[ 0 → 4] TrapCast Express [ 4 → 15] TrapCast Express, it's Friday, April 28th, 2017. [ 16 → 23] Folks, you know how it is. No matter what happens in the world, you can bet your bottom dollar that Francis has something to say about it. [ 24 → 26] Well, okay, there's one exception. [ 26 → 35] When the 100th anniversary of the death of Pope St. Pius X came up on August 20th, 2014, Francis had absolutely nothing to say. [ 36 → 39] His motor mouth was actually entirely silent on that occasion. [ 40 → 44] But anyway, that's not our topic now. Rather, it's this. [ 44 → 50] Earlier this week, Francis sent a video message to the 2017 TED conference, which was placed under the motto, [ 50 → 52] The Future of You. [ 53 → 55] TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and... [ 56 → 61] I guess Francis' talk would have to fall into the entertainment category. [ 62 → 64] Although, it wasn't exactly entertaining. [ 65 → 66] It was just awful. [ 67 → 71] For almost 18 minutes, which is the TED talk limit that everyone has to abide by, [ 72 → 79] Francis graced his hapless listeners with the usual blather about inclusion, encounter, solidarity, and all the rest, [ 79 → 82] culminating in an idiotic call for a, quote, [ 82 → 85] revolution of tenderness. [ 86 → 91] And there we go again with the inane tripe that he sells to the world as the gospel, [ 91 → 99] but which is really just a mixture of Freemasonic naturalism and Jewish existentialist philosophy in the style of Martin Buber. [ 100 → 103] It's an utter shame that Francis gets away with it. [ 103 → 109] For example, if you look at the March 2017 issue of Inside the Vatican magazine, [ 109 → 110] it says on the cover, [ 111 → 113] Four years with Francis. [ 113 → 116] He has preached the gospel to the world. [ 116 → 119] Both in his words and in his deeds. [ 120 → 122] Yeah, well, the soup kitchen gospel perhaps, [ 122 → 129] but Christ didn't become man and die on the cross just so that we would feed the hungry and caress the elderly. [ 130 → 132] The incarnation wasn't necessary for that, [ 132 → 137] but Francis is actually entirely distorting the meaning and purpose of the incarnation [ 137 → 144] away from God the Son becoming a member of the race of Adam in order to redeem that race [ 144 → 146] and offer a sin-atoning sacrifice, [ 146 → 153] and instead turning it into a solidarity fest that makes it seem as though God became man [ 153 → 157] just so he could have compassion on us on account of our miserable human condition. [ 158 → 162] That, by the way, is the Zollich heresy, if you remember. [ 163 → 169] Back in 2009, the then Archbishop of Freiburg, Germany, Robert Zollich, [ 169 → 173] said in an interview on Good Friday, no less, [ 173 → 176] that God didn't die on the cross in order... [ 176 → 180] in order to render a sacrifice of atonement to appease God's just wrath, [ 180 → 184] but rather in order to show solidarity with man [ 184 → 190] and to identify himself with us and our sufferings by suffering and dying himself. [ 190 → 192] That is pure heresy. [ 193 → 199] So anyway, we've got a pretty big post up about Francis' idiotic revolution of tenderness, [ 199 → 205] and in that post we're going through his TED speech and contrast his remarks with the true. [ 206 → 208] Gospel, which is supernatural in essence, [ 209 → 213] and actually focuses not on this world so much as on eternity. [ 214 → 217] You know, that last judgment thing. [ 217 → 219] It's kind of important. [ 219 → 223] More important than carbon output or accommodating migrants. [ 224 → 225] Look for our post entitled, [ 225 → 227] A Revolution of Tenderness. [ 228 → 233] Francis' video message to TED conference posted on April 28th at [ 233 → 235] novusortowatch.org [ 235 → 236] slash [ 236 → 236] wire. [ 237 → 242] Another article we published this week concerns the curious phenomenon of [ 242 → 243] Sedevacantophobia, [ 244 → 246] if we want to call it that. [ 246 → 251] It's this bizarre and totally unreasonable fear of Sedevacantism that people have, [ 251 → 256] going so far as to come up with the most ludicrous and un-Catholic ideas [ 256 → 262] as long as they can continue to believe that Francis is the Pope [ 262 → 265] and the Vatican II sect is the Catholic Church. [ 266 → 269] One such idea was recently promoted by Steve Skojec, [ 269 → 274] the editor of the popular semi-trad website 1Peter5. [ 275 → 277] Skojec called for, I kid you not, [ 277 → 280] a practical Sedevacantism, [ 280 → 283] where you're supposed to basically act like a Sedevacantist, [ 283 → 287] but of course without actually being one. [ 287 → 288] I mean, heaven forbid. [ 290 → 293] So you're supposed to say that Francis is the Pope, [ 293 → 295] but act like he isn't. [ 295 → 297] Which is basically what they all do anyway, [ 298 → 300] but I don't think it's ever been so explicitly advocated. [ 302 → 304] And, you know, this reminds me of something. [ 304 → 309] It reminds me of people who say that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Master, [ 310 → 312] but act like he isn't. [ 313 → 314] Anyway, check out our post on this. [ 315 → 321] It's a very interesting one that totally dismantles this silly idea of a practical Sedevacantism [ 321 → 324] and demonstrates how it is absolutely incompatible [ 324 → 327] with Catholic teaching on the papacy. [ 327 → 330] Because, you know, the papacy is a little bit more [ 330 → 334] than just a nice label you can give to someone [ 334 → 336] and then go off and do your own thing. [ 337 → 340] There's this pesky submission thing, you know? [ 341 → 343] Anyway, the post is entitled [ 343 → 347] Anything But Sedevacantism, Analysis of a Curious Phenomenon, [ 348 → 350] and it is likewise found on our blog. [ 350 → 353] It's the entry dated April 25th. [ 354 → 357] Oh, yes, and lastly, in case you're not aware, [ 358 → 361] The Francis Show is currently underway in Egypt. [ 362 → 365] If you missed it so far, well, you really didn't miss it [ 365 → 369] because it's just the same old stuff, just in a different location. [ 370 → 373] You know, fraternity, dialogue, common declaration, [ 374 → 376] ecumenism of blood, and so forth. [ 376 → 378] Just the usual. [ 378 → 382] We'll have a post up with coverage of that by Sunday night. [ 383 → 383] Trapcast Express. [ 383 → 386] Trapcast Express is a production of Novus Ordo Watch. [ 386 → 388] Check us out at tradcast.org, [ 388 → 390] and if you like what we're doing, [ 390 → 392] please consider making a tax-deductible contribution [ 392 → 395] at novusortowatch.org.