[ 0 → 4] TrapCast Express [ 4 → 16] TrapCast Express, it's Ascension Thursday, May 25th, 2017. [ 16 → 18] Folks, we have some catching up to do. [ 18 → 22] It really is overwhelming to try to keep up with it all. [ 22 → 28] And our next news digest to be published on our blog soon will be humongous. [ 28 → 33] Here are some recent news stories from Novos Ordo land that you might have missed. [ 34 → 37] France is creating more bogus cardinals. [ 37 → 46] On June 28th, there will be a consistory in the Vatican to bestow the red hat on the following individuals in the Vatican II Church. [ 46 → 50] Jean Zerbo, the Archbishop of Bamako, Mali. [ 51 → 55] Juan Jose Omela, Archbishop of Barcelona, Spain. [ 56 → 57] Anders Arborelius. [ 58 → 60] Bishop of Stockholm, Sweden. [ 60 → 62] Louis-Marie Lingemang... [ 62 → 64] I'm not even going to try that one. [ 64 → 67] Apostolic Vicar of Paxe, Laos. [ 68 → 74] And Gregorio Rosa Chavez, Auxiliary Bishop of San Salvador, El Salvador. [ 74 → 88] Now, the last choice there is particularly interesting because Francis is naming an auxiliary, a cardinal, in an archdiocese where the Archbishop himself is not a cardinal. [ 88 → 95] I have to say, though, that I'm really disappointed that Francis hasn't created any cardinals yet in Liechtenstein, Monaco, or Singapore. [ 96 → 98] Go to the peripheries, man. [ 98 → 106] Then, on May 21st, this past Sunday, Francis visited St. Peter Damian Parish on the outskirts of Rome. [ 107 → 110] CruxNow.com has posted an article on it with the title, [ 111 → 117] Pope, Christians Without Tenderness Respect Our Serpents Who Divide. [ 118 → 120] How have you been doing on that, by the way? [ 120 → 121] I mean, that tenderness thing. [ 122 → 129] If there's a way to be paid a quarter for every time Francis uses the word tenderness, could someone please let me know? [ 129 → 134] I mean, we could fund the entire year's budget for Novus Ordo Watch just on that. [ 135 → 140] Which, by the way, reminds me, the month of May has not been going so well in terms of donations here. [ 141 → 147] So, let me just reiterate that for donations of $35 or more, which are tax-deductible, by the way, [ 148 → 150] you can get a gift in return. [ 150 → 155] And if you want to see what those gifts are, depending on how much you give, [ 155 → 160] this month, have a look at NovusOrdoWatch.org slash donate. [ 161 → 167] And just to be clear, gift means it's free, okay? [ 168 → 169] All right. [ 170 → 175] Cardinal Burke has called on Francis to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. [ 176 → 177] On May 19th, Burke... [ 178 → 180] Burke was speaking at the Rome Life Conference. [ 181 → 187] By the way, does anyone know what Burke does when he isn't traveling or giving a conference or doing an interview? [ 188 → 193] In any case, Burke was speaking at a conference sponsored by Voice of the Family. [ 193 → 199] And so, this is a big, big story, of course, in the semi-traditionalist world. [ 199 → 204] Because it, once again, gets everybody excited about Fatima and Burke and, [ 205 → 208] oh, look at all those great conservative prelates we have. [ 208 → 211] That we just need to follow to keep the church from collapsing. [ 212 → 213] That kind of thing. [ 214 → 217] Well, I have no idea what planet Mr. Burke is on. [ 218 → 223] But the very idea of Francis fulfilling a request by Our Lady of Fatima is grotesque. [ 224 → 229] I mean, here we're talking about a man who doesn't even believe in the Catholic notion of sin. [ 230 → 232] Francis doesn't believe in Catholicism, period. [ 232 → 238] I mean, Burke just wrote a letter to Francis refuting his false theology. [ 238 → 239] In Amoris Laetitia, remember? [ 240 → 241] That's the dubia. [ 242 → 247] So, instead of calling on such an apostate as Francis to bring about the conversion of Russia, [ 248 → 250] Burke should be calling for the conversion of Francis. [ 251 → 253] I mean, let's go step by step here. [ 254 → 260] Now, regardless of Burke's intent, the effect of his call for the consecration of Russia, as always, [ 261 → 266] is it will keep people inside the Novus Ordo church just a little bit longer. [ 266 → 268] It'll get