[ 0 → 4] Tradcast Express [ 4 → 15] Tradcast Express, it's Wednesday, March 6th, 2024. [ 16 → 17] Did you hear about it? [ 17 → 24] Last Friday, on March 1st, Pope Francis had some tough words for gender ideology. [ 24 → 28] He gave an address to participants in the international conference [ 28 → 35] Man-Woman, Image of God, Towards an Anthropology of Vocations. [ 36 → 41] But just before he read a speech, he made some impromptu remarks in the Vatican Senate Hall [ 41 → 42] that made headlines. [ 43 → 50] Today, the worst danger is gender ideology, which cancels out differences. [ 50 → 54] I asked for studies to be made on this ugly ideology, [ 54 → 59] of our time, which erases differences and makes everything the same. [ 59 → 62] To erase difference is to erase humanity. [ 63 → 63] Unquote. [ 64 → 66] There. There you go. [ 67 → 68] There you have it. [ 68 → 70] Francis is orthodox. [ 70 → 71] You heard it. [ 72 → 75] He's ripping that evil gender ideology to shreds. [ 76 → 76] Bam! [ 77 → 82] Yeah, it's just too bad that his strong words don't match his actions. [ 83 → 84] I mean, you know which... [ 84 → 86] Which ones speak louder, right? [ 86 → 91] In terms of actions, Francis has been bending over backwards [ 91 → 96] to facilitate the introduction of transgenderism into the Church, [ 96 → 97] into parish life. [ 98 → 104] He does this by his oh-so-merciful acceptance of so-called transgender people, [ 105 → 109] basically sodomite cross-dressers, or in more serious cases, [ 110 → 114] people who've had their bodies mutilated and now claim to be the opposite sex. [ 114 → 116] than the one God gave them. [ 117 → 120] There is no question that such people need help, [ 120 → 122] but not the kind Francis is offering them. [ 123 → 127] By his actions, and sometimes even by his words, [ 127 → 130] he assures them that they are fine the way they are. [ 131 → 136] To prove that, let me read to you just some of the Novus Ordo wash headlines [ 136 → 140] of recent years in which Francis, directly or indirectly, [ 140 → 144] helped to affirm gender ideology. [ 144 → 147] Along with LGBTQ whatever. [ 148 → 151] And helped to homosexualize his Church. [ 152 → 152] Here we go. [ 153 → 159] Vatican opens way for transgender godparents, baptisms, and marriage witnesses. [ 161 → 164] Podcasting Francis tells transgender person, [ 164 → 166] God loves us as we are. [ 167 → 171] In message to LGBTQ Catholics, [ 171 → 173] Francis confirms aberosexuals, [ 174 → 176] and their identity. [ 177 → 180] False Pope calls for sodomite civil unions, [ 180 → 184] wants children of gay couples to be raised in church. [ 185 → 190] Francis praises none for building homes for transgenders. [ 191 → 194] Francis assures parents of sodomites, [ 194 → 197] God loves your children as they are. [ 198 → 201] Francis tells gay atheists, [ 201 → 204] it does not matter how you live your life, [ 204 → 206] you do not lose your dignity. [ 207 → 209] Francis tells homosexual, [ 209 → 211] God made you like that. [ 212 → 214] Welcome to the peripheries. [ 214 → 219] Francis receives sex-changed woman and her fiancée. [ 220 → 224] And one headline from Tradition in Action. [ 224 → 228] Papal Blessing for Transgender Prostitutes. [ 228 → 233] You can find all of these headlines linked in the show notes for this episode, [ 233 → 235] Stratcast Express 187, [ 235 → 240] and they will take you to articles where you can find more information about [ 240 → 243] what exactly Francis said or did, [ 243 → 245] and where to find it. [ 245 → 248] So, there is full documentation. [ 249 → 252] So, Francis talked tough on gender, [ 252 → 254] but his actions tell a different story. [ 254 → 257] And that's a typical strategy for the man. [ 257 → 259] We've seen it before. [ 259 → 261] For example, on abortion. [ 