[ 0 → 4] Tradcast Express [ 4 → 15] Tradcast Express, it's Saturday, May 4th, 2024. [ 15 → 23] This past Wednesday, May 1st, John Salza and Robert Sisko appeared on the Michael Lofton Show [ 23 → 30] to discuss Recognize and Resist Traditionalism, Sedevacantism, and the Great Apostasy. [ 30 → 34] And not surprisingly, it was comedy hour. [ 35 → 41] Salza and Sisko, you may recall, came out with a big book called True or False Pope, [ 41 → 46] refuting Sedevacantism and other modern errors in early 2016. [ 47 → 53] Back then, they were Recognize and Resist apologists for the Society of St. Pius X. [ 53 → 60] In fact, their book was published by the Lefebvre's St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary here in the United States. [ 60 → 65] And it contains an entire chapter defending the Recognize and Resist position. [ 66 → 68] But that was then, and this is now. [ 69 → 75] At some point, they broke with the SSPX and Recognize and Resist Traditionalism altogether, [ 75 → 79] but they're still advertising their book on their website, [ 79 → 86] and they still feature the endorsements from SSPX clerics, including Bishop Bernard Fillet, [ 86 → 89] who was the Superior General back when the book was published. [ 90 → 96] Now, instead of embracing Sedevacantism, the only reasonable position in this mess, [ 97 → 102] Salza and Sisko have now become more or less full-blown Novus Ordos. [ 103 → 108] To such an extent, in fact, that they're theologically aligned now with Michael Loftin. [ 108 → 114] Don't be surprised, therefore, if they soon show up at the Where Peter Is website. [ 115 → 119] In any case, a complete critical review of the entire show [ 119 → 120] would take a while to do. [ 120 → 125] But for now, let me at least respond to the main thesis. [ 126 → 130] John Salza and Robert Sisko are claiming, in all seriousness, [ 131 → 136] that the prophesied Great Apostasy, one of the signs of the end times [ 136 → 140] that will ultimately usher in the reign of the Antichrist, [ 140 → 144] is the traditionalist movement, for lack of a better term, [ 144 → 149] of both Recognize and Resist traditionalists and Sedevacantists. [ 150 → 152] Listen to this. [ 152 → 157] It is those who, Sedevacantists, Independents, and all the rest of them, [ 157 → 162] it is those who have separated from the Roman Catholic Church [ 162 → 166] who are actually the ones bringing about the Great Apostasy. [ 166 → 171] They are effectively the apostates, if you understand that term the way Jerome was using it, [ 171 → 175] they are the revolters against Holy Mother Church. [ 175 → 178] That is the irony in all of this. [ 178 → 180] And so, all of these... [ 180 → 182] You know, podcasters that are out there, [ 182 → 185] all of these people who have devoted their apostolates [ 185 → 189] to attacking the Church in its constant, Michael, as you know, [ 190 → 195] they are actually the ones that are furthering the Great Revolt, [ 195 → 198] the Great Apostasy, and bringing about the Kingdom of the Antichrist. [ 202 → 204] Like I said, comedy. [ 205 → 208] Now, it is true that the Recognize and Resist traditionalists [ 208 → 210] adhere to a number of... [ 210 → 212] a number of positions that are seriously wrong [ 212 → 216] and are incompatible with traditional Catholic teaching. [ 216 → 219] And for that reason, we continually battle their errors [ 219 → 221] on the Novus Ordo Watch website [ 221 → 224] and in Tradcast and Tradcast Express. [ 226 → 229] Now, Salza and Sisko like to lump us together with them, [ 230 → 234] which makes it more difficult to respond in an effective way [ 234 → 236] because we always have to make clear [ 236 → 239] that we're separate from the Recognize and Resisters [ 239 → 240] whose position is different from ours. [ 240 → 241] Whose position truly is false [ 241 → 244] and whose position they are right to criticize. [ 245 → 250] But how could we Sedevacantists respond to what Salza just said? [ 251 → 253] First, I would point out that, [ 253 → 255] assuming for a minute, for the sake of argument, [ 256 → 258] that Sedevacantism is false, [ 258 → 262] the worst you could say about it is that it's a schism [ 262 → 