[ 0 → 4] TrapCast Express [ 4 → 15] TrapCast Express, it's Monday, April 17th, 2017. [ 16 → 17] Happy Easter, everyone. [ 18 → 22] Most people probably missed it because of Easter preparations, but we didn't. [ 22 → 27] On Holy Saturday, April 15th, Pope Francis preached a sermon [ 27 → 32] in which he claimed that our Lord rolled back the big rock in front of his tomb. [ 32 → 34] Here's what Francis said verbatim. [ 35 → 35] Quote, [ 57 → 78] That's Matthew 28, 2. [ 78 → 83] In the famous traditional Catholic HADOC commentary on Sacred Scripture, we read, [ 83 → 84] Quote, [ 84 → 87] The angel did not remove the stone to afford a passage, [ 87 → 92] to Christ when he arose, for Christ most certainly arose before the angel appeared. [ 92 → 95] But he removed the stone to prepare the way for the women [ 95 → 98] and to show the soldiers that Christ was arisen. [ 99 → 99] Unquote. [ 100 → 102] Now, you might say, big deal. [ 102 → 104] Does it really matter who rolled back the stone? [ 105 → 111] Oh, yes, it does, because our Lord, being God, is above and outside the laws of nature. [ 111 → 113] I mean, he created the laws of nature. [ 113 → 116] It's not like Christ needed to roll back the stone [ 116 → 117] in order to be able to do that. [ 117 → 125] No, Christ exited the tomb even before the stone was removed simply by passing through [ 125 → 130] the rock, just as he entered the womb of the Blessed Mother at the Annunciation, and just [ 130 → 135] as after his resurrection, he entered the room where the disciples were gathered, even [ 135 → 136] though the doors were shut. [ 137 → 141] St. John talks about it in chapter 20, verse 19 of his gospel. [ 141 → 141] Quote, [ 142 → 146] Now, when it was late that same day, the first of the week, and the doors were shut where [ 146 → 147] the disciples were gathered, he entered the room where the disciples were gathered, and [ 147 → 151] when the disciples were gathered together for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood [ 151 → 154] in the midst and said to them, Peace be to you. [ 154 → 155] Unquote. [ 155 → 158] And the Hadar commentary on this passage says, quote, [ 159 → 166] His glorified body entered by penetration through the doors, as he did at his resurrection. [ 167 → 167] Unquote. [ 168 → 173] And for Francis to say that Christ rolled back the stone of the tomb calls all of this [ 173 → 177] into question, not directly, of course, but by inference. [ 177 → 186] Then, the so-called Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI, turned 90 years old on Easter Sunday. [ 186 → 192] Now, for all those who are perhaps now reminiscing about how wonderful things were under the [ 192 → 199] great Orthodox Pope Benedict, we put a little birthday present together for him on our blog. [ 199 → 207] See the entry dated April 16th, which lists 49 reasons why his birthday is really nothing. [ 207 → 214] Yeah, it's a little reality check on just who Joseph Ratzinger really is. [ 215 → 219] See, a lot of people are taken in by beautiful externals, right? [ 219 → 226] Eloquent, Latin, lots of incense, and that veneer of dignity and orthodoxy. [ 227 → 234] But behind Ratzinger's mask is a very dangerous individual, much more dangerous than Francis, [ 234 → 237] in fact, precisely because of this appearance. [ 237 → 246] For example, did you know that Joseph Ratzinger was tagged suspect of heresy by the Holy Office [ 246 → 250] under Pope Pius XII as early as the 1950s? [ 250 → 255] Did you know that he was forced to change the dissertation he had written to be allowed [ 255 → 259] to teach at university on account of modernist tendencies? [ 260 → 265] Did you know that at the Second Vatican Council, some conservative bishops denounced Ratzinger [ 265 → 267] as a heretic who was a heretic? [ 267 → 267] Did you know that at the Second Vatican Council, some conservative bishops denounced Ratzinger [ 267 → 268] as a heretic who denies hell? [ 269 → 276] Did you know that his 1968 book, Introduction to Christianity, was banned by Cardinal Wyszynski [ 276 → 281] in the Archdiocese of Warsaw, Poland, for being a danger to the faith? [ 282 → 287] Did you know that Joseph Ratzinger denies the dogmas of the bodily resurrection of Christ, [ 288 → 293] infant baptism, no salvation outside the church, and papal primacy, for example? [ 294 → 297] Now, I could go on and on, but it would get really boring. [ 297 → 304] See our blog post entitled, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI Turns 90, and find all this [ 304 → 309] information with the necessary documentation, all collected and linked there for you. [ 310 → 318] It's novusortowatch.org slash wire, novusortowatch.org slash wire. [ 318 → 325] Joseph Ratzinger is not a Roman Catholic, so if you were throwing a birthday party for [ 325 → 326] the great Pope Benedict... [ 327 → 328] I've got four words for you. [ 329 → 330] The party is over. [ 331 → 334] Tradcast Express is a production of Novus Ordo Watch. [ 335 → 337] Check us out at tradcast.org. [ 337 → 341] And if you like what we're doing, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution [ 341 → 344] at novusortowatch.org slash donate.