[ 0 → 4] TrapCast Express [ 4 → 14] TrapCast Express, it's Friday, March 10th, 2017. [ 15 → 17] Well, the party is over. [ 17 → 20] Today, Francis returned to the Vatican from his Lenten retreat, [ 21 → 24] and it looks like the Swiss guards didn't get a chance to change the locks in the meantime, [ 25 → 27] so it's going to be back to business as usual. [ 30 → 32] News from Rome today. [ 33 → 35] Archbishop, so-called Bruno Forte, [ 36 → 43] who, by the way, was ordained a bishop in 2004 by none other than Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, [ 43 → 49] announced that giving communion to unrepentant public adulterers is an act of, quote, [ 49 → 52] obedience to God's mercy, unquote. [ 53 → 54] See, that's it. [ 54 → 58] For 2,000 years, the Church just wasn't obedient to God [ 58 → 60] and didn't understand a thing. [ 60 → 61] There's nothing about mercy. [ 62 → 65] Well, good thing we finally have Francis and Bruno to straighten us all out. [ 66 → 68] We live in such times of grace. [ 68 → 73] Then, the biggest story making the rounds right now comes from LifeSiteNews.com. [ 74 → 81] Vatican Cardinal enlists the help of the SSPX to fight the modernists. [ 81 → 86] That is the headline, and that story is dated March 9th, 2017. [ 86 → 88] Here is an excerpt from that story. [ 88 → 88] Quote, [ 90 → 111] Bishop Bernard Fillet reported the comments of Cardinal Gerhard Müller [ 111 → 116] asking the SSPX to join his fight against the modernists, [ 116 → 119] according to the SSPX's USA District. [ 120 → 120] Unquote. [ 121 → 124] Now, this is just rich, okay? [ 124 → 126] And the problem here isn't LifeSiteNews, [ 126 → 129] because they just reported what Bishop Fillet said. [ 129 → 131] No, the problem is Bishop Fillet. [ 131 → 137] In the very same sermon in which Fillet wants to make you believe [ 137 → 140] that Cardinal Müller is interested in fighting the modernists, [ 141 → 143] he says that in 2013, [ 143 → 149] Müller had the decree of excommunication ready against the SSPX, [ 149 → 150] and the only reason it didn't, [ 150 → 154] is because France has refused to sign it. [ 155 → 160] So, this is the Cardinal who now supposedly wants the SSPX to fight the modernists? [ 161 → 164] Does Bishop Fillet ever listen to his own sermons? [ 165 → 170] Now, remember, Fillet keeps insisting that the SSPX has not changed, [ 170 → 172] and that Rome has to accept them as they are. [ 173 → 177] So, there would have been no reason for Müller to change his mind, [ 177 → 179] at least not according to Bishop Fillet. [ 179 → 184] Besides, irony of ironies, Müller himself is a modernist. [ 184 → 188] You know, here at Novels Ordo Watch, we have a very nasty habit, [ 188 → 190] and that's that we remember things. [ 191 → 195] You know who accused Müller of heresy just a few years ago? [ 195 → 197] It was the SSPX. [ 198 → 200] On September 18, 2012, [ 201 → 203] and this was when Benedict XVI was still at the helm, [ 204 → 205] Father Franz Schmidberger, [ 205 → 209] then the German district superior of the Society St. Pius X, [ 209 → 213] said in an interview that then-Archbishop Gerhard Müller was [ 213 → 222] and he would know because Müller was Bishop of Regensburg, Germany, [ 223 → 225] before Benedict XVI transferred him to Rome. [ 226 → 231] And so, Müller has a history of opposing the SSPX in his German diocese. [ 232 → 235] But, Father Schmidberger added in the interview, [ 235 → 238] what concerned him even more was Müller's, quote, [ 239 → 243] What's that heterodox teaching? [ 243 → 246] Well, Müller denies transubstantiation, [ 246 → 249] he denies the perpetual virginity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, [ 249 → 254] and he denies the bodily resurrection of Christ as they have been defined. [ 255 → 258] And you can find the evidence for that on our website at [ 258 → 262] Just use the search box. [ 263 → 268] So, this is the Gerhard Ludwig Müller that Bishop Feli is now promoting [ 268 → 269] as the... [ 269 → 273] the anti-modernist who wants to enlist the help of the SSPX. [ 273 → 274] Whom is he kidding? [ 275 → 280] And by the way, in 2013, Bishop Feli denounced Francis himself [ 280 → 283] as a genuine modernist. [ 283 → 284] Remember? [ 285 → 287] So, what I'd like to know is, [ 287 → 291] does Cardinal Müller want the SSPX to help him fight himself only, [ 291 → 293] or himself and Francis? [ 293 → 295] That is the question. [ 295 → 296] Unbelievable. [ 297 → 297] Meanwhile, [ 298 → 299] the remnant, [ 299 → 301] has published a thing or two critical of Sedevacantism. [ 302 → 305] First, there's a brand new episode out of The