266] because it's separated from what supposedly is the Catholic hierarchy. [ 266 → 268] But it's not heresy, [ 269 → 269] and it's definitely... [ 270 → 271] It's definitely not apostasy. [ 272 → 276] Apostasy is a complete abandonment of the Christian religion. [ 278 → 281] Now, say what you will about us Sedevacantists, [ 281 → 284] you cannot deny that at the very least, [ 284 → 287] we fully intend to adhere with all our heart [ 287 → 289] to the Roman Catholic religion [ 289 → 292] as it was revealed by Jesus Christ [ 292 → 296] and as it was known until the death of Pope Pius XII. [ 296 → 299] In other words, if today were May 4th, [ 300 → 301] 1957, [ 302 → 305] you'd see all of us submitted to Pope Pius XII [ 305 → 309] and worshipping at authorized masses in union with him [ 309 → 312] and adhering firmly to his magisterium. [ 312 → 315] That religion is what we teach our children, [ 315 → 317] and if it was right then, [ 317 → 319] it cannot be wrong now. [ 320 → 323] So, even if you think we're completely wrong, [ 323 → 326] you cannot deny that our intention, [ 326 → 330] our desire, our motivation is 100% [ 330 → 331] Roman Catholic. [ 332 → 335] And even if you think we're schismatics or even heretics, [ 336 → 338] you cannot say we're apostates. [ 338 → 341] Unlike what Salza and Sisko keep saying, [ 342 → 345] we do not believe the Catholic Church has defected [ 345 → 346] or that she can defect. [ 347 → 350] That is why we're Sedevacantists. [ 350 → 352] Otherwise, if we believed [ 352 → 355] that the Church founded by Jesus Christ [ 355 → 358] could teach heresy and other grave errors, [ 358 → 360] if we believed she could compromise [ 360 → 362] with the unbelieving world, [ 362 → 365] if we believed she could offer invalid sacraments [ 365 → 368] and make the holy sacrifice of the Mass [ 368 → 370] into a liturgical happy meal, [ 370 → 373] then we'd be part of the Novus Ordo structures [ 373 → 376] and acknowledge its hierarchy as Catholic. [ 377 → 379] But this just as an aside, [ 380 → 382] now let's give this idea of traditionalists [ 382 → 384] bringing about the Great Apostasy [ 384 → 386] a little reality check. [ 387 → 389] Look at the Vatican II Church. [ 389 → 392] In all its official documents and acts. [ 393 → 394] Look at what is believed, [ 394 → 395] what is taught, [ 395 → 396] what is done, [ 396 → 397] what is legislated, [ 398 → 398] decreed, [ 399 → 399] permitted, [ 400 → 400] tolerated, [ 401 → 401] and forbidden. [ 402 → 403] Look at the whole picture. [ 404 → 406] And then look at what is taught, [ 407 → 407] believed, [ 407 → 409] and done by Sedevacantists. [ 410 → 412] In fact, why don't you, for example, [ 412 → 414] listen to a few sermons by [ 414 → 418] Cardinal Robert McElroy of San Diego [ 418 → 419] or Bishop, [ 419 → 421] John Stowe of Lexington. [ 422 → 424] And then listen to a few sermons [ 424 → 426] by Bishop Donald Sanborn [ 426 → 428] or Bishop Mark Pivarunas. [ 429 → 431] And then ask yourself, [ 431 → 433] which of these two groups [ 433 → 435] adheres to and proclaims [ 435 → 437] the apostolic faith [ 437 → 439] as it was taught and believed [ 439 → 442] and known until 1958? [ 442 → 445] And which of the two repudiates it [ 445 → 448] and instead represents an apostasy [ 448 → 449] from that faith, [ 449 → 450] a revolt against it, [ 451 → 453] a rebellion against the authority [ 453 → 455] of the Holy Roman Catholic Church [ 455 → 456] all the way from the beginning [ 456 → 459] until the death of Pope Pius XII. [ 460 → 463] See, when the popes in the 19th [ 463 → 466] and 20th centuries until 1958 [ 466 → 468] condemned modern errors [ 468 → 471] and warned of contemporary threats [ 471 → 471] against the faith, [ 472 → 474] of secret societies plotting [ 474 → 475] against the church [ 475 → 477] and trying to overthrow the papacy, [ 478 → 479] they were condemning [ 479 → 480] and warning against things like [ 480 → 481] liberalism, [ 482 → 483] modernism, [ 483 → 484] indifferentism, [ 484 → 485] Gallicanism, [ 486 → 486] communism, [ 487 → 487] ecumenism, [ 488 → 488] subjectivism, [ 489 → 490] existentialism, [ 491 → 492] errors regarding church and state, [ 493 → 