[ 0 → 4] TrapCast Express [ 4 → 15] TrapCast Express, it's Thursday, February 9th, 2017 [ 15 → 19] and Francis has once again made a mess [ 19 → 20] and it is bad [ 20 → 23] Today, the Italian paper Corriere della Sera [ 23 → 26] published the transcript of a question and answer session [ 26 → 31] with Pope Francis when he met with 140 superiors general [ 31 → 34] of male religious orders last November [ 34 → 38] A good part of it is just more of the usual Francis blather [ 38 → 41] but there are also some very memorable lines [ 41 → 42] that you haven't heard before [ 42 → 44] We have a link to the full text [ 44 → 46] with some of our usual blistering commentary [ 46 → 51] on our blog at novosordowatch.org [ 51 → 52] slash wire [ 52 → 56] Now to give you a glimpse of just how bad it is [ 56 → 56] here's a summary [ 56 → 58] of some of the highlights [ 58 → 60] or, well, lowlights [ 60 → 64] Francis says he has always liked to be criticized [ 64 → 64] quote [ 64 → 73] See, there's the reason why he never responded [ 73 → 77] to the dubia of Cardinal Burke and company [ 77 → 79] It's just that they don't make him grow [ 79 → 81] That is the problem [ 81 → 82] Burke should have figured [ 82 → 85] Then, Francis once more condemns [ 85 → 86] black and white [ 86 → 88] thinking as he's done before [ 88 → 90] because black and white thinking [ 90 → 93] he finds to be abstract and casuistic [ 93 → 97] See, he prefers instead the color of gray [ 97 → 98] all 50 shades of it [ 98 → 101] which he claims allows us to discern [ 101 → 103] the complexities of life [ 103 → 106] so that we can offer the true doctrine of the gospel [ 106 → 110] and not the rigidity of an abstract doctrine [ 110 → 113] Now, of course, Francis' idea of moving forward [ 113 → 116] by discerning God's will in gray [ 116 → 117] gray areas [ 117 → 119] is nothing but a smoothed-over endorsement [ 119 → 122] of subjective do-it-yourself morality [ 122 → 124] where the only fixed standard is [ 124 → 126] that there is no fixed standard [ 126 → 129] Then, the Vatican's chief modernist denounces [ 129 → 132] restorationists and their evil [ 132 → 133] there it is again [ 133 → 134] rigidity [ 134 → 138] He's talking about the traditional-leaning religious orders [ 138 → 140] in his own modernist church [ 140 → 141] Believe it or not [ 141 → 144] he even condemns their relative success [ 144 → 145] in producing vocations [ 146 → 148] saying that the Holy Spirit [ 148 → 148] quote [ 148 → 153] does not follow the logic of human success [ 153 → 154] unquote [ 154 → 156] Well, apparently he already forgot [ 156 → 158] that just 10 days ago [ 158 → 159] he was complaining about [ 159 → 162] hemorrhaging vocations in his church [ 162 → 164] Well, you see [ 164 → 167] plentiful vocations, according to him [ 167 → 169] are a sign of triumphalism [ 169 → 171] and, of course, we can't have that [ 171 → 174] Too bad that on September 14th of every year [ 174 → 176] the Novus Ordo sect celebrates [ 176 → 178] a feast of the triumph of the cross [ 178 → 181] But perhaps Mr. Bergoglio can replace that soon [ 181 → 185] with a feast of the inclusive outreach of the cross [ 185 → 186] or something along those lines [ 186 → 190] But we're not done yet [ 190 → 193] In his Q&A, Francis also condemns [ 193 → 194] penance [ 194 → 196] Yes, penance [ 196 → 198] He labels it Pelagian [ 198 → 200] and then insinuates [ 200 → 201] disgracefully [ 201 → 203] that those religious orders [ 203 → 205] who focus on doing penance [ 205 → 206] and defending the church [ 206 → 206] and defending the faith [ 206 → 209] are likely to produce scandal [ 209 → 212] Here's what he says verbatim [ 212 → 212] Quote [ 212 → 214] They seem like soldiers [ 214 → 216] ready to do anything [ 216 → 218] for the defense of faith and morals [ 218 → 220] and then some scandal emerges [ 220 → 222] involving the founder [ 222 → 223] Unquote [ 223 → 225] Now, this is a new low [ 225 → 226] even for Francis [ 226 → 230] But the best line of the entire interview [ 230 → 233] was when he answered the question [ 233 → 236] about how he can be so peaceful [ 236 → 237] so serene [ 237 → 239] Here's what he says [ 239 → 239] Quote [ 239 → 242] What is the source of my serenity? [ 243 → 245] No, I don't take tranquilizers [ 245 → 247] Italians give some good advice [ 247 → 249] In order to live in peace [ 249 → 251] we need a healthy [ 251 → 253] couldn't care less attitude [ 253 → 254] Unquote [ 254 → 256] See, that's it [ 256 → 259] He really just doesn't give a flip [ 259 → 261] And that's exactly [ 261 → 262] how he's been behaving too [ 262 → 265] Lots more in that interview [ 265 → 267] but this is all we can look at here [ 267 → 269] Tradcast Express is a production [ 269 → 271] of Novus Ordo Watch [ 271 → 273] Check us out at tradcast.org [ 273 → 274] And if you like what we're doing [ 274 → 275] please consider making [ 275 → 277] a tax-deductible contribution [ 277 → 280] at novusortowatch.org [ 280 → 280] slash donate