[ 0 → 4] TrapCast Express [ 4 → 15] TrapCast Express, it's Tuesday, May 21st, 2024. [ 16 → 23] Catholic Diocesan Hermit, approved by Kentucky Bishop, comes out as transgender. [ 23 → 30] That is the headline of an article published by Religion News Service on Pentecost Sunday. [ 31 → 36] In other words, the individual known as Brother Christian Mattson, [ 36 → 42] who was formerly known as Mr. Cole Mattson, is actually a woman. [ 42 → 45] For those who don't understand what that means, [ 45 → 49] it means that Mattson's DNA is that of a human female, [ 49 → 59] which in turn means that her 23rd chromosomal pair is XX, not XY, as it would be in males. [ 59 → 60] That 23rd chromosome is XX, not XY, as it would be in males. [ 60 → 60] That 23rd chromosome is XX, not XY, as it would be in males. [ 60 → 66] That 23rd pair is what makes her female, and the name her parents gave her is Nicole. [ 67 → 75] Around 2006, Nicole underwent medical treatments and or surgery to make herself look like a man. [ 75 → 79] And boy, no pun intended, did she succeed. [ 79 → 84] But while appearance may be one thing, reality is another. [ 84 → 86] Nicole is and remains a woman. [ 86 → 90] Her longtime identity as Cole, and later, as a woman, [ 90 → 93] and later as Brother Christian, is a lie. [ 93 → 98] God chose to make Nicole female, and God's choice is good. [ 98 → 103] It is not something to be ashamed of, or denied, or fought against. [ 103 → 108] Much less is it subject to being revised by man or woman. [ 109 → 114] In 2020, Mattson approached the wokest of all American Novels Ardo bishops, [ 115 → 119] John Stowe of Lexington, about becoming a hermit, [ 119 → 120] disclosing to him, [ 120 → 122] her transgender status. [ 123 → 127] Sure enough, Stowe saw no problem with her taking the role of a hermit, [ 127 → 130] even while pretending to be a male. [ 131 → 135] In fact, the pseudo-Catholic bishop of Lexington even recommended [ 135 → 141] she spend some time first in a Benedictine monastery to experience religious life. [ 142 → 148] In August of 2022, Mattson took her first vows as a diocesan hermit. [ 148 → 150] Vows of obedience, [ 150 → 151] chastity, [ 151 → 152] and poverty. [ 153 → 158] What makes things more interesting still is that Mattson is a former Presbyterian [ 158 → 163] who once appeared on EWTN's conversion show, The Journey Home. [ 164 → 171] That was in January of 2015, when, of course, nobody knew that Cole was, in fact, a woman. [ 172 → 177] EWTN has taken down the video from YouTube, but it is still available elsewhere, [ 178 → 180] linked in the show notes, of course. [ 181 → 184] Let me be clear here that, of course, there is no denying [ 184 → 189] that some people sincerely struggle with accepting their God-given sex. [ 190 → 193] That is not something to be scoffed at or dismissed. [ 193 → 195] It is something to be taken seriously. [ 196 → 199] People who suffer from so-called gender dysphoria [ 199 → 204] should be offered generous help and support in accepting who they really are. [ 205 → 207] They are precisely the sex God gave them. [ 208 → 210] They are not in the wrong place. [ 210 → 215] They are in the wrong body for the very reason that no human being is in a body at all. [ 215 → 219] The body is the human being, together with the soul. [ 220 → 223] Humans are composites of body and soul. [ 224 → 226] The soul is the life principle of the body. [ 227 → 230] We are not ghosts trapped inside a machine. [ 231 → 237] This whole transsexual craze is a modern-day, real-life version of the Emperor's new clothes, [ 237 → 239] and everyone knows it. [ 240 → 243] We are slowly but surely being pressured and conditioned [ 243 → 248] to accept obvious lies, and even to tell lies ourselves. [ 249 → 253] As our society is moving farther and farther away from God, [ 254 → 256] indeed in ever greater speed, [ 256 → 260] we are being