494] liturgical errors, [ 494 → 495] and so forth. [ 496 → 497] It is these very errors [ 497 → 500] that have provided the fertile ground [ 500 → 501] for the great apostasy, [ 502 → 503] for Vatican II, [ 503 → 504] for the Novus Ordo Mass, [ 504 → 506] and the entire theological sewer [ 506 → 508] that is the false postconception [ 509 → 510] and conciliar magisterium. [ 511 → 514] The great apostasy certainly does not [ 514 → 515] consist of a rejection [ 515 → 517] of all these heresies and errors, [ 518 → 519] along with a rejection of the men [ 519 → 522] who imposed them as false shepherds [ 522 → 524] because such evil could never have come [ 524 → 527] from the authority of the Roman Catholic Church, [ 528 → 530] from the legitimate Catholic shepherds. [ 531 → 532] Oh, and by the way, [ 534 → 535] if Sedevacantists [ 535 → 538] and even recognize and resist traditionalists, [ 538 → 539] if we are to say that we are not [ 539 → 540] we are the great apostates [ 540 → 542] preparing the stage for the Antichrist, [ 543 → 546] where is the abomination of desolation [ 546 → 547] in the holy place? [ 548 → 550] Sure, Salza and Sisko could say, [ 550 → 552] well, those are the illicit masses, [ 553 → 556] the masses being offered by Sede priests [ 556 → 557] without permission [ 557 → 559] or something along those lines. [ 560 → 562] But is that what is meant [ 562 → 564] by the abomination of desolation [ 564 → 565] in the holy place? [ 566 → 568] We don't even have our own churches [ 568 → 570] in the canonical sense. [ 570 → 572] So, according to Salza and Sisko, [ 573 → 576] our churches probably wouldn't even qualify [ 576 → 578] as being the holy place. [ 579 → 580] And, speaking generally, [ 581 → 583] illicit masses that are offered [ 583 → 584] by some breakaway group [ 584 → 586] would not constitute [ 586 → 589] any particularly apocalyptic sign [ 589 → 590] of the end times. [ 592 → 594] Forbidden masses have taken place [ 594 → 596] again and again in church history. [ 597 → 597] For example, [ 597 → 599] the first Anglican masses [ 599 → 601] were valid but unlawful. [ 602 → 603] The Eastern Orthodox offer [ 603 → 606] valid but illicit masses every day [ 606 → 608] and have been for a very long time. [ 609 → 612] Some of the so-called old Catholics [ 612 → 613] have valid orders [ 613 → 615] and so even they are offering [ 615 → 617] valid masses if they use [ 617 → 618] the right matter and form [ 618 → 620] and have the right intention. [ 620 → 622] So, why would our masses, [ 623 → 624] if they were forbidden, [ 624 → 626] be the abomination of desolation? [ 626 → 626] Well, [ 627 → 628] if, on the other hand, [ 629 → 631] we look for an abomination of desolation [ 631 → 632] in the Vatican II Church, [ 633 → 634] we have quite a few candidates. [ 635 → 636] Whether it be [ 636 → 638] the Novus Ordo Mass itself [ 638 → 640] or the liturgical chaos [ 640 → 642] that is its typical expression [ 642 → 646] or the deliberately irreverent clown masses [ 646 → 648] or perhaps the Pacha Mama statue [ 648 → 649] in St. Peter's Basilica, [ 650 → 651] there are a number of candidates [ 651 → 652] to choose from. [ 654 → 654] Besides, [ 655 → 657] remember that back in January [ 657 → 657] of this year, [ 658 → 660] Francis permitted the Anglican Archbishop [ 660 → 661] of Canterbury, [ 661 → 662] who is a layman, [ 663 → 665] to offer an invalid Anglican Mass [ 665 → 667] on the main altar [ 667 → 669] of St. Bartholomew's Basilica in Rome. [ 670 → 672] According to the definitive [ 672 → 673] and probably infallible [ 673 → 676] judgment of Pope Leo XIII [ 676 → 678] in 1896, [ 678 → 681] Anglican orders are invalid [ 681 → 683] and so that was most certainly [ 683 → 684] an invalid Mass. [ 685 → 686] And that is true [ 686 → 688] even according to Novus Ordo teaching. [ 689 → 691] I mean, talk about an abomination [ 691 → 692] in a holy place. [ 694 → 696] So, let's not get carried away here. [ 697 → 699] The worst possible scenario [ 699 → 700] for the sake of argument [ 700 → 703] is that Sedevacantist Masses [ 703 → 705] are schismatic and forbidden. [ 706 → 707] Forbidden schismatic Masses [ 707 → 709] have been around for a