[ 0 → 4] TrapCast Express [ 4 → 18] TrapCast Express, it's Friday, April 7th, 2017, and Francis has blasphemed again. [ 19 → 25] This time he has committed the greatest possible blasphemy a man can commit, and I'm not kidding. [ 25 → 36] In his homily at the Casa Santa Marta on April 4th, Francis spoke about the cross, the crucifix, as the badge of the Christian, and he called it, quote, [ 36 → 46] the memory of him who has made himself sin, who has made himself the devil, the serpent for us. [ 46 → 52] He has humbled himself to the point of complete annihilation, unquote, blasphemy. [ 53 → 55] And no, this is not a translation. [ 56 → 58] It's not taken out of context. [ 58 → 61] And yes, Francis really did say it. [ 61 → 67] It's on the Vatican website, Vatican.va, and also on the Vatican news site, News.va. [ 68 → 77] And we examined this at length in a new blog post we put up yesterday, April 6th, which you can find at NovusOrdoWatch.org slash wire. [ 78 → 85] Under the cloak of admiring God's humility, Francis claims that Jesus Christ himself is the devil. [ 85 → 92] Once again, Bergoglio shows himself firmly ensconced in the camp of his real masters, the apostate Jews. [ 92 → 100] For this was the same insult the unbelieving Pharisees hurled at our Lord, as he lamented in Matthew 10.25, quote, [ 101 → 105] they have called the good men of the house Beelzebub, unquote. [ 106 → 113] And by the way, considering the blasphemy Francis uttered, does that mean he's admitting that he is the vicar of the devil then? [ 114 → 115] Yeah. [ 115 → 115] Yeah. [ 115 → 121] A more staggering blasphemy than to say that God is Satan cannot be imagined. [ 122 → 126] And yet there it is, right there on the various websites of the Vatican. [ 127 → 129] But where is the outrage? [ 130 → 135] Why is this greatest possible blasphemy not front page news everywhere? [ 135 → 145] Well, it was in Italy, at least, where Antonio Sochi wrote an article about it that appeared on page one of the Secular Daily Press. [ 145 → 146] It was in the print newspaper, Libero. [ 147 → 158] But, I mean, where is the outrage from all those supposedly conservative Catholic blogs and websites that have been all bent out of shape over Amoris Laetitia and the Dubia? [ 159 → 160] Where are they? [ 160 → 173] Where are Raratecelli, Church Militant, 1 Peter 5, Pew Sitter, Canon 212, Catholic Herald, The Remnant, the National Catholic Register, LifeSite News, and so forth? [ 173 → 174] Where are they? [ 174 → 190] Where are those websites? Where are those organizations? Where's Catholic Answers, EWTN? Where's Patrick Madrid, Tim Haynes, Jimmy Akin, Tim Staples, Father Zuhlstorf? Where? Where are they? Why are they not up in arms about this? [ 190 → 211] Well, I'll tell you why I think the outrage about this is nonexistent or minimal. It's because it's not about sexuality. It's not about contraception, divorce, abortion, or anything like it. It's not a matter of the Sixth or the Ninth Commandments. It's only the First Commandment. [ 212 → 219] Hatred of God, which Francis is clearly displaying here, is the greatest possible sin. [ 219 → 229] It is even worse than heresy, because it is directly contrary to the greatest virtue, the love of God. [ 230 → 246] This is how it works in our bizarre times, though. If Francis says not to breed like rabbits, all hell breaks loose. And rightly so. But if he says that Christ is the devil, that God is Satan, barely anyone cares. It's disgusting. [ 247 → 249] And, you know, we see this sort of... [ 249 → 272] behavior again and again. Let me give you a similar example. Just the other day, Father John Zuhlstorf posted an official decree from the Vatican's Ecclesia Dei Commission authorizing every priest to offer a votive mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on May 13th, this year, the 100th anniversary of Fatima in the traditional Latin rite. [ 272 → 279] Well, meaning the 1962 Indult Mass, okay? Not quite the traditional mass, but that's... [ 279 → 306] So here is Mr. Zuhlstorf, all excited and gung-ho about what a wonderful thing it is that he can now celebrate this votive mass on May 13th, this year, and he completely leaves out of account that the man who gave this authorization, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Muller, the head of the Congregation for the Destruction of the Faith, denies the dogma of transubstantiation. [ 306 → 308] And aside from that, [ 309 → 316] he also does not believe that it is the words of consecration that confect the Blessed Eucharist. [ 317 → 321] So these people strain a gnat and swallow a camel. [ 322 → 334] I've long thought that the whole purpose of Mr. Zuhlstorf's celebrity status is to keep those with a love for Latin and the externals of the traditional liturgy attached to the Vatican II Church. [ 334 → 338] You know, keep them distracted, entertained, excited. [ 339 → 346] But this or that liturgical detail, while the great apostasy continues in the Vatican at full blast. [ 347 → 356] Get them excited about a votive mass for the Immaculate Heart of Mary on May 13th, while Bergoglio declares Christ became Satan. [ 357 → 369] By the way, tomorrow, April 8th, marks the first anniversary of the release of Amoris Laetitia, which was supposed to be Francis' clarifying word. [ 369 → 372] About the confusion engendered by the two synods on the family. [ 372 → 376] And they're still debating what the document even says. [ 378 → 379] Unbelievable. [ 380 → 381] Hey, in case you're not aware yet, [ 382 → 388] Tradcast and Tradcast Express are now available also through Google Play. [ 388 → 391] You can get our podcasts that way if you like. [ 391 → 399] And of course, they are available and have been through iTunes and Stitcher, as well as, of course, on our website. [ 399 → 409] And we're also now on SoundCloud, although at this point, it's only the Express Tradcast episodes that are available there. [ 410 → 412] And yeah, you're welcome. [ 413 → 416] Tradcast Express is a production of Novos Ordo Watch. [ 417 → 418] Check us out at Tradcast.org. [ 418 → 425] And if you like what we're doing, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution at NovosOrdoWatch.org. [ 425 → 426] Donate.