them fired up again. [ 268 → 275] It'll get all their hopes up again about, you know, changing something inside the false church [ 275 → 280] rather than abandoning it and embracing true Roman Catholicism, [ 280 → 284] albeit without a pope, since there currently isn't one. [ 285 → 290] At the same Rome Life conference, by the way, one of Burke's buddies, Mr. Cardinal Caffara, [ 290 → 296] also gave a talk, and he said that Sister Lucy of Fatima told him in a letter in the 1980s, [ 296 → 297] quote, [ 297 → 298] quote, [ 298 → 303] will come when the decisive battle between the kingdom of Christ and Satan will be over [ 303 → 305] marriage and the family, unquote. [ 306 → 314] And so, this is another thing that keeps goodwill people in the Novus Ordo church, this apparent [ 314 → 320] connection that is constantly being maintained via Sister Lucy between Our Lady of Fatima [ 320 → 322] and the Vatican II sect. [ 322 → 328] Now, there is plenty of evidence that the woman who claimed to be Sister Lucy of Fatima, [ 328 → 332] after 1959, actually is not Sister Lucy, okay? [ 333 → 338] And there's photographic evidence to that effect, though I really don't want to get into all that now. [ 338 → 343] Well, it makes sense, you know, that they would have presumably killed the real Sister Lucy around [ 343 → 350] 1959, since they weren't going to release the third secret in 1960, and so it makes sense that [ 350 → 357] they would have replaced her with another woman instead. Anyway, the point I want to make is that [ 357 → 357] I do not think that Sister Lucy is the real Sister Lucy, and I do not think that Sister Lucy is the [ 357 → 362] real Sister Lucy. I do not think for a minute, and this is really just my opinion, I do not think for a minute [ 362 → 370] that the decisive ultimate battle between Jesus Christ and Satan will be over holy matrimony and [ 370 → 377] the family. Now, as important as marriage and the family are, to me, that's a bit, you know, [ 377 → 384] anticlimactic. Surely, the ultimate battle, the Armageddon, is going to be about something [ 384 → 387] supernatural. Neither marriage nor the family are going to be about something supernatural. [ 387 → 395] Now, it's true, of course, that our Lord raised holy matrimony to a sacrament for the baptized, [ 395 → 402] and that is supernatural, but you can have a true valid marriage even among non-baptized people, [ 402 → 408] and it's still a marriage. So, in any case, I don't buy it. I don't think that the final battle [ 408 → 413] will be about something natural. I think it will be about the true faith, [ 413 → 417] kind of like we're seeing now, actually, but probably a lot... [ 417 → 425] worse. But these people, you know, people like Kefara, Burke, Schneider, and the rest of them, [ 425 → 430] these people really only seem to get all bent out of shape when their imposter pope messes [ 430 → 436] with doctrine related to the Sixth and Ninth Commandments, when he blasphemes, when he denies [ 436 → 443] the true God, when he denounces converting people as a sin against ecumenism. I don't know, [ 443 → 447] but I don't recall any of those people putting out petitions or setting up conferences, [ 447 → 452] giving interviews, or anything of the kind regarding those things. [ 454 → 460] Recently, Francis said that Jesus Christ became the devil when he suffered for our sins. That's [ 460 → 467] blasphemy. That's heresy. And that's a bit worse than, you know, turning a blind eye to adultery, [ 467 → 474] as bad as that is. But, I don't know, people don't seem to care. In fact, they hold up John [ 474 → 477] Paul II, for example, as the great orthodox defender. [ 477 → 484] of the faith, only because he said that unrepentant adulterers cannot receive the sacraments. [ 485 → 491] And what they don't tell you is that John Paul II also said, for example, in his 1979 encyclical [ 491 → 497] Redemptor Hominis No. 6, that the firmness with which members of non-Christian religions [ 497 → 506] cling to their errors is a result of the Holy Ghost operating outside the church. That is [ 506 → 507] blasphemy. [ 507 → 513] That is heresy. But you won't hear about it from Cardinal Burke.