pressured to deny not just divine revelation anymore, [ 260 → 265] but now even empirically verifiable biological facts. [ 266 → 269] Let us not play along to get along. [ 270 → 273] No one can force us to lie. [ 273 → 276] A woman is a woman and not a man, [ 276 → 278] and a man is not a woman. [ 279 → 283] Look, I can sit in a garage all day and say I'm a car. [ 283 → 285] That doesn't make me a car. [ 286 → 289] And I could even have my kneecaps replaced with hubcaps [ 289 → 291] and get spark plugs implanted into me. [ 292 → 294] That still wouldn't make me a car. [ 295 → 298] And if I could get the whole world to call me a car, [ 298 → 300] I still wouldn't actually be. [ 300 → 306] It would, however, demonstrate that I am in need of serious help. [ 307 → 310] The powers that be are counting on human weakness, [ 311 → 312] human respect, cowardice, [ 313 → 315] and man's natural desire to fit in [ 315 → 318] for their absurd agenda to succeed. [ 319 → 320] But make no mistake about it, [ 321 → 325] transgenderism is by no means the intended end of the road. [ 326 → 328] It's just the latest step. [ 328 → 329] Further insanities, [ 329 → 332] are already waiting in the wings. [ 333 → 334] Transspeciesism, [ 335 → 336] trans-ableism, [ 336 → 338] and autogynephilia, for example, [ 339 → 340] are already a thing. [ 341 → 343] So, what is going on here? [ 344 → 348] It really cannot be explained outside of what we know by faith. [ 349 → 350] Slowly but surely, [ 350 → 353] the world is preparing to receive the Antichrist. [ 354 → 356] Remember what our blessed Lord said [ 356 → 359] to those who refused to recognize him as the Messiah. [ 359 → 360] Quote, [ 361 → 363] I am come in the name of my Father, [ 363 → 365] and you receive me not. [ 365 → 367] If another shall come in his own name, [ 368 → 369] him you will receive. [ 370 → 370] Unquote. [ 371 → 373] That's found in John 5, 43. [ 375 → 377] Nicole is not Brother Christian, [ 378 → 379] and she's not Cole either. [ 380 → 381] She can pretend otherwise, [ 382 → 385] she can lie to herself and deceive others, [ 385 → 388] but she cannot demand that everyone who knows better [ 388 → 389] affirm her. [ 389 → 390] In her allusions. [ 391 → 394] Bishop Stowe, of course, is happy to play along. [ 395 → 397] Just today, the Diocese of Lexington [ 397 → 399] issued the following brief statement. [ 400 → 400] Quote, [ 400 → 402] On Pentecost Sunday, [ 403 → 404] Brother Christian Madsen, [ 404 → 407] a professed hermit in the Diocese of Lexington, [ 408 → 411] has made it public that he is a transgender person. [ 411 → 416] Brother Christian has long sought to consecrate his life to Christ in the Church [ 416 → 419] by living the evangelical councils of poverty, [ 419 → 421] chastity, and obedience. [ 421 → 426] He has consistently been accompanied by a competent spiritual director [ 426 → 430] and has undergone formation in the Benedictine tradition. [ 431 → 432] He does not seek ordination, [ 432 → 434] but has professed a rule of life [ 434 → 436] that allows him to support himself financially [ 436 → 439] by continuing his work in the arts [ 439 → 443] and to live a life of contemplation in a private hermitage. [ 444 → 447] Bishop John Stowe, Order of Friars Minor Conventional, [ 448 → 449] accepted his profession [ 449 → 449] and, [ 449 → 451] and is grateful to Brother Christian [ 451 → 453] for his witness of discipleship, [ 453 → 454] integrity, [ 454 → 456] and contemplative prayer for the Church. [ 457 → 458] Unquote. [ 459 → 461] So, what will happen next? [ 462 → 464] Will Francis remove Bishop Stowe? [ 464 → 466] I think he just might. [ 467 → 469] You see, in nearby Cincinnati, Ohio, [ 470 → 471] they're in need of a new archbishop, [ 472 → 475] and Stowe might just be the right fit for that role. [ 475 → 477] In Francis' judgment, of course. [ 479 → 480] In other news, [ 