[ 0 → 4] TrapCast Express [ 4 → 14] TrapCast Express, it's Friday, May 5th, 2017. [ 15 → 18] Let me tell you about something that Francis said during Easter week. [ 18 → 24] At his general audience on April 19th, and I've taken this straight from the Vatican website, [ 25 → 26] Francis declared that, quote, [ 27 → 30] God is greater than nothingness. [ 31 → 33] An absolutely brilliant observation. [ 34 → 39] I mean, considering that anything, anything at all, is greater than nothing. [ 40 → 42] Like a cockroach, for example. [ 42 → 45] But, hey, that is Bergolian theology. [ 46 → 48] But that's not even what I want to focus on today. [ 49 → 53] Instead, I'd like to look at something else that he said in the same audience. [ 53 → 54] Namely, quote, [ 54 → 60] Accepting that Christ is dead and that he died crucified is not, [ 60 → 61] an act of faith. [ 62 → 64] It is a historical fact. [ 64 → 68] Believing he is risen, on the other hand, is, unquote. [ 69 → 70] Really? [ 70 → 74] Christ's crucifixion and death are not objects of faith? [ 75 → 75] Let's see. [ 76 → 78] What do we pray in the Apostles' Creed? [ 79 → 83] I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth, [ 84 → 86] and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, [ 87 → 89] who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, [ 89 → 90] and born of the Holy Spirit, and born of the Holy Spirit, [ 90 → 91] and born of the Virgin Mary, [ 92 → 93] suffered under Pontius Pilate, [ 94 → 98] was crucified, died, and was buried. [ 98 → 101] Ah, there we go. [ 101 → 103] Not a part of our faith, huh? [ 103 → 104] Just historical fact. [ 105 → 108] As though something of faith could not also be historical. [ 109 → 113] Which is, indirectly, what Francis is saying about the resurrection, [ 113 → 115] that it's not a historical fact. [ 116 → 120] Yes, I know that at first he repeatedly calls it a fact, [ 120 → 122] during that audience, [ 122 → 125] but then he proceeds to clarify what he means by it, [ 126 → 127] and it's not historical fact, [ 128 → 130] but what he might call religious fact, [ 131 → 134] because he's obviously juxtaposing historical fact [ 134 → 136] with dogma of the faith, [ 137 → 140] so that the conclusion one is being asked to draw is [ 140 → 143] that something is either a matter of faith [ 143 → 146] or a matter of history, of historical fact. [ 147 → 149] Which is heresy? [ 149 → 151] And it also doesn't make any sense. [ 152 → 155] Obviously, God has revealed to us, in sacred scripture, [ 156 → 157] lots of historical facts. [ 157 → 159] Just because something is historical fact [ 159 → 162] doesn't mean God hasn't also revealed it. [ 163 → 166] And similarly, the existence of God, for example, [ 167 → 169] is both a dogma of the faith, [ 169 → 172] as well as knowable by reason alone. [ 172 → 173] It is both. [ 174 → 176] The one does not exclude the other. [ 176 → 178] In fact, curiously, [ 178 → 181] it is a dogma that the existence of God [ 181 → 184] can be known by reason alone. [ 184 → 188] And that was defined at the First Vatican Council in 1870. [ 188 → 191] You can see that in Denzinger 1806. [ 192 → 195] The modernists have always had a problem with miracles, [ 195 → 198] and especially with the bodily resurrection of Christ, [ 198 → 200] which is, of course, the ultimate miracle. [ 201 → 202] On July 3rd, 1907, [ 203 → 206] Pope St. Pius X published the Syllabus of Modernist Errors, [ 206 → 208] which condemned, [ 208 → 210] with 65 specific propositions, [ 210 → 211] including this one, [ 211 → 212] quote, [ 212 → 230] That is condemned by the Pope, [ 230 → 231] St. Pius X, [ 232 → 234] in the decree Lamentabili Sane, [ 234 → 235] number 36, [ 235 → 237] and you can find it in Denzinger, [ 237 → 238] 2036. [ 239 → 240] Now, Francis, of course, [ 240 → 243] is by no means the only one questioning the resurrection [ 243 → 245] in the Vatican II Church. [ 245 → 247] For example, let me quote to you [ 247 → 250] what Gerhard Ludwig Müller believes about the resurrection. [ 251 → 254] Now, that's the man who was put in the position [ 254 → 257] of chief enforcer of doctrinal orthodoxy [ 257 → 259] in the Vatican's so-called [ 259 → 262] Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. [ 262 → 266] Here's what Müller wrote in his book Catholic Dogma, [ 266 → 267] which is available, [ 267 → 268] only in German, [ 269 → 270] but I've translated it for you. [ 271 → 272] So, here we go. [ 272 → 272] Quote, [ 272 → 276] A running camera would not have been able to make [ 276 → 278] an audio-visual recording of either [ 278 → 280] the Easter manifestations of Jesus [ 280 → 281] in front of his disciples, [ 282 → 284] nor of the resurrection event, [ 284 → 286] which, at its core, [ 286 → 288] is the consummation of the personal [ 288 → 290] relation of the Father [ 290 → 292] to the incarnate Son [ 292 → 293] in the Holy Ghost. [ 294 → 296] In contrast to human reason, [ 296 → 297] animals and technicalities [ 297 → 301] are not capable of a transcendental experience [ 301 → 304] and thus also lack the ability [ 304 → 306] to be addressed by the Word of God [ 306 → 309] through perceptible phenomena and signs. [ 310 → 312] Only human reason in its inner unity [ 312 → 316] of categoricality and transcendentality [ 316 → 319] is determinable by the Spirit of God [ 319 → 321] to enable it to perceive [ 321 → 323] in the sensory-cognitive image [ 323 → 325] triggered by the manifestation event [ 325 → 327] the person-reality of God. [ 327 → 327] The person-reality of Jesus [ 327 → 330] as the cause of the sensory-mental [ 330 → 331] cognitive image. [ 332 → 332] Unquote. [ 332 → 335] Folks, these people do not believe [ 335 → 337] in the dogma of the resurrection. [ 338 → 340] And again, this was, [ 340 → 341] what you just heard was Cardinal, [ 342 → 344] so-called Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, [ 344 → 347] the supposed guardian of orthodoxy [ 347 → 348] in the Vatican II sect, [ 349 → 350] who was put there, by the way, [ 350 → 353] by Benedict XVI, [ 353 → 354] who, I might add, [ 354 → 356] also denies the resurrection [ 356 → 357] and, of course, [ 357 → 359] Müller is still in there [ 359 → 361] in this position under Francis. [ 361 → 363] The quote that I gave you [ 363 → 366] is a translation of what appears [ 366 → 368] in the eighth edition of the book [ 368 → 372] Katholische Dogmatik, page 300. [ 372 → 375] And you can actually find this [ 375 → 378] together with the scan of the actual page [ 378 → 379] on our blog at [ 379 → 381] novusordowatch.org [ 381 → 383] slash wire. [ 383 → 385] Just go to the search box [ 385 → 387] and put in deniers, [ 387 → 388] of the resurrection. [ 389 → 391] And you will find a post there [ 391 → 394] that gives this quote [ 394 → 396] and the scanned page [ 396 → 397] from the book. [ 398 → 400] And you will also find information there [ 400 → 402] about how Benedict XVI, [ 402 → 404] Joseph Ratzinger, denies the resurrection [ 404 → 406] and also Walter Casper. [ 407 → 408] So, like I said, [ 408 → 410] these people do not believe [ 410 → 411] in the resurrection. [ 411 → 413] They are heretics. [ 413 → 414] They are not Catholics. [ 415 → 417] And for this reason, they cannot hold [ 417 → 420] any authority in the Catholic Church. [ 421 → 422] Now you know why we call [ 422 → 424] Müller's department at the Vatican [ 424 → 426] the Congregation for the Destruction [ 426 → 427] of the Faith. [ 428 → 430] Because that's what it's all about. [ 430 → 433] Destroying the faith in souls. [ 433 → 435] Have nothing to do [ 435 → 436] with these people. [ 437 → 438] Tradcast Express is a production [ 438 → 440] of Novus Ordo Watch. [ 440 → 442] Check us out at tradcast.org. [ 442 → 443] And if you like what we're doing, [ 444 → 446] please consider making a tax-deductible contribution. [ 447 → 449] At novusordowatch.org [ 449 → 450] slash donate.