Remnant Underground, [ 305 → 305] entitled, [ 306 → 308] Populatory R.I.P. [ 308 → 310] Pope Ignites Counter-Revolution. [ 311 → 313] And in the last six or seven minutes, [ 313 → 315] Michael Matt goes after Sedevacantus, [ 315 → 316] and once again repeats his [ 316 → 320] What does it matter whether Francis is a pope or anti-pope? [ 320 → 321] Objection. [ 321 → 322] Doesn't matter. [ 322 → 322] Doesn't matter. [ 323 → 325] Well, we answered that at great length [ 325 → 327] in Tradcast No. 16, [ 328 → 328] published on December 21st, [ 329 → 331] the 24th, 2016. [ 331 → 334] You can find it at Tradcast.org. [ 334 → 337] But, in our next Tradcast, No. 17, [ 337 → 341] we will respond directly to what Michael Matt says in that new video. [ 342 → 347] Then, Remnant contributor Chris Jackson published a response to our rebuttal of his blog post [ 347 → 352] that attempted to show that Pope Clement XIV's suppression of the Jesuits in the 1700s [ 352 → 356] was resisted by faithful Catholics. [ 357 → 359] Now, his new post, published on March 7th, 2017, [ 359 → 360] is entitled [ 360 → 370] And, folks, that title right there is a good indication [ 370 → 373] of what a sloppy writer Mr. Jackson is [ 373 → 375] because what the title should have been is [ 375 → 388] But, of course, that's not as catchy of a title, [ 388 → 388] so the facts had to be. [ 388 → 388] So, let's get started. [ 388 → 389] Let's get started. [ 389 → 391] Once again, give way to rhetoric. [ 391 → 393] And that's what you get at The Remnant, [ 393 → 395] at least when it comes to Sedevacantism. [ 395 → 396] So, in any case, [ 397 → 398] we'll respond to that post as well [ 398 → 400] on our blog, but [ 400 → 403] I don't know exactly when yet, but it'll be sooner [ 403 → 404] rather than later. [ 405 → 407] Oh, and guess what? [ 407 → 408] Our March donor incentives [ 408 → 409] are now out. [ 410 → 413] It's Lent, and almsgiving, if done with the right disposition, [ 413 → 415] is a very salutary practice. [ 416 → 417] And we've got some great gifts [ 417 → 418] for those who make a qualifying donation. [ 418 → 425] donation. It's one of those, if you give, we give deals. Here's what we're offering in the month [ 425 → 430] of March. Depending on how much you donate, you can get any one of the following books or sets [ 430 → 439] of books for free. AA 1025, Memoirs of Communist Infiltration into the Church. That's a diary of [ 439 → 445] a communist who had become a Catholic priest, I think in the 1930s, in order to destroy the [ 445 → 452] church from within. Then we have The Passion and the Death of Jesus Christ by St. Alphonsus [ 452 → 460] Liguori. It's perfect for Lent. Very, very beautiful reading. Then we have Papal Error, [ 461 → 468] A Defense of Popes Said to Have Erred in Faith by St. Robert Bellarmine. Then we have The Problems [ 468 → 474] with the Other Sacraments by Ramakumar Swamy. That's a book that analyzes how the Novus Ordo [ 475 → 480] changed the other sacraments, meaning the sacraments other than the Holy Eucharist. [ 481 → 489] Then we have On Divine Tradition by Cardinal Johann Franzelin. It's a brand new first ever [ 489 → 497] English translation of that work. Also, we offer The Church of Christ, a collection of essays by [ 497 → 505] Monsignor Joseph Clifford Fenton, as well as The Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils. It's a two [ 505 → 510] volume set. It's a bilingual edition. It's every single ecumenical council of the Catholic Church [ 510 → 516] in the original language, whether that be Greek or Latin, with an English translation. It even [ 516 → 524] includes Vatican II. Yeah, you can just ignore that. Two more items. We have the Paul Preuss [ 524 → 532] Manual of Dogmatic Theology. That's a complete 12 volume set. And finally, the complete five [ 532 → 535] volume set, The Papal Encyclicals. [ 535 → 544] 1740 to 1981. Pope Benedict XIV was the first pope to write an encyclical. And so what you have [ 544 → 552] in this collection is every single papal encyclical ever written in English. And it even [ 552 → 558] includes a bunch of Novus Ordo encyclicals from 1958 to 81. That's volume five. You can just [ 558 → 565] junk that. So get rewarded for helping to make Novus Ordo Watch possible. And it's taxed the [ 565 → 571] same way. It's deductible, too, if you're in the United States. Just go to novusordowatch.org [ 571 → 578] slash donate. Novusordowatch.org slash donate for details on all this and to make a donation. [ 579 → 584] Tradcast Express is a production of Novus Ordo Watch. Check us out at tradcast.org [ 584 → 587] and novusordowatch.org.