long time. [ 710 → 712] Now, I'm not trying to make light [ 712 → 713] of the grave crime [ 713 → 714] that would constitute [ 714 → 716] a forbidden schismatic Mass. [ 716 → 718] I'm just saying [ 718 → 719] it would be absurd to say [ 719 → 721] that that's the abomination [ 721 → 722] of desolation. [ 722 → 724] Especially when you look at [ 724 → 725] what the Novus Ordo Church [ 725 → 726] has to offer [ 726 → 728] in terms of liturgical abominations [ 728 → 729] even in the Vatican. [ 730 → 732] So, let's keep things [ 732 → 733] in perspective here. [ 734 → 734] But hey, [ 735 → 736] the false prophets [ 736 → 737] Salza and Sisko [ 737 → 738] want you to believe [ 738 → 740] that the Great Apostasy, [ 740 → 741] the great revolt [ 741 → 743] against the Catholic Church [ 743 → 744] and her unchangeable faith [ 744 → 746] is not [ 746 → 748] Francis telling Jews [ 748 → 749] that the way to salvation [ 749 → 750] for them [ 750 → 751] is the observance [ 751 → 752] of the Mosaic Law. [ 753 → 754] It is not Francis [ 754 → 755] telling Muslims [ 755 → 757] about transcendence [ 757 → 758] and fraternity [ 758 → 759] instead of Jesus Christ. [ 760 → 761] It is not the Vatican [ 761 → 763] trying to find religious unity [ 763 → 764] with Protestants [ 764 → 766] that does not involve [ 766 → 766] their conversion [ 766 → 768] to the only true Church of Christ. [ 769 → 770] It is not Francis [ 770 → 773] declaring that religious differences [ 773 → 774] are willed by God [ 774 → 776] and are in fact necessary. [ 776 → 778] It is not Francis [ 778 → 780] declaring that other religions [ 780 → 782] are simply different ways [ 782 → 783] of coming to God [ 783 → 785] that constitute an enrichment [ 785 → 786] for humanity. [ 787 → 789] It is not John XXIII's [ 789 → 790] opening of the Church [ 790 → 791] to the world [ 791 → 792] and his teaching [ 792 → 794] of the primacy of conscience. [ 795 → 796] It is not Paul VI's [ 796 → 798] new Mass and communion [ 798 → 799] in the hand [ 799 → 800] that have ruined [ 800 → 801] the faith of generations. [ 802 → 804] It is not Francis [ 804 → 805] saying that with regard [ 805 → 806] to justification [ 806 → 808] Martin Luther was right. [ 810 → 811] It is not John Paul II's [ 811 → 813] inter-religious prayer gatherings [ 813 → 815] with every pagan [ 815 → 816] and heretical religion [ 816 → 817] under the sun. [ 818 → 820] It is not Vatican II ecclesiology [ 820 → 822] according to which [ 822 → 823] the Catholic Church [ 823 → 824] exists in elements [ 824 → 825] also in other religions. [ 826 → 828] It is not Francis [ 828 → 829] approving of the [ 829 → 831] Abrahamic family house [ 831 → 833] that includes a church, [ 833 → 834] a mosque, [ 834 → 834] and a synagogue. [ 835 → 838] It is not John Paul II's [ 838 → 839] code of canon law [ 839 → 841] permitting Protestants [ 841 → 841] and Orthodox [ 841 → 843] to receive communion, [ 843 → 843] confession, [ 844 → 845] and extreme unction [ 845 → 846] under certain circumstances [ 846 → 849] even outside the danger of death [ 849 → 851] without having to convert first. [ 852 → 854] It is not the diocese [ 854 → 855] of Yola, Nigeria [ 855 → 857] building a mosque [ 857 → 858] for Muslim refugees. [ 859 → 861] It is not Francis' [ 861 → 862] constant efforts [ 862 → 864] to naturalize the supernatural [ 864 → 865] or his denial [ 865 → 867] of the genuine danger [ 867 → 870] of hell in some way or another [ 870 → 871] or his love affair [ 871 → 873] with Judas Iscariot. [ 874 → 875] It is not Vatican II [ 875 → 877] declaring that the Holy Ghost [ 877 → 879] uses false religions [ 879 → 880] as means of salvation. [ 881 → 883] It is not the total repudiation [ 883 → 885] of the social kingship of Christ [ 885 → 887] by the Vatican II Church. [ 888 → 889] It is not Francis [ 889 → 891] instructing prison inmates [ 891 → 893] that all they must do [ 893 → 894] to be forgiven by God [ 894 → 895] is ask him, [ 895 → 896] for forgiveness. [ 897 → 899] It is not the enormous [ 899 → 900] loss of faith, [ 900 → 901] vocations, [ 902 → 902] morals, [ 902 → 904] and sacramental practice [ 904 → 906] that has occurred after [ 906 → 907] and because