Vatican II [ 318 → 323] can be seen, for example, in what Pope Francis said [ 323 → 325] to a delegation of Lutherans from Finland [ 325 → 326] on January 1, 1936, [ 327 → 329] and January 17, 2020. [ 330 → 334] He quoted approvingly from a report on Catholic-Lutheran dialogue [ 334 → 337] that speaks of Catholics and Lutherans as [ 337 → 349] Just keep that in mind, for next time some Novus Ordo apologist tells you [ 349 → 353] that Sedevacantists are just a bunch of heretics and schismatics. [ 353 → 356] But there's more. [ 357 → 360] Even from just today, when the Vatican held a press conference [ 360 → 363] to talk about the ecumenical prayer vigil [ 363 → 367] that will be held September 30th on the eve of the Synod. [ 368 → 369] When you read the transcript of that, [ 370 → 373] it becomes very clear that these supposed Catholics [ 373 → 377] believe that all the baptized are the people of God, [ 377 → 381] regardless of their beliefs or denominational affiliation. [ 383 → 386] There. There is your new church. [ 386 → 387] There. There is your new church. [ 387 → 388] It's not the Synodal Church, though. [ 388 → 392] It's the Vatican II Church, the Conciliar Church. [ 393 → 398] It was the false Pope Paul VI who referred to the Church of Vatican II [ 398 → 404] as the Conciliar Church as far back as March 8, 1966, [ 405 → 407] just three months after the Council closed. [ 408 → 410] In an address to Laity, he said, [ 410 → 416] For it is not a matter merely of collecting and spreading the Council's teachings, [ 416 → 421] but of transforming oneself into the image of the Conciliar Church, [ 422 → 426] renewed in its prayer, in the expression of its faith and its hope, [ 427 → 432] and in the clarity of its dialogue with all Christians and all men." [ 432 → 435] And wouldn't you know it? [ 436 → 440] Robert Morrison's article of August 29th, 2023, [ 441 → 445] the one immediately preceding the one about Congar's different church, [ 445 → 446] has, [ 446 → 455] So then, why all the fuss about this different church or new church [ 455 → 458] that Francis is supposedly about to create? [ 459 → 463] The new church has been around since the 1960s. [ 464 → 468] Granted, it's quite possible that Francis wants to kick things up a notch [ 468 → 471] and create a yet more different church, so to speak, [ 471 → 475] but it won't be a transition from Catholic Church [ 475 → 476] to Synodal Church. [ 476 → 480] But merely from Conciliar Church to Synodal Church. [ 480 → 482] So, who cares? [ 483 → 489] Now, as regards Robert Morrison and the Remnant and those who agree with them, [ 489 → 492] I want to tell these recognize-and-resist traditionalists [ 492 → 497] that they themselves are contributing to the idea of a different church, [ 498 → 501] a false church, with their erroneous position. [ 501 → 503] Because, according to them, [ 503 → 506] the Catholic Church is a church, [ 506 → 508] in which the Pope can be an apostate. [ 508 → 510] He can teach heresy and other errors. [ 510 → 512] He can canonize false saints. [ 513 → 516] He can legislate evil and harmful disciplinary laws. [ 516 → 520] He can issue defective and harmful sacramental rites. [ 520 → 522] He can even cripple the Catholic Mass [ 522 → 525] and reduce it to a Protestant supper service. [ 526 → 530] Most of all, according to the recognize-and-resist trads, [ 530 → 532] the Pope can teach something [ 532 → 534] that not only doesn't have to be accepted [ 534 → 536] by the faithful, [ 536 → 538] but may even have to be rejected [ 538 → 543] and effectively overruled by self-styled Orthodox Catholics [ 543 → 548] who publish articles and videos against him and his teachings. [ 548 → 551] In order to know the real Catholic doctrine, [ 551 → 554] according to the recognize-and-resist trads, [ 554 → 558] you cannot go by the Holy See's official acts and pronouncements. [ 558 → 562] No, you have to subscribe to a newspaper in Minnesota [ 562 → 564] or a YouTube channel in Texas. [ 564 → 565] It's rather odd. [ 566 → 569] They even go so far as to host every year [ 569 → 572] what they call a Catholic Identity Conference. [ 573 → 575] In fact, it's coming up at the end of this month again [ 575 → 576] here in the United States. [ 577 → 579] It's a conference that does not, of course, [ 579 → 582] have the backing of the local Novus Ordo bishop [ 582 → 585] and is nothing but a private event, essentially, [ 585 → 589] that simply considers itself faithfully Catholic. [ 591 → 593] Now, everything I've said here [ 593 → 595] is not meant as a judgment [ 595 → 596] on any particular Catholic faith. [ 596 → 597] It's not meant as a judgment on any particular individual. [ 597 → 600] This isn't about judging hearts or whatever. [ 601 → 603] I completely understand that most of these people [ 603 → 605] are presumably quite sincere [ 605 → 607] and genuinely trying to please God. [ 607 → 610] They're all just struggling to figure out [ 610 → 612] how to respond to the insanity we've seen [ 612 → 616] since the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958. [ 617 → 618] So, I get it. [ 619 → 620] But that's beside the point. [ 621 → 625] What I'm criticizing is not any particular person's intentions [ 625 → 626] What I'm criticizing is not any particular person's intentions [ 626 → 628] or subjective state of conscience before God. [ 629 → 632] Rather, I'm criticizing the objective course of action [ 632 → 633] that is taken [ 633 → 637] and the flawed theological position that underlies it. [ 638 → 640] Just as they do, by the way, [ 640 → 642] when they critique Sedevacantism. [ 643 → 645] So, I'd like to tell Robert Morrison [ 645 → 649] that with his false recognize and resist traditionalism, [ 649 → 652] he too is contributing plenty himself [ 652 → 654] to that new and different church, [ 654 → 655] an absurd church [ 656 → 657] or a travesty of a church [ 657 → 660] which one has to continually resist [ 660 → 662] in order not to be led to hell by it. [ 663 → 666] He too should stop calling it Catholic. [ 667 → 670] Tradcast Express is a production of Novos Ordo Watch. [ 671 → 673] Check us out at tradcast.org [ 673 → 674] and if you like what we're doing, [ 675 → 677] please consider making a tax-deductible contribution [ 677 → 680] at novosordowatch.org [ 680 → 681] slash donate.