481 → 483] the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio, [ 484 → 487] commonly known by his stage name, Pope Francis, [ 487 → 491] went to visit the Italian city of Verona on Saturday, [ 491 → 494] and one of his stops there was at a prison. [ 495 → 497] During his address to the inmates, [ 497 → 499] Bergoglio said the following, [ 499 → 500] quote, [ 500 → 502] God is one. [ 502 → 506] Our cultures have taught us to call him by one name or another [ 506 → 508] and to find him in different ways, [ 508 → 509] but he... [ 509 → 511] He is the same father to all of us. [ 512 → 512] He is one. [ 513 → 515] And all religions, all cultures, [ 515 → 518] look at the one God in different ways. [ 519 → 519] Unquote. [ 520 → 523] Well, if that doesn't sound like Freemasonry. [ 524 → 527] The message the false pope is communicating here [ 527 → 528] is rather clear. [ 528 → 532] God exists, and it doesn't matter what we call him [ 532 → 534] or what exactly we believe about him. [ 534 → 537] Some religions say this, and others say that, [ 537 → 539] but at the end of the day, [ 539 → 541] it's basically all the same. [ 541 → 542] The difference between religions [ 542 → 544] are nothing to lose sleep over. [ 545 → 547] In fact, God wants the differences. [ 547 → 548] They're necessary, [ 549 → 551] and they're an enrichment to humanity, [ 552 → 553] making up a beautiful mosaic [ 553 → 556] showing forth God's diversity. [ 557 → 559] That is apostasy, [ 559 → 561] but it is the basic message [ 561 → 563] Francis preaches to non-Christians. [ 564 → 565] We've got it all documented [ 565 → 567] in our Novels Order Watch blog post [ 567 → 569] linked in the show notes. [ 569 → 573] Remember that on October 5th, 2021, [ 574 → 577] Francis stated at an interreligious education conference, [ 577 → 578] quote, [ 578 → 581] If in the past our differences set us at odds, [ 582 → 583] nowadays we see in them [ 583 → 586] the richness of different ways of coming to God [ 586 → 588] and of educating young people [ 588 → 592] for peaceful coexistence in mutual respect. [ 592 → 595] For this reason, education commits us [ 595 → 598] never to use God's name to justify violence and hatred, [ 599 → 601] towards the other religious traditions, [ 601 → 605] to condemn all forms of fanaticism and fundamentalism, [ 605 → 608] and to defend the right of each individual [ 608 → 610] to choose and act in accordance [ 610 → 612] with his or her conscience. [ 612 → 613] Unquote. [ 614 → 616] Yeah, different ways of coming to God. [ 617 → 617] My eye. [ 618 → 621] Christ Jesus, our Lord, said in John 14, 6, [ 622 → 624] that He is the way, the truth, and the life, [ 625 → 628] and no one comes to the Father except by Him. [ 629 → 631] Neither is there salvation in any other, [ 631 → 634] said St. Peter in Acts 4, 12. [ 634 → 637] For there is no other name under heaven given to men [ 637 → 639] whereby we must be saved. [ 640 → 644] Francis is throwing out the most central truth [ 644 → 646] of the entire gospel. [ 646 → 650] No, the center of the gospel is not the poor. [ 650 → 653] It's not soup kitchens or fraternity. [ 653 → 655] It's the truth of Jesus Christ, [ 656 → 657] the only Savior, [ 657 → 658] who became incarnate, [ 659 → 661] suffered, died, and rose from the dead [ 661 → 663] for our salvation. [ 664 → 666] But Francis doesn't care about that, [ 666 → 669] though of course he does pay lip service to it now and again [ 669 → 671] when he is addressing Christians, [ 672 → 673] who already believe that. [ 674 → 677] He's got a different gospel for different folks. [ 678 → 681] In Verona, Francis ended his meeting with inmates [ 681 → 685] by giving them an interreligious silent blessing, [ 686 → 688] which Freemasonry couldn't agree with more. [ 689 → 689] He said, [ 690 → 690] quote, [ 690 → 692] Now I would like to give you the blessing, [ 693 → 