of [ 907 → 908] Vatican II. [ 909 → 910] No, no. [ 910 → 911] None of these things [ 911 → 912] have anything to do [ 912 → 914] with the great apostasy, [ 914 → 914] of course. [ 915 → 916] Although he technically [ 916 → 917] holds sway over [ 917 → 919] more than a billion people [ 919 → 921] in every part of the world, [ 921 → 923] Francis and his five predecessors [ 923 → 925] are not the danger to souls here. [ 925 → 928] Clearly, the real danger to souls [ 928 → 930] is the few Sedevacantists [ 930 → 932] and Recognize and Resisters [ 932 → 934] who want the world to embrace [ 934 → 936] the Roman Catholic doctrines [ 936 → 936] and practices [ 936 → 938] from before Vatican II. [ 939 → 941] That is the great apostasy. [ 942 → 944] You can't make it up. [ 945 → 947] Folks, this is the madness [ 947 → 949] to which people are driven [ 949 → 951] when they accept Francis as Pope [ 951 → 952] and then try to make [ 952 → 954] the Vatican II revolution [ 954 → 955] somehow fit into the world. [ 955 → 958] into the Roman Catholic religion. [ 959 → 960] Up is down, [ 960 → 961] left is right, [ 961 → 962] right is wrong. [ 963 → 965] Let's end this madness right here. [ 966 → 967] The great apostasy, [ 968 → 969] the great revolt, [ 969 → 970] was Vatican II [ 970 → 972] or began with Vatican II. [ 973 → 975] And that council [ 975 → 976] could only come about [ 976 → 978] because contrary to appearances, [ 979 → 981] the man who solemnly ratified [ 981 → 982] its decrees [ 982 → 983] and imposed them [ 983 → 985] on all who followed him [ 985 → 985] was the one who was [ 985 → 987] was not, in fact, the Pope. [ 988 → 990] And the fruits prove it. [ 991 → 993] According to the official data [ 993 → 994] just released by the Vatican, [ 995 → 996] the number of what they call [ 996 → 998] baptized Catholics in the world [ 998 → 1000] as of 2022 [1000 → 1005] was 1,376,000,000. [1006 → 1008] That's the digits [1008 → 1010] 1, 3, 7, 6 [1010 → 1012] and then six zeros. [1014 → 1015] So essentially, [1015 → 1016] we're talking about roughly [1016 → 1018] 1.4 billion [1018 → 1020] Novus Ordo Catholics. [1021 → 1022] Now, let's estimate [1022 → 1025] the total number of traditionalists [1025 → 1026] defined loosely as [1026 → 1028] both Sedevacantists [1028 → 1030] and those who acknowledge Francis [1030 → 1031] and his five predecessors [1031 → 1032] as true popes [1032 → 1035] but refuse assent to Vatican II [1035 → 1038] and reject the Novus Ordo mass [1038 → 1040] and ecumenism and so on. [1040 → 1041] In other words, [1041 → 1043] we're not including those people [1043 → 1044] who are fully submitted [1044 → 1046] to the Vatican II Church [1046 → 1048] but simply prefer [1048 → 1050] the traditional Latin mass. [1050 → 1053] How many trads might that be? [1053 → 1054] Let's highball it. [1055 → 1058] I would say 2 million at most. [1058 → 1060] But, hey, let's be really generous [1060 → 1062] and say 4 million. [1063 → 1064] That would mean that [1064 → 1066] compared to the official number [1066 → 1067] of Novus Ordos, [1068 → 1069] the traditionalists, [1070 → 1071] you know, the ones bringing about [1071 → 1073] the great apostasy and the Antichrist, [1073 → 1074] would come, [1074 → 1075] constitute only [1075 → 1079] 0.3% of that. [1080 → 1082] 0.3%. [1082 → 1086] And that is the great revolt, [1086 → 1087] the great deception [1087 → 1089] that's going to deceive [1089 → 1091] almost everyone except the elect. [1093 → 1093] And look, [1093 → 1095] if anyone has a better estimate, [1096 → 1097] then use that number [1097 → 1098] and do the math yourself. [1098 → 1101] But no matter what number you use, [1101 → 1102] as long as it's realistic, [1102 → 1104] you're going to get a teeny, [1104 → 1106] tiny fraction [1106 → 1107] of the official [1107 → 1109] Novus Ordo membership number. [1110 → 1112] Folks, call it what you will, [1112 → 1114] it ain't the great apostasy. [1116 → 1117] Now, here's another thing. [1118 → 1120] Of those over 1 billion people [1120 → 1122] that the Vatican considers Catholics, [1123 → 1124] how many of them [1124 → 1126] actually believe [1126 → 1128] in all Catholic dogmas? [1129 → 1131] How many Novus