261 → 263] He rarely addresses the topic, [ 263 → 266] but when he does, he's got strong rhetoric. [ 266 → 268] But then, at the same time, [ 268 → 273] he is happy to invite major pro-abortion people into the Vatican [ 273 → 277] without even a hint of rebuke or displeasure. [ 277 → 281] Look up Francis receiving Emma Bonino, for example, [ 281 → 286] or Jeffrey Sachs, or Nancy Pelosi, or Joe Biden. [ 286 → 288] It's always the same story. [ 288 → 290] The conservatives get the words, [ 290 → 293] the liberals get the actions. [ 293 → 297] Francis is a man of practice over theory, [ 297 → 299] of action over doctrine. [ 299 → 302] Remember, in his 2013 exhortation, [ 302 → 306] Evangelii Gaudium, paragraph 233, [ 306 → 308] he spelled it out, quote, [ 308 → 312] realities are greater than ideas, unquote. [ 314 → 318] In other news, the Recognize and Resist publication, [ 318 → 319] The Remnant, [ 319 → 322] has the infuriating habit of leading souls [ 322 → 324] very close to the truth, [ 324 → 328] but then dissuading them from proceeding any further. [ 328 → 330] We see this, for example, [ 330 → 334] in a January 29th, 2024 article by Robert Morrison, [ 334 → 335] entitled, [ 335 → 338] By Counteracting the Messages of Fatima, [ 338 → 343] the False Shepherds Demonstrate the Key to the Third Secret, [ 343 → 346] Apostasy at the Top. [ 346 → 348] Well, what do you know? [ 348 → 352] False shepherds who are apostates [ 352 → 355] at the very top of the church hierarchy. [ 355 → 358] Now, who might that be? [ 358 → 361] Don't you go there, though. [ 361 → 364] The false shepherds were already present, [ 364 → 368] Morrison says, in the decades following Vatican II. [ 368 → 371] But don't you dare say that if they're false shepherds, [ 371 → 374] then they cannot be the Roman Catholic hierarchy, [ 374 → 377] because the Catholic hierarchy consists of the true, [ 377 → 380] that is, the lawful shepherds, [ 380 → 383] which is kind of the point of Christ establishing [ 383 → 387] a visible church with a hierarchy to begin with. [ 387 → 390] Morrison concludes with an exhortation, [ 390 → 391] quote, [ 391 → 394] Those who rightly want to remove Francis [ 394 → 397] from his unholy occupation of the papacy [ 397 → 400] must also be willing to abandon everything [ 400 → 402] about the Vatican II revolution [ 402 → 405] that led to the great apostasy [ 405 → 408] that ushered Francis into the Vatican. [ 408 → 409] Unquote. [ 409 → 412] So there we go once more. [ 412 → 415] There's apostasy, which we must remember [ 415 → 418] is nothing short of the complete abandonment [ 418 → 421] of the Catholic religion. [ 421 → 424] There's apostasy at the very top [ 424 → 427] of the Catholic hierarchy, says Morrison, [ 427 → 432] such that these people are actually false shepherds, [ 432 → 435] and especially one chief false shepherd [ 435 → 438] who nevertheless holds the papacy. [ 438 → 441] But don't worry, you can wish to remove him, [ 441 → 445] as long as you also reject the apostate magisterium [ 445 → 449] of this man and his revolutionary predecessors. [ 449 → 453] Yes, such is the argumentation of people [ 453 → 456] who consider themselves the last defenders [ 456 → 460] of the faithful Catholic remnant. [ 460 → 461] Unquote. [ 461 → 465] You know, this is all rather serious business. [ 465 → 468] In 1927, Catholic seminary professor [ 468 → 471] Father Sylvester Berry published [ 471 → 473] the first edition of his book [ 473 → 475] The Church of Christ, [ 475 → 478] an apologetic and dogmatic treatise. [ 478 → 480] In it, he wrote this. [ 480 → 481] Quote, [ 481 → 483] The prophecies of the apocalypse [ 485 → 488] The prophecies of the apocalypse show [ 488 → 490] that Satan will imitate [ 490 → 494] the church of Christ to deceive mankind. [ 494 → 