694] but I will give it in silence. [ 695 → 698] In this way, each person receives it from God [ 698 → 701] in the way that he or she believes. [ 701 → 703] A minute of silence, [ 703 → 705] and I will give the blessing to you all. [ 706 → 706] Unquote. [ 708 → 710] Well, that wasn't the first time he did that. [ 710 → 714] In fact, he's done it on multiple interreligious occasions, [ 714 → 716] beginning in 2013, [ 717 → 718] his very first year at the end of his life. [ 718 → 720] of a meeting with journalists. [ 721 → 726] What a betrayal of the only true triune God [ 726 → 729] who said, go and preach the gospel. [ 729 → 732] He didn't say, go and respect everyone's conscience. [ 734 → 738] In case you're wondering why Francis doesn't give a hoot [ 738 → 740] about eternal salvation, [ 740 → 743] it's because he doesn't believe in original sin [ 743 → 744] or its consequences, [ 745 → 748] and so the redemption is not necessary. [ 748 → 751] You may have heard that he just gave an interview [ 751 → 754] to CBS's 60 Minutes that was released [ 754 → 757] this past Sunday, May 19th. [ 757 → 760] While a lot of attention has been given [ 760 → 762] to what he said about conservatives [ 762 → 765] and homo blessings and women deacons, [ 765 → 769] the arguably worst part came at the very end [ 769 → 771] when he said this, quote, [ 771 → 774] People are fundamentally good. [ 774 → 777] We are all fundamentally good. [ 777 → 778] Yes, there are some roads, [ 778 → 779] rogues, and sinners, [ 779 → 783] but the heart is good, unquote. [ 784 → 787] Yeah, actually, that's heresy, [ 787 → 790] but hey, what's one more at this point, right? [ 791 → 793] Yes, it is Pelagianism. [ 793 → 794] It is naturalism, [ 795 → 798] because it denies original sin or its consequences [ 798 → 801] and the necessity of grace. [ 802 → 804] If everyone has a fundamentally good heart, [ 805 → 806] well, what do we need a redeemer for? [ 807 → 808] Why did Christ say, [ 808 → 810] we must do penance and carry the cross? [ 811 → 812] Why did he say, [ 813 → 816] many will try to enter heaven and not be able to? [ 817 → 819] Sacred scripture is pretty clear [ 819 → 821] regarding man's condition without grace, [ 822 → 823] and it's not looking too good. [ 824 → 827] The heart is perverse above all things [ 827 → 827] and unsearchable. [ 828 → 829] Who can know it? [ 829 → 831] Jeremiah 17, 9. [ 832 → 835] For from the heart come forth evil thoughts, [ 835 → 838] murders, adulteries, fornications, [ 838 → 841] thefts, false testimonies, blasphemies. [ 841 → 844] Our Lord said in Matthew 15, 19. [ 845 → 846] Thus saith the Lord, [ 847 → 849] Cursed be the man that trusteth in man [ 849 → 851] and maketh flesh his arm, [ 851 → 853] and whose heart departeth from the Lord. [ 854 → 856] Jeremiah 17, 5. [ 858 → 861] You cannot make sense of Jorge Bergoglio [ 861 → 864] under the supposition that he is the Pope [ 864 → 865] or even a Catholic. [ 866 → 867] But unfortunately, [ 868 → 871] so few people are willing to let the evidence [ 871 → 874] determine what they believe about Francis. [ 875 → 877] As St. Paul wrote in his second letter [ 877 → 880] to the Thessalonians, verses 10 and 11, [ 881 → 884] Therefore God shall send them the operation of error [ 884 → 886] to believe lying, [ 886 → 890] that all may be judged who have not believed the truth [ 890 → 892] but have consented to iniquity. [ 893 → 896] And that is why we now live in a world [ 896 → 897] in which Jorge Bergoglio is the Pope. [ 897 → 900] Jorge Bergoglio is accepted as Pope [ 900 → 904] and Nicole Madsen is accepted as a man. [ 905 → 908] Tradcast Express is a production of Novus Ordo Watch. [ 909 → 911] Check us out at tradcast.org [ 911 → 912] and if you like what we're doing, [ 912 → 915] please consider making a tax-deductible contribution [ 915 → 918] at novusortowatch.org [ 918 → 919] slash donate.