Ordos [1131 → 1133] believe in no salvation [1133 → 1134] outside the Church, for example? [1134 → 1136] Or in purgatory? [1137 → 1138] In heaven and hell [1138 → 1140] as defined by the Church? [1141 → 1142] In original sin? [1142 → 1145] In the bodily resurrection of Christ? [1145 → 1147] In the perpetual virginity [1147 → 1149] of the Blessed Mother? [1150 → 1151] In the Holy Mass [1151 → 1153] as a propitiatory sacrifice? [1154 → 1156] In transubstantiation? [1158 → 1158] In transdogmas [1159 → 1160] on justification? [1161 → 1162] In the prohibition [1162 → 1164] of contraception? [1164 → 1171] in the indissolubility of marriage? How many of them even know what the virtue of faith [1171 → 1179] actually is? How many of them adhere to the condemnations in the syllabus of errors of [1179 → 1187] Pope Pius IX? How many of them reject the tenets of modernism? Of those people who leave the [1187 → 1195] Vatican to church to become Sedevacantists, they do so precisely because they could not find [1195 → 1204] Catholicism believed or taught in what claims to be the Roman Catholic Church, the entity [1204 → 1214] currently ruled by Pope Francis. Salza and Sisko are basically straining a gnat and swallowing a [1214 → 1215] camel. [1216 → 1217] Let's go back to the beginning. [1217 → 1220] Let's go back to John Salza for a minute and see what he says next. [1221 → 1226] Because at some point, as Robert's going to explain, Scripture says, you know, the man of [1226 → 1231] sin of perdition has been restrained, but at some point God is going to say enough is enough, [1231 → 1237] and he's going to let the Antichrist come on the scene. What brings that about? It brings that [1237 → 1242] about this great revolt against the Catholic Church brings it about, and I'll just end with [1242 → 1247] this. The reason why it brings it about is because when we talk about [1247 → 1253] separation from the Roman Catholic Church, what does that mean? We are talking about a legal [1253 → 1259] separation that is a withdrawal or separation from the structure of the Church. What is the [1259 → 1265] structure of the Church? It's effectively the bishops, the pillars and foundations of the [1265 → 1270] Church. Of course, the Pope and the bishops. Pius XII calls it the structure of the Church. I think [1270 → 1276] you've addressed that on prior shows. So a withdrawal from the visible society is truly a withdrawal [1276 → 1277] from the Roman Catholic Church. It's effectively the bishops, the pillars, and foundations of the [1277 → 1281] Church. It's effectively the authority of the bishops, those who have spiritual and legal [1281 → 1287] authority over us, which then in effect renders their authority impotent, so to speak, because [1287 → 1292] as subjects, even though they're bound by the bishops to exercise it. And so the great revolt [1292 → 1299] is this formal separation, this juridical separation from the visible society that's [1299 → 1305] going to ultimately usher in Antichrist. If you noticed a little skip, a cut in the [1305 → 1307] audio, that was not my doing. [1307 → 1315] That is the Michael Lofton Show audio on YouTube. It was edited like that by them, not by me. [1316 → 1324] So John Salza is talking as if Vatican II had never happened. He's all worried about a separation [1324 → 1331] from the structure of the Church, when in actual fact, the Pope he is supposedly submitted to [1331 → 1337] teaches, along with Vatican II, that the baptized who are not part of the visible [1337 → 1344] sort of structure are nevertheless part of the mystical body of Christ. Remember what [1344 → 1352] Francis said to Lutherans from Finland on January 17th, 2020? He said this, quote, [1353 → 1360] Together you are journeying, as all of us are, in communion of faith, so as to encourage [1360 → 1365] one another and to strengthen one another in Christian discipleship. A Christian is [1365 → 1367] someone who can give thanks to God for the things that he has done for us. He can give [1367 → 1374] thanks for his or her baptism. And this gratitude unites us within the community of all the baptized. [1375 → 1382] The report of the Catholic Lutheran Dialogue Group for Sweden