496] He will set up a church of Satan [ 496 → 499] in opposition to the church of Christ. [ 499 → 503] Antichrist will assume the role of messiahs. [ 503 → 506] His prophet will act the part of pope. [ 506 → 508] And there will be imitations [ 508 → 511] of the sacraments of the church. [ 511 → 514] There will also be lying wonders [ 514 → 518] in imitation of the miracles wrought in the church. [ 518 → 519] Unquote. [ 519 → 522] You can find that on page 119 [ 522 → 524] of the 1927 edition [ 524 → 528] and on pages 65 and 66 [ 528 → 530] of the 1955 edition [ 530 → 532] of Father Berry's book [ 532 → 534] The Church of Christ. [ 534 → 537] Now, that brings me to a video [ 537 → 540] published on October 4th, 2023 [ 540 → 543] by Recognize and Resist YouTuber [ 543 → 544] Kennedy Hall. [ 544 → 545] It's entitled [ 545 → 548] They Are Doing the Work of the Antichrist. [ 548 → 550] Let's take a quick listen. [ 550 → 551] You gotta understand, [ 551 → 552] when the antichrist comes, [ 552 → 554] there will be a parallel church. [ 554 → 557] There will be an institutional body [ 557 → 559] that will masquerade itself as the true church [ 559 → 562] and this will be used to help and support the antichrist. [ 562 → 563] Hmm. [ 563 → 566] I wonder what church that might be. [ 566 → 570] Maybe one that has an apostate magisterium [ 570 → 573] and false shepherds masquerading as true ones [ 573 → 575] at the very top? [ 575 → 577] Or do Recognize and Resist traditionals [ 577 → 580] really believe that the false [ 580 → 582] parallel church of the antichrist [ 582 → 585] will ape the Vatican II church? [ 585 → 588] Just picture the false church of the antichrist [ 588 → 591] trying to imitate, oh, I don't know, [ 591 → 593] ecumenism? [ 593 → 595] Interreligious dialogue? [ 595 → 597] The Vatican II magisterium? [ 597 → 599] The annulment factory? [ 599 → 602] The Novus Ordo sacraments? [ 602 → 604] I mean, how would that even look? [ 604 → 606] I guess for the new mass it could mean that [ 606 → 609] not only is there no body and blood of Christ, [ 609 → 612] there isn't even real bread and real wine either. [ 612 → 614] I don't know. [ 614 → 618] In any case, it's obviously absurd and silly to think [ 618 → 622] there is yet to come some demonic antichurch [ 622 → 624] that will fool people into believing it's [ 624 → 626] the Novus Ordo church. [ 628 → 632] So therefore, either the institution [ 632 → 635] of which Jorge Bergoglio, Francis, is the head, [ 635 → 638] is the Roman Catholic Church, [ 638 → 640] established by Jesus Christ, [ 640 → 642] in which case a future antichurch [ 642 → 644] would be imitating it, [ 644 → 646] or the institution headed by Francis [ 646 → 648] is not the Catholic Church, [ 648 → 650] and then he's not the Pope, [ 650 → 652] and we can't have anything to do [ 652 → 655] with him or his church. [ 655 → 658] What we definitely cannot have [ 658 → 660] is a sort of mish-mash [ 660 → 662] between the two alternatives. [ 662 → 664] Somehow it is the Catholic Church, [ 664 → 666] and Francis is the Pope, [ 666 → 669] but nonetheless, the Pope and the church [ 669 → 672] are doing the work of the satanic antichurch, [ 672 → 675] preparing the way for the antichrist. [ 675 → 678] In which case, what would we even need [ 678 → 681] that demonic ape of the church for? [ 681 → 685] Obviously, such a scenario is complete absurdity, [ 685 → 688] not to mention heresy, [ 688 → 690] that would quickly lead to, [ 690 → 693] what do you know, apostasy. [ 693 → 695] Tradcast Express is a production [ 695 → 697] of Novus Ordo Watch. [ 697 → 699] Check us out at Tradcast.org, [ 699 → 701] and if you like what we're doing, [ 701 → 704] please consider making a tax-deductible contribution [ 704 → 706] at NovusOrdoWatch.org [ 706 → 708] slash donate.