[ 0 → 4] Tradcast Express [ 30 → 34] An hour and 23 minutes in length and full of great stuff. [ 34 → 35] So check it out. [ 35 → 40] Go to Tradcast.org and look for episode number 17. [ 41 → 42] All right. [ 42 → 45] What's been going on in Novos Ordo land? [ 45 → 48] Well, a little March madness in Rome. [ 48 → 55] On March 27th, Francis received for their mandatory five-year visit the Novos Ordo Bishops of Canada. [ 55 → 59] And according to one of them, Michael J. Miller of Vancouver, [ 59 → 66] Francis explained to them the reason why St. Peter was crucified upside down. [ 66 → 66] Quote, [ 67 → 82] That's a direct quote from this Bishop Miller of Vancouver [ 82 → 88] from a report written in Italian by Vatican journalist Andrea Gagliarducci. [ 89 → 93] Yeah, I mean, you can't make this stuff up. [ 94 → 102] Then the Novos Ordo Church in Egypt has released the official logo for Francis' trip at the end of April to that country. [ 102 → 108] And you'll be happy to hear that this logo, unlike many others of Francis' journeys, [ 109 → 113] actually contains a cross this time and even a beautiful one. [ 113 → 117] Of course, you know that that comes at a price, right? [ 117 → 117] Yeah. [ 118 → 118] Well, you see, the cross... [ 119 → 125] The cross is displayed right next to the Muslim crescent, the half-moon symbol of Islam. [ 125 → 130] And so the logo visually puts both religions on an equal level. [ 130 → 133] And the crescent is placed before the cross, of course. [ 134 → 141] So the official papal logo for what is styled an apostolic journey now includes, [ 141 → 145] I think for the first time ever, the symbol of a non-Christian religion. [ 145 → 148] That is where we're at in 2017, folks. [ 149 → 155] In that logo, by the way, Francis is referred to as the Pope of Peace. [ 156 → 164] What exactly this man has done for peace, other than repeat the usual naturalist blather about dialogue and counter and dignity, [ 164 → 169] oh, and playing soccer and praying with other religions, is anyone's guess. [ 170 → 177] In any case, we've got a blog post on it on the Novos Ordo wire dated March 31st. [ 178 → 179] Oh, by the way. [ 179 → 180] Did you hear about this? [ 180 → 186] On Saturday, March 25th, Francis visited the city of Milan in northern Italy [ 186 → 193] and decided he was going to do his business in a portable toilet that had been set up specifically for him. [ 193 → 201] Not, mind you, in a discreet spot somewhere, but right next to a stage for musicians that had been set up for the event. [ 201 → 202] Yep. [ 202 → 207] You can find that on our blog as well for March 25th under the appropriate headline, [ 208 → 209] VATI. [ 209 → 209] LEAKS. [ 210 → 214] Francis flaunts use of a portable toilet during Milan visit. [ 214 → 218] And, of course, there are photos and video available. [ 219 → 223] Now, let me be clear about this because a lot of people tend to misunderstand. [ 224 → 227] Yes, of course, we all have to go at some point. [ 228 → 235] But there's a discreet way of doing it and then there's the I'm so humble Francis way of doing it. [ 235 → 239] And according to Vatican insider Ulrich Nerzinger, [ 239 → 244] who, by the way, writes for the Vatican's own newspaper, Osservatore Romano, [ 244 → 247] the whole thing had been planned in advance. [ 248 → 253] What we have here is yet another in-your-face humiliation of the papacy. [ 254 → 259] Not that the man actually is the pope, but in people's minds he is, [ 259 → 262] and that is where all the damage is caused. [ 262 → 266] In any case, if you want something more hardcore, we've got that too. [ 267 → 268] On March 17th, during... [ 269 → 273] a private audience, Francis is reported to have cracked a joke about [ 273 → 276] the Most Holy Trinity. [ 276 → 279] Yes, he directly blasphemed God himself. [ 280 → 284] Now, since I refuse to repeat the words that he said in this podcast, [ 285 → 288] if you want to know what he said, you'll have to look it up yourself. [ 288 → 293] Go to our blog at novosortowatch.org [ 293 → 294] slash wire [ 294 → 297] or just go to novosortowatch.org [ 297 → 299] and click on Novosortowatch.org [ 299 → 303] or wire in the menu bar at the top [ 303 → 307] and find the post dated March 27th [ 307 → 312] entitled Blasphemy, Francis Jokes About Most Holy Trinity. [ 313 → 318] Then there was a Vatican-initiated conference in Rome [ 318 → 320] on Martin Luther and the Reformation [ 320 → 323] from March 29th through the 31st. [ 323 → 326] And of course, Francis had to give an address about that [ 326 → 328] in which he expressed his gratitude. [ 329 → 330] He said for such a wonderful thing [ 330 → 332] and called it, quote, [ 332 → 336] the results of the working of the Holy Spirit, unquote. [ 337 → 339] You know, after 500 years, [ 339 → 343] they're still trying to discover the real Martin Luther [ 343 → 346] and what he really said or really meant. [ 347 → 349] All right, we'll close with another scandal. [ 350 → 354] And for this one, make sure you don't have children listening. [ 355 → 358] On March 24th, Francis happily received [ 359 → 362] the prime minister of Luxembourg, Xavier Battelle, [ 363 → 366] together with his, quote, unquote, husband. [ 367 → 370] And yes, since Francis, official Vatican protocol [ 370 → 374] allows for sodomites to bring their partners, [ 374 → 376] you know, mercy. [ 377 → 381] Battelle's politics is totally in accordance with his lifestyle. [ 381 → 383] Under his government, Luxembourg introduced [ 383 → 386] so-called homosexual marriage, [ 386 → 389] adoption rights for homo pervert, [ 389 → 393] couples, and of course, eased abortion restrictions. [ 393 → 397] Now, don't say, well, you don't know what Francis said to them. [ 397 → 399] You don't know that he didn't rebuke them. [ 400 → 401] Yeah, right. [ 401 → 403] First, the protocol was changed. [ 404 → 407] Secondly, since the two perverts were received in public, [ 408 → 410] the scandal is public. [ 410 → 413] And hence, in order to avert or address the scandal, [ 413 → 417] any sort of rebuke must also be in public [ 417 → 418] or at least made public, [ 418 → 419] afterwards. [ 420 → 422] That is how Catholic morals work. [ 423 → 425] Absent any redressing of scandal in public, [ 425 → 428] we must and can safely assume precisely [ 428 → 431] what is clear from the outward actions. [ 431 → 434] The Vatican has no problem with sodomy. [ 435 → 436] That is the message being sent. [ 436 → 438] Remember, actions speak louder than words. [ 439 → 442] And that message is being heard loud and clear. [ 443 → 446] Tradcast Express is a production of Novus Ordo Watch. [ 446 → 448] Check us out at tradcast.org. [ 449 → 450] And if you like what we're doing, [ 450 → 453] please consider making a tax-deductible donation [ 453 → 455] at novosordowatch.org [ 455 → 456] slash donate. [ 459 → 459] Thank you.