and Finland, entitled Justification [1382 → 1389] in the Life of the Church, rightly observes that those who are already baptized can, together [1389 → 1395] with their brothers and sisters, develop their opportunities for holiness, which come from [1395 → 1397] their common justification in Christ. [1397 → 1404] As members of one and the same mystical body of Christ, Christians are bound to one [1404 → 1409] another and must bear one another's burdens. Since Christ came to redeem the whole world, [1410 → 1416] it is also a mission for the church and for individual Christians, both lay and ordained, [1416 → 1421] to witness to the good news in the midst of their daily life. Unquote. [1422 → 1427] Looks like the supposed vicar of Christ doesn't believe that being separated from Christ can be [1427 → 1432] from the structure of the church is all that big of a deal, and certainly not something that [1432 → 1441] precludes you from eternal salvation. Secondly, remember what Francis told the Ethiopian Orthodox [1441 → 1449] patriarch Abuna Matthias on February 29th, 2016? He said this, quote, [1449 → 1457] We have almost everything in common, one faith, one baptism, one Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. [1458 → 1464] We are united by virtue of our baptism, which has made us members of the one body of Christ. [1465 → 1471] We are also united by the various common elements of our rich monastic traditions [1471 → 1477] and liturgical practices. We are brothers and sisters in Christ. [1478 → 1479] As has often been said, we are brothers and sisters in Christ. [1479 → 1484] As has often been observed, what unites us is greater than what divides us. Unquote. [1485 → 1488] Eat that, Salza and Sisko. [1489 → 1496] In a nutshell, Salza and Sisko are conveniently using traditional Roman Catholic apologetics [1496 → 1503] to justify the Vatican II church and guilt people into remaining attached to it, [1503 → 1508] the very church that doesn't do traditional Catholic apologetics. [1509 → 1509] In a nutshell, Salza and Sisko are conveniently using traditional Roman Catholic apologetics [1509 → 1514] In fact, the Vatican II church doesn't even claim to be the one true church [1514 → 1517] that all must convert to in order to be saved. [1518 → 1523] Novosorto ecumenism explicitly repudiates the notion [1523 → 1526] that Protestants must convert to Catholicism. [1528 → 1533] In their mad desire to see people attached and submitted to the apostate [1533 → 1538] Jorge Bergoglio, Salza and Sisko now argue that the great apostasy [1538 → 1544] is not the enormous religion that ultimately doesn't give a hoot about apostasy, [1544 → 1550] but the few people who are trying to remain faithful to the teachings of all the popes [1550 → 1553] until the death of Pius XII. [1554 → 1560] We'll end this podcast with another quote by the very man to whom Salza and Sisko say [1560 → 1567] you must submit to as a matter of your eternal salvation, Pope Francis, teaching a catechesis [1567 → 1575] on St. Joseph and the Communion of Saints at his general audience of February 2, 2022. [1576 → 1576] Quote, [1577 → 1583] Let us consider, dear brothers and sisters, that in Christ no one can ever truly separate us [1583 → 1589] from those we love because the bond is an existential bond, a strong bond that is in [1589 → 1596] our very nature. Only the manner of being together with each of them changes, but nothing and no one [1596 → 1597] can break the bond. [1597 → 1604] Father, let us think about those who have denied the faith, who are apostates, who are the [1604 → 1609] persecutors of the church, who have denied their baptism. Are these also at home? [1610 → 1619] Yes, these too, even the blasphemers, everyone. We are brothers. This is the communion of saints. [1619 → 1626] The communion of saints holds together the community of believers on earth and in heaven. [1627 → 1632] Exit, John Salza and Robert Sisko. [1633 → 1639] Tradcast Express is a production of Novus Ordo Watch. Check us out at tradcast.org and if you [1639 → 1646] like what we're doing, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution at novusortowatch.org [1646 → 1646] slash donate.