[ 0 → 4] Tradcast Express [ 4 → 15] Tradcast Express, it's Tuesday, May 16th, 2017 [ 15 → 16] BAM! [ 16 → 18] Yes, BAM is right [ 18 → 22] Yesterday, the semi-traditionalist blog Rarate Cheli [ 22 → 27] Published five magisterial documents from Pope Pius XII [ 27 → 32] Which utterly destroy Francis' false mercy gospel [ 32 → 35] Which he laid out in Amoris Laetitia [ 35 → 37] In which he keeps pushing in his daily homilies [ 37 → 43] The New Morality is what it was called back in the early 1950s [ 43 → 47] And it is basically situation ethics [ 47 → 51] Some of the texts provided by Rarate Cheli were available in English before [ 51 → 55] Others are being published there in English for the first time [ 55 → 57] Pius XII said, [ 57 → 64] Is so spot on that one gets the impression that the Pope [ 64 → 66] The real Pope, Pius XII [ 66 → 71] Said these things as a direct response to Pope Francis [ 71 → 75] For example, regarding Francis' claim [ 75 → 79] That being chaste, whether celibate for those who are not married [ 79 → 81] Or faithful to their spouse for those who are [ 81 → 85] That being chaste is basically just an ideal [ 85 → 86] Which is only for heroes [ 87 → 88] For the supremely holy [ 88 → 91] Here's what Pius XII says [ 91 → 92] Quote [ 92 → 97] It will be objected, however, that such abstinence is impossible [ 97 → 100] That heroism such as this is not feasible [ 100 → 104] At the present time you can hear and read of this objection everywhere [ 104 → 108] Even from those who, because of their duty and authority [ 108 → 110] Should be of quite a different mind [ 110 → 113] We have the doctrine of the Council of Trent [ 113 → 116] Which, in the chapter on the necessary and possible observance [ 117 → 118] Of the commandments [ 118 → 121] Referring to a passage in the works of Augustine [ 121 → 124] Teaches, God does not command what is impossible [ 124 → 127] But when he commands, he commands [ 127 → 129] He warns you to do what you can [ 129 → 133] And to ask his aid for what is beyond your powers [ 133 → 137] And he gives his help to make that possible for you [ 137 → 137] Unquote [ 137 → 142] Regarding Francis' constant accusations of rigidity [ 142 → 145] And his denunciation of a morality that says [ 145 → 146] Yes, you may [ 146 → 148] And no, you may not [ 148 → 149] Up to here you may [ 149 → 150] But no further [ 150 → 152] Pius XII says this [ 152 → 153] Quote [ 153 → 156] The new morality affirms that the Church [ 156 → 160] Instead of fostering the law of human liberty and of love [ 160 → 162] And of demanding of you that dynamics [ 162 → 164] Which is worthy of the moral life [ 164 → 167] Instead bases itself almost exclusively [ 167 → 170] And with excessive rigidity [ 170 → 172] On the firmness and the intransigence [ 172 → 174] Of Christian moral laws [ 174 → 176] Frequently resorting to the idea that the church is not a church [ 176 → 178] To the terms you are obliged [ 178 → 180] It is not licit [ 180 → 183] Which has too much of an air of degrading pedantry [ 183 → 186] Taking therefore the words of Christ [ 186 → 188] And of the apostle as the strict rule [ 188 → 191] Should not one say that the church of today [ 191 → 194] Is rather inclined more to coddling than to severity? [ 195 → 199] It so happens that the accusation of oppressive rigidity [ 199 → 201] Made against the church by the new morality [ 201 → 204] In reality attacks in the first place [ 204 → 206] The adorable person of Christ [ 206 → 207] Himself [ 207 → 208] Unquote [ 208 → 209] Bam [ 209 → 213] There is nothing left of the Bergolian drivel [ 213 → 215] After Pius XII is done with him [ 215 → 217] You will be able to find all this [ 217 → 219] On our Novos Ordo Wire blog [ 219 → 220] Very soon [ 220 → 222] Not yet because we haven't put it up yet [ 222 → 225] But we'll post the same documents [ 225 → 227] That Rarate Chaley released [ 227 → 230] And credit Rarate as the source of course [ 230 → 235] And then we'll also add a little bit of our commentary as well [ 235 → 236] So that should be [ 236 → 239] Coming up later this week on our blog [ 239 → 243] Now regarding what Rarate put up here [ 243 → 245] Here's what I want to know [ 245 → 249] Remember that Rarate Chaley is what we call [ 249 → 250] Semi-traditionalist, right? [ 250 → 253] I think they're basically indult [ 253 → 254] Alright? [ 254 → 257] So they accept Francis as a legitimate pope [ 257 → 258] Of the Catholic Church [ 258 → 261] While at the same time trying to adhere [ 261 → 264] To the traditional Roman Catholic faith [ 264 → 266] So here's my question [ 266 → 268] How can they say [ 268 → 272] That Pius XII's teaching trumps that of Francis? [ 273 → 275] I mean, if both are valid popes [ 275 → 279] Then, well, then this would be an impossible situation [ 279 → 281] But let's just say that it were possible [ 281 → 283] Well, if anything [ 283 → 285] Then they would actually have to go with [ 285 → 288] Francis' teaching and reject Pius XII's [ 288 → 290] Do you think that's absurd? [ 291 → 292] Well, why? [ 293 → 294] If Francis is the pope [ 294 → 296] Why should Pius XII's teaching be absurd? [ 296 → 298] Why is the XIIth win and not Francis? [ 299 → 300] Why is that not absurd? [ 301 → 304] You know, back in the late 1800s [ 304 → 307] Pope Leo XIII had something to say about that [ 307 → 308] Listen to this, quote [ 308 → 311] It is to give proof of a submission [ 311 → 313] Which is far from sincere [ 313 → 315] To set up some kind of opposition [ 315 → 317] Between one pontiff and another [ 317 → 321] Those who, faced with two differing directives [ 321 → 324] Reject the present one to hold to the past [ 324 → 326] Are not giving proof of obedience [ 326 → 326] To the present one [ 326 → 327] Is to the authority [ 327 → 329] Which has the right and duty to guide them [ 329 → 331] And in some ways [ 331 → 333] They resemble those who [ 333 → 334] On receiving a condemnation [ 334 → 337] Would wish to appeal to a future council [ 337 → 340] Or to a pope who is better informed [ 340 → 340] Unquote [ 340 → 343] And further, quote [ 343 → 346] That obligation, if it is generally incumbent on all [ 346 → 348] Is, you may indeed say [ 348 → 351] Especially pressing upon journalists [ 351 → 353] The task pertaining to them is this [ 353 → 356] To be subject completely in mind and will [ 356 → 359] Just as all the other faithful are [ 359 → 360] To their own bishops [ 360 → 362] And to the Roman pontiff [ 362 → 364] To follow and make known their teachings [ 364 → 367] To be fully and willingly subservient [ 367 → 368] To their influence [ 368 → 371] And to reverence their precepts [ 371 → 373] And assure that they are respected [ 373 → 374] Unquote [ 374 → 377] Both of these passages that I just quoted [ 377 → 379] Are from Pope Leo XIII [ 379 → 381] Apostolic Letter Epistolatua [ 381 → 385] Of June 17, 1885 [ 385 → 386] And yes [ 386 → 389] You can find that on our website [ 389 → 391] NovusOrdoWatch.org [ 391 → 393] Simply go to [ 393 → 395] Catholicism in the menu bar [ 395 → 397] Up top and then select [ 397 → 398] Magisterial Documents [ 398 → 401] And you will find that apostolic letter [ 401 → 403] In that list there [ 403 → 405] So, Rarate Cieli [ 405 → 407] Why does Pius XII [ 407 → 408] Trump Francis [ 408 → 410] If both are true [ 410 → 412] And valid popes [ 412 → 414] Pope Leo XIII makes it clear [ 414 → 416] You must [ 416 → 424] adhere to the current Roman pontiff and disseminate his teachings and his precepts and [ 424 → 433] assure that they are respected. Now, of course, Pius XII does trump Francis, but that's because [ 433 → 440] Pius XII was in fact the vicar of Christ, and Francis is a modernist imposter and as much of [ 440 → 447] a pope as my dachshund. Now, before we go, I got one more for you. Yesterday, May 15th, [ 447 → 454] the website Rome Reports posted a video entitled, Bishops of Peru Have Long Meeting with Pope [ 454 → 461] Francis. In that video, you can see Francis admiring a portrait of Blessed Martin de Porres, [ 461 → 467] who is a canonized saint in the new church, and Francis jokingly says to his Peruvian visitors, [ 467 → 467] quote, [ 470 → 477] Others of ecology, and I am a devotee of the broom he used. Unquote. [ 479 → 484] Tradcast Express is a production of Novus Ordo Watch. Check us out at tradcast.org, [ 485 → 489] and if you like what we're doing, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution [ 489 → 492] at novusortowatch.org slash donate.