[ 0 → 17] It's Monday, March 20th, 2017, and I'm exhausted. [ 18 → 28] My goodness, the flood of news stories and just information from and about what is happening in Novels' Ordo land has been incessant and excessive. [ 28 → 32] To date, we'll focus on three big stories. [ 32 → 54] First, a Novels' Ordo cleric in Rome who goes by the pen name of Fra Cristoforo, Brother Christopher, says he has it on good authority that the much-touted formal correction that the four Dubia cardinals, Burke, Caffara, Brandtmuller, and Meisner, were going to issue against Francis is not going to happen. [ 54 → 58] Fra Cristoforo said this already on March 15th. [ 58 → 67] But then Vatican journalist Ed Penton, who writes for EWTN and the National Catholic Register, said no, this rumor is false, the correction will happen. [ 68 → 77] But today, Fra Cristoforo doubled down on his original claim and even added the reason why the formal correction won't happen. [ 77 → 85] And that is that in a meeting with Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, the head of the Vatican's congregation for the destruction of the faith, [ 86 → 88] warned them not to... [ 88 → 92] ...publish this correction because it would risk causing a schism. [ 94 → 100] We have that story up on our blog at NovelsOrdoWatch.org slash wire. [ 100 → 105] You can look for more information on that there, and also a little bit of commentary. [ 106 → 115] Next, veteran Vatican journalist and papal biographer Andreas Englisch, who is German, by the way, not English, [ 116 → 118] claimed in a lecture that he gave in... [ 118 → 130] ...in Limburg, Germany on March 16th, that Francis and Benedict XVI are at complete odds with each other and are not even speaking to each other anymore. [ 130 → 132] And that's gone on for a while, he says. [ 133 → 141] Further, he adds that Benedict XVI only appears in public whenever Francis explicitly asks for it. [ 142 → 148] By the way, Englisch is the Vaticanist who predicted Benedict XVI. [ 148 → 163] And another interesting tidbit, after the release of Amoris Laetitia, France's infernal document effectively permitting unrepentant adulterers to receive the Novels Ordo Sacraments, [ 163 → 174] Englisch said that although he doesn't think it's likely to happen, a schism in which Benedict XVI plays the role of antipope is not out of the question. [ 174 → 176] And finally, our last story... [ 178 → 192] Next week, on March 30th and 31st, there is scheduled to take place in Paris, France, an international event that they're calling the Deposing the Pope Conference. [ 193 → 203] The program flyer that's been released lists well over a dozen speakers that are all scholars, mostly university professors, so this is a big deal. [ 203 → 204] This is serious. [ 204 → 207] This is not something to just blow off. [ 207 → 213] In fact, I think it could be a key event and a possible schism within the Vatican II Church. [ 214 → 226] Now, regarding the actual notion of deposing a pope, let me make this very quick, because it's actually a very simple, a very black-and-white issue, believe it or not. [ 227 → 236] If Francis is a valid pope, if he is a true and valid Roman pontiff, then there is no authority on earth. [ 236 → 242] There is no authority on earth that can take that pontificate away from him, not even all the bishops together. [ 243 → 256] That's because there is no higher authority in the Catholic Church than the pope, and the act of deposing, judging, or punishing someone is proper to a superior, as St. Robert Bellarmine, for example, clearly teaches. [ 256 → 263] Well, the pope has no superior on earth, so no one can un-pope him, so to speak. [ 263 → 266] On the other hand... [ 266 → 276] If a manifest heretic, or in Francis' case, a manifest apostate, can be deposed, he can be removed, because he's already not a valid pope. [ 277 → 283] So in that case, there's no deposing of the pope going on, but only the deposing of an obvious non-pope. [ 284 → 296] So, I don't know what these conference speakers think they're doing, but when they refer to deposing the pope, if they think Francis is a valid pope and he can be stripped of the pontificate, [ 296 → 297] that is heresy. [ 297 → 299] Yes, heresy. [ 299 → 304] The heresy of Gallicanism, and also conciliarism, is what it's called. [ 304 → 312] Now, on the other hand, if by deposing the pope, they simply mean it's time to legally declare that Francis isn't pope, [ 312 → 320] because although this is already obvious in fact, and we can act on it, it needs to be established legally so we can have a new conclave. [ 320 → 326] Well, then they can say that, but then they're conceding that the Sedevacanus position is correct. [ 326 → 335] Because it has been our position that we can know that Francis isn't the pope even before and without a legal declaration. [ 336 → 342] In fact, to say otherwise would involve one in circular reasoning, because unless we can know that, [ 343 → 348] no gathering of bishops to depose the false pope would even be possible, right? [ 348 → 356] The only way you can have a declaration that Francis isn't pope is if that is knowable independently of the declaration. [ 357 → 359] Otherwise, no one could issue it. [ 360 → 369] So, you can see that in the end, this conference may just unwittingly confirm that the Sedevacanus position has been right all along. [ 370 → 374] Tradcast Express is a production of Novus Ordo Watch. [ 375 → 377] Check us out at tradcast.org. [ 377 → 385] And if you like what we're doing, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution at novusordowatch.org. [ 386 → 387] Thank you.